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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Cheating or no cheating, another fucking three-week break is absolutely disgusting. These constant two-week breaks are bullshit enough as it is.

Hear hear. I guess I have more time to try to roll a silver soldier to CC Odette with. Except I don't think my cash will hold out long enough.

At least Angelic Saga's got a new event up.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm at 2 and half levels from win one more stamina and recharge it, which I was planning to do in the event to farm more units, shame :(
Anyway, by the japanese game topic, looks like Aigis is now more famous than Kantai Collection in their server. Maybe this means an anime is imminent.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well... I am a little upset this time around. I timed my next stamina increasing and refilling level up to fall on Odette's event this Tuesday while still being able to run Monday's daily. Run the first four maps once, the last one twice, level up, and then run the last one some more, but looks like that won't be happening.

Oh well, I'll just use it on Thursday's daily instead. Also, @Nutakudev, is Nordland alright, on vacation, or something? Haven't seen any post from her in over a week now.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Eh, sucks waking up early and getting to work a bit later for nothing, but yeah, many of us are on AS, so at least we can enjoy that event instead. Aigis is really gonna punish all of us for a few cheaters' work though? -__- Wonder if we're getting some crystals for this.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Eh, sucks waking up early and getting to work a bit later for nothing, but yeah, many of us are on AS, so at least we can enjoy that event instead. Aigis is really gonna punish all of us for a few cheaters' work though? -__- Wonder if we're getting some crystals for this.

Probably won't be getting any crystals, nutaku is somewhat stubborn in giving away free crystals,
quite unlike dmm, who basically gives away a free crystal nearly every week for a tiny tiny bug that gets unnoticed by 90% of players.
I think I had ever only seen nutaku give away one free crystal, though I could be remembering wrong and they never gave any.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Probably won't be getting any crystals, nutaku is somewhat stubborn in giving away free crystals,
quite unlike dmm, who basically gives away a free crystal nearly every week for a tiny tiny bug that gets unnoticed by 90% of players.
I think I had ever only seen nutaku give away one free crystal, though I could be remembering wrong and they never gave any.

They gave one in Karma's event for maintenance delay and one today and refunded people for premium gacha. Also it's not Nutaku that makes these decisions, but the Japanese devs, so it's more likely that it's either just harder to communicate things to them or that they just don't care about the EN playerbase very much
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm at 2 and half levels from win one more stamina and recharge it, which I was planning to do in the event to farm more units, shame :(
Anyway, by the japanese game topic, looks like Aigis is now more famous than Kantai Collection in their server. Maybe this means an anime is imminent.

Aigis is more famous than Kantai collection where? I might be able to fathom that Aigis player numbers caught up to Kantai collection, but with that said Kantai Collection has a lottery to get in to the game last I heard because so many people want to play it.

I don't see an anime forthcoming at this time until there is an increase in fanart and the like, Kantai was huge even before the anime hit.

As of 8/11
On ranking notes Aigis is currently rated #3 on DMM, though this looks to be an the all ages list. Kantai Collection is at #1 and Flower Knight Girl recently toppled Aigis to take #2.

The R18+ ranking Flower Knight Girl is #1 with Aigis now trailing at #2, LoV comes in at #4 now, with Peropero at #5

I was disappointed the event hasn't hit yet but oh well things happen. While I'm not sure how exactly the jp server was affected I expect since they extended their maintenance it was to close that particular hole and then they will get around to our patching the hole in our event before releasing it. I would be really happy if they released it tomorrow but I wouldn't be surprised if it was next Tuesday.

*shrugs* Hopefully as Nutaku itself grows we'll see more people and that will help propel us further.

If things are similar to DMM rankings here Aigis is probably still at the top guess will need to get a few more site upgrades like Forums and a few more games before we will see our own persistent game rankings.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Aigis is more famous than Kantai collection where? I might be able to fathom that Aigis player numbers caught up to Kantai collection, but with that said Kantai Collection has a lottery to get in to the game last I heard because so many people want to play it.

I don't see an anime forthcoming at this time until there is an increase in fanart and the like, Kantai was huge even before the anime hit.

As of 8/11
On ranking notes Aigis is currently rated #3 on DMM, though this looks to be an the all ages list. Kantai Collection is at #1 and Flower Knight Girl recently toppled Aigis to take #2.

The R18+ ranking Flower Knight Girl is #1 with Aigis now trailing at #2, LoV comes in at #4 now, with Peropero at #5

I was disappointed the event hasn't hit yet but oh well things happen. While I'm not sure how exactly the jp server was affected I expect since they extended their maintenance it was to close that particular hole and then they will get around to our patching the hole in our event before releasing it. I would be really happy if they released it tomorrow but I wouldn't be surprised if it was next Tuesday.

*shrugs* Hopefully as Nutaku itself grows we'll see more people and that will help propel us further.

If things are similar to DMM rankings here Aigis is probably still at the top guess will need to get a few more site upgrades like Forums and a few more games before we will see our own persistent game rankings.

Part of Kantai's overall popularity being higher is also probably just from the fact that it's 100% all-ages, more interaction with the characters, and it's not a (spend as much $ as you can) freemium game, so its able to appeal to more people, though aegis is still doing very well (recently got #1 for a lil while at the start of an aegis event)

Btw, newest server on kancolle, which i'm on, is free join (no lottery) though idk if there's still any space left in the server
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Is anyone else worried they're gonna spring the update on us without any warning? Preventing us from build up Stamina and Charisma.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Is anyone else worried they're gonna spring the update on us without any warning? Preventing us from build up Stamina and Charisma.

That wouldn't be surprising.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh if we talking about ranking....
Yes aigis did reach #1 ranking in all age version on DMM once during, Belinda revival event (forgot when)...
I'm not sure how they determine the ranking system in DMM... 1 think for sure its not depend on the number of player who registered in it, and these ranking keep changing alot of time.

As for active player, I didn't played Kancolle so again i don't know how to determine it, while in Aigis the recent all user contribution event to max out Joy fairy (150,000 exp fairy), which require to do a total of 375,000,000 kill showed us its maxed on the 10th day. (during Maurette event they don't care and it only up to 4mil kill at the end (this 1 month event))
Note that during this Fairy event there also another 2 event, 1 is star event for main quest and another is revival noel / Kagura / Hores event, where you could say they have 1 of the best farming map 60/5 (2x plat fairy / 1 plat armour / 2x 3R.crystal)..
Looking at the number of kill keep increasing showed me there still tons of active player out there...
Joy Subjugation Daily Rate (Max: 375,000,000):
07/30: 36,908,511 (9.84%)
07/31: 54,945,205 (14.65%)
08/01: 59,017,657 (15.74%)
08/02: 55,080,838 (14.69%)
08/03: 33,874,371 (9.03%)
08/04: 40,206,029 (10.72%)
08/05: 39,009,386 (10.40%)
08/06: 20,466,158 (5.46%)
08/07: 17,732,683 (4.73%)
08/08: 17,759,162 (4.74%)

I believe in R18+ version aigis + FKG is the usual game that took the top spot ranking, while in all ages ver they are on 2-4th spot. *Yup kancolle usually took the rank 1 in all ages ver*
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

2nd post....
Before this thread start to died time to start some seduction to get ppl played the dmm version instead....

So my info bringing you this the current present we got:
Super Apology Present:
August 14th~September 12th (30 Days) Log-in Present Includes +2 Sacred Crystals.

Long story short for 30 days u got 2 SC everyday as part of log in present totaling 60 free SC.

The reason for this present is this

Appearently ppl have already exploited this cheat for long time......
Of coz once its been found it cause major ban

So what i'm trying to say is now is great time chance if you willing to play DMM aigis :p

Lastly.... time to run before someone rant to me on my seduction trying to get ppl to DMM ver.....
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

2nd post....
Before this thread start to died time to start some seduction to get ppl played the dmm version instead....

So my info bringing you this the current present we got:
Super Apology Present:
August 14th~September 12th (30 Days) Log-in Present Includes +2 Sacred Crystals.

Long story short for 30 days u got 2 SC everyday as part of log in present totaling 60 free SC.

The reason for this present is this

Appearently ppl have already exploited this cheat for long time......
Of coz once its been found it cause major ban

So what i'm trying to say is now is great time chance if you willing to play DMM aigis :p

Lastly.... time to run before someone rant to me on my seduction trying to get ppl to DMM ver.....

There's no seduction going on. Just a simple pro/con of going or staying. To be honest, if I could contact the devs directly, I'd tell them to offer a direct transfer of accounts from the Nutaku one and be gone in an instant. They could cut out the middleman and just let us give them our money directly in return for a superior product. Sounds like a win/win for both developer and client.

Edit: So I made an account because I'm curious what I could pull with 60 free crystals. You know how we get Kerry the semi-useless Gold Valkyrie as our first "summoned" unit? Well does everyone on the DMM version get Bashira or did I just luck out? I'm seriously seeing fewer and fewer reasons to stay with Nutaku's version on this one.

Back to back events? check.
Multitudes of free crystals/units/other stuff just because? check.
Crystals are cheaper? check. (currently, you get 150 for about 80 USD)
All units in all their glory, loli or otherwise? check.
If anyone has any contact info for the JP dev teams, please let me know. I'm seriously going to beg them to let me transfer an account to them and give them my money. Because they fuckin deserve it.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'd do that, honestly. I'm fairly upset with the delayed content, cut content, and altered content as is. It's a shame, because the localization itself has actually been pretty good, especially compared to the mess that is Pero. They won't even add auto complete but they keep adding features that came after. It's nothing against Nutaku, and I know they don't really have much control, but if the devs aren't going to support the English version, I'd be happy to play the version they will actually bother to support. Of course, this means that DMM will have to quit auto-redirecting everyone to Nutaku. Or I have to stop being lazy and set up a proxy again.

But man. That's a pretty sweet deal considering all we got was a single crystal and a delayed event.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Or I have to stop being lazy and set up a proxy again.

I'm not running a proxy or anything and I can connect to jp Aigis with no problems. I can't connect to it if I use firefox at all, but if I use Chrome and go to it from their JP site it works perfectly fine. Doesn't work on Chrome if I use the eng site though.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The sad thing is, this is no skin off of DMM's back, they'll keep the players, no matter the server's location or language. If anyone would take a hit from a mass exodus is Nutaku, which I find sad, as I very much approve what they are trying to build.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

In before the mass-exodus to DMM was their plan all along. Just to reduce their workload.

Edit: According to their twitter, Nordland's been out of town. Should be back on Monday.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It's nothing against Nutaku, and I know they don't really have much control, but if the devs aren't going to support the English version, I'd be happy to play the version they will actually bother to support.

TBH, the reason I'm so deadset on contacting the devs directly is because I'm not entirely sure that's true. I just don't buy that a team that can provide such great service, support, and product to a certain audience wouldn't be willing to do the same elsewhere. Just to be clear: I'm NOT saying that Nutaku is just holding content hostage until whenever because they've gone Batman-villain on us. I AM saying that giving away 60 free crystals over a month would hit someone's bottom line VERY hard, and between the devs double dipping into both the American and Japan market or Nutaku who pretty much just has the American market, only one group comes out the worse by a wide margin... And I've learned long ago that responsible parties for pretty much anything are usually those who stand to gain or lose the most money.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Don't know yet if I'm going to change to the jp server, but already registered there so I can still take the 60 crystals. I think it's cool start to play almost with the game's beginning on the server, and there's some characters and dedication time I do not want to leave and start again. Of course, if we are given the opportunity to transfer the account will be a different situation...
By the way, what are those green crystals you can use in the shrine?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Aigis: I present you Fate-kun's fail wall of text. Can I have your SC now?

No... no you cannot... and where the hell did you come from? I thought I got rid of you!

Aigis: You will never be rid of me!

Ugh.... whatever.....

@Nordland @NutakuDev

Alright, enough is enough. We need to sit down and have a little pow wow. Excuse my French, but just what the hell is going on? Why is Aigis is such a messed up state, and why is it getting worse instead of better? Look at Lord of Valkyrie, Angelic Saga, and PeroPero Seduction. All three of those games have run smoothly. No real delays, and definitely no increasingly long delays.

So please, explain to me why this is a massive issue with Millennium War Aigis only? Also I'm not stupid so don't give me excuses about the JP Devs. Obviously that is not an issue with any of your other games. So clearly something else is going on behind the scenes that you have decided to hide from us. Like fifty red flags have not already been raised, screaming that the game is a bust. Not that any of it is at the fault of the player base. At the start of the game the goal was to catch up with the DMM version, so we get the same events at the same time. Obviously this did not go over well as none of our player base wanted to skip content. Then the goal switched to do back to back events like DMM has. This should have already occurred, it has been long enough since releasing the game. However, instead of the gap between events closing, it is getting larger. It started at one week, and now it is at three weeks. How in the world is the acceptable to you guys. How is it that DMM gets cheaters, and still gets their event on time. As well as 60 sacred crystals for said cheating happening, but we get the shaft. Having our event delayed for who knows how long and receiving only 1 sacred crystal as an apology. Are you kidding me? We are punished for something that had absolutely nothing to do with us. You even had our event planned after the last one ended at the very least.

This is unacceptable to us players. It should be the same for you if this is really the JP devs doing. If that is the case completely drop the game. As it is not only a waste of our time, but yours as well; while also sucking up resources that could be put elsewhere for games that will actually work like they are supposed to. You need to do something... anything. Maybe even give a real apology like the DMM players get, and don't give me that line of not being able to give us sacred crystals. If that is the case just give us the gold equal to the amount of SC you want to give. That you can do, and you cannot deny that fact. If something is not up to satisfaction it is your job as the host/publisher/whateveryouwanttocallyourself to make sure it gets to that satisfactory standard, or simply have nothing to do with it. If those that are providing it do not want to bring it up to an acceptable point.

It is so discouraging to play this game. Especially as a person who has played this game since day one, and has tried to help everyone who has needed it in this game. To see that DMM gets 4-12 new characters, that need new content made for them, that then needs to be coded, while also getting 2-3 events, and... you get the point. While we only get 1 event that they already have said content for, with one to four new characters depending on what event it is. I mean at the very least. Even if they are not supposed to care about us a lot. We should be getting at least 75% of the real thing. At the very least our content shouldn't be getting delayed because something happened to their servers. No matter what contract you have with them. That is not acceptable.

This is long enough, and I am just going in circles at this point. However, know until you give us an acceptable answer to this problem. I am not laying off you guys. I will not try to calm down outraged people. You need to deal with this, and you need to deal with this now.

EDIT: Also do not take the absence of NordLand as something big. Apparently she went back to her namesake and will be back monday.
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