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[Nutaku] Osawari Island

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Just used 8 R, 16 HR and 1 SS ticket, got 1 SSR eromon that I'd already had, needless to say no boosters either. Can't even be bothered to grind through all that stamina at this point. I guess the special stage can't even be afk cleared?

The temptation to drop the game has never been this strong.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Just used 8 R, 16 HR and 1 SS ticket, got 1 SSR eromon that I'd already had, needless to say no boosters either. Can't even be bothered to grind through all that stamina at this point. I guess the special stage can't even be afk cleared?

The temptation to drop the game has never been this strong.

join us! we have cookies :D
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Awesome, that's all I care about then. Just want me some cute Samurai girls.

Not every event gacha girl stays in the gacha after the event. I think the SSRs stay in, but the SLs are limited to the event or other special draws.

Just used 8 R, 16 HR and 1 SS ticket, got 1 SSR eromon that I'd already had, needless to say no boosters either. Can't even be bothered to grind through all that stamina at this point. I guess the special stage can't even be afk cleared?

The temptation to drop the game has never been this strong.

It's all luck. I've been making out like a bandit for the last few events.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Spent 20 R and 20 HR tickets. Saw event girls 3 times didn't catch any.

However I got 2 SL girls that I haven't seen before and for some reason I am getting a 50 % EP buff.

Normally SL's are 100% buff so I'm inclined to think it's something else and not the SL but I definitely didn't get any of the ones posted on the useful info page.

One of the SL's is the inn keeper in the event.

Anyone have any ideas?
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Okay I just run the special stage for the first time, 3x mode with switcheroos, quest failed. Have fun with the game guys :D
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Argh! Why do you taunt me so! Why! The eromon I really wanted was Kikuno.

So, 21 R tickets, 20 HR tickets and 9 sexy-scene tickets later, I get 1 EP booster :mad:. I can't be too mad I guess, I got super lucky last event. But, the insult to injury was on my LAST ticket, the only ticket I used a single 1 ticket pull (last SSR ticket) Kikuno appears, just to taunt me. That was the only pull that I had a 20% chance or less to get her. Of course, I didn't get her.

Still, I did not know about the limited eromon aspect. Glad to hear that she is SSR at least, so she should be available going forward. Her preview pick with the tits... good God. One of the best ones I've seen in this game so far!

On a different note, WHAT THE FUCK is up with the dude in 1st in EP. Like 750k in one day? WHAT!?! That is absurd.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Argh! Why do you taunt me so! Why! The eromon I really wanted was Kikuno.

So, 21 R tickets, 20 HR tickets and 9 sexy-scene tickets later, I get 1 EP booster :mad:. I can't be too mad I guess, I got super lucky last event. But, the insult to injury was on my LAST ticket, the only ticket I used a single 1 ticket pull (last SSR ticket) Kikuno appears, just to taunt me. That was the only pull that I had a 20% chance or less to get her. Of course, I didn't get her.

Still, I did not know about the limited eromon aspect. Glad to hear that she is SSR at least, so she should be available going forward. Her preview pick with the tits... good God. One of the best ones I've seen in this game so far!

On a different note, WHAT THE FUCK is up with the dude in 1st in EP. Like 750k in one day? WHAT!?! That is absurd.

I heard tell that he could be exploiting, he seems to be in the top charts for every event, last event he was #1 on all 12 girls across both halves of the event. But then again unless I personally can see his activity chart I would rather not say that he is for sure. Lots of jealous ppl and losers in FPS scream HAX! when they see a guy with high kills low deaths :p

Only the guys at Nutaku or the devs would be able to tell. For all we know he could be a whale who is dropping $1000 per event on the gatcha rolls or rolling up the stam pots for a similar amount of money.
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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I heard tell that he could be exploiting, he seems to be in the top charts for every event, last event he was #1 on all 12 girls across both halves of the event. But then again unless I personally can see his activity chart I would rather not say that he is for sure. Lots of jealous ppl and losers in FPS scream HAX! when they see a guy with high kills low deaths :p

Only the guys at Nutaku or the devs would be able to tell. For all we know he could be a whale who is dropping $1000 per event on the gatcha rolls or rolling up the stam pots for a similar amount of money.

Well, even if he is dropping stamina pots and got a bunch of EP boosters, that level of EP is insane for one day. The amount he had in chocolates for the idol girls was insane too. I had an 11x multiplier, and was not even close to that level. He would have to be playing 24/7, doing stamina pots all the time. Just seems crazy to me that this game is all he would want to play.

I mean, I enjoy doing a few runs and getting eromon, but I would never want to play nothing but this all day.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Well, even if he is dropping stamina pots and got a bunch of EP boosters, that level of EP is insane for one day. The amount he had in chocolates for the idol girls was insane too. I had an 11x multiplier, and was not even close to that level. He would have to be playing 24/7, doing stamina pots all the time. Just seems crazy to me that this game is all he would want to play.

I mean, I enjoy doing a few runs and getting eromon, but I would never want to play nothing but this all day.

I did a little calc, for him to make 750K in one day, that would be about 14,400 stam (assuming he ran everything in expert level), thats 480 runs of 30 stam for approx 1500-1600 EP per run.

Now assuming he did it with no boosters, and his level is approx 100 odd (about 9 runs of expert per stam pot; or 270 stam), he would have had to have spent at least 53 stam pots ($53), which is not really that outrageous for a whale actually, but the big issue with this option is that it's just a real pain in the butt since you can't afk expert mode and each run is like 3-5mins each (if he ran 3 mins each at 3x, then it would be 8 hours of straight grinding, which would make it unlikely that he did this... unless he paid someone to do it for him o_O)

Now if he DID get boosters by dropping $1000 on gatcha rolls, he would need 30x worth of boosters in order to get 750,000 EP in a single day (thats 10 of the 150% booster girls or 30 x 100% boosters or 60 x 50% boosters), if that were the case he should have gone and played the billion dollar lotto, cause he would have won it...

Of course he could have gotten a few boosters then just dropped $$ on stam pots in any amount of configuration.

Now the question is; is it plausible that this one person could repeat his luck feats across every event to be #1 all the time? The answer is:

Yes, IF he had truckloads of money to pour into the game, in which case you should be praising him for keeping the game alive for all of you.

No, if he did not, meaning he is exploiting or cheating somehow.

Which one it is I leave to your interpretation :p
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

He hangs around in the chat, you guys should go ask him.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

He hangs around in the chat, you guys should go ask him.

I'm not playing the game anymore, so to me there is no point :p

And anyway I'm not accusing him or anything, just laying out the numbers.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I actually was not accusing him of anything either. I was just pointing out that he is playing an absurd amount of a game that is not exactly the most exciting. It is a nice diversion, and getting eromon is fun, but to run these maps over and over and over again to reach the level of EP he hit in a day... no thanks.

That was my point. It's also a bit comical that no one is really even close to him. As the top "spot" in Osawari is actually the top 10 (same rewards), it seems a little overboard to get a 600k lead over the competition per day.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Damn just not my luck this event. First my internet is out for 2 days straight. Then no ep boosters on top of that. <.<

Oh and to make it worse, I was 600 xp from leveling when my internet went out. :D
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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

No EP boosters for me either.

Saw this girl twice today


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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Any idea on how strong my team should be before farming stage 15 of event map?
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Any idea on how strong my team should be before farming stage 15 of event map?

I dont play anymore nutaku version but usually your team has to be at least full of level 50 SL eromons,and it may not be not enought against some strong eromons,so the best is team full of SL with level around 60-70.

If you dont have any SL eromons try to get them from alchemy like Nikola or Nakagami Heart.

It seems in DMM version that you can get some card better than Sexy scene card,but i have no idea what they give you so far:
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island


So, this just happened.

What's this you ask?
Oh, that's just both Ichigo's in the DMM Gacha R and HR Ticket Pool.
What? Thought they were bag only? Pft.

Yeah, i checked Wiki alot now and if you missed a Eromon? Fair not! You will have a chance again. So, any new player can start at any moment now, sure you may have missed Event 1-4 and 20 Eromon's ,but worry not! You get a second chance. : D
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

During girl's festival on Osawari island, girls are beated up and captured to be fucked in the basement.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Does anyone have the details on the eromon vouchers you get from the extreme stages? I see two eromon I can trade them for, but don't really want either of those. These vouchers will remain after the event correct? More options will be added to exchange them for?
