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[Nutaku] Osawari Island

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Where did someone tell you to kill yourself? o_O

lol rawr don't get dragged into that, hitler has been invoked, the discussion is over and we have a newly minted troll. nothing more to see here.

what rank did you end with? I got 300s for all 3 categories. got my Ryo but her H-scenes were meh~ hope she fights better than that (my apologies to all the OL fetish ppl out there, no offence intended ;)
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Well, I thought this thread gonna be forgotten in a while. But tks to the bug, ppl have come back and filled this thread with their rage then. :D
Stay tune until November 2nd come!
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

The Osawari Island team apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the error at the end of the latest event. As a compensation, each user will be awarded with the fabulous Goma and an R or higher Ticket :)

Please find these items in your Post box later today.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Oh, that is actually nice. I can power up Goma. It is probably just gonna cost me 2 million gold, knowing my luck.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

The Osawari Island team apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the error at the end of the latest event. As a compensation, each user will be awarded with the fabulous Goma and an R or higher Ticket :)

Please find these items in your Post box later today.


Has there been any thought to compensation for users who were affected by the 3+ hour timer bug in the first event?

In many ways, both bugs were very similar from the user point of view.

EDIT: The Osawari chat is reporting that at least one user received a Ryo (in addition to Goma) after sending in a ticket about the issue.

Why was there no similar compensation for the Lady event issue?
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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

The Osawari Island team apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the error at the end of the latest event. As a compensation, each user will be awarded with the fabulous Goma and an R or higher Ticket :)

Please find these items in your Post box later today.

Thank you for the nice gesture, I hope the people that missed on the rankings because of the error have their grievances assuaged.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island


Has there been any thought to compensation for users who were affected by the 3+ hour timer bug in the first event?

In many ways, both bugs were very similar from the user point of view.

EDIT: The Osawari chat is reporting that at least one user received a Ryo (in addition to Goma) after sending in a ticket about the issue.

Why was there no similar compensation for the Lady event issue?

I'm not certain, I would suggest opening a ticket in regards to the previous issue. They'll be able to take a look into it.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Looking up at many2 pages a go
It seems there are Legendary Eromon and Rare Eromon

So , I want to ask
Which Eromon is Legendary , which is Rare?
And where are they?

As for this one

I found it at Area 4 Last Stage
Is she Rare / Legendary?

Which Eromon have a good skill?
Who is the best Eromon in Legendary-Rare category?

Thank You~
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

>mfw it took 30 tries/1.5m cash to transfer Jean's skill to Goma #2

Looking up at many2 pages a go
It seems there are Legendary Eromon and Rare Eromon

So , I want to ask
Which Eromon is Legendary , which is Rare?
And where are they?

As for this one

I found it at Area 4 Last Stage
Is she Rare / Legendary?

Which Eromon have a good skill?
Who is the best Eromon in Legendary-Rare category?

Thank You~

Legendary and Rare mean the same thing. We just use Legendary to distinguish between it and the R rarity. Either way, it refers to the Eromon running at the start of each stage. They have a very low chance of replacing a wave, and they typically have a 3% chance of being captured when beaten. Bananas *might* help make them appear more frequently. Monster gems should be used to capture them.

Each story area has one legendary, event areas have a legendary from one of the story areas and a unique legendary.

There are posts elsewhere that detail which event legendaries are good, but for story areas...

Ellis = Area 1 legendary, Halloween witch Eromon. Good overall stats (probably the most balanced), skill is a party defense buff.

Sachi = Area 2 legendary, gym schoolgirl Eromon. Slow speed, but has a speed up skill buff.

Gauner = Area 3 legendary, clown Eromon. Stronger attack than Ellis, but weaker defense. Also has a party defense buff.

Kanami = Area 4 legendary, the one you posted. Average stats, party defense buff again.

Direshia = Area 5 legendary, succubus Eromon. Low defense, good stats otherwise. Has an extremely powerful single-target fire nuke skill.

Motoko = Area 6 legendary, headphone-wearing Eromon. Don't have her, so dunno the stats/skill.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island


Is there Area 6?
I think I cleared 5 Area , and there is no Area 6?

Sorry to ask again , but do You know what Element are they?

Well as for Area 4 , she is Sapphire
I think I'll need anyone who is not a Topaz
I want to AFK in Area 5 , but all My team front member is Topaz
So Area 4 is the easier ATM


I think I can get 2 Legendary , have spare Gold in My account
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Area 6 is coming soon, but Motoko was also the most recent event legendary. The first event had Kanami.

Ellis is Topaz.
Sachi, Gauner, and Direshia are Ruby.
Motoko is Emerald.

If you want a legendary to afk area 5 with, Gauner (area 3) sounds like your best bet.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Area 6 is coming soon, but Motoko was also the most recent event legendary. The first event had Kanami.

Ellis is Topaz.
Sachi, Gauner, and Direshia are Ruby.
Motoko is Emerald.

If you want a legendary to afk area 5 with, Gauner (area 3) sounds like your best bet.

WoW:eek: Thank You very much:)

Well , I'm onto Area 3 then
I just pray I can encounter Her

Not gonna use Banana , I will only use 100% guarantee capsule

I encounter Area 4 girl 3 time in 2 days though
This will take a long long time.......
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Hmm, we got double rewarded for event? I logged on and had more Ryo Sasais even though I withdrew some earlier today.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Rewards just dupped LOL and one Ryo run away after i received =X

Edit: Only reward from EP 'tripled' lol

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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

How did you get 5 Ryo's you god damn wizard?!
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I'm two hours late to seeing this and I still got duped rewards as well lol

ah man all these tickets and eromon rewards are nice
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Bah, my rewards were not dupped :-( Shenanigans, I tell you, shenanigans!

On a different, comical note, I STILL can't get the boss from the 4th stage. It is becoming almost silly how elusive she is...
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island



You really should enhance your eromon with lovey-dovey hearts if you haven't already (can't tell if you haven't enhanced them or if you're just using their stage 1 costumes anyway). Enhancing eromon increases their stats and raises their max level cap.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I can't seem to remember what the rewards were for top 100 in ep ranking. I remember Ryo + Sexy ticket for the damage/combo, but what comes with Ryo for the EP one? HR ticket + some t3 gems? In my haste to accept all I didn't actually see what it was I received...