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[Nutaku] Osawari Island

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I guess I'm in the minority because I don't really see a problem with some of the edits. The girls like Noa especially, the original looks like her eyes are falling off of her face so thanks a million for those Nutaku. Granted some of the costume changes and Ellis' face changes do look unnecessary but nothing to get mad over.

Have you seen this?

I'll be the first to agree that some edits are alright. I think one of them is even better than the original, imo. But a lot of them are just awful, dude.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I guess I'm in the minority because I don't really see a problem with some of the edits. The girls like Noa especially, the original looks like her eyes are falling off of her face so thanks a million for those Nutaku. Granted some of the costume changes and Ellis' face changes do look unnecessary but nothing to get mad over.

I guess I overreacted, and I wish I shared the same opinion as you with the appeal of some art. But I simply can't, they look horrendous to me.
I'm also more angry at the fact that they are doing the opposite on what they said. But if what NaoSoul said is true, then I can chill out (have a source Nao?).
And by nature I have a strong dislike against the changing of art and censorship in general, so I get angry quickly with those subjects.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Have you seen this?

I'll be the first to agree that some edits are alright. I think one of them is even better than the original, imo. But a lot of them are just awful, dude.

Yeah I was just looking at that and like I said, a few of them do look unnecessary but I wouldn't say most of them are god awful, and hey if they are going to change the especially bad ones that shows they at least pay attention to their community. IMO there's always going to be some bitterness about the art, just because of the fact that it's art.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Have you seen this?

I'll be the first to agree that some edits are alright. I think one of them is even better than the original, imo. But a lot of them are just awful, dude.

First time seeing that, and wow some of those changes are terrible. I can't see why they changed some of them? Like the legendary one and the nun/sister ones?
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Yeah I was just looking at that and like I said, a few of them do look unnecessary but I wouldn't say most of them are god awful, and hey if they are going to change the especially bad ones that shows they at least pay attention to their community. IMO there's always going to be some bitterness about the art, just because of the fact that it's art.

The complaint isn't that the drawing is bad. It isn't about the art. If someone drew it and it looked like shit, well, what can ya do, right?

People are complaining because there was perfectly good art before and they purposefully made it ugly. It is a complete different thing from "everyone has their own concept of art and beauty".
Anyway, there is really no point in dwelling on this since they already said they are going to fix it. We are 75 pages in and people have been complaining about it since page 3 or 2, so anymore than this is beating a dead horse.

I'll do my part and drop it =x

First time seeing that, and wow some of those changes are terrible. I can't see why they changed some of them? Like the legendary one and the nun/sister ones?

Frankly, I don't think Nutaku explained in detail why the people they contracted to the job changed some stuff. I am assuming that they were trying to protect their own asses and were afraid of something when it came to a sensitive topic like religion or young girls. Some people just don't want to have in their history "Made drawinigs of sexy nuns and little girls". But that is just my assumption.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

It is already been said before, but Nutaku already said that they had to outsource the art in a lot of girls in this game because they were running out of time and if they didn't do that, they would have to postpone the release of the game.

They also already said they are going to start fixing this stuff now that they aren't being rushed anymore. I assume they are going to make good on their promise. To ignore the complaints of the players is one thing, but to acknowledge the complains, promise to adress them and go back on their word would be a huge blow to their image.

Would you happen to have a source on all the "Nutaku said" claims?

Either way, even if "had to outsource to release" is true, they decided to release a flawed product (in my mind, releasing a game with flaws you're aware of, is an additional minus). That flaw being "art" in a game with visuals being a major - if not the most important - component, to me it seems like "adding insult to the injury".

P.s. Is it me or all those "errors" are simply disconnects from the server? Specifically, not "you got an error, so you got disconnected", but "you got disconnected, thus that error message is game's way of notifying you about it". Shaky proof, but what with the servers being unstable + I noticed that sometimes after error, resuming the quest got my progress in said quest rolled back (meaning, the battles I've already done were never registered server-side, in the first place).
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island


for random players that wish to add me =/ (wont hold my breath though)
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Would you happen to have a source on all the "Nutaku said" claims?

Either way, even if "had to outsource to release" is true, they decided to release a flawed product (in my mind, releasing a game with flaws you're aware of, is an additional minus). That flaw being "art" in a game with visuals being a major - if not the most important - component, to me it seems like "adding insult to the injury".

P.s. Is it me or all those "errors" are simply disconnects from the server? Specifically, not "you got an error, so you got disconnected", but "you got disconnected, thus that error message is game's way of notifying you about it". Shaky proof, but what with the servers being unstable + I noticed that sometimes after error, resuming the quest got my progress in said quest rolled back (meaning, the battles I've already done were never registered server-side, in the first place).

Sorry, I believe they stated that on their facebook page. I don't have a facebook of my own except for a throw-away one I use to "like" some league stuff and get freebies. Bottom-line, I can't navigate facebook pages for shit. But this was already confirmed by different people here, on HF and the 4chan thread about nutaku.

But yeah, I agree with you. Definetely should not have released it flawed. The only reason I can think they would do that is if there was some sort of extenuating circumstances such as "failing to meet the deadline will result in not being able to host the game anymore" kinda deal. They didn't have time, outsourced some of the editing and by the time it came back, there wasn't enough time to fix it. Sucks.

Just to make it clear, "fixing it" doesn't mean they will be reverting to the original. Nutaku will just do their in-house editing, as they did for all other games, to make sure it at least isn't this low quality.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Does anyone have the level 60 stats of the invite SSR? Or a rough idea of if she's better than the slew of Topaz rares like Seria and Izanai encountered early in the game?
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

watch out for dailies!! :O a special tomb rolled as a daily reward :O
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I didn't really feel like spamming this on Facebook like everyone else so I'm gonna ask here. Can I get people to type my friend invite code in Osawari Island? If you do I will do the same in return. Let me know once you do so I can return the favor.

My code is: 2TFLSCJXQN5D0OG9M786O
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I'm pretty sure most of us would've taken the delay over these horrendous edits, but the game is out now, so what's done is done. Only thing we can do now is hammer the point home that this rush job was unacceptable and should never happen again.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Just to make it clear, "fixing it" doesn't mean they will be reverting to the original. Nutaku will just do their in-house editing, as they did for all other games, to make sure it at least isn't this low quality.

Is their in house editting the one that editted Pham on LoV?
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Does anyone have the level 60 stats of the invite SSR? Or a rough idea of if she's better than the slew of Topaz rares like Seria and Izanai encountered early in the game?

My girl is 57, but here's the stats:

HP: 4840 | MP: 898 | Attack: 1629 | Defense: 1630 | Provocation: 639 | Speed: 172
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

So pretty much filled up on HR units, anyone got any tips on where to obtain higher ranked units ?
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

watch out for dailies!! :O a special tomb rolled as a daily reward :O

You can get Special Tome tier 2 in the dailies. It is always the last "Use power action" daily quest. 500 Power actions (ergo stamina).

Frankly, I have more of those Tomes than I need.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

So pretty much filled up on HR units, anyone got any tips on where to obtain higher ranked units ?

far for gotcha points : D from lvl 1 map boss on 3* ^^ best place i get almost 200 10 times a run XD
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Does anyone have the level 60 stats of the invite SSR? Or a rough idea of if she's better than the slew of Topaz rares like Seria and Izanai encountered early in the game?

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

My girl is 57, but here's the stats:

HP: 4840 | MP: 898 | Attack: 1629 | Defense: 1630 | Provocation: 639 | Speed: 172

Better than Hoseki Mitsuki, but Izanai and Seria still have higher stats all around. Shame seeing how much work you have to go through to get her. :\

The OI hero Rawr. Thanks man.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Better than Hoseki Mitsuki, but Izanai and Seria still have higher stats all around. Shame seeing how much work you have to go through to get her. :\

The OI hero Rawr. Thanks man.

Not exactly work, to be perfectly honest.

You just drop your code somewhere and hope for the best. It was easier for the people who were here from the start.

Frankly, I think it is a lot more work to camp the same area 70 times to get a boss.