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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yurina isn't cute like Cornelia is. Simple. So I'm like meh, Aigis should've removed Yurina's event or Cornelia and made Yurina an gacha unit. :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well that is surprising :pogChamp: Not that many skipped events left now.
Someone's been watching way too much JTV....I mean TwitchTV.

I really love that gif/scene....I should really play Y at some point, though I still haven't even finished Omega Ruby or Moon.

But anyway, yay Yurina finally....still waiting for muh Anna though. But hey at least the list of skipped events is, slowly, going down.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

miruno had her chance to be amazing and she squandered it

She didn't "squandered" she was perfectly fine, then 2aw came and well it was lackluster, but so have been the case with many others. She stills holds a great skill and passive.

But yeah Chloe is better, she loves apples xD
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

She didn't "squandered" she was perfectly fine, then 2aw came and well it was lackluster, but so have been the case with many others. She stills holds a great skill and passive.

But yeah Chloe is better, she loves apples xD

i dont mean miruno is bad as a unit just that shes bad as a Seraphim a nice dark slutty miruno art and huge stats would be insane for her imo
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Isn't Yurina poor man's Cornelia? I thought it was pretty important to get her, as far as event plats go.
Dark knights who's name isn't "Cornelia" or "Danchou" are completely useless. If you need MR tank, raise gold angel or wait for Chloe.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Dark knights who's name isn't "Cornelia" or "Danchou" are completely useless.

who is this Danchou you speak of? Ive looked on both wikis and there's no unit named "Danchou"
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

who is this Danchou you speak of? Ive looked on both wikis and there's no unit named "Danchou"

Its a fan name for best knight

omg look at how tiny he ended up <3
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Dark knights who's name isn't "Cornelia" or "Danchou" are completely useless. If you need MR tank, raise gold angel or wait for Chloe.

What about Elva?

And I already have my MR tank covered by thanks to Gellius. He's likely juuust adequate enough for the job xD
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Elva and Yurina are both pretty bad as units. There's not really any reason why you would use them over other units.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Elva and Yurina are both pretty bad as units. There's not really any reason why you would use them over other units.

Time to send them to the dungeon then I guess. Err wait, I mean storage.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What about Elva?

And I already have my MR tank covered by thanks to Gellius. He's likely juuust adequate enough for the job xD

DK is a class riddle with troubles, they can't compete with others that do almost the same with less cost o better abilities, also their stats don't fare well in several cases. All in alll they are useful while you get something else, but other than that they are useless.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

theres always aw2 to save dks and make the dark knight and cornelia go even further ahead of the plats
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Its a fan name for best knight

why? and who started calling him that? I just cant see the logic in giving a character in a game a nickname, let alone a nickname that doesn't even correlate at all with said character.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

theres always aw2 to save dks and make the dark knight and cornelia go even further ahead of the plats

Lets take a moment to talk about certain mechanichs that are yet to be introduce if some are bother by this feel free to ignore it.

Ok on topic, 2aw is pretty useful for some classes since it balance their skills with new boost to their stats and gives bonus to their perks, but in some other cases is just mindlessly adding more stats i don't see the point in making every free puppeteer into a "puppep master" (or whatever is called). Also i love Cypria has an "Enforcer" but what was the point of making Ada into a "shadow whatever"??
My point is that some of this branches aren't being well planned i feel sad for poor archers and cannoners since they seem to be getting something quite nasty.

PS: 2aw Miruno sucks, i would have love seeing her in dark clothes and with a slutty lock on her (kinda like Sophie xD)
PSS: What the hell how come Liddy's art is the less impresive than Isabelle and Stelle?? I call that bull.


Danchou would look pretty damn terryfing in one of his routes thats for sure, and the other would probably show is real face you know ending the mistery once and for all. (It's probable that he will under go a massive change [a sex change :O])
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

why? and who started calling him that? I just cant see the logic in giving a character in a game a nickname, let alone a nickname that doesn't even correlate at all with said character.

Well, thing is it does correlate with said character.
The Dark Knight is the enemy we fought in several events (Yurina's event and Elva's event for example). In those events people tend to talk to him. We don't get his name though, because everyone keeps calling him "Commander" or in japanese: "Danchou".
Since it's rather stupid and confusing to call someone by the name of his class ("Hey, why don't you use Dark Knight?" "Why would I, the only one I have is Elva and she sucks" "No, I meant the character who's called 'Dark Knight'") and since it's rather normal in japan to call someone by his rank instead of his name (teachers being called sensei, upper classmen being called senpai, instructors being called sensei etc...) people started calling him Danchou. The way ingame characters adress him as well.

Fun fact: Elva is his Fuku-Danchou or Vice-Commander.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

let me start off by saying i dont use rouges at all pegasus riders or puppeteers but once in a while so i dont know all that much about any of those classes but otherwise to me some of the branches feel one sided as in one side is amazing and the other is really sub par or just bad but this may be just because of poor planning

what have you heard about archers and cannoneers aw2 and where my fredrica only does like 2k damage she needs more

liddy for some reason looks pregnant or something to me i dont know her proportions seem off
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

what have you heard about archers and cannoneers aw2 and where my fredrica only does like 2k damage she needs more

liddy for some reason looks pregnant or something to me i dont know her proportions seem off

Well some of the 2aw classes indeed are quite lackluster, like i said most of them are just power ups of the normal content, Sophie's Azazel is a pretty got example, she literally just turn into a huge beast. While Seraphim is better if put together with B.Iris is useless w/o her since you can't get full use of her. But talking about blacks is always a problem lets go back to plats for a for now, Miruno and Chloe got into serious problems with their 2aw forms sure they got more stats but how much help could def actually help a support range unit like Miruno??

I believe that what they did for Liddy and Ricca is more useful since they got extended use for their skills which is their strong point in every step, outside skill they are too high maintence. Of course both of the could use some better artworks.

Regardind archers and cannoners, the later 2aw was hinted in the last GR so there shouldn't be long before we get to see them, the reason why i feel pity is cause archers seem beyond saving each time they add a new range class, pirates are still kicking their butts every step of the way and monster hunters are slowly but surely putting the final nail in their coffin, sure Nanaly and Ashera are powers to be recon with but the rest (not counting Spica cause she is an elf) are not that much useful for the meta.

For the cannoners they need an improvement aswell it might be just me but they need something else i mean if Heavy artillery turns into a thing (more unitsfor this class) then cannoners support (phys atk) would become a thing of the past, after all is better to have a melee support than a range since they usually get hit less if place correctly (regarding aspd)

PS:Is not that she is pregnant she is slightly bend to the side so that's why she looks kinda bulgy in her belly, but she does looks a lot younger that her first art and even her aw art looks funny, i'm glad we can swicht artworks in dmm i can't stand certain aw forms.