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(Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

It was not so long ago when a single gacha+pink key was 400 pero :D

I wished they didn't change that. Anyway, again noticed a little something with the N Gacha's. Usually the 5x+1 would cost less than buying the same amount Gacha's one by one. They both have equal value. Then again there might be something I overlooked/didn't noticed.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I wished they didn't change that. Anyway, again noticed a little something with the N Gacha's. Usually the 5x+1 would cost less than buying the same amount Gacha's one by one. They both have equal value. Then again there might be something I overlooked/didn't noticed.

If I'm not mistake, that was the case:
1 N Gacha: 1500
5+1 N Gacha: 7500 (So that's why the +1 is free)
Just like with N Card:
1 N Card: 1000
5+1 N Card: 5000 (again, +1 free)

Of course at event when a bonus comes with N Gacha the prise go up to 2000 for single (at keys) and 9000 for 5+1 (at keys and at card reveal)

Now that 9000 for nothing bonus is stange o.0
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

If they do it like the gambit event it won't be too bad. Instead of just completely discarding the current betas keep them in there and add 3 more new alphas.

Oh man people are gonna have some crazy multipliers and total SED's if they did that which is completely fine with me. I'm agreeing with you on that it won't be too bad. They should at least add in a R or SR card into the regular gacha to give the free players a chance.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

They should at least add in a R or SR card into the regular gacha to give the free players a chance.

When that's happens, reaction from free players:

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Was checking out Nutaku's Facebook page and someone happened to notice a little something when you go onto the event page... Checked it out and lo and behold it was true. XD


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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Was checking out Nutaku's Facebook page and someone happened to notice a little something when you go onto the event page... Checked it out and lo and behold it was true. XD

hehe : ) Mistakes happen :D
Anyway, that's all for me for today. Good luck with the EG Ayaka : )
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I just noticed something that I cannot unsee.

i.imgur.com/rQwVHy1.png - Nina new Limited R

danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1660385 - Picture based on natalia poklonskaya

Don't the two of them look awfully similiar? Also 2nd one is based off a real person as a fyi. XD

Also it seems like Elite guard event is 2 parts again. So do expect to have the New//Old SRs changed in a few days because hurray! Sorry~ am abit cynical after what they did last time.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I just noticed something that I cannot unsee.

i.imgur.com/rQwVHy1.png - Nina new Limited R

danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1660385 - Picture based on natalia poklonskaya

Don't the two of them look awfully similiar? Also 2nd one is based off a real person as a fyi. XD

Also it seems like Elite guard event is 2 parts again. So do expect to have the New//Old SRs changed in a few days because hurray! Sorry~ am abit cynical after what they did last time.

I'm certain the similarities are quite intentional.

..as for the slayers, they pinky swore multiple times they'd never -change- them mid-event again, but it wouldn't surprise me if they -added- another set for the 2nd half (like they did in gambit)
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I'm certain the similarities are quite intentional.

..as for the slayers, they pinky swore multiple times they'd never -change- them mid-event again, but it wouldn't surprise me if they -added- another set for the 2nd half (like they did in gambit)

I'm pretty sure they will since we "only" have 5 slayers this event.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I'm certain the similarities are quite intentional.

..as for the slayers, they pinky swore multiple times they'd never -change- them mid-event again, but it wouldn't surprise me if they -added- another set for the 2nd half (like they did in gambit)

I am holding back 99 R Wilds and 99 Wilds for this very reason, and I suspect that's also why most everyone else is on cruise control. Well, that and because SEGs might show up in part 2 and they give more than damage/100 points. After that 2nd part drops though, I'm taking off running. I kinda' went 'meh' for the last Coliseum and so I had 60 puddings and 100 half puddings saved up for this event.

Idk about others, but I share the moment I can't 1 hit anymore. That SR makes a HUGE difference though. :p
I have a very simple hard rule that determines when I share:
I hit it once, and if the remaining inhibition is more than 10% of my SED, I share.
I don't know how many people on my friends list are actually active players so I don't have many shares to deal with. Also the shares that I do get are usually 10x less than my 10% SED Value, so I kind of don't want to do that.

What's the benefit of helping other people other than the fact that they progress and you get a few EP.
Kinda' disappointed I missed this conversation. I tend to share when I think the last hit isn't worth the focus point. How I figure that isn't really set in stone. I should probably get a hard-and-fast rule like Sza's got. Maybe something like SHARE IF (Boss HP/100 + Remaining HP/100*3 < 15%SED/100*2).
As for killing other people's bosses, I hit everybody's bosses when I see them. I think it boosts the levels of my own EGs, and I really, really need that right now.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I tested a little how the rewards calculated. Looks like it's the same as in the prev event:

Finder always get point
If just hit: (Hit/100) point
If MVP: (Hit/100)*2 point
If Seduction Artist (Last hit): (Hit/100)*2 point
If MVP and Seduction Artist: (Hit/100)*3 point

Supporter only get point if he/she is the Seduction Artist
If just hit: 1 Supporter point, 0 EP point
If MVP:1 Supporter point, 0 EP point
If Seduction Artist (Last hit): 1 Supporter point, (Hit/100)*2 point
If MVP and Seduction Artist: 1 Supporter point, (Hit/100)*3 point

The item is basically: random 1-2, if the player is MVP and Seduction Artist then 2-3.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I would really appreciate if the bosses that appear at the beginning of the event were directly related to your SED with multipliers, it's very annoying that it costs me 2-3 days to get to the 800,000 HP bosses, if you have like, 300,00 SED the bosses you encounter at first should be around lvl 20.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I would really appreciate if the bosses that appear at the beginning of the event were directly related to your SED with multipliers, it's very annoying that it costs me 2-3 days to get to the 800,000 HP bosses, if you have like, 300,00 SED the bosses you encounter at first should be around lvl 20.

How does it take you 2-3 days? I'm already almost to 2m bosses and it hasn't even been a day yet. o_O
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

How does it take you 2-3 days? I'm already almost to 2m bosses and it hasn't even been a day yet. o_O

That's what I don't understand, even on summer playing all day (except when I'm sleeping) it would take me 2 days to reach level 70 bosses.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

That's what I don't understand, even on summer playing all day (except when I'm sleeping) it would take me 2 days to reach level 70 bosses.

Are you using more than 1 focus per boss? If so, that's why.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

How does it take you 2-3 days? I'm already almost to 2m bosses and it hasn't even been a day yet. o_O
You are the exception that proves the rule... but then again you sold your soul to RNG gods :p
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

You are the exception that proves the rule... but then again you sold your soul to RNG gods :p

I actually still have a problem. Most likely I'll never be able to catch up to Sza in sed, and here's why.


That single babe is the only non moe sr I have left to level.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I'm completely out of non-moe SRs, so my SED won't be growing much for the near future

also, is it just me or are the random rewards very crappy this time around? Seeing a lot more pero and n gacha rewards than I remember.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I'm completely out of non-moe SRs, so my SED won't be growing much for the near future

also, is it just me or are the random rewards very crappy this time around? Seeing a lot more pero and n gacha rewards than I remember.

I don't think my 1 babe will make up a 65k difference though. :(