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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The "first majin" which we passed per timeline was different from the current Majin maps.

There were two experimental versions of Majins, both of which were Amon.
They had only one level, was much simpler and weaker than the current ones, and the boss was a fugly burning owlman.
The current version of Amon map is very different from this one.

They were more of an experiment, so we will likely never see them.
The current version of Majin is something we are still far away from the timeline.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Also the majins just further the problem of the game going stale by having you level up the same 5 units that you use for every map ever. Which is why the game gets stale for veterans. Because you keep using the same units over and over and over without any creativity. something like pvp would just make that problem worse, not better.

Its almost like I already pointed that out. Its almost like nobody reads anything past the first sentence. I could put whatever I wanted in the middle like this and nobody would read it. Oh hey the rep system is gone. That means I can call angelicberserker a complete unthinking incompetent moron. And then keep typing stuff that nobody will read. But then I have to finish it off because sometimes people read the last sentence too. Granted, one person will end up skimming and notice something weird, which will then prompt them to quote some small part of this paragraph in an attempt to "gotcha" me. Which then everybody else will read from the quote and think "haha what a weirdo." Anyways, thats why Aigis is going stale IMO.

Its still not a bad game, but it could use some new direction. A tower defense game doesn't have to go stale. They can play around with some creative mechanics to still make the grind a bit more exciting. Good n fresh 4 star challenges for event maps maybe?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Also the majins just further the problem of the game going stale by having you level up the same 5 units that you use for every map ever. Which is why the game gets stale for veterans.

Well it will only get worse, seeing what's going on at DMM Aigis.
The only "new" and exciting things that are happening there since some time are AW2 forms added, sometimes to obscure/niche units, though I can't really tell how popular beastmasters (is that what they're called?) are.

Also, that's a really weird post you've written there about people not reading posts.

Also also, you sure are complaining a lot and asking for something "fresh" without specific examples, proposals, solutions. Not that I disagree with you, it's just that I don't see a lot of room in Aigis to maneuver, aside from adding gimmick missions like the 4* challenges.
Still, some whales like to be butthurt at challenges they can't win with their wallet at, things like "Only Bronze unit rarity available", or "Platinum or above unit cost tripled".
Believe me, some whales are these kinds of people.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Also the majins just further the problem of the game going stale by having you level up the same 5 units that you use for every map ever. Which is why the game gets stale for veterans. Because you keep using the same units over and over and over without any creativity. something like pvp would just make that problem worse, not better.

Its almost like I already pointed that out. Its almost like nobody reads anything past the first sentence. I could put whatever I wanted in the middle like this and nobody would read it. Oh hey the rep system is gone. That means I can call angelicberserker a complete unthinking incompetent moron. And then keep typing stuff that nobody will read. But then I have to finish it off because sometimes people read the last sentence too. Granted, one person will end up skimming and notice something weird, which will then prompt them to quote some small part of this paragraph in an attempt to "gotcha" me. Which then everybody else will read from the quote and think "haha what a weirdo." Anyways, thats why Aigis is going stale IMO.

Its still not a bad game, but it could use some new direction. A tower defense game doesn't have to go stale. They can play around with some creative mechanics to still make the grind a bit more exciting. Good n fresh 4 star challenges for event maps maybe?

The majins are actually unique, having abilities that you can't just bring the same units to. Example being the lightning one who reflects any hit back to its target, the common dancer/multi hit strategy gets absolutely destroyed by this. Then there's mobs that have near map wide single target spells which require you to watch how and when you place units, those enemies will become much more common place.

At the end of the day, you can't make every unit worth while. There will always be units that sound neat, but ultimately just can't compete with premium units. What would make the game more fresh is unique enemies that need to be handled in different ways. That will be coming with future events, I've met plenty of enemies on DMM that make me go "wow that's ridiculous".

Side note, I also noticed the rep system was gone, but I totally would have upvoted you for that one specific comment being spot on.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Also the majins just further the problem of the game going stale by having you level up the same 5 units that you use for every map ever. Which is why the game gets stale for veterans. Because you keep using the same units over and over and over without any creativity. something like pvp would just make that problem worse, not better.

Its almost like I already pointed that out. Its almost like nobody reads anything past the first sentence. I could put whatever I wanted in the middle like this and nobody would read it. Oh hey the rep system is gone. That means I can call angelicberserker a complete unthinking incompetent moron. And then keep typing stuff that nobody will read. But then I have to finish it off because sometimes people read the last sentence too. Granted, one person will end up skimming and notice something weird, which will then prompt them to quote some small part of this paragraph in an attempt to "gotcha" me. Which then everybody else will read from the quote and think "haha what a weirdo." Anyways, thats why Aigis is going stale IMO.

Its still not a bad game, but it could use some new direction. A tower defense game doesn't have to go stale. They can play around with some creative mechanics to still make the grind a bit more exciting. Good n fresh 4 star challenges for event maps maybe?

You're right it's gone.
Well the thing is how to make ppl use different units than all-time bests. Maybe changing something that would increase the deployment team? More units more place more strats and place for creativity?

@Orion, thanks! Yeah, I took my sweet time :p
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

at this point i have to assume you were dropped on your head too many times
At this point I have to assume your a close minded fool.

Its not a very hard concept to imagine and other than actually being able to host multiplayer, Aigis thankfully already has everything it needs to add a pvp mode in the future.
The concept is simple, two players or two teams of players use a predetermined part of the map to defend and attack the other players. Any symmetrical map will work but theres always room for different game modes to suit the rest of the maps in the game.
"oh but angelic all of my units don't walk they just sit on the nodes I place them on so how do I attack my opponents" The developers could always make your units walk, like how some of them already do in some events and orb daily quests in addition to releasing the monsters we already fight off in pve as collectable units that we can level and awaken. Id love to own a Lich or two, wouldn't you? What about that majin everyone is always going on about? wouldn't it be cool to own a majin of your own?

The concept is already proven to work, heres a few examples from other games
heres 2 things making this completely impossible first is the units available now are all built around pve gameplay with huge differances between free units and paid units basically there would be balances or in other words nerfs to most units
Moot point, first and foremost nothing is impossible, the only limitations the developers have are their own imaginations. Second, assuming there would be a need for it, developers could always tweak and/or separate how units and their stats function in a different game mode like for example, making units walk.
and second is they would likely have to take time from the pve side to make a pvp mode which is basically suicide when theres no guarantee theres a big enough want for such a mode
Another moot point that quite frankly isn't mine yours or anyone elses concern but the Developers concern alone. If one day the Aigis devs woke up and magically said "hey! lets make pvp in Aigis a reality!" Im sure they would be more than capable of managing their time to continue developing new characters and events as well as adding a new game mode regardless of what their player base wants. Developing your game isn't suicide, neglecting it is. Which we can all agree, there not neglecting their game.

Because you keep using the same units over and over and over without any creativity. something like pvp would just make that problem worse, not better. Anyways, thats why Aigis is going stale IMO.
Not necessarily but were all entitled to our opinions.
Its still not a bad game, but it could use some new direction.
And in my opinion a new pvp mode would be a wonderful new direction.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Moot point, first and foremost nothing is impossible, the only limitations the developers have are their own imaginations. Second, assuming there would be a need for it, developers could always tweak and/or separate how units and their stats function in a different game mode like for example, making units walk.

Another moot point that quite frankly isn't mine yours or anyone elses concern but the Developers concern alone. If one day the Aigis devs woke up and magically said "hey! lets make pvp in Aigis a reality!" Im sure they would be more than capable of managing their time to continue developing new characters and events as well as adding a new game mode regardless of what their player base wants. Developing your game isn't suicide, neglecting it is. Which we can all agree, there not neglecting their game.

a game has to be designed from the ground up with pvp for it to work and be successful else it just ends up being a tacked on mode taking up space and imo every game that has both one side of the game has always suffered for it aegis was made and is continuing to be made with only pve in mind nothing going on in dmm is even hinting at pvp ever becoming a thing i doubt many if any players even think of adding pvp to a game like aegis

yes they could just dump all the units in with no balance updates it would just be the most p2w game mode ever made revolving around stat boosters mainly who does and doesnt have them

regardless of what their player base wants
^ this line here is pure madness if the playerbase doesnt want something and its obviously impacting the thing they do want they can and will kill the game at will
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh boy oh boy! Is it time for the make-a-wish-that-will-never-happen?
Here's mine. I want voices for my units. :p


As for the topic. I agree that this game doesn't force you to be creative often.
However, it generally doesn't prevent you from being creative, either.

It's pretty much DIY. I've seen vids where ppl beat shit with only swordmasters,
with only ninjas, without healers, without magic atks, with w/e and without w/e you can think of.

While MWA is just point and click x minutes a day for most of the time,
sometimes random ideas just pop up in my head and it's fun when you put them to actual practice.

That's how I deal with "staleness".

Maybe I should post some of the silly ones from time to time.
Here's one for laughs.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

a game has to be designed from the ground up with pvp for it to work and be successful and imo every game that has both one side of the game has always suffered for it
This isn't even true.
Aigis was made and is continuing to be made with only pve in mind nothing going on on dmm is even hinting at pvp ever becoming a thing
So what? Doesn't mean its not possible which was your original argument.
I doubt many if any players even think of adding pvp to a game like aegis
Judging from what I've seen in this thread, I doubt many if any players even think at all. It seems like when you guys are handed shit you eat it and call it caviar.

yes they could just dump all the units in with no balance updates it would just be the most p2w game mode ever made and designing new game modes would only slow updates or take time away from the pve side where id say a majority of players are and would be
You already brought up this moot point and I've already said that they can always tweak shit until it works. I'm glad your not in charge of a first world country with nuclear capability with this mentality.

regardless of what their player base wants
^ this line here is pure madness if the playerbase doesnt want something and its obviously impacting the thing they do want they can and will kill the game at will
This isn't true either. Your making the assumption that a new game mode would impact the old one as well as generalizing what the majority of the player base wants based on your personal preferences. If you do actually think about that line of mine that your calling madness, its actually not very mad at all. I mean shit just look at the last ten pages of this thread and im sure you could go all the way back to page 1, countless examples of what the "player base wants" but doesn't ever get. Literally the Aigis developers drop their pants, take a big steamy shit in your hands, and you guys eat it all up anyway. Its their game, not yours. your playing their game by their rules. If you don't like it you can quit. If you wont quit, then well I guess you can just sit here and complain about what you want until they decide to give you what you want when they feel like giving it to you. The player base is made up mostly of the equivalent of heroine addicts who just cant by any means let any point of stamina go to waste because that would mean the end of the world. With a player base like that, theres no way they could kill their game.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ah the annoying red bolded "threatening" text. Certainly didn't miss that.

If you want pvp so bad, go play a game with pvp. This one doesn't and likely never, thankfully, will.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ah the annoying red bolded "threatening" text. Certainly didn't miss that.

If you want pvp so bad, go play a game with pvp. This one doesn't and likely never, thankfully, will.

keep living in that small box only surviving by consuming your own waste. In the mean time I actually am gonna go and play a game with pvp in it.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Judging from what I've seen in this thread, I doubt many if any players even think at all.

Oh the fucking irony.

Honestly, if it would been anyone else, I'd line up some arguments and discuss shit, but knowing Angelic Berserker, he's just going to parrot his own brand of nonsense while simultaneously ignoring any counterpoints and calling everyone who disagrees names. So frankly, this is about all what this shit deserves:

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh the fucking irony.

Honestly, if it would been anyone else, I'd line up some arguments and discuss shit, but knowing Angelic Berserker, he's just going to parrot his own brand of nonsense while simultaneously ignoring any counterpoints and calling everyone who disagrees names. So frankly, this is about all what this shit deserves

you mean id actually think. So ironic. I love the false accusation that I call people who disagree with me names.
You don't like me, you don't like my posts? don't read them don't respond to them.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

on the topic of the game being stale for us atleast i would attribute most of it to the massive amounts of breaks weve gotten over here giving users ample time to aw everything or prepare to do so

but im curious does this apply to dmm aswell if so how?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

keep living in that small box only surviving by consuming your own waste. In the mean time I actually am gonna go and play a game with pvp in it.

Have fun! Enjoy winning because you pay to win, I guess.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

you mean id actually think. So ironic. I love the false accusation that I call people who disagree with me names.
You don't like me, you don't like my posts? don't read them don't respond to them.

just because you THOUGHT it was a good idea doesn't mean it actually is one.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Guys, leave the PVP for games with real PVP content. Aigis is useless P2W trash for PVP.

Seriously. Any FPS shooter like HALO series would do well for pvp. World of Tanks Online, or any of fighter games like Dead or Alive for example is pretty good for PVP.

Aigis will never be good for pvp.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So... any word on what the next event is?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So... any word on what the next event is?

There wasn't any early announcement from Nord this time.

Normal announcement will be posted tomorrow morning to the game page as usual.