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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Uh so I should just put 1 Belinda at time right? Does adding platinum fairies increase the chances of cost reducing? Noob question I know, but it is the first time trying to cost reduce anything rarer than bronze so I don't want to screw up :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Uh so I should just put 1 Belinda at time right? Does adding platinum fairies increase the chances of cost reducing? Noob question I know, but it is the first time trying to cost reduce anything rarer than bronze so I don't want to screw up :p

It does not matter how many Bellinda you put at once. The out come will remain the same. Well it will be cheaper on gold.

No platinum fairies only increase experience gained by x2, x4, x8 depending on how many you use.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So you're suggesting to hoard Belindas until one gets enough Platinum Fairies to eat them and hope she gets enough CR/SL? That sounds like a good way to get shafted by RNG and end up with a half-assed unit. :confused:

Well yeah if u're gonna farm the event till the end then it shouldn't rly make a difference :) If u're drowning in extra Bellindas then go ahead and feed them earlier so maybe u can quit the event or proceed to farming silvers, but since I won't end up with more than like 3 extra copies (currently at 2 after like ~40 runs I think, plus 3 Somas, 4 bronze archers and 0 black fairies... It seems hardly anyone has had better luck tho) then I see no reason to hurry with feeding them. But yeah I at least have 4 or 5 spare platinum fairies from Phalanx 2 ready to be used.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

the last time i got a deine i posted here. i just pulled another deine. srsly. my rates are op. 4 blacks in 11 pulls ???
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

the last time i got a deine i posted here. i just pulled another deine. srsly. my rates are op. 4 blacks in 11 pulls ???

Makes me feel bad dropping $100 and not seeing a single black :/, though I guess that's my fault thinking the supposed "Bonus period" was going to be in anyway beneficial to my chances.

Has pretty much caused me to swear off premium summon entirely, all I wanted was Deine zzz.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

as much as the 5 crystals being definitely worth the black, i much rather have another char :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Around 40 attempts so far. 2 soma, 2 bronze archers and finally 1 belinda just now. I had not received any items from this map in the last 30 or so attempts. Can't say I love this event...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Woooo! Cost reduced belinda, got 4 somas, and a black faerie for my Nanaly. It took 13 crystals, I consider that well worth the cost.

*edit* skill 4/5. Probably won't use a rainbow faerie on that for a long time, if ever.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Makes me feel bad dropping $100 and not seeing a single black :/, though I guess that's my fault thinking the supposed "Bonus period" was going to be in anyway beneficial to my chances.

Has pretty much caused me to swear off premium summon entirely, all I wanted was Deine zzz.

Just because I'm working on a theory about F2P/Freemium games, I want to get your input. If they gave fewer crystals to begin with, but increased the number you would get on a regular basis as you played (E.G.: If the free crystals were just, like, a chunk of 15 at the beginning rather than the almost 30 we get, but you have a chance each day to earn another free one from dailies or w/e), would you be more or less likely to spend more, despite that you already dropped a substantial amount of money on this game with 0 black pulls?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just because I'm working on a theory about F2P/Freemium games, I want to get your input. If they gave fewer crystals to begin with, but increased the number you would get on a regular basis as you played (E.G.: If the free crystals were just, like, a chunk of 15 at the beginning rather than the almost 30 we get, but you have a chance each day to earn another free one from dailies or w/e), would you be more or less likely to spend more, despite that you already dropped a substantial amount of money on this game with 0 black pulls?

Hey, I'm not the guy you were asking in your post, but my situation is exactly the same. I've dropped $100 in crystal so far just before the event to try my luck at premium summons, and have not seen any blacks. Now, to be fair, if I rolled any blacks I wouldn't use them (sans Nanally because she's cute). What I was fishing for was 1 of the two plat valks and/or Bashira (she's so cute!). Maybe Berenice, or Bernice, or w/e her name is. EDIT: btw, didn't roll any of those girls, either.

Anyways! I used to play World of Warcraft, so I don't mind dropping money on a game with regular content updates. I plan on spending money on this game as if I had a subscription to it every month. Not fishing for black rarity; don't even want em. I want to support Nutaku in their work, and I want some pretty faces from the premium summons list. A little money every month sent their way accomplishes both of these things. What actually drops won't affect my decision to continue spending money on crystals every month.

tl;dr Doesn't matter to me what system of free crystals are in place, or what my drop rates are like off the premium summons. I will continue to spend money on this game until such a time that it no longer entertains me :)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Is it worth max CRing Christopher? Or is just having a male healer enough for the men only maps?

I don't really want to run this event any more than I have to unless I will actually need the CR in the future.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hello everyone,
I'm the only one having the issue with the message in the loading screen (just after you make click to play)

A server error ocurred
Please try again later
Number: 400
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hello everyone,
I'm the only one having the issue with the message in the loading screen (just after you make click to play)

A server error ocurred
Please try again later
Number: 400

Given that you are able to reach the screen and login in, and even beginning the load (just before seeing the 24/24 loading) it makes me wonder. I'd try a system restore (system restore point) if you haven't already, it just seems unlikely that's its not a system problem as your network seems to be resolving everything else just fine. At any rate, can try it at least, unless you reloaded already that is.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just because I'm working on a theory about F2P/Freemium games, I want to get your input. If they gave fewer crystals to begin with, but increased the number you would get on a regular basis as you played (E.G.: If the free crystals were just, like, a chunk of 15 at the beginning rather than the almost 30 we get, but you have a chance each day to earn another free one from dailies or w/e), would you be more or less likely to spend more, despite that you already dropped a substantial amount of money on this game with 0 black pulls?

For me it's mostly about amount spent vs. content received, spending $100 and pulling largely duplicates or units that are otherwise available from clearing missions is absolutely soul crushing because you aren't actually receiving anything new. Even if you're technically receiving -power- you're not receiving something that feels good to obtain, that coupled with the fact that someone could spend $10 and pull two Deines whereas I can spend $100 and not see any black let alone the two advertised with the supposed bonus pull rate (Which never matters if you can never pull a black to begin with) feels pretty discouraging.

I feel like giving people extra means by which to acquire crystals overtime doesn't necessarily make people more apt to spend, it might even make them less likely to because if you don't pull anything good with your free rolls you might just assume my mindset and say "Well, I didn't pull anything good with X amount of rolls so why would I bother again, let alone spend money". I basically threw $100 at what is likely going to be the best opportunity to get Deine and struck out, so why would I ever spend that much again? Even if I were to get her after spending again it wouldn't have anything to do with something I did "correctly", just the server calling my number.

Not meant to be complaining necessarily but just my mindset, the gacha is literally like playing the lottery. Some may win but for everyone else you're better off saving your money for more sure investments. I bought into the advertised bonus rate and got burned, that's all. I just won't touch the proverbial stove that is the premium gacha again (With money).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hello everyone,
I'm the only one having the issue with the message in the loading screen (just after you make click to play)

A server error ocurred
Please try again later
Number: 400

I'm having this problem since yesterday and even with Xovian help I wasn't able to solve it.
On the other hand finally after 43 runs I got my first Belinda(playing on another computer)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so i just got savior title. this increases active effects even further right? by how much is this increasing? 10%, 15%, 25%?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

For me it's mostly about amount spent vs. content received, spending $100 and pulling largely duplicates or units that are otherwise available from clearing missions is absolutely soul crushing because you aren't actually receiving anything new. Even if you're technically receiving -power- you're not receiving something that feels good to obtain, that coupled with the fact that someone could spend $10 and pull two Deines whereas I can spend $100 and not see any black let alone the two advertised with the supposed bonus pull rate (Which never matters if you can never pull a black to begin with) feels pretty discouraging.

I feel like giving people extra means by which to acquire crystals overtime doesn't necessarily make people more apt to spend, it might even make them less likely to because if you don't pull anything good with your free rolls you might just assume my mindset and say "Well, I didn't pull anything good with X amount of rolls so why would I bother again, let alone spend money". I basically threw $100 at what is likely going to be the best opportunity to get Deine and struck out, so why would I ever spend that much again? Even if I were to get her after spending again it wouldn't have anything to do with something I did "correctly", just the server calling my number.

Not meant to be complaining necessarily but just my mindset, the gacha is literally like playing the lottery. Some may win but for everyone else you're better off saving your money for more sure investments. I bought into the advertised bonus rate and got burned, that's all. I just won't touch the proverbial stove that is the premium gacha again (With money).

Well it was said before by someone who answered this questions, but when it comes to free to play games (This would include things such as League of Legends, DotA 2, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and including Aigis) you shouldn't spend money to get anything. You should first play the game. If you are enjoying it and wish to support the people who developed... or in this case brought us the translation to the game. Then you spend money. At that point you don't feel like it is a waste if you don't get what you wanted. That is because you didn't spend the money to get something, but instead spent money to support the game you liked playing. I've only spent about half as you 55 USD. I have not gotten any of the units I wanted from premium gatcha. Well that is not accurate, but I didn't spend enough to obtain a premium roll. As it was free crystals mixed with bought ones at a time in which I was feeling lucky(Was rewarded with the Cuterie I wanted then). Back on top..... I do not feel ripped off or feel deterred due to that reason. I also plan to probably drop 100 USD on crystals at the end of the month assuming the cards I sell on ebay get purchased, and I can spare the money.

TL; DR If you enjoy a free game spend money on it to support the people who brought it to you. If you do not enjoy it do not spend. Do not spend money on a 'freemium' game to attempt to get something out of a lotto type system. You will only always be brought disappointment.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well it was said before by someone who answered this questions, but when it comes to free to play games (This would include things such as League of Legends, DotA 2, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and including Aigis) you shouldn't spend money to get anything. You should first play the game. If you are enjoying it and wish to support the people who developed... or in this case brought us the translation to the game. Then you spend money. At that point you don't feel like it is a waste if you don't get what you wanted. That is because you didn't spend the money to get something, but instead spent money to support the game you liked playing. I've only spent about half as you 55 USD. I have not gotten any of the units I wanted from premium gatcha. Well that is not accurate, but I didn't spend enough to obtain a premium roll. As it was free crystals mixed with bought ones at a time in which I was feeling lucky(Was rewarded with the Cuterie I wanted then). Back on top..... I do not feel ripped off or feel deterred due to that reason. I also plan to probably drop 100 USD on crystals at the end of the month assuming the cards I sell on ebay get purchased, and I can spare the money.

TL; DR If you enjoy a free game spend money on it to support the people who brought it to you. If you do not enjoy it do not spend. Do not spend money on a 'freemium' game to attempt to get something out of a lotto type system. You will only always be brought disappointment.


Spending money on the gacha is a waste. You would (on average) be much better off spending the crystals on stam refills for events. That way you get guaranteed upgrades for your money and not just a chance at them. It doesn't matter how many free crystals we get, it's really about how you go about spending them to maximise value.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


Spending money on the gacha is a waste. You would (on average) be much better off spending the crystals on stam refills for events. That way you get guaranteed upgrades for your money and not just a chance at them. It doesn't matter how many free crystals we get, it's really about how you go about spending them to maximise value.

I cannot actually agree with that. The only event in which any vet of this game has said to specifically spend crystals on are 'collection' events and they only make up about 15-20% of the 40 or so events that have happened. so around 8 events are this collection events. Even then it was said not spending crystals would still result in a fairly powerful unit that would be -2 or 3 with 3/5, 6-7/10, or 10-11/16 Skill. I've actually noted to simply get the unit it is normally fairly easy. Once you have the unit if you really wanted to max it. It will eventually happen. Granted you'll have to use time fairies whenever they are implemented, but it is normally one or two. Then you'll use Rainbow fairies for skill which are much much easier to get.

Personally I'd rather spend the chance on gatcha(I'd rather get a new girl then use crystals to get a perfect one... when I could get a strong one and another girl) then saving for an event I'm not even sure if going to happen in the english version. If we are really cutting events, and we go off the three that were skipped to get to the one we are on. That would mean we only get 25% of the actual events(until we catch up). Then going of that and the ratio of the ones we would need to spend crystals on to get the best out of.... well that would leave us with one or two that could slipped in, and that is if the devs don't assuming because those collections events are a heavy grind that we simply do not want them. So ya...
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