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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

According to the JP gatcha simulator, units in the spotlight get a 5x chance compared to other units to appear if you hit their rarity.

Ya... I call bull on that... what does it increase the chances by .1%? 6 gold rolls earlier no Mehlis.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well they didn't followed the JP timeline event so who knows, but personaly wish its not anya next, there a bit difficulty jump for ppl who cant event finish the current event :p (same as last map current but a little tweak on in for the 1st map in anya event)
And why i don't want anya event next ? cuz im in big need of silver mage to CC the new gold mage T_T

the reason we didnt follow the jap line was because cloris was available from the get go.
originally she was the first event character. but her maps were already used for the training maps
there was no reason for us to play her event as it would have been boring to farm for a character that some had already romanced.
instead we got the third event her daugther.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Grats on Mehlis :D

I'm still stuck with Cyrus lol... too many dudes in my army :(

Decided... screw it... 10 more dollars couldn't hurt right?

1. Leeanne... My Leeanne is now -3....
2. Mehlis...

I should be happy... but I'm confused... I'm not exactly sure what just happened.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

*rolls twice for the free crystals from finishing invasion*

roll 1: *gets gold HA garrett* me: umm, yay i guess? Meribelle's event should be coming soonish though since she's an early event too
roll2: *gets plat HA Gellius* me: yay i guess again? garrett just became useless now though, and there's still about meribelle, also anya that we're preping for is mainly a tank too

its really nice that in two rolls i got a gold and plat, but would be nice to get some that doesnt give me mixed feelings about them
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Stupid question: Do +% drops abilities, like Cuteries one stack?
Ex.: Two Cuteries give 4% increase on affection drops.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Stupid question: Do +% drops abilities, like Cuteries one stack?
Ex.: Two Cuteries give 4% increase on affection drops.

they dont stack if it's the same ability,
but if they have different skills (ex: dif characters) to their effect they can (talking about awakening abilities here) (ex aria's +2% total dmg, stacks with uzume's +5% total dmg)
cuterie's effect on affection drops used to be an awakening ability too, but they updated it to let it so before awakening they have a weaker version of their ability
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well they didn't followed the JP timeline event so who knows, but personaly wish its not anya next, there a bit difficulty jump for ppl who cant event finish the current event :p (same as last map current but a little tweak on in for the 1st map in anya event)
And why i don't want anya event next ? cuz im in big need of silver mage to CC the new gold mage T_T

Just to point out, Nutakudev has specifically stated that our events are scaled based on current player base here. How they were in JP does not mean jack to us. Ours may be harder or easier.

Myself personally I DO hope her event is next. I don't want a unit just sitting there forever. Also, while it doesn't affect me as much as some players, she IS for all intents and purposes a Princess (as well as an HA), and unless you get a lucky draw from gatcha there is currently NO WAY to get a princess (or a black for that matter). AKA, screw that, let everyone get one already.

Just throwing it out there.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Finally after all day trying i finally finished the Event

24/24 took me a long while to do it. (i kept screwing up at the end lol)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Finally after all day trying i finally finished the Event

24/24 took me a long while to do it. (i kept screwing up at the end lol)

So what unit you gonna replace with Aria?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Finally after all day trying i finally finished the Event

24/24 took me a long while to do it. (i kept screwing up at the end lol)


I have all the missions available, but everytime the Dragonnewt shows up it always kills people... jerk. I'm afraid to try the last one...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well, managed to 3-star everything but the last map, double mage results in toasty roster.

I have the following 50CC'd characters:
Daniela, Katie, Belinda, Cloris, Leeanne, Dorca, Cyrus.(All are 50cc30ish and aside from Cyrus max aff.)
Aside from that a lv40(Non cc'd) Camilla. The rest are the usual silvers who all hover around the mid 30s.

IS it possible to 3-star the last map with this, and if so any particular strategy?
If it isn't, what'd I need to CC/get?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well, managed to 3-star everything but the last map, double mage results in toasty roster.

I have the following 50CC'd characters:
Daniela, Katie, Belinda, Cloris, Leeanne, Dorca, Cyrus.(All are 50cc30ish and aside from Cyrus max aff.)
Aside from that a lv40(Non cc'd) Camilla. The rest are the usual silvers who all hover around the mid 30s.

IS it possible to 3-star the last map with this, and if so any particular strategy?
If it isn't, what'd I need to CC/get?

There was a low level option (video) from BlueMoon posted earlier, in their sig now: *edit...top of this page.
Maybe that will help you, I've not see the vid myself as I didn't use it.
However based off what I see you posted, gotta ask do you have another high level archer? I only see one, the final map is much easier with 2 CC'ed archers, as they can knock a good deal of health before they make it to your duelists.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

There was a low level option (video) from BlueMoon posted earlier, in their sig now: *edit...top of this page.
Maybe that will help you, I've not see the vid myself as I didn't use it.
However based off what I see you posted, gotta ask do you have another high level archer? I only see one, the final map is much easier with 2 CC'ed archers, as they can knock a good deal of health before they make it to your duelists.

No, just one archer, 2 witches and a mage in regards to ranged dps. Also, the video requires registration of some sort?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

From what i see in ur unit seem easily doable.
The hard part is the last 2 mage right ? how about puting HA in midle of the road, while a witch diagonaly front bottom, this will make the top mage to shoot at ur HA while the other mage shoot down.
I already have 2 CC healer in here to let them heal seperately so im not sure if 1 of non CC healer taking the fire splash dmg can survive while healing both char for urs.
of coa once 1 of the mage stuck to HA u can deploy any sort of ranged to finish it off including the last dragon war, i belive belinda should be strong enuff to kill the botom mage alone
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well, managed to 3-star everything but the last map, double mage results in toasty roster.

I have the following 50CC'd characters:
Daniela, Katie, Belinda, Cloris, Leeanne, Dorca, Cyrus.(All are 50cc30ish and aside from Cyrus max aff.)
Aside from that a lv40(Non cc'd) Camilla. The rest are the usual silvers who all hover around the mid 30s.

IS it possible to 3-star the last map with this, and if so any particular strategy?
If it isn't, what'd I need to CC/get?

the set up i used, you should level up a valkyrie or princess if you got one cause of their mdef

another option is maybe to retreat that top soldier as the mages come by and then plop a third healer and then put up a unit that's strong enough to take 2 fireballs at once in place of that valk, though you would have to place that tank unit much later as the dragon mages aims at the last summoned unit (so if you did it in reverse order, the healer would get pummeled)

edit: just noticed you don't have enough cc'd healers, srry, so i guess maybe you need to cc that camilla first
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Decided to roll some premium summon anyway (was suppose to wait a bit)

3rd acc:
- Adele (ugly, but hey, plat witch, this acc missed belinda event so)
- Kerry (at least i'll cr you)

2nd acc:
- Alissa (at least for cr)

Main acc (the "luckiest" one -,-'):
- Breast demon dorca... damn damn damn, totally useless...

Well still event to be done so maybe 1 or 2 summons on any acc will be possible.

btw, once again i got the feeling that drop rates was nerfed... did challenge maps for 24 stam, got 1 gold drop -,- (phalanx2 and low cost battle2)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

1st.... just WOW 3 acc ? >.< for me 2 acc is enuff (1 english 1 JP)
Next sigh everyone will said that RNG always get lower and lower dont worry it just feeling :p
Btw Adelle is the most worthy witch before they introduce black awakening skill, reason i keep saying before (why ppl keep geting adelle) is she got a nice atkup skill and awakening skill is party sortie buff(max hp up).

Dorca is healer right ? since broken_wings said you dont have CC healer so im abit confuse there
Again I'm not sure if there any strat that can help without 2 CC healer, another i can think off is as soon thethe mage hit ur middle HA, use a duelist and keep replacing it with something high hp or high MR to take 1 of the bombing while ur ranged support kill (aka kill it 1st before ur stock run out *bring 5-6 bronze bandit =P*) the top mage is midle lane / the bottom mage is bottom line for unit placement
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

btw, once again i got the feeling that drop rates was nerfed... did challenge maps for 24 stam, got 1 gold drop -,- (phalanx2 and low cost battle2)

guess they caught up to the JP version's rates already for that, mainly the whole time of my playing JP, the rates on challenge maps were so bad that i forgot about them....which made me forget about them on this EN version......maybe if i remembered earlier i would've done challenge maps more.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well I need spirits and affection items so i'm doing them, better than dailies with spirits only, but damn, it's getting really bad now ;/ wasting stamina for bouquets...

Yeah, 3. I'm just so unlucky with gatcha that i had to try more, especially since i've wasted some silvers on main. But then... main got Bashira... no way i'm going to leave it. 2nd got Dahlia, NO WAY i'm going to leave it. And 3rd got amazingly impressive Bernice... and now seems Adele is good too (but still dont like her looks ;P) it would be a waste to leave it.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

1st.... just WOW 3 acc ? >.< for me 2 acc is enuff (1 english 1 JP)

If it makes you feel better, I can't even do 2 accounts. I got this one up and was out of charisma so I decided to make a new account to see if I could improve since I made a lot of mistakes and wasted tons of charisma failing missions. Only ended up doing like 4 missions on the new account and haven't touched it since. :p