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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"That remains to be seen, Cystie." Talia growled, disentangling herself from the pirates and stepping away, mulling over her options. Yumi was clearly playing some sorta con here, but she wasn't entirely sure on who. There were some warning signs in how she acted, ones that put the tiefling on guard. That being said, she wasn't entirely sure what caused the other woman to act so unsteady. She went over the cues in her head once more, trying to figure out if she was being influenced by someone or something. "Yumi. I'd like to hear how you ended up with an escort like this. And I really hope you've got a good answer, cause I've had a really bad day and I'm feeling like spreading the misery around."

Insight to determine whether Yumi's being controlled:
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

[Insight]: Yumi looks like she does seem to have an affinity for their cocks. Hard to tell why though.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

''It’s just a fair warning I gave them, since I’ve no idea what you’d do to these poor men.'' Yumi explained to Cystie, before she grabbed the collar of the two men that Talia pushed off and looked at them displeased. ''No flirting with others in front of me, save it for when they’re going to take care of you and train you.'' Yumi snarled, before she let go of them and looked curiously at the doubting tiefling. Despite being slightly displeased by it, Yumi was just glad that nobody tried to blow her cover yet. ''Like I said, she’s a bit of an unruly one, so keep your hands to yourself for now.'' Yumi warned the pirates at Talia’s threat. ''These men became my cattle willingly after they saw me leave three of them breathlessly, and I’ve already trained three of them to be docile little lambs, but since I’ve got to meet with someone tonight, I expect the rest of you to train the remaining ones.'' Yumi explained. ''However, the more important thing that I found is a warehouse filled with explosive, and I’ve got a few plans on how we could use them.''
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Oh?" Talia perked up at the mention of explosives. Her first plan was to go out and buy some oil flasks in case she needed them later, but this sounded even better. "I might be able to suggest something, if you're willing to spare a bit." This piece of news served to balance out the rest of Yumi's little spiel, if only a little. She so did not want to bother with having to break in a band of drunk louts that she was already way too familiar with. Then again, if they could be trained into obedient morons like those three over there, maybe she'd have a chance to use them as a disposable minion.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Anne blinked at all the sailors infront of them, namely the sight of them groping Talia and well pitching tents, and whatever else was going on. The pixie focusing on Yumi as she seemed to be in control of the group, and well, trying unknowingly to replicate what Talia had tried. Namely, trying to tell if Yumi had been controlled or what her intentions were with all this. Apparently she had you know, pimped them out or something to a bunch of pirates. Though given they haaaaad purified the displacer before, maybe it had something to do with that?

[Insight on if Yumi's being controlled:
Insight on what Yumi's actual goal is here: )

"So what, you want us to ride them all dry? I mean I a~am a little drunk right now so the idea's appealing but here I was going to play with our cute little harpy." The fae girl said after a moment's thought giving the drunk girl a chance to recover, and then latched onto Opera's head for a moment to emphasis her statement. "Still, I gue~es I could change my plan but you'll owe me."
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

''There should be plenty, but we’ve first got to commandeer it. Normally, I’d suggest we’d blow up the warehouse that has it stored, but since we’ve got the help of my lovely servants, we should have a much easier time taking the place over.'' Yumi explained while she continued to trail her hand along one of her servant’s pants, in an attempt to keep them excited and distracted. ''Oh, don’t worry, I bet they’ll love to join you two. I’ll advice you all to use your mouth and hands though, that way you won’t be completely exhausted tomorrow. Of course, if you want to go wild with them, I’m sure they won’t complain.'' Yumi chuckled. ''But sure, I’ll owe one to all of you. Normally I would train them myself, but I already have an appointment for tonight.'' Yumi responds to the fairy, and considering the people she was around, she didn’t see much harm in making such a promise. ''Anyway, you should probably find a different place than usual to sleep tonight. And unless someone finds it urgent to deal with the brothel quickly, I suggest we go handle things in the docks first. I’d love to have their dear captain become my servant, and I’d prefer to do it before he realizes that a bunch of his men has abandoned him. I don’t think he’ll be suspicious, but he might hire more men. Also, they’ve captured some of our competition, and I’d love to speak to them.''
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Time: 11:45 AM

[Anne's insight on control] After some examination, Yumi was acting the same as usual, ever since they left that town and their adventure started. The memories really didn't add up there, hinting that she was probably not the original to this world, and the actual true owner of those memories is in the painted glass.

[Anne's Insight on motive] What she can glisten is that Yumi seems to be using every tool at her disposal to weaken her enemy. She looks like a viper whose venom is in it's prey, whittling it down, and all she has to do is squeeze to secure the kill. The pirates themselves seem to be the victims here, as she pets their cocks as if they were her hounds obeying her whim. The idea of her goal seems to stem from this.

Cystie grinned at it all, seeming to get the idea. "My oh my, you've been a busy bee. And no, that was not intended given our surroundings." said Cystie. "I like it, I really do. I think we should reward those who obey their new mistresses, spread the word that there's something in it for those loyal. I think that sounds perfect." she chuckled. "It's.. What 'they' do, but it works, I can tell you that first hand. Also, tell me which ones are tainted still, unless you like me with my Chaos powers~" she cooed, clearly interested in gaining back her link to Chaos.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Anne's suspicions cleared up quick after she got a read on Yumi and what she was aiming for. The woman wasn't controlled, and well, Anne came to the realization that the 'Yumi' she was remembering was well, not Yumi. Cursed weird magic causing memory rewrites. Still, Yumi was trying to use every option at their disposal, and well Anne could have done without being volunteered by her companion, the idea wasn't exactly a problem for her. Plus while it might have been what Chaos did, it wasn't like she could say anything against the idea, afterall, she had done the same with Dis!

"Mmmmmm...maybe we could rent out some rooms at Don's place? I wouldn't be surprised if they have rooms to rent out in that homestay section. Better then like, taking over a warehouse or so~omething. The fairy was starting to wiggle side to side at the prospect of getting to relieve that drunken lust now that she felt it was safe.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

''Don’t worry about that, I’ve already shown them the intense pleasure we can give them, and I’ve already told them plenty of times that good little servants get rewarded.'' Yumi explained, before she slid one of her hands into the closest pirate’s pants and gently wrapped her hand around the pirate’s sizable cock. Yumi began to slowly stroke her hand over the pirate’s cock, slowly rubbing her fingers over the entirety of his meat, until she felt the man’s cock twitch inside her hand, which made her swiftly remove it. ''And those that aren’t good little servants will have to deal with their friends constant bragging and are only allowed to watch at the opportunity they ruined.'' Yumi chuckled. ''It’s completely different from what they do, because this works in our favor instead of theirs.'' Yumi responded with a grin, before she pointed at the three exhausted men. ''I’ve already tasted those three, so you can have as much fun with them as you want. They taste pretty delicious, but I’ll advice you to use a ball gag, unless you’re a fan of horrible jokes.''

Yumi looks a bit perplexed at the fairy’s suggestion. ''There’s plenty of reasons why sleeping in that place would be a bad idea, and normally I wouldn’t care if you decided to do something that risky, but it’d be a shame if all our work will be for naught, if the men decide to indulge themselves in those girls, since they only need eyes for us and nobody else. Besides, you must’ve misunderstood me. I don’t want to take over the warehouse tonight and sleep in it. We’ve first got to make sure our servants are loyal and addicted to us, before we do something risky with them. And I suggest you find an Inn somewhere safe in the city, maybe you could even convince the Inn keeper to give you some kind of whore discount, if that exists.'' Yumi explained. ''Either way, I can’t join the rest of you tonight. I’ve already got a date with a wealthy trader and there’s something specific I’d like to get from him, there’s no way I’m going to pass up on that.''
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Okay then, to an Inn it is!" The pixie girl drifted over and then dropped onto one of the pirate's from behind, hugging onto him and letting her breasts press against the back of his head. She tried to remember if she had seen a big enough inn on the way over, and if she couldn't then she'd ask, both the rest of the group, and the pirates. "Hey, you guys know anywhere big enough for us all?"
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Time: 11:50 AM

The pirates all seemed to nod. "Oh yeah, we know a place! Right this way!" they all said in unison. All it took was some time in their company to see which ones were corrupted and which ones weren't. Since the corrupted ones simply had bigger tents.

Time: 12:20 PM

If the girls did as Yumi suggested to go make sweet loves to the manly pirates, then at the Inn they would arrive, a rather big one at that that seemed to be named, "Grand Rest Stop", and seemed to be populated mostly by large traveling parties and merchants with their armed guards. Few seemed to come as individual travelers here. "Welcome to the grand!" declared a girl with red hair done into a pony tail. She wore a white buttoned up shirt and brown vest as she cleaned glass ale mugs. "5 silver pieces per person." she declared. It seemed the pirates could pay their own way.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Ohh this is going to be fu~un." Well, Anne didn't let go, letting the pirates lead the way, though she would check to see which of the other girls were coming along. Once they actually got to the inn, going by a rather standard name really. It worked quite well really, given how the girls and their group would blend in given how many large groups were here. Seeing the redhead, Anne would finally detach from the pirate's head to approach the woman

"Okay!" The girl replied when they got asked about the pay, and she dropped five silver onto the table, letting the pirates pay for themselves. Before heading toward the rooms they'd be assigned.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"So soon? I mean, we only just let that other place that it seems rather hasty to jump right into this so fast."The ranger pondered for a few moments on the idea and really saw that there was no way she was going to be winning an argument against this group of people. Her friends were quite persistant in their wants and desires and she was not about to be the person that gets in the way or denies them what they want.

So with some hesitation but eventual acceptance, she'd lay out the 5 silver onto the table for herself, hoping that whoever she was assigned would at least go easy on her given her current state. Damn belly was gonna be trouble soon enough. What good is a ranger in the field with the belly this size?
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Tavia seemed much quieter than her other self as she only spoke up when the group went outside to find the pirates. "W-well considering The Don's show with Vylyra was quite arousing, I suppose there's no harm with this." She sheepishly reasoned, it seemed like The Don's show of dominance over her party member had affected her more than she though it would have --or maybe it was just some damn hormones from her belly, who knows?

Over at the Inn, Tavia shuffled through one of the pouches on her hip for the 5 silver, before putting it on the counter with the rest of the silver, paying her share.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Opera watched the scene in front of her and resisted the urge to face palm. Seriously? She certainly understood the logic but it seemed to her like just doing the same things as their opponent defied the whole point of it all. If they acted the same, it just became team orange and team blue. Sex as a fun activity and enjoyment was fine, but using it for control of others was pushing closer to Chaos' shtick than she was comfortable with. Especially since the only justification for the morality of it was, it was okay because they were doing it.

Still, she couldn't exactly voice her concerns now, so she followed a long with a sigh. She'd definetly be watching Yumi with a reproachful look in her eyes though. She could overlook a certain amount of tricksterness but this was ridiculous. Also, it jumped to mind...

She poked Yumi, looking at her, before speaking up in Yumi's own voice. ''You’re quite the charmer, you’ve most definitely earned my visit tonight~.'' She then pointed out the way towards the merchant she had said that too. She did promise Voice that she would after all.

Either way, with that stated, she'd head inside and pay her part of the price. Ugh what a mess. She really needed to think about how she was going to fix it without just reducing their side to being a color rather than an ideal.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Cystie, no. Just no." Talia replied to the imp's idea, having picked up on her interest easily. "Just stick to the uncorrupted ones, they're easy enough to recognize. Now if you excuse me." The tiefling glanced over the assembled group, grimacing in distaste as she looked over the pirates. "I'm afraid I will have to leave handling those gentlemen to you. I've a pressing matter to attend to and I can't put it off any longer." It wasn't entirely true, but it was not completely a lie. This city had to have some kind of library or university. Being a scholar herself, the wizard had confidence in her ability to find one. Maybe they'd have some information on weird monsters... Particularly creatures like the one Don used.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Yumi found it a bit early to go to the Inn already, but the majority of her companions were already following the pirate and the pirates were getting somewhat unruly, but at least most of them seemed excited or accepting about the situation. Instead of telling them it’s too early, Yumi followed the group quietly, since there wasn’t a reason to ruin this. When they reached the Inn, Yumi waved at the Inn keeper with a soft smile and approached her. ''It’s rare to see such a bright and beautiful smile from an Inn keeper in a bustling city like this.'' Yumi said with a slight smile. ''I don’t suppose you’ve got a group discount or a special discount we could make use of, maybe some cheap rooms?'' Yumi asked, wondering if she could get a discount on the price or get the rest of them a cheaper room, Inn’s like these sometimes have special deals.

Either way, if there was a discount or not, Yumi wasn’t planning on staying, but saving every little bit of gold they could was important for her, and there’s really no harm in asking for a discount. But before Yumi left to do her own thing, she was halted by Opera, who looked reproachful at her the entire way here, but Yumi preferred to ignore it for now, since things were going her way and she didn’t want to ruin her plans. Yumi simply nodded at the Opera’s words. ''Well, you heard our exotic beauty. I’ve got other business to attend to. Although I would’ve preferred it if waited for tonight, it looks like a bunch of you are excited to teach my servants their place and show them a type of pleasure we only can give them, so I won’t spoil your fun.'' Yumi chuckled. ''Anyways, I’ve got a promise to uphold and I take those very serious, especially the ones that benefit me more.'' Yumi stated with a grin. ''Besides, I’ve already tasted more than enough pirates today.'' Yumi sighed with a slight strained smile. ''And don’t forget, use your mouths and hands if you want to keep your strength, but go nuts if you don’t care~.'' Yumi warned, before she left the rest of the group and headed to the trader from before.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Time: 12:25 PM

With Talia and Yumi departing the scene, that left the others with the pirates. "Nah, we have no such discounts in place. Sorry mates." said the girl over the counter. The reason became apparent when they saw their rooms, higher quality than the ones back home, with cozy looking beds. The pirates, once all ten of them were in the room, were quick to start getting undressed. Three had normal, six to seven inch cocks, but the others were almost twice as huge. They were quick to come at the girls, who had a chance to regulate their partners before they were swarmed with pirate dicks. "Let's have some fun~" said the drunken men high on the promises Yumi fed them.


Departing, she would walk through town just a bit to where the merchant lay. She'd find his house address close by. A four story house, rather extravagant. A rather big, and burly looking dog rose up at her approach, looking at her with silent malice. Among other things, she'd notice it's powerful frame, as well as it's massive sheath for it's cock and balls big enough to fill her hand. There was a bell outside the gate that could be rung. The gate seemed unlocked.


Talia departed from the scene, finding a library. It was up to her to find out what she was looking for now. (Good place to make a roll, I'll give bonuses based on whatever I see.)
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia looked around the library, her eye scanning the books as she easily familiarized herself with the layout of the place. The way she saw it, there had to be some sort of information recorded on even the weirdest of demonic spawn and growths, including that thing inside Don's domain. And given it was most likely a creature of Chaos, chances were something like that had made it's appearance during the previous war against the queen bitch of Hell. Thus the scholar decided to check the local repository of knowledge for any records of the previous conflict, particularly the escapades of the old heroes. Perhaps they had encountered such things before and made notes.

Researcher (History to find relevant information in available chronicles):
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained


Talia did a lot of searching around, but nothing really turned up. Though as it turns out, the previous set of heroes also had what seemed to be a bard who liked to write a lot, so there was a lot of information available. Most of the chronicles were useless opinions and comparisons to the observations made instead of actual hard info however. When she reached a part about bee people, all she could read was how annoying their buzzing was. If Talia felt like enduring the long passages to try and find relevant information, she could rent the book for 40 copper for a week and spend some odd hours reading it, a good past time for an event before bed or the like. The librarian was a simple town girl with white flesh, freckles, and orange long hair done into a braid that went over her shoulder and her green tunic. Her sharp blue eyes looked at Talia as she smiled. "Reading up on the old story of the heroes? I wish the author was better... I've been working on rewriting them into an actual story book, you know." she said with pride. "Do you want to see my notes?"

She seemed like a nerdy girl desperate for social activity, given her immediate invitation despite Talia looking like a demon. Speaking to people doesn't seem like something she does often.