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One full game and a flash demo

Re: One full game and a flash demo

So I just have one question...


Does Zone copyright his/her stuff?
Re: One full game and a flash demo

So I just have one question...

Does Zone copyright his/her stuff?

lil, everyone knows about that little flop and a half...and no s/he doesn't. Not like s/he could sue anyway, because if s/he did he makes him/herself open for all of the stuff S/HE'S done...

...I hate talking about people when they don't have gender labeled...

...But it is sad yes. Swiss made had to start off with a flash edit to someone else's work...Not sure if they took anything with the newest one...but it doesn't LOOK like it if anything...
Re: One full game and a flash demo

Zone is not female. There was this thing on 4chan a year or two ago about whether Zone was female. Just no.
Re: One full game and a flash demo

Zone isn't female... And I don't even need fchan to think/tell that. MMM STEREOTYPES. The girl he uses is an avatar, like the one girl from the newest Ghostbusters was his older Avatar. For a very, very short while he used the spacegirl from the first flash in that series.

ChibiSaiyan is female though - It says that on her DA page.
Re: One full game and a flash demo

Heh. Nice one, Giron. Too bad it is censored though.
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Re: One full game and a flash demo

Have anyone also THIS game?

Re: One full game and a flash demo

Yes I accidentally the whole of that game.
Re: One full game and a flash demo

Yes I accidentally the whole of that game.
The WHOLE game? that can't be good. Although i guess that's better than a coke bottle.
Re: One full game and a flash demo

So I found the Full Version of Swiss Made Tentacle on a free site, here's the link:

So, what are the chances someone has a way to take this off here and set it up for download?
Re: One full game and a flash demo

Hi, first post here

i've found a thread in another forum with a guy that uncensor flash games, swiss made's tentacle is one of them:

note that the previous page holds a link to planet of terror uncensored.

(And if someone could upload swiss made dark castle, that'd be great too :) )
Re: One full game and a flash demo

Greetings peepols,

on the first page someone talked about having the full version of swiss made dark castle, could this someone post a link to it or something?

Or should i create a new "request" style topic for it?
Re: One full game and a flash demo

Behold! I come bearing gifts.

The full version of Planet of Terror. Enjoy.

Thanks. Would anyone mind telling me what program is needed to use this?
Re: One full game and a flash demo

Thanks. Would anyone mind telling me what program is needed to use this?
Um. Flash. So your web browser of choice probably already has a Flash plugin and can run the game.
Re: One full game and a flash demo

Dark Castle is out

Edit: Yea I know its also on the Sexnomicon thread but I don't even know which thread is the Swiss thread anymore
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Re: One full game and a flash demo

Dark Castle is out

Edit: Yea I know its also on the Sexnomicon thread but I don't even know which thread is the Swiss thread anymore

Waiit, there's a swiss thread :confused:
Re: One full game and a flash demo

I recently played Planet of terror. In all honesty... It was alright.

It kept my interest throughout the entire game, making me play through each level reguardless if it was annoying or not. The shooting worked, it was a little annoying at times but overall fine. When you clicked the mouse it fired a shot and there wasn't any reloading, which was a very good thing. Sometimes the bullets don't hit when you're on target but this is rare, so not much of a problem.

The levels were all fairly different so I don't really think there was a variety problem. Level one, three, five, and six were all interesting and worked. Level two was annoying and level four was a bitch but nothing that wasn't tolerable. I really can say that I hated level 4...

The visuals were... Passing but really, I wished someone like Zone or just someone with more talented in general had done the art for this game. If they had it would of been a lot better, it really would of.

Maybe in the near future we will all get treated to more games like this, so lets keep our fingers crossed.
Re: One full game and a flash demo

Planet Terror uncensored, and the full version, I think. It's Flash, on the Games of Desire site. Those naked chicks are really annoying, if you ask me.

Thought it was fun. The snow level was a bitch and a half, but was a decent enough way to pass the time.

And someone was asking about Dark Castle?

Frankly, I found this one kind of...annoying. It has its moments (and okay, the ending bit is kind of amusing) but for the most part, I thought it was a'ite.
Re: One full game and a flash demo

I love how that website has web cam adds with hentai instead of porn.