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Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Vanessa bolted past the doorway and turned left, rushing into the dark. The light had begun to fade and she almost didn't realize it as she nearly careened into a collapsed part of the hallway. A dead end? The sound of footsteps were distant but pursuing her. A quick scan revealed something that looked like a cupboard jutting out of the rubble, it'd be a tight squeeze but perhaps she could fit in there? Alternatively she might be able to try her luck back in the room, but it was likely she'd be seen.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

This was not a time to second guess and Vanessa flung herself at the cupboard, trying to wedge herself inside. She couldn't risk being seen now, not after she'd made the distance. She had to pray the idiot behind her was just that, an idiot.

It didn't even have to be a perfect fucking fit, just good enough and she was quick to use every ounce of flexibility and athleticism she had to wedge herself inside and close it. She wouldn't be caught again, not by that brute, not so she could be his plaything.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

With her legs pressed up near her head, practically rolled into a ball, Vanessa managed to fit inside and shut its door behind her. The thing lumbered into view after about a minute, rampaging around, roaring in anger. "Dolly! You hurt me Dolly! Make it better! Make it better or I'll! I'll!" Unable to finish its threat it simply roared in anger, stumbling over towards her hiding spot, near the end of the hallway. It sniffed the air. "I know you're there! I know where you air! I can smell you! Let me taste you dolly!"

It turned, presenting its back, sniffing the air. If it was going to find her now would be the time to try to strike, as awkward as her hiding spot was the surprise attack might be able to give her the advantage against the powerful foe, of course if she stayed still maybe it wouldn't find her.


So she waited, a moment passed and creature roared in frustration but got no closer to finding her. It appeared if it could smell her, the proximatey wasn't enough to find her if she stayed silent. A few moments passed, and the frustration grew too much for the large oaf. He let out another howl. "Dolly gone!" he cried, before storming off down the hall, and disappearing leaving Vanessa for the moment, in silence.
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Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Somehow, miraculously, as if retconned by the gods themselves, Vanessa managed to hide it out, and not because she had actually decided to, but because she had gotten too stuck to enact a foolish plan of stab the giant.

Eventually it got fed up and roared, before wandering away, probably to go find another Dolly, of which she would not be anymore.

She waited until she was absolutely certain it was gone. She couldn't hear him, or smell him, or even taste his lingering scent on the air, before she dared to squeak out of her cupboard. She remembered one door she had rushed by, and one turn far back towards her cell she hadn't taken. but as far as she was aware those were her only other choices, and one was much closer.

Sneaking along, doublechecking every single corner by using her rapier as a mirror, Vanessa started to carefully make her way back away from the dead end, she'd run into the door first, and listen very carefully at it, making sure she couldn't hear fathead, before daring to sneak it open and peak inside.

I don't know how I got here, what I did to get here, or even if this is all bad luck but I need to get the fuck out. she muttered to herself, trying to keep herself from just losing it.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Safe. In control. Sure the brute had been a potent opponent but she'd gotten away, naked with only her wits and a slender blade she was -free-. The hallway was silent, but dark, she kept her blade ready, peering around corners, carefully analyzing what she saw. With low light as her friend there was only so much to be revealed but he helped her keep from getting jumped.

There was no door at the doorway down the hall, but listening in she heard little. Peering into the room she saw a small simple bed in the corner, a dresser and a skeleton, mostly rotted with a gleaming blade hanging between its ribs, a thin short thin with an ornate handle. The skeleton was seated on the ground, unmoving. Likely slain by the blade.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

A dueling blade needed a parrying dagger But that was only really important if something tried to hug her to death... again.... or if they had a weapon. Still, she was damned happy to see it and cleared the hallway again with her eyes before slipping inside the room. Sorry about your luck friend... My doesn't seem to be too much better. Least I'm still breathing. she muttered, closing the door behind her quietly before taking the blade and looking at it.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

As Vanessa moved to collect the blade from the rib-cage she found her wrist grabbed. "Kind of you to say!" the voice seemed to come impossibly from the skeleton itself. "But I got a good view from here! Ahahahaha!"

What was Vanessa's immediate reaction?
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Vanessa somehow managed to keep herself from shitting her non-existent pants right then and there, freezing as her hair stood straight up like a spooked cat's as her wrist was grabbed and the skeleton said.... That it enjoyed the view. She took a deep shuddering breath because despite how much she had just been terrified, the Doll Keeper was honestly more terrifying and she certainly wasn't about to let him and EVERYTHING ELSE know she was here.

K-k-k-k-kind of you t-to say so... Please let go of my wrist. And this may be an odd question but... How? she asked, wondering why the skeleton was grabby and chatty.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

The skeleton seemed to grin as she restrained any sort of violent urge. Though, to be frank, it seemed to kind of have to grin. At everything.

Because it didn't have lips you see.

After a moment it released her hand, leaving her free to take the blade or leave it at her discretion. "You're welcome doll! And kind of you not to knock off my head! Ahahahaha!" It paused for a moment and craned its head. "How? You are a curious one aintcha. Awake in a mysterious dungeon miles below the earth, pursued by beasts and the taking skeleton is what throws you eh!? Ahahahah! Wonderful, good to keep that sense of wonder. It'll do you good! Magic! Bound my soul, desperate attempt to save myself, didn't go as planned you see!"

"The sword you got there, that blade, both were mine once upon a time. But you can see, I've reached expiration. Keep 'em, you look like you've got quite a talent! Your body does, anyway! Ahahahaha!" It's laugh rattled out into silence.

"You got questions don'tcha? I was once trapped here like you, but you've got a better shot than I ever did, I'll answer what questions you got if I can."

"Best way to repay this wonderful view!"
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Well.... I'm sorry for you, really I am... Could I perhaps take your head out of here? Give you a better view at least? Or get you to like a mage so they can help? she asked the skeleton point blank, thinking first of this person, dead or not, before herself. She took the blade and panned her eyes around the room for something she could make a sling out of if the skeleton said yes, so she could bring the poor soul with.

Only... 3 really important questions though. Is there a way out. How big is this place.... on a scale of 1 to 10. How Entirely Fucked am I? As for less important questions... How can I avoid the ogre.... he's just way too physically strong for me to fight. she finally said afterwards, thinking hard before she asked so she didn't waste a ton of time and so she didn't annoy the skeleton. But, because she was getting answers in exchage for a free ogle, she uncovered herself and stood there plainly for it. Baring herself entirely.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

"Ehehe, now that's an offer. I provide much needed help and moral support, you get my damn skull out of this cave! Ehehehe! What an idea, you got quite a brain to match that beautiful body of yours! I know of some who might be able to restore me, but I never dreamed someone might actuall try. Could be fun! Hahahah!" Looking around Vanessa spied the dresser. If investigated she actually found a set of clothes, a well fitting tunic made for a woman, a cloak to go over it, and even a small bag, though it had no contents it'd made a fine house for a skeleton head.

"Yes, you have to ascend, I have no idea how many floors there are unfortunately. How entirely fucked are you? Why you're a clever young woman, with two good blades, a wonderful body, and a cunning companion. I'd say, let's see what they dare think can stop you! As for that ogre, he's a slow moron, find a place to keep out of sight and he'll lose interest. Though I swear I knew a good way to put him down, at least for awhile. If I remember it, I'll tell you!"
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Well.. ifyou remember... we'll still run away. He almost choked me to death. But cmon. she muttered, getting dressed. There was a tunic, but no breeches. So she'd have to find pants herself later but anything was better then nothing.

Taking the cloak, she cut it into strips and made a makeshift belt for her swords as well as to keep her tunic belted more like a skirt and less like a short billowy dress and slid her rapier and her dagger into it, before scooping up her friends head, and putting it in the bag. We're in this together. Let's get moving. She said, opening the door slowly again and peeking out, before heading back towards the original fork in the path. So... the way out was Up.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

"Yes, that brute has a lot of strength. I think I remember a weak point on one part of his body. Upper shoulder? A growth? If he grabs you again you should be able to get free by hitting it. Maybe once or twice?" Seemed her skele-friend was already dishing out the useful advice. Her make shift adjustments did well to cover herself. Observant, or low altitude individuals would get a fine view of her but she was at least covered.

"Thank you, miss," the voice said politely as it was deposited in the bag. She'd note strangely that the voice was muffled when in the bag, and harder to hear, despite not seeming to be vocalized from any obvious place.

As she peeked out she heard nothing, proceeding down to the original fork in the path.

Vanessa noted that, since her encounter with the plant she actually felt...nourished. Well fed, her thirst was slaked. She even felt, energized. It appeared that if she was unable to find supplies, or was trapped here for awhile, at least she had that? If she could bare doing it.

As she headed down the hall she heard the sound of a deep growl, and approaching steps.

"Oh dear," said the muffled voice of her new friend.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

The downside of fucking hallways, there's never anywhere to hide. Vanessa muttered as they heard a growl, which was interrupting her pleasant memory of the plant that had wanted to fuck her brains out. At least it had managed to feed her..... So that was a thing.

She had to assume that growling meant whatever it was had already seen her, so she had to figure something out. She didn't turn her back though, that would be stupid, instead holding her rapier in her main hand and the dagger in her off, she backed up towards the cell door. She wasn't eager to go back in there but fatass would be looking for a new dolly so she should be somewhat good on that front for awhile.

Keeping her eyes on the hall in front of her so she could react, Vanessa made her way back, stepping slowly, quietly, and carefully... What else is in here? Well you said go up. What else is on this floor...
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

"True enough, make yourself ready, miss." The skull warned as Vanessa readied her weapons and retreated back towards the cell door. It would make a good choke point if she was pressed. By the time she reached the entryway the creature made itself known. It was like a wolf but much bigger than normal, perhaps she was familiar with the Worgs of the Orks? The chief difference was that it didn't seem to be fully...solid? It was faintly see through, darkness dripped from its form as it stalked towards her growling.

"W-well, the thing is...this place seems to shift. Some of it is familiar, but it changes over time. Sorry...I can't be sure."
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

That. Is a Worg. Made of Jelly. How do you not remember something like that? Vanessa said, her eyes wide while she tried to figure out what even the fuck. What was she gonna do!? Stab Slime!?

But, she knew she wouldn't outrun anything on four legs so instead she took her stance, rapier low, dagger high, and lunged, striking first before leaping back into her stance.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

"I don't think that's jelly," the mumuring of the skull warned. The Worg lunged at her, a wisp of shadow behind its swift movement as if trailing off it. Vanessa was quick, agile, her body shifted to the side, dancing out of the way of the beast but her blades dug deep, tearing into its form. It let out a roar, there was a faint gleam of light left behind the trail of her blades. It appeared whatever this was, the blades were working on it!

Worg? lunges!
Worg FAIL!!! vs 14 Ness

Ness counters
Ness 7 vs 3 Worg
2 FP!

Ness 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP
Worg? -2/? FP
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

So if it wasn't a brute or a giant she had half a chance, scoring a pair of deep strikes as it leapt prematurely, the pair trading places in the hall, it'd find she was already back in her stance, raising her blade in a guard, dagger low and to the left waiting again. Whatever it was made of, shadows and light, she'd lunge again soon if the worg didn't, abusing te range of her weapon with several quick thrusts. Nope! Not Slime! Trivia hour at the Tavern goes to you! she muttered to the skull as she concentrated on her opponent.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

"Ahah! I knew it, I'm very clever you know! Why, back in my day..." it began to drone on, apparently blind to the world it didn't really understand that Vanessa was locked in the middle of deadly combat! She readied her guard and waited for the beast to make a pass, it circled her slowly, daring her to lash out but she was patient, ready.

It moved to the opposite end, blocking the rest of the hall before lunging at her. It moved quick this time, form shimmering as the hairs on her arm began to prickle. She lashed out but it ducked between the blows, it rushed her getting past her guard even of the knife but instead of tearing or clawing at her it moved to tackle, losing shape and cohesion as it passed through-

For a moment she was not herself, she had left her body and was somewhere else. She was, in the heat of a passionate embrace, raw driving need that overrode any sort of conscious thought. Pleasure surged through her and it was all she wanted.

- her, passing through the other side. She was stunned momentarily by the experience and driven to the ground by the beast from behind as it bared its fangs for her throat.

"And that's how I found the secret to undoing a bra with my teeth, but let me tell you that..."

Ness cuts at the worg as it comes in.
Ness 12 vs 16 Worg

Worg? preforms Spectral Transference
Worg 11 vs 10 Ness
1 FP! 2 AP! Stunned!

Worg grapples!

Ness 5/5 FP, 2/10 AP -Grappled-
Worg? -2/? FP -Grappling-
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Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Vanessa clenched her teeth as the large shadowy lupine surged forward, both blades failing to find their mark. She braced herself for an impact, and then gasp, eyes wide as she saw some sort of flashing vision, felt that pleasure... And then it was over, finding herself shuddering from the experience and staring at empty space before she was tackled from behind, the large shadowy beast trying to mount her. What even the fuck! Cheater!

Dropping her rapier, since the longer blade would not help her in a grapple, she flipped the parrying dagger in her hand and tried to stab back, swing her arm out to drive the point into it's side before it did something else Equally mind bending.