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Ongoing Projects for Translators


Tentacle God
Aug 26, 2013
Reputation score
I always thought that it would be a neat idea for each one of us to have a list of which games you're currently working on(well, some of you do that on your signatures, but having it organized would be even more practical), so I thought I'd start a thread where you guys can post updates about new/finished projects so that there is no two people working on the same game and overriding each other. Not that it can happen easily with the huge list of H-games, but eh we can give it a try.

This could also be used so one translator can pass up a half-finished project to another.

The whole idea is that I only have projects currently worked on here, not projects that the translator won't work on anymore.

バッドエンド・コレクター (v2.07)
姫騎士レイチェル (v1.07)
★亡国の姫・コレット★ (I know Seipher worked on 1.00 for a partial, I am working on 2.07)

The Moral Sword, Asagi
Succubus Nests

Lilium Union
Virgin's Protection Magic
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Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

Well anything as long as you're working on it. I thought about posting the thread there(actually half of the wall of text was written there) but decided to leave it here so that people that might start up translating see it, or even people that wanna see which project is being worked on. I for one, do this a lot, since I prefer to put one game on hold if it is currently translated by someone.
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

I guess that both of the projects in my sig go here for now as well.
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

The idea is both good and bad.

Good because, obviously if people check this thread, there's a chance two people won't be translating the same game (which HAS happened).

Bad because most translators, well, don't know if most is the right word here, but a good amount of translators doesn't like to say what they're working on or if they're working on anything so that people don't nag them incessantly.

Of course, even if it's just a fraction, might help a few people.
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

I am currently working on Akakubi Arena (The Girl In The Red Slave Collar according to DLsite)

Progress is slow right now due to stuff :(
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

The idea is both good and bad.

Yeah, I always wished I knew what other people were translating so we don't overlap on the same game. At the same time, I usually don't like to say what I'm working on because I don't want to build expectations and then drop the bomb if I can't deliver.

I'll drop the bomb on you guys anyway, since I'm still revising my last game but thinking of what to do next.

I might try Scale Garden's Breath of Fire and Iron but I know someone said before that they were tinkering with it. If someone is working on it then I'll gladly leave it to them. If not, I might try picking it up despite the many people who said Rhode's Fortress was terrible. :p

My other choice is Bitch JK in RPG by Happy Life. I already translated the sequel, Minako, which I thought was pretty good. Then again few people seemed interested, so I don't know if it's worth the time working on this one.

Which brings me to how I was humoring the idea of finishing Ariadne, since I know many people including me were fans of the game. I always wanted to see that translation finished but I don't know how yariel or Sorter would feel about that or how well I'd do picking up someone else's project.

Or I might just throw in the towel because I think 8 games in 8 months isn't such a bad run. Unless I quit my day job I don't think I can keep it up. :p It's my dream to see no game left untranslated but since there's quite a few people working on games maybe I can just relax go back to lurking again. :eek:
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

Rather than a separate thread for ongoing projects, why not a single thread for ALL translations? Like a list that separates partial/full/ongoing translations? It's been bugging me for a long time now(unless i'm too dumb to notice it) but why isn't there a thread for full translations? Closest I can tell is the rpgmaker list and that seems abandoned(have we really had 0 full trans since 2013?). And why make a bunch of separate threads when they can just be organized into lists on a single thread. It would be so much easier on those of us who don't spend every day on these forums browsing new replies/threads, I mean it's very time consuming trying to find full translations. I really hate not knowing whats going on and AGTH(or however it's spelled) is time consuming.

I get that translators are taking their own free time to do this and the guys making these lists are doing the same, I'm not complaining about them at all. More I'm grateful to them for giving me this enjoyment and making things easier where they can. This is more of a request than anything, anyone who'd take the time to make such an easy to go through list would have my gratitude. Last time I found a full translation was last year(getting lucky and stumbling on it).
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

First, here's the most up to date list of full translations of RPG Maker Games: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=691994&postcount=10

Second, and I know this isn't a popular opinion, but I prefer separate threads. This being due to how much cleaner each list can be, but also you won't get constant "Is this full or partial" questions as people don't actually read which category the game is in.
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

That thread should be stickied because i'd probably never have seen that if you hadn't linked it.

Good one.
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

I'd be interested in learning how to translate games if anybody has the time to spare to help me learn?

Yugifan has helped me quite a bit but I'm sure there's much more for me to learn. As of right now, I've been able to rename items/skills/maps and the save/load screens as well as the shopping screens. I'm having trouble figuring out translation on title screens, and status screens (I know what they say for the most part, but I can't find how to edit them in RPG maker). Once I figure these basics out, I don't foresee a problem taking requests for partial translations on games to make them easier to play/understand.

The other thing I'm not sure about is editing dialogue. I'm not as skilled in RPG maker as I would like. :/

Most of the translation I do isn't perfect because I don't know the language, but I try to run it through a few translation programs to get the general idea of what's being said and then putting it together from there.
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

I'm having trouble figuring out translation on title screens, and status screens .
Are you having trouble translaing them as in the names or where they are?
If it's a custom title screen then it might be located at 4 things:
* A map - Try checking each map until you find a map and what it's called
* Common Events - This one is a little bit tricker, what i do is i extract the common events rv2data and then i can search it with notepad
* Terms - This one is easy F11 last tab bottom right
* Scripts - Hook Agth, grab the kanji from it, go into Scripts Ctrl+Shift+F and then paste and search.
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

I'd be interested in learning how to translate games if anybody has the time to spare to help me learn?

Well, my technique for translations is use RPGMaker Trans to handle all the technical details of extracting the items/dialogues/whatever from the game, and then doing the translation there. I find it a lot easier to use than the RPGMaker editor, which is pretty clunky in terms of interface (and takes far, far too long to save a project). But then again, I probably would say that about my own toolset, wouldn't I? :D

(Note, there are a couple of issues with RPGMaker Trans on some games at the moment, I'm looking at what's going on with it and why it's not quite working)
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

Only real projects i have in mind is the Chevalier game if it ever comes out ... probly perma delayed and missing link or whatever its called. other then that ive been finding some older games and translating them, but havent posted them cause the topics for them havent had any activity in like 1-2 years :D

How long does RPGMaker take to save stuff for you habi? its like 2 seconds for me o_O
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

It depends on the game, but I've had it take between 10 seconds and 2 minutes. Although games on the longer end are ones with some heavy structure customisation (i.e. data files which aren't any of the standard CommonEvents/MapXXX/Items/Whatever else there is). I'd also note that as a primarily Linux user, running RPGMaker through a VM is a bit of a pain (although theoretically, this shouldn't be much a performance problem...).
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

I have to second the use of RPGMaker Trans, particularly if the game you're working on is actively being updated. And there are multiple version of the same text instance. It's nice to translate every instance of Yes or No all at once.

I had been doing my translation with just RPGMaker but switched over after the 2nd update while I was working. Sooo much easier. My only complaint is that some lines show up in unexpected locations. Like Potion for me was in the Skills file since there was also a skill named Potion. Not an issue I have any good ideas about though, setting windows to search for file contents solves the issue in any case.
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

I pretty much do everything in RPG Maker, cause i hate just looking at bare text, it slows me down way to much, i can just F4/F5 and Tab/Shift-Tab in rpgmaker and goes alot faster.

But most of the things i find is that alot of the yes/no are in map files and not in common events, its like people go out of there way to make 100 instances of something instead of making one and having it called over and over >.<