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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The only way i can think of is new implemention they just have for EN ver.
The 1st paralyst introduced is when vampire assault *was it during karma event?*

In any case while its look anoying with paralyst, it shouldn't be problem as it doesn't reduce MR.
Unless they making the enemy didnt stay blocked to paralyst unit.
For preparation should be the same as usual, 2 CC healer the most important part since we will dealing with 2 dragon mage at same time again.
Also the purplish dragon war will be hitting magic dmg like princess instead of physical, valkyrie is recommended tank here (unless you have princess if u lucky with roll).

Since we skip some event you can notice the difficulty gonna jump alot for new player.

*there is unit that can inflict self paralyst *momiji* at the end of her skill, i wonder if thats what being used in that picture, its too hard to see*
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Not sure I'm convinced.

Looks like it may be event related to me, the units kinda hard to miss.

they shouldnt stun though, but the way that nutaku worded and showed it......I'd be so pissed if they added dragon mages who aoe to have that effect for the lolz

*there is unit that can inflict self paralyst *momiji* at the end of her skill, i wonder if thats what being used in that picture, its too hard to see*

she has a gigantic purple glowing katana though, if it was her, you'd see that poking out of the fireball effect
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

That is sheer sacrilege!!
Hangings too good for em.
Burnings too good for em!
Should be torn to itty bitty pieces and buried alive!

What a waste of a plat armor, talk about one of the worst ways for a Plat armor to die....ewww that's just mean!

now that i have understood that it was all my misunderstanding i kind of regret not training my healers xD
(anyways i will leave him to Rape the dragon mages next event xD)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

*there is unit that can inflict self paralyst *momiji* at the end of her skill, i wonder if thats what being used in that picture, its too hard to see*

I doubt it is Momiji as she is an event unit.... if it is... then all hell will be raised as once again they are moving an event unit to premium summon. Also I will raise hell because they pointless replaced Sakuya with Momiji when she was suppose to share the spotlight with Nina...

*prepares tables for flipping*
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

now that i have understood that it was all my misunderstanding i kind of regret not training my healers xD
(anyways i will leave him to Rape the dragon mages next event xD)
:( Ouch. Now that's, a failure to communicate.

At any rate here's the reference in case you didn't know, made on previous post:
Reference for the below:
Time count: 3:12

That is sheer sacrilege!!
Hangings too good for em.
Burnings too good for em!
Should be torn to itty bitty pieces and buried alive!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

*is trying not to fall asleep so I can get one more run in*
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I think I saw it said somewhere (maybe here?) that Elaine (silver) is a better valk than Kerry (gold). Is that the case?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Kerry is better than Elaine unless the extra cost really matters. Mischa is better than both of them. Kerry is only decent after awakening.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Don't know why people are putting any of the girls down. They are all useful in one way or another.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Don't know why people are putting any of the girls down. They are all useful in one way or another.

Yep, this. I really do believe you can and should use whoever you want in your team. So long as they are silver rarity or higher, you can build a strategy around them and see them used. If you like Kerry more, use her; same goes for Elaine. Hell, if the aesthetics of neither really do it for you, level both up and see which play style you end up gravitating towards.

Just last event, I watched a youtube video of someone using CC'ed Elaine to tank the twin dragon mages in the last mission. So yeah, play who you like!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ellaine - def valk : good at tanking small to medium unit
Misha - atk valk : good at killing basicaly also favourite to help stop small to medium wave incoming while geting more unit cost
Kerry - Hp valk with atk skill : more balanced on kill and survival, care that her def might be too low for tanking a multiple medium unit.

Since i didnt play aigis at begining in jp ver i'm not too sure their average dmg of small medium large o starting event
But the 1 in jp event it felt like small do around 300 atk (or more like there barely anymore small unit like those purple gob)
Medium hiting for around 500 (nowday it felt everything is medium unit)
Large hitting around 800-900 atk
Boss hiting around 1200++

Again the usual word if ppl comparing and asking which 1 is better, the answer will also the same.... they are all great depending on situation they placed :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

People never need permission to use who they want to, but if someone asks which is better, I'm not going to tell them something super vague like "follow your heart".
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

*there is unit that can inflict self paralyst *momiji* at the end of her skill, i wonder if thats what being used in that picture, its too hard to see*

Thats not Momiji, I have her on the DMM version.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So I just did a few more premium rolls, and to my joy I got Cellia.
She makes it better to do spirit rescue E, but if I want black fairies (since I haven't passed war of magic) should I still do H, or is it better with E?
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So I just did a few more premium rolls, and to my joy I got Cellia.
She makes it better to do spirit rescue E, but if I want black fairies (since I haven't passed war of magic) should I still do H, or is it better with E?

I'd have to say H due to higher difference in drop rate, and number of drops.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

E with Celia is when you're going for Rainbow Fairy only. Otherwise, H is better for black fairies.

So I just did a few more premium rolls, and to my joy I got Cellia.
She makes it better to do spirit rescue E, but if I want black fairies (since I haven't passed war of magic) should I still do H, or is it better with E?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Finally managed to 3-star Immortal Beast without using my Clissa or any princess (or rather, I don't have a princess :() :D (was trying to go for low-rarity/no gatcha blacks setup) :D

Immortal Beast 3-Star (no gatcha black, no princesses):


Here's the setup:


Katie was used instead of Aria because of her defense (Aria just couldn't handle tanking 3 giants at once - Katie tanked everything like a champ). Everything from Kerry onwards were just used as lightning rods towards the end (tank few hits from liches then immediately retreated for next one).

Could probably replace Dorania if I had CC Mortimer or another high HP unit, making this no black setup :) Maybe Chydis & Belinda can also be replaced with CC'd Christopher + Calliope instead for Gold-or-lower rarity setup (can't test though since I never bothered to train Christopher yet :()

Key for this were 4 CC'd max affection healers & 3 mages (would be easier if you have Mehlis/Garania - felt like beardy & Valeries were just barely enough to get by).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

As for the thursday daily (not sure if I should continue this topic, but someone is collecting the data so I'm posting it) yesterday I got 5, 4, 2 and 5 drops from H and 5 more from one run of E, so that makes 53 demon crystals in total this thursday. Pretty impressive results, but it was by far my best thursday so far, I'm usually closer to 30 than 50 (always H mode only for like 6 last weeks).

It looks like I should have 200 crystals again in 2 weeks, would u guys advice getting another Chydis for CR (if she's still there) or waiting till they add something new? I'm leaning towards the first option for now cos if it's a rule that the units from the trading post stay there for like 3 months then that's more than enough to get the plat unit twice anyway. This may change tho if it's cost changes to 300 or/and the gold unit is actually worth getting as well. I know Chydis will be back sooner or later (how long does it usually take?) so that's probably when ppl get the copies for CR, but it looks like we might get some event units added to the trading post so for us it may take longer for a certain unit to come back there.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Whelp.... Valerie is now the lich slayer. Posted over on hongfire.

Katral said:
Hi, everyone! I've been lurking on this thread for a while, but today something pretty damn funny/epic happened and I decided to share.

So today I finally managed to clear Immortal Beast, but that's not the reason I'm posting.


The reason is what happened next. I was riding the high of finally beating this goddess forsaken map, and decided to go for it again, see if I could manage an encore performance or get 3 stars.

I changed my deployment a bit to see if it went better, but it ended up with my lines overwhelmed.

I tried to salvage the situation, deploying everything I had and in the end, this happened:


I think that's as close as it gets. I'm calling Valerie Lich Slayer from now on.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to shower with Bashira and Clissa.