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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Haha, I'm liking the Blue Alice one. Pretty awesome song to be going on in the background of Corrine's now permanent unlife soundtrack. She'll never lack for entrance music - at least in her own mind. ;)

Now I'm all hyped up for her going clubbing with Petra, Emily, and Charlotte.
Re: OOC thread

Heh, daughters of cacophony in a club. Now that's a thought. Petra might even have a reason to go to one soon.
Re: OOC thread

Back on topic: I figure Annabelle needs to find a way to release Muirne from her dominated state. Probably would get a strong ally that way.

She does. I'm hoping to kill the Venti that dominated Muirne. The bastard.
Re: OOC thread

I guess I should have stayed awake for 1 more hour, huh.

I like that way of describing the Ahrimanes, though you should mention that they tend to be rather catty as well. And yeah they are Sabbat but that's like saying the Gangrel are Camarilla. They only show up when they're hungry and the rest of the time you can't find them.

I think the Nagaraja are mostly found in India and Indochina, an area rather lacking in Camarilla cities. But yeah they could easily survive if they kept their numbers low and were careful. Not to mention that any surviving Lamia would be old enough that they might just get left alone.

Anabelle is the loneliest one at the moment but her mentor is trying to track her down via hawk. He's not the best tracker so it's taking him a while to find her in the city. Echidna could still be around too, hard to say with the Setites, they tend to be sneaky.

Fangbucks does sound a bit more Seattleish to me. But I think it would be hilarious as the Ventrue hangout or an Elysium. Yeah it looks like a Starbucks to most people but be prepared for a surprise if you order a number 10.

The Salubri plan is a little difficult since she's currently in the southeast of France. There's always the killing plan or maybe just making her forget about being dominated by dominating her and erasing memories. Of course that's liable to mess things up more.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah that's why I started calling the Ventrue "Venti" ;) It's just so fitting lol.

And yeah on second thought, I decided that Eliza wouldn't actually like to involve her sire in that. Too protective.
Re: OOC thread

*smacks forehead*

I just got the Venti thing.
Re: OOC thread

I still don't get it if it makes you feel better but I've never been to a Starbucks, which I have the suspicion that it's something to do with the ever ubiquitous coffee shop. I do realize what the store is like of course I've just never been to one.

Actually Adria doesn't know Dominate 3, she thinks dominate is a rather blunt tool and prefers presence for getting people to do what she wants. Jourdain being the rebellious childe does know Dominate 3 but the funny thing about dominate is that it's actually affected by generation. So who knows if he can help Muirne or not, though he can probably point out who might be able to help her and what they would charge for such a thing.
Re: OOC thread

Hey Ronny, would Eliza be able to tell if there was a vampire in her midst? Can vampires see through the "human masquerade" ability?
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, you would notice if there was another vampire about unless they're obfuscated. Only auspex can defeat obfuscation since it's more than just hiding really well or simply being invisible.

The way I always like to explain it is that vampires smell different from humans since they don't have all those bodily functions such as sweating to create a natural scent like mortals have. Also the lack of bodily functions tends to make even the dullest vampire have sharper senses than mortals, it's a lot easier to pick out details if you don't blink, or hear better if you don't have to breath. Therefore it's almost instinctual to sense when you've come across another vampire even if they're hiding or masquerading.
Re: OOC thread

Probably should have asked this before, might have but forgot actually, but does Lexwyn have a weapon? Is that up to me or something? Or is this going to be hand to hand quite literally, heh x.x
Re: OOC thread

I hadn't thought about it till you asked but I think it would be safe to assume you have a dagger at the least, maybe her old bow. Though you'll probably break them when you try to use them since they aren't made to stand up to use by someone with potence.

Potence of course causes lethal damage just like a weapon would so it doesn't make much difference. I'm pretty sure I mentioned Morgaina drilling you in hand to hand during the prologue so you aren't at a complete loss as to how to fight hand to hand.

If you want a weapon to use with potence there one or two characters who can make those kind of weapons. I'm sure you could guess which ones might learn such a skill.
Re: OOC thread

Heh, I'm not *that* worried for Lexwyn either way. My own personal preferences tend towards ranged though, or at the very least using an object. There's nothing wrong with hand to hand, it just typically isn't my style.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah it kind of slipped my mind until now, I didn't remember till the last second with Eliza either. I can't blame you though who wants to use hand to hand when cool medieval weaponry abounds.

We'll just use this an an opportunity to give you the idea of looking for someone who can make you a weapon. It's relatively minor in the grand scheme of the game but it at least gives me ideas.

Also summer colds suck.
Re: OOC thread

Ugh, neck... so close...

Does Vezina need to make a successful grapple check before biting someone? And once she latches onto someone and bites them, if they're a vamp, do they have to use willpower to pull away from the pleasure of it?

Also, diablerie is a bad thing. Worse if it's done in front of of the Sheriff, Warmaster, and personal bodyguard of the Chamberlain of the Court of Avalon, yes?
Re: OOC thread

I know I put it there.

I think you have to grapple someone in order to do a bite attack but I'm not sure. Maybe one of these days I should actually learn the rules part of the game rather than just the fluffy bits, but then I wouldn't need the book any more. Of course you could say that you're already grappled with him which is what I'll probably do cause dice bore me.

And it's a self-control/instinct roll for a vampire to avoid succumbing to the kiss. I do know some of the rules.

Diablerie isn't as frowned on at this time as it is say in the Camarilla but it would still be a violation of the traditions. Though the court did in essence agree to the lextalionis for any Tremere that were found. Of course only Mithras can call for the blood hunt. Hey look at that I actually managed to put Vezina in a moral quandary: eat the Tremere's soul and take back what is rightfully hers or violate the traditions. And people say the road of kings is too easy to follow, have fun with the conundrum.
Re: OOC thread

Hah. Very good.

I'd like to think I at least set you up for the spike.

Trouble is that Vezina hails from the Tzimisce viewpoint of the Via Regalis - which is a mite different than the rest of the future Camarilla types. I can see her personally believing in the righteousness of taking back her clan's blood, the only thing would be not doing it in plain sight of possible political enemies.

After looking at the Road of Kings pdf, i'm thinking she may be veering towards the path of the tyrant. Not sure about that though, so for the time being, I think she's just standard. I can't see her being a Vizier, she was raised by Gyulu to not hide her status, and she certainly is no Knight, though I could see her taking on the title of one to further her status, and she is no Merchant either, even if she understands the concept of money, having had none of it for a long time.
Re: OOC thread

It was a pretty good set up I have to admit.

Don't forget that her sire is something of a rebellious sort when it comes to being Tzimisce. Going by the dark ages book most Tzimisce follow the roads of metamorphosis, or the beast, or the path of the tyrant. I actually see that being the main reason for Gyulu being an outcast, his following of the strict road of kings. Even so he is probably a lot harsher and more tyrant-like than say Valerius or Pallas are.

I like to picture Tarbus as being an example of a vizier, while Scorylo is an example of a tyrant. With Vezina the favorite of course following in her sire's footsteps. Of course he has encouraged her to plot her own course though unlife as well.

Of course it also all depends on how much you want to pay attention to morality for your part of the game. I like it myself but I don't want to force it on anyone who doesn't want to deal with it. Much like with normal rolling I doubt if I would roll for paths either.
Re: OOC thread

Morality is important, and as this is the first time I'm playing a Tzimisce - even if it isn't a traditional one - I'm interested in exploring being a non-humanitas character.

If Vezina were to diablerize an elder vampire, she might be in a moral quandary, but I think she would be okay with eating the Tremere because of the stolen blood thing. If she doesn't eat this guy (assuming she has the opportunity to) it will be because she doesn't want to act undignified in front of her peers.

That tidbit about Gyulu as an outcast helps to remind me of where she stands and what he's informed her of. I just want to make sure that I'm not playing a Ventrue with Animalism.

An important part of the character concept, the koldunic sorcery, isn't there yet, and this combined with no Vicissitude is making her teeter upon overlap with Ventrue territory. I don't mind her doing the political stuff, as she's certainly meant to do that as a Via Regalis, but I want her to flower into a properly unsettling Tzimisce.
Re: OOC thread

As long as you want to deal with it that's fine with me. I find the roads and paths great story ideas myself, they're also very useful for NPC's. Not everyone likes to deal with them though so if the other's don't want to deal with it that's fine. Hopefully they'll let me know if they're interested.

Yeah the diablerie itself wouldn't be considered bad for Vezina the possible indignity involved in the act would be the problem. At least I don't see anything in the road of kings that would say it's bad. path of chivalry maybe but not the main road.

She is kind of teetering into Ventrue territory despite my efforts to not do that but it is rather difficult at times. Though with the addition of thaumaturgy I think it will be easier and this part of the plot is leading that way. I actually kind of picture Vezina as a new bloodline almost. Sort of how the Arpad, are Ventrue who follow Tzimisce customs, she's sort of like a Tzimisce with Ventrue customs at least right now. I think the thaumaturgy will help a lot in not simply turning into that though.
Re: OOC thread

Sent you a PM about the diablerie thing.

Interesting about the bloodline thing. She certainly is separated from her main clan. If she lives and develops long enough, it might be worth considering. Some sort of combination of Tzmisice/Tremere.