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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

VPN gate + Kancolle wiki and play all you want

Ya that doesn't mean I'll win the lotto....

Also... found this map....

LoV x Aigis event?

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Not sure what I should be doing now that I already 3*'d all the maps. I guess farm silver dragons for my Cloris?

I'm going for all the drops, probably take awhile to get em all but it seems to occur fairly regularly. Got the Rainbow, Black and Plat fairies so far. Oustide of that, back to farming for when we get the units at end of event for me.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Alright guys. This is what I have so far. I'm off to the Hongfire group and the Facebook group to get questions from them

1. Are the skipped events going to be permanently skipped or will we get them later in some form?

2. Assuming they are permanently skipped. Are the units specific to those events going to end up in Premium/Rare/Base Summon like Liana?

3. What are the drop rates for dailies? If you can't give us exact numbers how about at least the range?

4. Will we still get event for Liana(or other event units put into premium/rare/base summons) even though she's been put into the premium/rare/base summons?

5. If the event for Liana(or any other event unit placed into premium/rare/base summons) is not planned for the English version; Are there any plans to get her/them a 2 cost reduction automatically to bring her/them in line with others of their class and rarity?

6. What did you mean by drop rates being 'in-line' with the Japanese version. It is fairly vague, and any given pattern such as 25, 50, 75, 100% could be considered 'in-line'.

7. Will we ever see characters that were left out due to being "loli" (ie. Black Iris, Mischa, etc.); or will some characters be permanently removed from the English version?

8. Would it be possible to add the backstory of the female characters similiar to what the male units have? It has been mentioned that in the Japanese all ages version of Aegis that they got this instead of the normal hentai scene. To be slightly more specific, can we have both scenes? Maybe in the fashion of 25% story scene, 50% sex scene, 75% story scene, 100% sex scene.

9. When will we see the Extreme maps?

10. When will we see Awakening introduced?

11. When will we get the other story maps implemented?

12. When can we expect to see both the global cost reduction and priority for specific units update?

13. If you are not against telling use drop rate, would it be possible for it to be shown under 'check rewards' for each map after obtaining said reward?

14. How are Sapphire units and Serial codes going to be handled?

15. Will a 10x or 100x base summon button ever be implemented?

Due to the newness of the Q&A format and uncertainty regarding how long it's going to take to get these answered, we're going to skip the Facebook step and use this list. Probably the first 10.

Thanks for putting this together guys, I'll get back to you as soon as we've heard from them.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You know, actually wanting the Valerie from this event is becoming a little frustrating. I've never been so stymied by a lack of Charisma when it comes to running a map that costs stamina before so consistently. I figure if I can get him and Julian I'll be pretty happy. Well that and a 2nd (I think you just need 2?) silver dragon soldier for all of my CC needs. Ah well, at least this week has been good for rebuilding my budget so far, I was getting terribly poor for a while in there.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Due to the newness of the Q&A format and uncertainty regarding how long it's going to take to get these answered, we're going to skip the Facebook step and use this list. Probably the first 10.

Thanks for putting this together guys, I'll get back to you as soon as we've heard from them.

(11th) Story maps question is pretty important.
(15th) Would be useful to the Jap players.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

That just makes it look even more bleak lol. If it is that popular Nutaku would have to prove themselves even more for it to be brought over. In turn that means maybe mid 2016 at the earliest since Taimin is suppose to come out late 2015 according to them.

Nutaku said good chance, since we are spending so much (50k++) on Aigis.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Nutaku said good chance, since we are spending so much (50k++) on Aigis.
Be skeptical when anyone mentions numbers of that sort. Aigis is doing very well and we're happy with it, but anything beyond that is speculation.

I will say that if you ever wanted to start building adult games, now is the time to do it.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Due to the newness of the Q&A format and uncertainty regarding how long it's going to take to get these answered, we're going to skip the Facebook step and use this list. Probably the first 10.

Thanks for putting this together guys, I'll get back to you as soon as we've heard from them.

Actually it was longer.

1. Are the skipped events going to be permanently skipped or will we get them later in some form?

2. Assuming they are permanently skipped. Are the units specific to those events going to end up in Premium/Rare/Base Summon like Liana?

3. What are the drop rates for dailies? If you can't give us exact numbers how about at least the range?

4. Will we still get event for Liana(or other event units put into premium/rare/base summons) even though she's been put into the premium/rare/base summons?

5. If the event for Liana(or any other event unit placed into premium/rare/base summons) is not planned for the English version; Are there any plans to get her/them a 2 cost reduction automatically to bring her/them in line with others of their class and rarity?

6. What did you mean by drop rates being 'in-line' with the Japanese version. It is fairly vague, and any given pattern such as 25, 50, 75, 100% could be considered 'in-line'.

7. Will we ever see characters that were left out due to being "loli" (ie. Black Iris, Mischa, etc.); or will some characters be permanently removed from the English version?

8. Would it be possible to add the backstory of the female characters similiar to what the male units have? It has been mentioned that in the Japanese all ages version of Aegis that they got this instead of the normal hentai scene. To be slightly more specific, can we have both scenes? Maybe in the fashion of 25% story scene, 50% sex scene, 75% story scene, 100% sex scene.

9. When will we see the Extreme maps?

10. When will we see Awakening introduced?

11. When will we get the other story maps implemented?

12. When can we expect to see both the global cost reduction and priority for specific units update?

13. If you are not against telling use drop rate, would it be possible for it to be shown under 'check rewards' for each map after obtaining said reward?

14. How are Sapphire units and Serial codes going to be handled?

15. Will a 10x or 100x base summon button ever be implemented?

16. Are there any plans to add a way to communicate with others in-game?

17. When can we expect to see weekend events implemented?

18. Are there any plans to add a "remove all" button in Team Management?

19. Are there any plan for region exclusive units?

20. Any "multiplayer/social" features planed in the future? Leaderboards? Collective kill quests with seen score count? Clans?

21. More content/relevance for Male teams planned?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Actually it was longer.

.....numbered list...

Number 6 is redundant as the question for drops rates is already asked in an earlier question.

NutakuDev already answered number 7.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh yes...

I know believe Lafate that he received Clissa from 2k gatcha.

Getting Liana the Treasure Handler from the same 2k gatcha probably has something to do about that :)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I was thinking lafate maybe it's a good chance for you to try play the JP aigis 1st.
I kinda doubt we gonna have something that not even implemented in JP 1 since we our EN aigis is also based on JP developer like that 10x base summon its already an old sugestion JP aigis.

Well nutaku mention that their aigis is based on jp dev team so my guess we will not having any unique en only stuff (at most only the cg change as they mention to get rid loli look like).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Actually it was longer.

1. Are the skipped events going to be permanently skipped or will we get them later in some form?

2. Assuming they are permanently skipped. Are the units specific to those events going to end up in Premium/Rare/Base Summon like Liana?

3. What are the drop rates for dailies? If you can't give us exact numbers how about at least the range?

4. Will we still get event for Liana(or other event units put into premium/rare/base summons) even though she's been put into the premium/rare/base summons?

5. If the event for Liana(or any other event unit placed into premium/rare/base summons) is not planned for the English version; Are there any plans to get her/them a 2 cost reduction automatically to bring her/them in line with others of their class and rarity?

6. What did you mean by drop rates being 'in-line' with the Japanese version. It is fairly vague, and any given pattern such as 25, 50, 75, 100% could be considered 'in-line'.

7. Will we ever see characters that were left out due to being "loli" (ie. Black Iris, Mischa, etc.); or will some characters be permanently removed from the English version?

8. Would it be possible to add the backstory of the female characters similiar to what the male units have? It has been mentioned that in the Japanese all ages version of Aegis that they got this instead of the normal hentai scene. To be slightly more specific, can we have both scenes? Maybe in the fashion of 25% story scene, 50% sex scene, 75% story scene, 100% sex scene.

9. When will we see the Extreme maps?

10. When will we see Awakening introduced?

11. When will we get the other story maps implemented?

12. When can we expect to see both the global cost reduction and priority for specific units update?

13. If you are not against telling use drop rate, would it be possible for it to be shown under 'check rewards' for each map after obtaining said reward?

14. How are Sapphire units and Serial codes going to be handled?

15. Will a 10x or 100x base summon button ever be implemented?

16. Are there any plans to add a way to communicate with others in-game?

17. When can we expect to see weekend events implemented?

18. Are there any plans to add a "remove all" button in Team Management?

19. Are there any plan for region exclusive units?

20. Any "multiplayer/social" features planed in the future? Leaderboards? Collective kill quests with seen score count? Clans?

21. More content/relevance for Male teams planned?

OMG! this somehow made me laugh a lot xDDD
anyways. how have you guys been doing?
i finally got my Julian this morning and my first Silver Dragon :D (confirmed Waifu attained :3) also managed to finish the event already.

Also the event thingie you posted was an April Fools event. wich had nothing other than a single SC xD! (you actually had to ignore Navi to win...)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Number 6 is redundant as the question for drops rates is already asked in an earlier question.

NutakuDev already answered number 7.

I was thinking lafate maybe it's a good chance for you to try play the JP aigis 1st.
I kinda doubt we gonna have something that not even implemented in JP 1 since we our EN aigis is also based on JP developer like that 10x base summon its already an old sugestion JP aigis.

Well nutaku mention that their aigis is based on jp dev team so my guess we will not having any unique en only stuff (at most only the cg change as they mention to get rid loli look like).

It was just a compiled list that I didn't go through to simplify and combined yet. Due to waiting for the facebook post mentioned.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Here's a question.

When are paid crystals going to be refunded to people that got their saves wiped, as promised?

Not trying to start trouble or invite a bunch of "shut up you evil cheater" replies. Just legit curious. If the answer is "never, we lied", fine, I accept that. I'd just like to know since it's impossible to get any sort of response out of the devs.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Here's a question.

When are paid crystals going to be refunded to people that got their saves wiped, as promised?

Not trying to start trouble or invite a bunch of "shut up you evil cheater" replies. Just legit curious. If the answer is "never, we lied", fine, I accept that. I'd just like to know since it's impossible to get any sort of response out of the devs.

Well they were refunded the day the wipes were made, so if u didn't get them then either they overlooked u for some reason or that's some kind of a bug, either way u should report that to the game support rather than posting it here (I bet u already did tho), especially since the questions we're posting here are directed towards the jp devs that have nothing to do with the issue.

Also, shut up you evil cheater.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Actually it was longer.

1. Are the skipped events going to be permanently skipped or will we get them later in some form?

2. Assuming they are permanently skipped. Are the units specific to those events going to end up in Premium/Rare/Base Summon like Liana?

3. What are the drop rates for dailies? If you can't give us exact numbers how about at least the range?

4. Will we still get event for Liana(or other event units put into premium/rare/base summons) even though she's been put into the premium/rare/base summons?

5. If the event for Liana(or any other event unit placed into premium/rare/base summons) is not planned for the English version; Are there any plans to get her/them a 2 cost reduction automatically to bring her/them in line with others of their class and rarity?

6. What did you mean by drop rates being 'in-line' with the Japanese version. It is fairly vague, and any given pattern such as 25, 50, 75, 100% could be considered 'in-line'.

7. Will we ever see characters that were left out due to being "loli" (ie. Black Iris, Mischa, etc.); or will some characters be permanently removed from the English version?

8. Would it be possible to add the backstory of the female characters similiar to what the male units have? It has been mentioned that in the Japanese all ages version of Aegis that they got this instead of the normal hentai scene. To be slightly more specific, can we have both scenes? Maybe in the fashion of 25% story scene, 50% sex scene, 75% story scene, 100% sex scene.

9. When will we see the Extreme maps?

10. When will we see Awakening introduced?

11. When will we get the other story maps implemented?

12. When can we expect to see both the global cost reduction and priority for specific units update?

13. If you are not against telling use drop rate, would it be possible for it to be shown under 'check rewards' for each map after obtaining said reward?

14. How are Sapphire units and Serial codes going to be handled?

15. Will a 10x or 100x base summon button ever be implemented?

16. Are there any plans to add a way to communicate with others in-game?

17. When can we expect to see weekend events implemented?

18. Are there any plans to add a "remove all" button in Team Management?

19. Are there any plan for region exclusive units?

20. Any "multiplayer/social" features planed in the future? Leaderboards? Collective kill quests with seen score count? Clans?

21. More content/relevance for Male teams planned?

You missed my most recent additon:

22. When will second storage box be implemented?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well they were refunded the day the wipes were made, so if u didn't get them then either they overlooked u for some reason or that's some kind of a bug, either way u should report that to the game support rather than posting it here (I bet u already did tho), especially since the questions we're posting here are directed towards the jp devs that have nothing to do with the issue.

Yup, several times. We'll reach the heat death of the universe before I get a response. Wouldn't have bothered trying here if I hadn't expended all of the other options.

I think it's also possible that the refunds, you know, never actually happened, and if that's the case, then people need to know about it, especially given their track record of customer service.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Those who play will understand

FUUUUUUU----- !!!!

Anyway, does anyone have idea what the drop of each event map?

I 3 stars all the event, but still wondering. + I wanna farm some mage for CC some of my units
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yup, several times. We'll reach the heat death of the universe before I get a response. Wouldn't have bothered trying here if I hadn't expended all of the other options.

I think it's also possible that the refunds, you know, never actually happened, and if that's the case, then people need to know about it, especially given their track record of customer service.

Considering multiple people reported they had their accounts reset in this thread at the time of occurrence, and at least one reported they got crystals back, I'd have to question your intentions before questioning the Devs at this point.

Also, I've never had any issues when it comes to response times for money spent. Now other matters may be a different issue, but I've seen every email I opened with support answered with in the hour if money was involved. They just didn't respond to the ticket itself, but I did get emails from them. Not sure if the issue with the ticketing system updating has been fixed.

Finally, Natukdev has reported they are aware of some people being unable to play the game due to different browser crashes, however they also requested people send in info for specifically how this has happening so they can reproduce the issue.

It should be noted I've not seen any of these issues reported here or else where since the wipe however.