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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What's up with the maintenance?
It usually finishes up an hour ago by now.
I gotta leave to uni now and all that stacked stamina will go to waste.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If you're going the freeloading route though, I'd HIGHLY RECOMMEND not ever spending SC on the premium gacha. It's a huge free player trap and will gimp you. Play however you like though, I guess.

There's always this talk. Well this is surely different for those who played in times when there was nothing else to do beside lvling your team, however this statement is still... simplified? (I hope this is a good word). I am free player and only recently (ok, for few months now) I started using dozen of them to increase space for my units (gone from around 100 around october to 170 now). Other than that all my SCs went to gacha. Yes, new player should focus on using SCs for exp and/or gold buffs. But after catching up a bit there's no reason to not use them for gacha.
And it is a good idea to first try and roll some good unit. First few SCs are easy and quick to get, and one can always make another acc if there won't be anything good from gacha.

Oh, and I used around 5 SCs for Claudia.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What's up with the maintenance?
It usually finishes up an hour ago by now.
I gotta leave to uni now and all that stacked stamina will go to waste.

Daylight savings was on sunday for me, before that it was 7-10am, now its 8-11am. I prefer it like this kinda, it means I can get things done just before the maintenance hits.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

End results for Fran: -4 / +7. Pretty good, I guess. Sad about that last CR, but oh well. At least she is on the cusps of Awakening just from eating her copies with fairies))
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh wow Yurina is in the game,just got to her first map.

Working my way to her drop map.


She got replaced with a Spirit Queen

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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh wow Yurina is in the game,just got to her first map.

Working my way to her drop map.


She got replaced with a Spirit Queen


As completion reward too?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I asked about the one that has it.

Oh I completely forgot there was a map that had it I'll work on it.My bad.

Edit:Wow that was quick took 1 more try to get everything.She got replaced with a plat armor.

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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Makes sense, we never got her event (yet), so it be kinda weird to be able to farm her. Not surprising either since they did the same thing, or rather similar, when we got Gold Rush (5) for New Years. Where we were supposed to be able to farm Yurina and Chloe, but since we didn't get their events they were replaced by Rita and Emilia. Though, it's kinda weird they replaced her with a Spirit Queen and Plat Armor rather than some random Farm Plat.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well, she is featured in the event's plot, so it it would make no sense to replace her with any other unit. This way we got some valuable'ish fodder drops instead.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ah right, the plot. Hindsight. It was like that in Paula's event where Charlotte was part of the plot so she was farmable. Yeah, that makes sense to not replace her with some other Farm unit.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oops, I went into the Yurina mission and didn't notice that there were actually 2 exits/bases until one swarm reached them.
If the Life Points weren't so generous on that one, I probably would've failed completely.

When the event unit showed up for the first time behind the dormant armours, I half expected her to kill them personally, as they started moving.

This'll be my first time facing the Fat5000 demon with Karma in my roster, provided that he does actually face us, rather than show up in menacing silhouette at the start of missions.
Was Fall of the Black Knights/Dark knight supposed to be where we got out first proper look at him? Is this mission set before then?

I thought the translation of the event unit scene was a bit awkward, it's been a while since we had one that bad(wasn't the worst one the event for that Valk who doubles her attack and defense).
Not incomprehensible, but rather clunky-sounding.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oops, I went into the Yurina mission and didn't notice that there were actually 2 exits/bases until one swarm reached them.
If the Life Points weren't so generous on that one, I probably would've failed completely.

When the event unit showed up for the first time behind the dormant armours, I half expected her to kill them personally, as they started moving.

This'll be my first time facing the Fat5000 demon with Karma in my roster, provided that he does actually face us, rather than show up in menacing silhouette at the start of missions.
Was Fall of the Black Knights/Dark knight supposed to be where we got out first proper look at him? Is this mission set before then?

I thought the translation of the event unit scene was a bit awkward, it's been a while since we had one that bad(wasn't the worst one the event for that Valk who doubles her attack and defense).
Not incomprehensible, but rather clunky-sounding.

Yeah the Demon you fight.two times in fact,and the 2nd time he leaves by himself,but first time you do have to kill him.Its a G map with 1 life so either 2 stars or fail.
Also this event is the furthest in the story that we have recieved.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I thought the translation of the event unit scene was a bit awkward, it's been a while since we had one that bad(wasn't the worst one the event for that Valk who doubles her attack and defense).
Not incomprehensible, but rather clunky-sounding.
Yeah, Emilia's was pretty bad. Still kinda curious what happened there. I still remember the typo of a map where you couldn't deploy melee units,
but :V
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Wow, fuck Red Army. Probably should've brought a second soldier for that map, but damn, for a simple Hard level map, that has a pretty tight cost at the start.

Still, plat fairy farming and Iroha.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Fuck yes, I got Marius with 60 SC (along with 3 golds and 8 silvers), just what I was aiming for. Beforehand I did have to spend another 20 minutes on the phone to my bank after they blocked probiller for me a second time but that doesn't matter now.

My male team is complete for now, just need to level him up. There are now zero units that I really want, a couple I'd like buy not enough to spend money on them.

Now to spend about 80 SC on fairys, affection and demon crystals, unless I don't have the time to do it.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oops, I went into the Yurina mission and didn't notice that there were actually 2 exits/bases until one swarm reached them.
If the Life Points weren't so generous on that one, I probably would've failed completely.

Same here. It's all because Yurina distracts :p

Edit: I get the feeling that RNG is different in gacha. Never had so many silvers and no plats from it -_-
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Pegasus Knight Commendatore Esther

Excuse me, DevTea, what the fuck are you doing, that's not how english works, we've been through this.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


Excuse me, DevTea, what the fuck are you doing, that's not how english works, we've been through this.

it's not english. it's italian.
