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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What classes use Bandits as part of their CC?

Classes that require Silver Bandits as CC material are Bandits, Platinum+ Pirates, Platinum+ Ninjas, and Dark Knights.

However, they are also used as material by several classes to awaken, such as Soldiers, Avengers, Rogues, Pirates, Dragon Riders, and so on.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Classes that require Silver Bandits as CC material are Bandits, Platinum+ Pirates, Platinum+ Ninjas, and Dark Knights.

However, they are also used as material by several classes to awaken, such as Soldiers, Avengers, Rogues, Pirates, Dragon Riders, and so on.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I checked ur signature and i actualy find ur unit line up is quite solid, of coz the main problem is the rsources to spend on them for lvl up and affection.

Looking from it here a tip i can give you...
Focus to get chalenge map to phalanx 2, this is where you will be able to get gold / plat fairy, where mainly platinum fairy is most important to lvl your unit.
Also phalanx 2 map have a really high affection drop, this should fix alot of ur unit that don't have affection on it.
To reach and clear phalanx 2 map i recomend you get ur witch CC at least 2 witch to clear the map for easy way or just spam multi average lvl witch...
If you have any problem reaching to that chalenge map please do tell there also video to help you here and reminder that its better to reach this map 1st before u focus 3 star all the map on the way.

Once you able to hit phalan 2 map, you can pretty much ditch Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday daily, this mean you have more CHR to lvl ur unit and rank up 1st at least rank 100 for prince morale buff 19% to make thing alot more easier.

If you need further tip let me know with whats the problem...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Dang, majority of these maps really make me grateful for CCing certain silver units and slightly cost reducing them.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Dang, majority of these maps really make me grateful for CCing certain silver units and slightly cost reducing them.

In that Sacred Lake X thing
I kinda messed up , good thing some unit is cheaper then the video guide on Youtube
Sometime that -1 CR really helps a lot , and make a difference whether will You 2 or 3 Star it

I need to Lv Up Cloris , first thing when I wake up
Also need to Up some affection
Just You wait Onichan , I'll kill You~:p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I despaired a little when I found out shaman was unusable in the no healer maps... Also failing a bit miserably when I try placing Kerri where Misha is, but realizing she's a whole 8 more unit points to deploy ><
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Agreed. I am so glad that I max cr'd and cc'd 2 silver healers instead of focusing on the black healer. She wouldve been a nightmare to deploy in most of these maps.
I am faring quite well wit my choices of CC so far tho. Got Bernice, 2 silver healers, cloris, Kate, Kerry, 2 mages (cyrus for oomph, a cr'd valerie for the quick fixes) soma and cypria as duellist. A few are sitting at or nearly at 50 (Bashira :( Lynn Sophie Cuterie Phyllis Daniela and Bernhard), dont have the right fodder for em though :/
Well, I do have the right fodder for Sophie, but 19 is almost too expensive for the current maps as is. Dont wanna jack that up even further.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I checked ur signature and i actualy find ur unit line up is quite solid, of coz the main problem is the rsources to spend on them for lvl up and affection.

Looking from it here a tip i can give you...
Focus to get chalenge map to phalanx 2, this is where you will be able to get gold / plat fairy, where mainly platinum fairy is most important to lvl your unit.
Also phalanx 2 map have a really high affection drop, this should fix alot of ur unit that don't have affection on it.
To reach and clear phalanx 2 map i recomend you get ur witch CC at least 2 witch to clear the map for easy way or just spam multi average lvl witch...
If you have any problem reaching to that chalenge map please do tell there also video to help you here and reminder that its better to reach this map 1st before u focus 3 star all the map on the way.

Once you able to hit phalan 2 map, you can pretty much ditch Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday daily, this mean you have more CHR to lvl ur unit and rank up 1st at least rank 100 for prince morale buff 19% to make thing alot more easier.

If you need further tip let me know with whats the problem...

I just updated it further.

If you could also suggest a team composition for me, that would be helpful, thank you!

EDIT: Last challenge map I completed was Hi-Speed Battle, so I'm actually on Toxic Swamp 2. Not sure how far that is from Phalanx 2, but I've completed the first Phalanx challenge map.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I just updated it further.

If you could also suggest a team composition for me, that would be helpful, thank you!

EDIT: Last challenge map I completed was Hi-Speed Battle, so I'm actually on Toxic Swamp 2. Not sure how far that is from Phalanx 2, but I've completed the first Phalanx challenge map.

You have another 14 Challenge maps to go to open up Phalanx2.

After checking out your units...I really can not figure out where you're having a problem with Castle Retake other than a 2nd Mage. I'm not sure about your Marius, but a decently leveled Valerie as your 2nd mage would do just fine, or just drop in a mincost Bronze Roy to add some more damage at the gate entrance before placing something else to take the hits from the Lich. A base lv50 Valerie will git rekt from the Lich (tried and tested myself on JP account while trying to clear at the bare minimum) I'd bring a spare 3rd/4th Mage if possible. Can't say for 100% certainty that 1 CC'd healer and 1 Base healer can cover the healing required mostly due to lack of range, but it should be possible with your set up assuming you can get Iris to 50% affection and closer to 50 as a base/non-CC'd unit.

If anything I mentioned here doesn't help, give me some ideas of what the issue is, majority of what I said is based on the assumption you're using the video I posted few weeks ago.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You have another 14 Challenge maps to go to open up Phalanx2.

After checking out your units...I really can not figure out where you're having a problem with Castle Retake other than a 2nd Mage. I'm not sure about your Marius, but a decently leveled Valerie as your 2nd mage would do just fine, or just drop in a mincost Bronze Roy to add some more damage at the gate entrance before placing something else to take the hits from the Lich. A base lv50 Valerie will git rekt from the Lich (tried and tested myself on JP account while trying to clear at the bare minimum) I'd bring a spare 3rd/4th Mage if possible. Can't say for 100% certainty that 1 CC'd healer and 1 Base healer can cover the healing required mostly due to lack of range, but it should be possible with your set up assuming you can get Iris to 50% affection and closer to 50 as a base/non-CC'd unit.

If anything I mentioned here doesn't help, give me some ideas of what the issue is, majority of what I said is based on the assumption you're using the video I posted few weeks ago.

I haven't attempted Castle Retake in a while, not since before I CC'd a Calliope and my Monica, so I'm working on getting at least Iris CC'd before I try again. Also, I now have Mehlis, which can really help since I got enough copies to CR-2 her. I just need to level Mehlis up, which hopefully won't take too long. My highest level Valerie is about level 34, just popped him out of the team since my Mehlis is the same cost as him right now.

And I've been finding that Marius is really good. Very powerful. His range is just not very good.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You still want 3* on castle retake, right?
Then I'd go with the following team:
In order of deployment: Top left, Cypria, level her up 5 more times, till she can 2 hit the goblins.
Below her: Kate. Fine as is.
Next to kate: Phyllis.

Use skils. Assassinate to kill the armour dude, reinforcements so you can deploy

A decently leveled mage to Kates left. Valerie would be best. I'm serious. The other mages are too expensive. Mehlis will do in a pinch, but you will not get that platinum mage up in time to deal with the flying units.

Mop up whatever comes through the mage with a calliope. Only way I've seen and done. After that, withdraw her.
Healers next. either level up Iris and CC her or not, either works. dont start with the CCed silver and see to it that your units are covered. means in the 4er bloc at the entrance. set up a killing field with either 2 more mages or a mage and cloris. your plat comes in handy here. Order is 1 healer, one mage, 1 healer then whatever youve got left. 3rd mage or cloris, either way works.

Now you switch phyllis for a HA and deploy dahlia or themis at the top right. Deploy her LAST. I can't stress this enough. The Lich will immediately focus on her, and she will be covered by 2 healers. Use their abilities if you can't break even. Assassinate with Cypria. Lucky shots are your friend. now pray this holds.

Reserve Units:get a cheap, cost reduced bronze soldier in case a goblin escapes you. Dahlia Themis Lyla. If your heals can't keep up, you will have to switch. And fast. If that unit falls, your goose is pretty much cooked.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I just updated it further.
If you could also suggest a team composition for me, that would be helpful, thank you!

Hate to say this, but you've slipped up a little with Iris and Mehlis. You're supposed to CC both the main and the copies before feeding to get skill ups, as it is now their skill will reset to 1/5 when CC'd.
Generally silver and event units don't change skills though there are expections, Units like Spica or Saki don't change skills on CC as they are unique skills.

Assuming you do no more premium rolls, a good team to work on right now would be, Daniela and Monica, Iris and Alissa, Marius and Mehlis, Leeanne and Gelius, Katie and Phylis, Calliope and Themis, Dahlia and the last 2 are the hardest to choose but I'd go with Lyla and Cloris.

Level all the base units to 40 to await a Exp armour and 3 fairys then take them up to 50 one at a time if no exp armours come along.
After you got them all to 50CC30 and 100% affection/trust then work on other units.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hate to say this, but you've slipped up a little with Iris and Mehlis. You're supposed to CC both the main and the copies before feeding to get skill ups, as it is now their skill will reset to 1/5 when CC'd.
Generally silver and event units don't change skills though there are expections, Units like Spica or Saki don't change skills on CC as they are unique skills.

Assuming you do no more premium rolls, a good team to work on right now would be, Daniela and Monica, Iris and Alissa, Marius and Mehlis, Leeanne and Gelius, Katie and Phylis, Calliope and Themis, Dahlia and the last 2 are the hardest to choose but I'd go with Lyla and Cloris.

Level all the base units to 40 to await a Exp armour and 3 fairys then take them up to 50 one at a time if no exp armours come along.
After you got them all to 50CC30 and 100% affection/trust then work on other units.

I really don't care enough to hold onto that many extra units, with how low my maximum is. I've been carrying more spares than I care to already, so holding onto 2 spare Mehlis and 3 spare Iris was not something I was willing to do. Yes, it may be a waste in the end, but considering my spares at the time were something like 5 witch, 10 bandits, 6 valkyries, 7 rogues, etc, and that was just for my silvers, keeping an additional five spare golds wasn't in the cards. And that's not even considering the various Silver+ male units I didn't even want to use that I also can't get rid of.

If I had, like, 250 slots for units, I'd save them. As is, with a mere 90 slots or so, I was just carrying too much.

EDIT: My current unit maximum is 91. And of that, I'm carrying 78 units. And this is after some cleaning. My spares now amount to 4 Soldiers, 2 Heavy Infantry, 4 Valkyries, 3 Rogues, 6 Bandits, 5 Archers, 3 Mages, 3 Healers, 2 Witches, and 3 Pirates. All the rest are my main units. 5 extra golds just hadn't been an option at the time.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You've been rolling premium 50+ times without even upgrading your storage?

Another faux pas.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You've been rolling premium 50+ times without even upgrading your storage?

Another faux pas.

I have been upgrading my storage.

I just didn't want to dump so many SCs into storage when I was buying them. Perhaps it was ill-chosen, but considering I got a Bashira for my final roll in that group, well worth it, I'd say.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I knowingly made the same mistake with kerry, its a minor annoyance as I rarely use her for events but it would be awful if I had done the same with my Iris and Fedora(Fedora has an amazing range skill thats great on healers).

I bought some storage when I was a free player and just 10 SC gives a huge boost of 40 slots, I bought more when I bought some SC though since its important.

I would advise you to get enough storage to hold 20 fairys and 40 fodder for some breathing room, whenever you reach 1-3 free space and you're not stocked full of exp fodder and fairys its time to buy more space.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I knowingly made the same mistake with kerry, its a minor annoyance as I rarely use her for events but it would be awful if I had done the same with my Iris and Fedora(Fedora has an amazing range skill thats great on healers).

I bought some storage when I was a free player and just 10 SC gives a huge boost of 40 slots, I bought more when I bought some SC though since its important.

I would advise you to get enough storage to hold 20 fairys and 40 fodder for some breathing room, whenever you reach 1-3 free space and you're not stocked full of exp fodder and fairys its time to buy more space.

I've been using the SCs I get from missions for expansions lately. I just haven't gotten any since, well, still on the same mission.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

First thing I did when I threw down $100 on Aigis was maxed out the storage and bought the 2nd Barracks, haven't looked back except to think to myself "should I buy the 3rd one yet...?" and so far I'm going with "nope, not needed yet!" However my main barracks is sitting at 43/230 with my main/reserve units, and all fairies, extra platcans and silvers/golds I'm not currently working on in the 2nd barracks at 163/250.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

First thing I did when I threw down $100 on Aigis was maxed out the storage and bought the 2nd Barracks, haven't looked back except to think to myself "should I buy the 3rd one yet...?" and so far I'm going with "nope, not needed yet!" However my main barracks is sitting at 43/230 with my main/reserve units, and all fairies, extra platcans and silvers/golds I'm not currently working on in the 2nd barracks at 163/250.

Next time I decide to put money into Aigis, I'll consider doing that.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

FINALLY 3* and drop complete on Immortal Beast. Jesus, that was annoying.