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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I dont remember the belinda maps drop rates from the jp event but if the last map is 27% Id at least try to max cost reduce her now if you cant beat that last map then I could see giving up but you may regret it I think Belinda is important for beating the magical war challenge map or w/e its called here its a witch/mage only map you need to beat to access the challange maps that give black fairies.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

As to the event itself, I really don't need her and its honestly just an exercise in frustration for me to keep getting maps where literally nothing drops.

Do u actually NEED any unit at this point, after so many premium rolls? :p Also I was actually wondering, don't u feel it might have been a mistake to roll so many times at once, instead of doing like 10-15 rolls from time to time? I mean, the game won't be any challenge for u now, early events won't be that exciting (well they're total crap anyway but it's another thing), plus if u waited u could get a variety of units and classes, instead of 20 Julians etc. since many new ones are yet to be implemented. And u said u're not gonna bump any more money into the game anytime soon if I recall correctly.

And yeah, I know u have a second, free account, that probably helps with most of the above :)

Btw, Bellinda has a normal cost, the same as my Adele.

I dont remember the belinda maps drop rates from the jp event but if the last map is 27% Id at least try to max cost reduce her now if you cant beat that last map then I could see giving up but you may regret it I think Belinda is important for beating the magical war challenge map or w/e its called here its a witch/mage only map you need to beat to access the challange maps that give black fairies.

The problem is it's 8% for the last map, not 27 :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The drop rate isn't anywhere near 27%. Everyone should do the event at least once to get the free Belinda. Even new players can be leveled enough to do that before the event is over. It is likely worth going for one extra Belinda for one point cost reduction. Going for two point cost reduction is a grey area. Even someone completely devoted to the event for a full week who gets the average of 5 Belindas has a 12.5% chance of never getting the second cost reduction. Attempting full cost reductoin is unrealistic without spending money, or blowing an inordinate amount of the free crystal supply, and has a monstrous opportunity cost in gold/unit xp/affection.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yes that event isnt worth it to skip Monday and Thursday dailys, im sick of 0 drops the whole day.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Exactly, i never understood why people would spend so much money on grinding games.
Spending a bit to have an easier start is fine but having way to strong stuff early on ruins the game experience and these "wooooah, epic drop" moments but i guess everyone as he or she wants to. :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Do u actually NEED any unit at this point, after so many premium rolls? :p Also I was actually wondering, don't u feel it might have been a mistake to roll so many times at once, instead of doing like 10-15 rolls from time to time? I mean, the game won't be any challenge for u now, early events won't be that exciting (well they're total crap anyway but it's another thing), plus if u waited u could get a variety of units and classes, instead of 20 Julians etc. since many new ones are yet to be implemented. And u said u're not gonna bump any more money into the game anytime soon if I recall correctly.

And yeah, I know u have a second, free account, that probably helps with most of the above :)

Btw, Bellinda has a normal cost, the same as my Adele.
As to need, probably not, at least for awhile. Actually my rolls were spread out. Didn't seem to change the streaks. The streaks just happened hours apart for the same unit at times. My worst streak was four Valerie in a row, all 5 crystal. The main reason I rolled early (and for so much / often) is because I wanted two of one very specific unit. Sybilla.

The others just landed where they landed. I ended up getting a total of 5 nanally, which I cost reduced 2, and the second CR for one failed. So that was a big "surprise" for me as I didn't really understand how powerful she was till I actually got her and used her. Other then very specific maps, those 4 will ALWAYS be in my team. Other units can be rotated in and out based on maps or current units available fom events or gacha (though I only get silvers from 2k it seems for the most part).

And there are still challenges in the game despite my units, I've not 3 stared Immortal Beast (there are people on this forum who have), and I have not beaten War of Magic (requires 3 witches with 300-334atk apparently, least what I gather from translation), I've only got 1 witch with those kinds of stats. I have the witches to do it, but they need the levels/affection to get their stats up. I'll get em though eventually.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ah when i see your unit they are kinda over cost actualy.
I think thats why you wasn't able to 3 star even your unit mostly black.
I never had a huge black unit, but what i used to 3 star imortal beast (JP) I think i was still using mostly gold and platium with 1 black which not even used (dont ask what unit it still there picking up dust) :mad:
The trick is simple in immortal beast you want a high hp (berserker)or high MR (only have valk at this time my princess sux cant win premium roll) to tank the lich... let them walk 1st and just pop a unit on them that should make 1 of the lich focus hit that tank.
In this map healer is important if i rememebr corectly I was nuking 1 by 1 while leave other walk and hit my other unit.
As for the other 1 is it chalenge mission ? i Kinda stop doing it after i got phalanx in jp and english specialy in JP i cant spare anymore stam -.- everyday always used it for event /daily
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm glad I need the somas and black faeries too. It makes it much easier to justify running this map.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Reason I haven't 3 stared it yet was due to lack of good healers, that has been corrected now though. Just haven't bothered to use the charisma to do it.

This is even more true now that I do have Cellia (currently 31CCed). It's not a problem of getting the units out, it's keeping them alive once the lich do come out and not having a unit die before I can remove them all. Sybilla has plenty of MR. Cellia is basically insurance for the rush just before the 3 lich. I'll get to it eventually, but other than the crystal there's no bonus for me to accomplishing it yet. But it hasn't been completed so the challenge is still there.

Currently working on my witches now that Cellia has been leveled a bit. Hopefully after Mondays run I'll have enough witches leveled with enough affection to do the War of Magic. Other wise i'll have to wait for Wen daily to finish their affection off. Didn't bother doing this prior as it's another male only map after, and we didn't have a healer, so it wasn't worth trying to push through it yet prior to the update. With a fully CR'ed Christopher, it should be doable now, so I'm pushing ahead.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

14 runs still not a single drop.One would think they want people to get hooked with the game with these events...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

14 runs still not a single drop.One would think they want people to get hooked with the game with these events...

According to the vets the early events are like this, but won't be later.... and it is the damn gambling goddess that will get you hooked...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

14 runs still not a single drop.One would think they want people to get hooked with the game with these events...
Yea, I'd agree. If nothing else you'd think the other map drops would at least be somewhat consistent, even if you don't get the witch herself. I'd be nice to see more than just 0/0 drops so often.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I kind of was expecting the bronze unit to be like a consolation prize if anything for these maps. I think I only got him to drop twice in my 10 runs. Oh well at least I got Soma to drop for me.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Finally got a 2nd Belinda after the 16th attempt. Still no Soma drops though.

Oh and anyone else notice that the normal story maps now have a consistent number of enemies coming each time?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh and anyone else notice that the normal story maps now have a consistent number of enemies coming each time?

Yup, just makes maps like castle retake harder for people, the black armor always shows up now. The drops are still random, the units that the drops came from are always there now, but its random for them to actually drop or not.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yup, just makes maps like castle retake harder for people, the black armor always shows up now. The drops are still random, the units that the drops came from are always there now, but its random for them to actually drop or not.

I actually seem to be consistenly less drops from maps now though... Like before on Dragon Hunting I'd normally get 3-4. Now it is 1-3 with 3 being on the rarer side. I don't like it lol.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I actually seem to be consistenly less drops from maps now though... Like before on Dragon Hunting I'd normally get 3-4. Now it is 1-3 with 3 being on the rarer side. I don't like it lol.

Hmm, odd. I actually tend to see an average of 3 drops from Dragon Hunting now where before I seemed to always get two or less. Zero drops are still possible too, though I've only had it happen once in a full level so far (127 now).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah the maps do seem to be dropping less now, but that could just be my imagination. Could of sworn that Dragon hunt I used to get consistently between 2-4, but now its more 1-2 with an occasional 3 units. I really hope this is just a bad string of luck.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hmm, odd. I actually tend to see an average of 3 drops from Dragon Hunting now where before I seemed to always get two or less. Zero drops are still possible too, though I've only had it happen once in a full level so far (127 now).

Seems luck may have just swapped for some odd reason then.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah the maps do seem to be dropping less now, but that could just be my imagination. Could of sworn that Dragon hunt I used to get consistently between 2-4, but now its more 1-2 with an occasional 3 units. I really hope this is just a bad string of luck.

Mine was like that before patch, is why I used to only use Dragon Flame as an alternate because I always got too few units with Dragon Hunting. Weird how it seems like peoples maps have flopped on how they were to now, though as stated we may all just be seeing an oddity of a sting of luck one way or another. Hope not in my case, its fine to see 1-2 drops on occasion but consistently getting them is annoying.

This does lead to the question of, if accounts seem predisposed to certain things more then others based on the games algorithms. Like I have the uncanny luck with getting Bandits (I know of a few people who seem to have seen this as well) as far as gachas. I can roll 5 silver (3 crystal) rolls at any given time and one of them will ALWAYS be a bandit. No idea why it always happens. Though I didn't see this change with update, my rolls for yesterday gave me 3 of em in a row, and a space roll between then a gold bandit. Made Cellia easy to CC but still....

As stated way earlier in this forum, this game really needs a streak breaker code added to it.
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