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Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Battle Map:
Kriia: HP 21/24 (+3 dodge [2 turns])
Flowers: HP 24/24 (+3 dodge [2 turns], +1 damage [3 turns])
Drago: HP 31/31
Turn Order
32 Kriia
23 Enemy Harpies
20 Flowers
17 Drago


Nearly face to face with the enemy archer, Kriia snaps off a quick point-blank shot, nailing the other birdfolk before rushing in to close combat, taking a moment to adjust her angle before attempting to deliver a vicious talon strike. Unfortunately, even with the momentary adjustment, the blow was clumsy at best and the other harpy, already flapping backwards, was easily able to avoid the blow.

Badly wounded, the archer continues to flap backwards, loosing what would seem to be one final parting shot that narrowly skims past Kriia's ear; that one was damn close and likely would have hit were it not for her ally's spell. Cursing, it whirled and began to fly away from the fight, even as Drago arrived on the scene. Beyond it, Kriia could see other harpies making their way out of the canyon in pairs, each flying in a different direction; this attack seemed to have been a diversion to give the others a chance to escape.

Behind her, the spear wielder takes aim at Flowers and delivers a powerful thrust, but the ever nimble harpy is long gone before the strike connects. Activating the power of fire upon her nimble blade, she dances forth and delivers a pair of stinging blows, the blade flaring up as it strikes, searing feathers and causing squawks of pain. If this group was indeed responsible for the fire, a small measure of poetic justice.

And finally, Drago arrives into the area, closing in beside Flowers, easily within range of the spear wielding Harpy which appeared to be the bigger threat.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

While Satuma and Soren chatted away off to one side, the remainder of their evening camp-site was a sombre affair. Goron sat near the fire, seemingly more silent than ever with a slightly haunted look in his eyes; the fight had not done good things for his mindset and the scolding from Nath had perhaps only worsened it. Azalia seemed to be in a similar state, staring off in deep thought...

Nath himself stood on the outskirts of the camp, looking outwards, back down the trail, clearly still very on edge about the whole situation, while the Professor had retreated into his tent, tired of enduring the sour looks he was receiving.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Finally growing bored of staying on her own to think, Azalia decided to look for something to do. Slithering off the spot she was occupying and doing a couple of stretches to get blood running, she cast a curious glance around her. Nath and professor were busy with their own things, it seemed. She didn't notice Goron, and Soren and Satuma were talking. Well, at least the kid seemed to be getting over his fear of women. Azalia wondered what they were talking about. She also wondered what Goron was doing. He didn't stay close to other young lamias. Surely, he had something to do, but what was it? Deciding to leave the two to their own devices, Azalia set out to find the last member of the group and see how he was doing. She realized how little she knew about him, and that made her mildly curious.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

Back straight, hands at her sides, the Oracle's posture practically screams Don't-touch-me out to the crowd of villagers around her. Nonetheless she turns to converse a little further with the irritating, foolish Goddess hell-bent on ignoring her warnings. Forced politeness to hide her irritation.

"You have not felt the stirrings. Nor have any, save my kind. Simply because we are the ones that watch.. that have watched, for specifically this, for as long as records illuminate our past. Doubt us not. As for your protection.. the Darkness will sweep you aside like a gnat. No candle can stand alone, no matter how bright.."

One last robed glance thrown over her shoulder to the so-called Goddess, then the Oracle shakes her head.

"And no, I cannot join you. I have many more people to warn before my weary legs can rest. Now I must be on my way. If you can provide a horse, or supplies, I'd be indebted to you. Light keep you safe.."

And murmured, afterwards..

"...For I have done all I can."

This time, there's no turning back, as the robed woman strides, forcefully, towards the edge of the crowd, fully expecting it to part before her.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren blushed again and started stuttering. "I don't... I'm just..." He took a deep breath and gathered all his nerve to look her in the eyes, if only briefly and say, "I've never been around anyone who was interested in flirting. I..." he took another deep breath, "This journey seems like one new experience after another." he dropped his gaze and let out a weary, almost hysterical, laugh of triumph.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Goron barely looked up as Azalia approached and instead continued to stare into the fire, a hand slowly shifting to where one of the bandaged wounds lay on his body, now healed by her magic, but still sore and fragile.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Saerus gave a gasp and froze as she felt hands touch her, opening her eyes she looked up at the girl with first confusion, but then shifting into a smile as she ran her tongue along her upper lip, her hand and hips continuing their previous motion, albeit slower, more deliberate. "He's been inside of you, hasn't he?" she almost whispered up to Meaghan. "I can tell, the way you look at him..."

Across the underground passage, Etiel gave a sigh. "This really isn't the best time for such games..." he said softly, slightly exasperated. "Perhaps you have forgotten, Saerus, but we're in a life or death situation here..."

"Oooh... but brother dear, that's what makes it all so... mmm.... exciting!"
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

"Hey." Azalia settled down near Goron. He was probably not feeling too well. He took a couple of nasty hits in the fight, and even with healing magic, he'd need some time to recover. "Everything all right?" She wondered how to get him to talk. She didn't have much experience with starting conversations. The mage spent most of her life studying spellcraft, not social relations. "Those wounds still giving you trouble?" Perhaps this would do. At least it was some kind of topic, even if a bit unpleasant one.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

He glanced over, "Oh, no. They're healing up fine, thanks to you," he replied sincerely, although there was little enthusiasm in his voice. "Still aches a little, but I guess that's to be expected..."

If anything, he seemed just as uncomfortable as she did. Goron had always been a quiet individual to anyone who had known him previously, prone to blending into the background and going unnoticed, despite his size. He'd never shown any gift in magic, nor was he any kind of warrior which had definitely made him stand out in the previous struggle, compared to the rest of the group. He glanced back to the fire, staring with a conflicted look upon his face.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Azalia sighed. This was harder than she expected. Perhaps she'd have to ask someone for some tips... Satuma seemed to be a good choice. She was rather eager to talk, and probably met a lot of people on her job. The mage glanced at Goron, wringing her brain in search for something to say. Her eyes caught the look on his face. "Is something wrong? You look a little uneasy." Hopefully it wasn't because of her.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma shook her head.

"I'm not deliberately flirting with you, big guy," she said, poking Soren in his arm. "I'm just talking. Just being me. And really that's all you ought to do as well -- because that's the secret to real flirting: relaxing and talking with confidence."

Satuma looked over the younger male. He was a little hapless, but cute in his own way. And he really was quite the artist. His drawing of her had been very flattering. None of the partners that she'd had, male or female, had ever made something that nice for her, even when they were trying to impress her.

"So... have you ever sketched someone posing for you?" she asked, fingering a red curl of her hair absently, a slow grin spreading across her lips.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

"Oh... uh... yeah..." Goron admitted with a sigh. "I just feel so... so useless. We got attacked back there and all I managed to do was get myself hurt and everyone worried about me. This is a dangerous expedition but I'm more a liability than help, I don't know why I even bothered to signup..." he blabbered out. This revelation was immediately followed by a look of shame and he turned back to the fire once more. "I'm just no good at anything," he muttered.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

"No good?" Azalia stared at Goron, a look of suprise forming on her face. "How so? You managed to stop a wolf by yourself. Sure, you got hurt, but Nath and Satuma are the only ones around here with any kind of combat training." The mage frowned a little. Did he have no confidence at all? Was this what people called having low self-esteem? It didn't look good at all. "And both of them got hurt as well. The only ones who didn't get clawed were the ones who stayed behind the backs of others." The woman shrugged. "I think you did pretty good. At least you didn't panic. I mean, I'm not sure whether I'd have the guts to charge a wolf. It was a bit reckless, but it wasn't a stupid move... Like a certain mistake made by a certain someone."
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Goron gave a halfhearted chuckle, but as it faded, he seemed even more distressed. "Yeah... maybe..." he mumbled, giving another sigh. "But me charging a wolf, when I barely know how to hold a sword, is exactly what I call a stupid move. I'm not really much better than him, am I?" he insisted quietly.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Azalia glanced back at professor for a moment before turning back towards Goron. "Nah, I don't think so. You didn't cause trouble, didn't endanger us and didn't get yourself killed. Sure, running into battle when you don't really know how to fight isn't smart, but it's not like we had options. If you hadn't run to meet the wolf, the wolf would have come to you anyway." The woman shrugged. "Sometimes, stupid works. It may be not the best solution, but nobody's perfect. And I still think you did well, for your first encounter."
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

"That's the thing," he muttered, "no one around me has ever been interested in just talking. I mean, look at me." he gestured to the scales covering the top of his head. "I'm the only one in my family with this... defect and my older brothers let me know it loudly and often every time they brought home girls." he shook his head, "But that doesn't matter anymore. As for posing... hum..." he tilted his head to the side, studying her, "My mother and father posed for me when I was younger. I have sketches of them strewn about the house. But other than them? No. I just... people watch."
Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, Keylo, MBS)

"Cleanse the forest by rooting out and squashing the bad apples.." Sylvia's voice was emotionless. She spoke softly as usual, and no one would hear her unless they wanted to. It was almost as if she had the ability to make her soft voice travel on the winds or to be enveloped in their cool embrace. Sylvia was never fond of elders for this very reason. They sat in the cozy confines of their secluded meadow and made decisions about a forest they never saw or cared of.

Sylvia walked up to the blackened, suffering tree until she was just inches away from it, her own stabbing pains continuing to increase as she got closer and closer. Sylvia bit down on her lip hard and and sank to her knees before the great old tree. The key to nurturing the forest she thought was to make sure everything was healthy so it could contribute in its own way. Everything had a role to play, and it was her job to make sure they were healthy and happy to perform it. As one of the few wandering travelers once told her, even a bad apple has its purpose. While it might not be crisp enough to eat or juicy enough to make a pie, you can always put it in a barrel and make some delicious cider. Sylvia liked wise people like that, and so she kept it in her heart. She always wanted to make cider out of the bad apples. Nothing was destined to a miserable moldy life if she could help it.

Kneeling before the great old tree, Sylvia pulled out her magic wand. It was small but ornate, fashioned from ancient willow wood and gnarled at the tip. The hilt curved ever so slightly as if she had ripped the wand from an old antique throne. The wood on the hilt rippled as if it was covered in bark, meticulously chiseled into the wood. She held the wand before her and pointed it at the tree, slowly lowering it toward the soil beneath her knees. The young dryad muttered a prayer and incantation to the gods and goddesses. Something about nourishing roots with pure water and warding off evil. (Sylvia casts restore HP on the tree). The pretty tree nymph knelt before the ancient tree a few moments longer, sifting her fingers through the soil lovingly. But soon the pain began to overwhelm her and she couldn't bear to sit so close to the agonizing tree any longer. Sylvia pushed herself up and stumbled backwards slightly. Then with a smile to the elves and the nymph and a brief sigh toward the questing faeries, the young dryad began to walk in the opposite direction.
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Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, Keylo, MBS)

Alariël looks towards the hovering fairy. Alariël knew she would not care if the Ursa were innocent, Alariël knew what she thought before she said anything. This fairy is a blind follower of the fairy circle, Alariël knew already never to follow everything your circle does. This is why Alariël began her travels in the first place. Alariël looks away from the slave of the circle.

Alariël now looks towards the dryad. Alariël watches the dryad walk towards the blackened tree. The dryad then kneeled to the ground and put her hands on the tree. Alariël watched her until she got up, and with a sad look back from the dryad, she walked away.

Alariël know had choices. She could either go with her fairy circle, and that slave to her circle. Or she could follow the dryad who does not want to kill all the Ursa. Alariël took one look towards the nymph, who still stood where she has been the whole time. Alariël now made her decision and followed the dryad.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

"I draw the line at giving out names and personal information about anyone you're not levelling an accusation against," the leader of the militia declared. "Either you recognise this second man, or you don't; assuming he even exists." Clearly, his patience was thinning, but then as far as he was concerned, they had lured away one of his men, attacked them and then marched into town with wild stories and accusations. And certainly, there had been no hint of doubt in the stories given by his own men; they were either master liars or convinced what they had declared to be the truth.

"You may take them to wander the village, although we will be watching. Don't expect anyone to be forthcoming with information, however. If you find this mysterious "dark haired man", let me know."
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

"Mm... maybe..." Goron replied, unconvinced, still staring into the fire. He seemed to have made up his mind about the matter and while she might be making him feel a little better, it seemed unlikely that he could be convinced.