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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

I highly suggest the stage adaptation of Bunnicula because it is quite frankly adorable. Especially when done by kids.
Re: OOC thread

Ronny, I think you will find this immensely useful. It has maps for every year since 3000 BC. And yes, you can zoom in to check individual cities.

Re: OOC thread

It's useful alright. Though it did keep me from posting last night, as I ended up looking at the map year by year and learning about empires I had never even heard of before on wikipedia. They even had my favorite country of all time in Tannu Tuva. Though it's only my favorite country because it makes me look smart when I talk about, since no one else has ever heard of it.
Re: OOC thread

I knew about Tanna Tuva, thanks to the Hearts of Iron series, heh.

But yeah, I spent awhile with it, looking to see just when Aragon and Castille and such came along, because CK2 doesn't accurately represent it apparently. And also it's always fun to see just how fast the Byzantines collapsed, if in a sad way...
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, I learned about Tuva on a sporcle quiz and haven't forgot it since. I think it was the same quiz that I learned that Newfoundland and Labrador wasn't part of Canada during the world wars.

I did notice that they used some unusual choices for names at times, since I had heard of a number of the places but knew them by a different name.

I preferred watching just how fast the Mongol Empire appeared and conquered everything in their way. Did you know that Genghis Khan actually tried to form an alliance with the crusaders to take out the Caliphates, but the crusaders couldn't understand the letters he sent.

Another fun fact that I discovered when I was reading about the Byzantine Empire for Ranger's thread. The term Byzantine wasn't invented until way after the empire no longer existed. They called themselves the Roman Empire, which is what it technically was.
Re: OOC thread

Yep. Good old Genghis was actually a pretty reasonable guy, and only was so mad at the Muslims to begin with because they killed his first messenger...

And yeah, lots of hard core historians really hate to even say Byzantine. I gave a presentation last spring and had to start with a disclaimer about what I was using for names, basically saying "my sources were saying Byzantine, so I just kept consistent with them, don't kill me, I know they're Romans, it's right there in my title of this report!"
Re: OOC thread

I'm not sure I would use the term reasonable myself but that's mostly because of the destruction of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad. I don't care if you kill people but don't hurt the books.

I am somewhat confused on the map at the moment though, since every reasoning I use comes to a dead end. Can you explain why they show the entities of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but not Transnistria or Nagorno-Karabakh. I can understand not showing Somaliland since absolutely nothing has recognized them. The other four however have me confused since as far as I know they are basically only recognized by each other. Not sure if the DPR has been recognized by anyone either.
Re: OOC thread

South Ossetia and Abkhazia are quite vehemently backed by Russia as being legitimate, according to them. I've noticed a lot of maps lately have been including them, which annoys me, but I didn't actually look and notice on this one. (I don't think Google Maps does, which is my standard, heh. It annoys me enough that they even put Crimea as in question on that).

Transnistria isn't even recognized by Russia, though, despite the fact that Russia pretty much is de facto in control there, and has plenty of troops stationed there. I only know this though because Ranger and I discovered it last week and were doing some research. (I'd actually discovered it before but forgotten about it).

I'll admit, I had to look Nagorno-Karabak up. That one has entirely slipped under my radar, so can't really say there.
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After a little more searching I believe the difference is that Nagorno-Karabakh and Transnistria are only recognized by each other and South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Whereas South Ossetia and Abkhazia have been officially recognized by Russia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Nauru, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. So if you're recognized by a UN nation you get marked as in question.

I only discovered all this when I noticed that they showed Katanga, Biafra, and Rhodesia as countries. So I decided to see how they marked other states with limited recognition.

Merge: Sorry about the lack of postings but my mom had a heart attack last week and as you can imagine I've been a little busy. She came back home last night though and is improving daily so I should be able to get back to my normal posting levels soon.

It's also bad for me to sit in a waiting room for long hours with nothing but a pencil and notepad. As I think I may have invented 4th edition VTM in those many days of boredom.
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Re: OOC thread

Sorry to hear about your mother. Best wishes for her recovery.
Re: OOC thread

Ah, well that's definitely something that takes priority. Don't think anyone can argue with you for taking time for that, and if they did, a punch to the face would probably be warranted ;)
Re: OOC thread

I'm so sorry to hear that Ronny! It's good to hear that she's getting better though. Take as much time as you need.
Re: OOC thread

She is doing a lot better and things are starting to get back to normal on my end. So hopefully it stays that way for a long while. As much as I would like to just take time off, I think it's better to keep myself busy with something fun like the game.
Re: OOC thread

Hmm, I really like her voice for some reason. Though are you sure that's an Assamite and not Wu-zao or Kuei-jin.

Oh and don't let me forget to explain the few things that were retconned at the court of Mithras. Granted I really only have to explain them to Blue since her character is the only one to have met them all so far. I also tweaked the blood binding rules ever so slightly today, well not so much a change as I ruled that the embrace confers a one-step bond no matter what. Any other feeding from vampires still requires the other vampire to activate the ability as in DotD. I guess it's not really a change so much as all sire's basically do the blood bond no matter what during the embrace though.

Don't mind me, I'm just rambling.
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Re: OOC thread

The weird thing is at first I was just kinda like "Whaaat is this??" but then I was gradually more like "Wow this is so cool!"

And I dunno... I usually try to pretend there's no such thing as Kuei-jin because so wonky. I guess Assamites are usually Middle Eastern, but they still seem like ninjas to me.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah it is a little unusual but it grows on you. I also just got the crap scared out of me by a raccoon on my porch. Though I think I scared him just as much as he scared me.

Kuei-jin are very wonky but that's mostly because they try to equate them with western vampires. They're honestly more like demons than vampires from a western point of view. I tend to pretend they don't exist myself, same with the Laibon, Ashirra, and whatever they call the Indian vampires. There are kindred in all those areas that go by different names but they're only different culturally, as in it's the same 13 clans with different names.

The wu-zao are a Salubri bloodline from the orient that are either thieves or scholars. Which kind of fits the ninja theme, though perhaps not as well as the Assamite do. Though I tend to rule that not all Assamites are middle eastern nor are all Ravnos of Romani descent and so on.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah that's a good policy. I think for most clans people see them as kind of being more open as time goes on, but I'm not sure if that fits with the dark ages. But then again, I guess the most important rule in VtM is to have fun and second most important is that there are no rules unless you want there to be, hehe.

And awwww I bet you terrified that little guy!
Re: OOC thread

They would have to be especially when you think about how few Romani there are outside of Europe. You wouldn't have very many Ravnos running around otherwise. Plus I find the game lines treatment of certain racial groups to be rather disturbing, especially the Romani people. It's actually kid of sickening to me for some reason so I try to avoid it.

Yes I probably did. I used to have a pet raccoon when I was little, well I called him my pet. I actually just left food out for him all the time and never got to pet him since he was wild and all.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah... it probably has to do with how Romani are treated IRL which is kinda sickening as is. I'm all for not incorporating the depressing things about real life in fantasy games too. Yay for rainbow clans!

I'm sure he appreciated it. ^_^