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[Nutaku] Osawari Island

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

geez, e3-15 hurts... boss with renewable shield, attack debuff, speed debuff, defense buff, speed buff, and an aoe skill. If it weren't for the fact that the debuffs were single target, my topaz team would be destroyed x.x

She's still not as bad as Mamoru who can eat your party alive if you get unlucky and receive like 3 AoE in row from her. Both phase 2 and 3 bosses are more defense-oriented, they can't just plain destroy you.

In fact, the only bad thing about phase 3 special is that you get mermaid+support spawn right from the start. That fish hits hard, she's fat, without multiplier and AoE at the ready clearing this first wave is a pain.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

She's still not as bad as Mamoru who can eat your party alive if you get unlucky and receive like 3 AoE in row from her. Both phase 2 and 3 bosses are more defense-oriented, they can't just plain destroy you.

In fact, the only bad thing about phase 3 special is that you get mermaid+support spawn right from the start. That fish hits hard, she's fat, without multiplier and AoE at the ready clearing this first wave is a pain.

Actually, Hota's attack pattern is pretty simple, but she debuffs speed and breaks my combos, and then her shield gets up, resulting in having to deal another, what... 10k or 15k to it? and anyone with an attack debuff pretty much does 10 damage.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island


I guess I lucked a bit, eh?


How are her stats? I believe the wiki didn't have her max stats up when I checked.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

There is no way I'm farming this new special stage. Too annoying. Going back to 2nd one.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I didn't expect a feels train from this game.
We used to have so many fireflies back then, due to the lake and river near the house... now they're all gone.

Anywho, still haven't met Hotaru in the capture pool.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Whelp half way through the event and yet to see a legendary pop up. Any bets on whether or not I'll see one by the end of the event? :(
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Whelp half way through the event and yet to see a legendary pop up. Any bets on whether or not I'll see one by the end of the event? :(

Hope you do see one (and not Kanami), me too lol. I hope to see Shiro (used 3 bananas, big surprise no dice). If she shows I'm using capsule, screw trying with a slightly increased capture rate. Once I'm at 300k, I might start doing e3-12 to farm for both legends, watching my rank and once I get in 400+ range go back to special. Not sure yet.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Hope you do see one (and not Kanami), me too lol. I hope to see Shiro (used 3 bananas, big surprise no dice). If she shows I'm using capsule, screw trying with a slightly increased capture rate. Once I'm at 300k, I might start doing e3-12 to farm for both legends, watching my rank and once I get in 400+ range go back to special. Not sure yet.

Sounds about like my plans since there is no difference in 101-500.

I'd rather get a legendary at this point just to know my luck isn't as shitty as I believe it to be....

If I manage to get the Stage 3 Legendary I'll go far E2-12 for that one. God Willing :cool:
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Her face makes me cringe so hard.

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island


Got Mujina - 500R 380Y 400G 350B
Chihiro - 401 350 500 350
Nicola - 500 500 300 300

I actually got the four alchemy girls I set my eyes on the beginning of the event. Too bad I got 2 Sierra though....

Hopes and Dreams rising again.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Her face makes me cringe so hard.


Pls put such things into spoiler tags next time, can't look at this crap...

Oh and don't forget to leave a note that there's an edited potato face inside :D
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Whelp half way through the event and yet to see a legendary pop up. Any bets on whether or not I'll see one by the end of the event? :(

I like to think of it as, saving your luck for the next event! (/sarcasm)

Her face makes me cringe so hard.
-snipped for potato face-

It could be worse, both face AND breasts could have been edited =_=
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Gotta say, simply getting a solid SL team is relatively easy in this game. Now getting solid SL team with good skillset is harder - many useless skills out there, and planting useful ones is not exactly easy or cheap. Having spare SL's to switch for specific stages heavy on one enemy type, with useful skills - harder still.

But in the end game is more about collecting. Can't see any real difficulty yet.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I think this third area is the easies one. I can kill the Special Boss in 1 round. It barely gets one move.

It is all thanks to Kokoro. (The samurai girl).

Her skill is doing 20k damage, so after I knock the shield out of the way, I just nail her once with the skill and 3 more hits before she dies.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Now that my level has gotten in the 30's, and I'm not getting level-ups 2-3 times a day my rank is slipping. Woke up this morning and I was rank #530 :( .
I WILL NOT FAIL!!!! I WILL GET INTO THE TOP 500 AND STAY THERE!!!!!! Also, a fun little thing, my team is so stupidly fast that when I'm AFK farming they keep up the combo without any switching XD. I laughed when I saw that.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Does quickly dwindling storage space count as difficulty?

Well, you don't have to keep every single girl. Open up all the scenes and use her for something like skill transfer chances - she will stay in collection. I already have all the scenes for everything easily obtainable (which is up to and including R).
50 storage space and 100 personal space should be enough for quite a while if you don't have idea-fix of keeping every SR+ unit out there.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I think this third area is the easies one. I can kill the Special Boss in 1 round. It barely gets one move.

It is all thanks to Kokoro. (The samurai girl).

Her skill is doing 20k damage, so after I knock the shield out of the way, I just nail her once with the skill and 3 more hits before she dies.

I have 65k exp waiting for the day I get her you you..... Lucky >.<
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Random question time - can someone point me to the JP wiki page (if such a page exists) explaining how the buff values work, please?

After I spammed Rena's speed buff, I noticed diminishing returns for consecutive (stacking) buffs - first buff increased her speed by +42, second gave only 20, third was a measly 8 - so now I'm curious about things like "how much is the next buff effect reduced by" or "is the reduction shared between different buff effects and/or what if it's the same effect from different sources" and so on.

Which, by the way, would also imply that sometimes stacking buffs/debuffs is mana-inefficient (~450 mana for +8 speed? uh-huh.....forget it, might as well use Seria's DEF buff instead).

P.s. in Rena's case it's 15% increase for the first buff - they really should add "%" to the buffs/debuffs that, well, apply a percentage of a value -, 6.25% for second buff, and 2.3% for the third.