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Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)



Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
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"Her impressive ability to mesmerize the dark creatures of the night, and turn them against one another, but little did he know that the slutty vampiress planned to..." The Tome would continue, keeping pace rather quickly with her slightly lewd turn. While it wasn't going to take the story down that direction on its own, if that was where the angel had plan on taking it, then it would manage to keep up and maybe even throw in its own ideas a bit later on.

"Why thank you, I appreciate being regarded so high in books that you've read. Though I think I can be happy with my position as it is. Moving higher might be fun, but I have no plans on aiming specifically for that. I'll just work towards helping you in your goals, and if anything comes of it then it'll be an added bonus." The Tome might enjoy Deva's company and her praise, but it wasn't exactly all that ambitious, preferring instead to just do what it thought was right, not expecting anything from it. "We got a few secret passages on this ship, the Captain had them installed so that we could always have the advantage if we got into a fight on the ship. Didn't work out as great when we were caught unawares I guess, but in a straight up fight, the Captain could've moved through this ship like crazy and strike from the shadows. 'Half the battle is preparation' Zana would always tell me." Tina would explain, giving Deva another look into the ways that Jade had managed to be such a tough pirate for anyone to top. "I agree that you are one that could have handled ________ if you had the proper situation... But I'd warn you no to underestimate HER in turn. You make great use of other people underestimating you, but take care that you don't do the same with her. I estimate that we still haven't seen the full extent of her power, considering that she's absorbed so many stories, and with every agent you defeat she likely takes some of their energy back..." The Tome would warn, not wanting to be caught too unaware. It had seen the war, and because of that it had seen so many things that Tomes could do once they got enough power. Personally it figured that the only reason that the Cloaked One wasn't as strong as she could be was because she wanted to give out some of that power to those under her command. Which was a curious thing into itself, why was she so willing to trust others with this type of power? "If her Tome had told her about the complexity of your story, then perhaps she decided to show up herself? Or even more worryingly, she had known that you had the potential to wield a Tome. If that were the case, then she may have wanted to push you out of that story, and get a Tome in your hands. If she could then control you, she'd have a second Tome under her control. Perhaps that was the real goal behind all of this? An attempt to get the power of a second Tome under her control? It's a terrible risk, but the power that one gives could in turn drive people to greater heights, wanting to take incredible risks just for the sake of getting another Tome. I've seen Tome wielders working together... Without Tomes to stop them, even two working together would be near unstoppable..." Then it would pause for a moment, thinking things through before it went forward. "Yes, a few COULD have taken her. I've seen stories that she avoided early on, ones with heroes that could've defeated her, ones with villains that would've laughed and tossed her aside as though she were nothing. Yet she was smart, and took safer stories early on before she was powerful enough to handle those kinds of stories, and at this point I don't think she could be stopped without someone like you. Someone that doesn't sit within a story, someone that I could trust to use the abilities that I have." It would explain.

"Yeah, but you can rest your head on bigger breasts and even nestle yourself between them in safety... With these, I mean, there's not much that you can really do with them. I guess they're not terrible, but there's way less fun with them as with the Captains or someone else's. Meh... my hair just never stays right the way I like it... I've kind of just accepted that it's not gonna look good no matter what I try to do with it. It's kind of annoying, but that's the way things are. So I guess I can work with what I got, but I'm still less pretty than all the high ranking people on this ship, and most of the regular girls here are still much prettier than I am." Tina would shrug as she thought on it a little harder, never one to compliment herself, but not tearing into her looks as much as she would normally. She'd give Deva a smile to show that she was definitely ok with the way that she looked. "Captain does normally seem a whole lot happier when we get really amazed with the things that she does figure out... Huh... I never really thought about it like that. That one time when she figured out that the ghost pirates chasing us were just fakes she was grinning ear to ear now that she knew they were just pirates that were trying to scare us into dropping one of our map pieces." She'd think aloud, even smiling when Deva said that she had managed to deduce what the broom was actually meant to be. The woman didn't see herself as the most intelligent woman around, but if she had managed to discover something like that, then she must've been worth something. If there was one thing that she knew better than most people, it would be inanimate objects!

"Hmmmmmmmmm... I honestly never thought of that. Being designed to help create new things, to make someone create and write rather than empower them to do things like that. If that is true, I think I'd like that more than any other potential explanation. If you ever want to write a novel, I suppose that I could help you with that... But I figure that you do just fine without my help when it comes to being really darn creative." The Tome would comment in response to Deva's theory, finding that to be far better than anything that it had been thinking of. If it was intended to be something more than a tool or a weapon, then perhaps there was more hope than it thought of not having to be used for fighting. That would be nice, to no longer worry about who might use it next, to be able to think that it could fulfill a completely different purpose than the one set for it. "I figured that there was a reason that we were playing that game. You are clever, things that may seem like just a random flight of fancy to others are meant to get you bits of information that others hadn't even thought of. So why are we playing this game? I am quite enjoying it either way."

"I mean... Yeah expecting it would help a little bit. But Zana gets really protective of us when she thinks that we're in trouble. I just didn't want you to get hurt or anything just for trying to help someone like me. Thank you so much though... This feels so different, but so much better at the same time, and yet I still feel like myself... It's really hard to properly explain." Other than that, Tina would just carefully listen to Deva's explanation on how magic worked, nodding and seeming rather excited to work at learning those kinds of spells. While she had never tried learning magic before, if she could figure out that kind of stuff then she could be even more useful to the crew, and get them out of all sorts of bad situations. Even Jade had some off days where she'd get captured, and normally that meant that the crew would have to work together to rescue her, normally leading to Zana taking a few of the better fighters along with her to try and save the pirate captain, but now she might be able to have some part to play in saving her as well. That was more than she could ever hope for, being able to help her family in more ways than just being another body in a fight. Now when it came down to it, she could animate objects to try and help them and maybe even get them untied real quick if that was needed, she'd be able to do more! Which was why she was very attentive, listening to every word carefully, thinking it all over as she heard the description of how magic was supposed to work.

"Oh, and uh... you don't have to hide it from me if you're not up for a roll with me! I get it, not everyone is for everyone else! Like how I'm not all that into sleeping with Jane. She's super business like about it, just wanting both of us to get in, cum hard, and get out. No real romance or extra enjoyment, no frills. I'm sure some of us here like that, but it's just not for me. No offense taken." Tina would let Deva know, having more than enough experience to know when someone wasn't up for sleeping with her, and also knowing that that was just a matter of personal taste. The only person she knew that was up for sleeping with just about everyone on the ship was Jade, everyone had a few people that they weren't all that into, Lucy barely slept with anyone really, while Zana couldn't have as much fun if the person wasn't into her whole 'BDSM' thing that she loved to do. The moment that Deva requested the book, the Tome would glow for a moment, and the book that she asked for would appear in her hand, and if she looked around, she'd notcie that the book only appeared in her hand when no one else was looking, even Tina was busy for a quick moment looking at the crew working around her. "Hmmm? Oh change those lyrics? I mean, it still kind of works. Most of us don't want children, and we definitely don't want wives unless they're fine with us sleeping around with each other. I mean, I guess we could try changing them around, but most of these songs we picked up from other places, so we'd have to tell the entire crew 'we're gonna change this one' and all that. I guess it's just a lot of work?" She'd shrug, not having thought about it that way in quite a while. "Oh, the twelfth piece? I know that one, everyone does. On The Isle, there's an old woman living in a huge tower, she has a map piece and dozens of guards. I've been told that she's willing to give it away to whoever has the other 11 pieces, and no one wants to risk attacking her with how many people she has in her employ. I guess we're going there to show her that we got the other pieces." Tina didn't know everything, but the Captain had made sure to let them know where the last piece would be, which meant they'd be heading to The Isle sometime soon. "To Lucy!" She'd declare eagerly, leading the way back below deck, following the same path that Jade had taken earlier. Though eventually she'd take another turn and reach a different door, knocking on it a few times before it opened.

"Yes? Oh hey Tina! How's it going?" "Great! Aved here is super nice! Helped me figure some stuff out and showed me some super cool things! She wanted to see you!" "Me, or Oliver?" Lucy would joke, the ferret looking happy to see Deva, jumping up once or twice once she was close, knocking its hat off, which in turn made it run to the floor, running underneath the hat and standing up to get it back on its head. Then it'd run around Lucy's legs for a bit before she picked it up and let it back onto her shoulder. "Oooooh? This is interesting... Hmmmmm... Simple enough... Thank you! This'll be real interesting to get through soon!" She'd say with a smile, flipping through the pages a bit before smiling at Tina and Deva. "Much as I'd love to make some puppy eyes, I fear that I'll not be helpful in that department. Plus I wanna get my room cleaned before the feast starts. Have fun though! And be careful Tina!" "No problem Lucy! See ya later!" She'd say cheerily. "Alright, let's head to the kitchen so that we can hear how the food is coming. Errrrr... just so you know, puppy dog eyes aren't gonna work on Barbara. She's pretty darn 'stuck up' until ya get to know her and she warms up to you properly. Used to be a noble apparently, so it comes with the territory." Tina would warn as she began leading the way into the kitchen, where it sounded like there was a lot of yelling inside. She'd open the door though, which would make the yelling clear and no longer muffled through the door. "GODDESS DAMN YOU! I TOLD YOU TO HAVE THAT DONE FIVE MINUTES AGO! AAARRRGGH! I WANT THIS DONE BEFORE TONIGHT! WE'VE GOT AN ENTIRE FEAST TO PREPARE! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WE'LL LOOK IF THIS ISN'T DONE?!" And the source of the yelling would be obvious, as a fancily dressed woman was shouting at a few other women, who didn't actually seem all that concerned with her yelling.

Then the woman would turn to face them, showing her rather large breasts contained in a revealing red dress. "CAN'T FIND GOOD HELP THESE DAYS! OH! Well hello Tina, and this must be the new girl. I'm Barbara, a pleasure to meet you. My apologies, the feast is nearly done, but these LAZY BUMS are holding things up a bit..." Tina would lead in to whisper to Deva after the introduction. "She's less yell-y when she's not having to prepare a full feast. She'll be fine come tonight." "How about you two head up to the deck, we've got the tables set up already, and other things are being set up now. Food will be up in a few moments... DON'T EAT THAT! WE COOK BEFORE WE EAT!" She'd turn and yell at one of the women that was trying to discreetly grab a bit of fruit and get a bite. Which would be her cue to head back to the group and resume ordering them around, as well as cooking things herself, working exceptionally fast already.

"Come on, I think that's our cue to head up." Tina would lead Deva back to the main deck, where the sun had fully set and it was much darker on the ship, only the moonlight illuminating them for now, though a few pirates were walking around setting up lanterns for the night. A few other women were setting table cloths and lugging barrels full of alcohol above deck, others were setting up chairs, and a small group of women seemed to be pulling up and getting instruments ready. Everyone that Deva had already met were up here, aside from the chef, the Captain, and Isa. But Jade and Isa would soon come out through the door that Deva had just passed through, looking around and smiling. And a mere few minutes later, the chef and her workers would be carrying up meals, laying out huge platters of glazed bread, sweet treats, fresh looking fruits and vegetables, bowls full of salad and all sorts of other foods. They'd lay them all out on the tables as Jade stood up on a raised platform to talk to them all. "I'd like to formally say that Aved is hereby welcome as a member of the crew, as is her companion Isa! Welcome them as your Sisters, and as is customary... LET'S CELEBRATE UNTIL THE DEVIL HIMSELF THINKS US TOO DRUNK FOR HELL!" She'd shout out, getting a huge cheer from everyone on deck as they began setting their plates and eating, sitting down and drinking, eating and laughing with one another. Meanwhile, Jade would come over to Deva with a smile. "So how are ya enjoying the crew so far? I hope Tina didn't give ya too much trouble eh? Ha! She's a shy one really. I gave your friend a good tour of this ship, surprised we didn't run into each other." Though when no one was looking, Jade would quickly give Deva a wink, showing that she still knew that they were to be on the look out for anyone dangerous.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Planned to turn Jack into Jaqueline, her female bride, but not before she had proven herself in battle, which she would do heading deeper into the forest and..." Deva continued, innocently. "Eh to be honest, no book chatted better than yours and it's only a contest because I read the scriptures most exalted.. basically, it contains a bunch of spells like the Heart's ease." Deva explained. The Book of Exalted deeds went so far as to be pretty much unusable for any evil creature, finally a proper way of keeping secrets!

"It's quite useful to be prepared for any occasion, yes. The Captain thinks a lot like me. I have a secret room behind another secret room that's designed to make treasure-hunters believe they found all there was." Deva chuckled. For a long time she had had a need to hide quite delicate secrets. "True, cloaked one is powerful tomey, but at the same time, raw force alone can never overcome finesse. My worry is more that an agent, perhaps the rebellion, forces me to play my cards early. If the cloaked one realizes what danger a certain spell of mine represents she will be.. uncompliant, and indubitably her tome could unravel it if alerted fast enough... still, just using up vast amounts of her tomes power could be a victory.. if I make it out of course."

"That's a very interesting theory, tomey, something I hadn't actually thought about. The only complex factor in my story would have been me, I chose that world for its peace and quiet and, limited as my abilities might be without your aid, I know a trick or two.
That said, if the goal is to get me a tome, get me aquainted with it through struggle and .. err, get me, I feel like this is a bit too subtle. She made no attempt at approaching me, she didn't seem to know me either. Is there a difference between tomes? Because she seemed to not have precision knowledge.. Why would one take such a gamble if they already have an enormous amount of power, what goal could they possibly be after.."
Deva mused, pondering the tomes idea, it made sense up to the point that none were actively going after Deva.

"You say two tome-users would be nearly unstoppable. Heh." Deva shook her head. "You say it needs someone like me to stop her?
I think, even if you understand quite a lot, you haven't quite yet seen all of what I am."
Deva shook her head, seeming bemused, but did not comment further. She looked up to the piratess after a moment of silent smiling. "You could cut your hair short, and.. you just need the right charm to use small breasts." She enthused, switching from world-saving to feminine charms. "Keep this a secret, but smart people have feelings too."

"Indeed, it's a lot like the pirate-captain said, Tomey. No one suspects the fool. By extension, doing random things and observing how people react let's you see through chinks in the guard around their minds. A villain will have heard the whole 'how dare you do this, do you not care for the world around you!' bla bla bla speech a hundred times, but ask them why their robes are all purple and it will unbalance them, at worst they ignore you and misjudge you as a fool, at best they give you an answer helping you understand them. In the right hands, words can be greater weapons than spells or blades."
Deva nodded. "As for the story-making game.. I started playing this game to test and verify my theory, even the way I quickly change the story randomly is ment to test your capabilities. You need some creativity to employ your powers, but, the question is, what else could your powers assist with even better.. and you are the ideal help whenever someone gets stuck. You absorb creative-energy.. someone just made you far, far too well, you don't just stop with make-belief. The story in itself helps me gauge the amount of energy you can gain from a simple tale you help with, I presume it's not much... Also, this story is fun, combining fun and work is always nice. Anyway, would you say what we created so far is enough to create an apple-seed? A grape?" Deva inquired, smiling.. a smile that froze for just a subtle moment, barely noticeable to anyone not closely watching as she responded to Tina:

"If a healer can't heal someone right infront of them, they deserve to be hurt. ..Heh. Anyway, its easy to use enchantments to control someone, just as it's easy to use a sword to cut them, but using a precision cut to extract the sorrow is a bit mor effort." She grinned.

"Heh, Jane sounds like a guy. Guys are usually quite quick and rough, a shame really, I can like a bit of roughness, but in the end a feminine.. err.. build up and after-care is more fun, I agree, that said, I have very.. err.. specific tastes. I can both be in charge and have others in charge of me, but I like it .. wilder than you might." Deva explained and nodded.
Then, Deva chuckled and followed along to Lucy, grinning and waving at the ferret once they arrived. "Aww.. still so adorable.. " She watched the hat-fetching. She wisely supressed a: 'but your room looks totally clean to me' before they departed with a chuckle from the pirate-angel.

"Hungry?" Deva suggested as answer to the yelling kitchen-despot, never having been one to take loud shouting as a sign for her own silence.

"Hello, I'm Aved!" She enthused. "I kinda think I can hold my apetite for a little longer.." She whisper-decided towards Lucy after watching the kitchen-display. "Very shouty noble.."

Deva smiled and looked over the moonlit waters. She kind of liked the sea. She wasn't a sailor by any means, but she understood the appeal of the limitless freedom to sail wherever one wanted, unimpeded by mountains or valleys or thorny bushes...
"Ooooh.." Deva enthused, looking over the feast arriving, rubbing her hands, eyes wandering from sweet treats to fruits and back. She even fell into the pirates cheer, even if she didn't plan on getting drunk, smiling and aquiering whatever looked the juiciest of the pirates treats, actually not entering the centre of the party, leaning back and relaxing a little.

"Oh, quite enjoying the crew, Jade." She chuckled whilest suckling on something sugary. "I'll let the rest of that be a little suprise. You know.. parties like this remind me of my age." She indicated her relaxedly leaned back form, reaching out sluggishly for another treat. "A few centuries ago I'd have liked to be the main focus of attention, in the middle of things, but.. by now, I'm happy watching other people having their fun. Guiding them, advicing them, never commanding. It's its own kind of reward. You will understand one day, you remind me of myself.. execpt, well, I was too.. chaotic to ever hold such an impressive crew together. To be honest, I did have a guild, a crafters guild, and a harem, because, well.. fame and fortune by necessity attracts that as well, but.. it just burned me out, exhausted me, trying to please everyone, in time, even sex seemed to turn into a chore. Thats when I realized I'm better serving.. being with one truly dedicated partner. Well.. a long term partner had like.. several forms, so that's fine and I've been in a group of closely knot others as well, that was kind of interesting, but I couldn't be part of a wildly changing group for certain.

And.. you know what, fuck it. I'm only as old as I let myself be. Simulacra Dua"
Deva chuckled, crossing her arms, two illusory selfs splitting off of her, growing solid, before posing lewdly, both hopping into the centre of the ship, one shouting: "Eyooo! Bet none of you sweet-water swimmers can dance like this! Huh.. hah!" With her thrusting her hips out and twirling her arms in a semi-erotic, chaotic, and quite energetic dance. Whilest another illusion tried to sneak-nibble on some candy. "Hoi, hoi, I see you stealing that, you're just an illusion that wouldn't work!" Deva shook her head sternly, shooing the illusion to poutly saunter and join in on the dance.

"Before you ask, yes, captain, I could use those copies for sexytimes too, however, I don't actually feel what they are doing, so less fun for me, really, they are best used for show.
By the by, I hope I get granted a comfy resting place. I plan to have a nice sleepiness, and in the morning whilest you sail onwards, I'll subtly look at the prisoners. I doubt they can tell me from regular crew if I don't want them to."

"On that note, I heard you got a plan to head to a.. guardian of the twelfth piece? Interesting.. Why's she guarding it, is she like a long lost lover of.. whats his name bone.. jack.. skull .. john.. the legendary pirate guy?" She cleared her throat. She had done a good job memorizing several piratesses, so her mind was pretty much exhausted with names by now!
Plus, she had more sweeties to munch on. She was happy for the time being... except perhaps.. "Hmnn, oh and perhaps tomorrow if you aren't too hangover and slept up properly.." Deva grinned. "We could do a little sparring. I mean, judging by Zana.." Deva pointed over with her left holding some munchies, her right hand subtly tensing. "You are good with people that are ready with arms up, but how do you deal with suprise attacks that hide their killing intent?" She mused, her hand shooting forward, three fingers curled into the hooked claw of her drunken fist, aiming for the captains lower belly.. and attempting to tickle her there, if she hadn't picked up in the subtle movements and toneshift of Devas tone, or defended instinctually.
"I'm not a great warrior, to be clear, frankly, physically, you've propably surpassed me, I need magic to fight fairly with any properly trained warrior, but I'm pretty good at suprise-improvising things." She nodded.
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Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
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"and manipulate the first two beasts that she saw, putting them discreetly under her control, making them attack her viciously yet knowing their every move, pretending to make quick work of those beasts as they attacked her, seeming to be incredibly powerful in combat, fooling poor Jack into thinking her strong, a deception that she used to..." The Tome continued on, having fun while still working to keep a decently logical sequence of events, working in any new elements thrown its way so that the story still worked out. "Heh... Well I'm quite glad that I'm better at conversation than the usual books. Though to be honest that's not a very tough bar to meet. I best be careful in case you meet any other Tomes, wouldn't do to have to compete with something that could actually manage to converse with you better than me." It would joke, glad that Deva appreciated the less valued abilities that it had. Normally, people liked the different things that it could do, like block attacks and help them figure certain things out, few enjoyed it more for its ability to converse as much as they did all the other things.

"Captain does like to have all sorts of extra little tricks to keep people away from the things that she values. She's the cleverest person that I know, and even I'm not sure if I've seen everything that she can think to do. Though the Captain would probably have that last secret room have fake treasure in it as well, and instead just keep the real treasure under her bed or something. She once told me 'Make the enemy think they've figured out the trick, make them think they got the better of you. And if you do that, they'll be too busy being full of themselves to notice that you've been holding all the cards the whole time'. Pretty darn smart, though she's really bad at keeping secrets from us, at least it seems like she is." Tina would shrug, figuring that maybe the captain could be actually really good at lying to all of them, and just be so good none of them had caught on. Either scenario could make sense, but the pirate just wanted to keep living her life, preferring to do what was asked of her and help the people that had all cared for her ever since they saved her. "Ah but one must always be careful of one that has both raw force and finesse, and those with both would do a fine job of hiding the fact that they have the latter. I only warn to be careful, as you know how many cards you still keep close to you, neither of us know how many cards ________ has on her still." The Tome explained, not sure exactly how many things that the Cloaked One could do now that she had amassed so much power.

"I do not profess to know what ________ is planning. However, neither of us truly know WHY she does the things that she does. Yes we know that she wants to freeze stories and 'store' them, but is it not possible that she has something else planned as well? There could very well be other goals in mind, which would further explain why she was so willing to risk getting me to you. I believe that you said it first, she is not extraordinary because she has a Tome, she has a Tome because she is extraordinary. Not recognizing you might be a problem, unless she was told that a Tome wielder was in the story, and knew no details about it. She might have thought you another passerby, and planned to find someone else, or maybe it truly is an elaborate plan... It's just not something that we can easily write off. As for other Tomes, the only major difference that I know about is our personalities, our physical appearance, and the collective knowledge that we might have. ________'s Tome may not know everything that I know, or I may not know the things that it knows, for we have different experiences and have met different people." It explained, wanting to give Deva advice, as well as the information that she might make some use of.

"I don't know everything about you... Precisely. I'm actually very happy that is the case, I don't want to know everything about you before I had even met you. Wouldn't it be better for me to learn as much as possible from time with you instead?" While it could have looked over her entire history, it didn't feel that was fair, and it would be a waste of time and energy. Instead it learned enough to know that Deva was the right choice, and simply moved on from there. "Well, I'll see what I can manage to do with all of that... And I'll also make sure to remind the Captain just how much I think she's pretty darn awesome... And you're super awesome and smart too! From what I've seen so far, you're absolutely super smart!" Tina would enthuse, smiling happily at the really kind angel.

"I do my best to observe, and I noticed that you tend to know quite a bit when you lead others on as though you know nothing. Either way, I greatly enjoy the game that we are playing, and the fact that there's a use for it makes it even better. I think that I might be able to create an apple seed if I were to focus it... But yes, I think that I am gaining some energy from putting this story together."

"I don't know much about healers, but I'm definitely glad for the help... Thank you again... Thank you." Tina would earnestly tell her, giving her a thankful look and a smile. "Jane is really to the point. Though she does work really hard to make sure you both cum as hard as possible, Doesn't just care about herself, but yeah she handles it like a business thing. Zana's pretty wild if you're into it, Lucy is really intimate despite all of her crazy neatness. If you can manage to get Barbara in with you she goes absolutely wild. And the Captain is able to fit any role, she's awesome at feeling out what you want and trying her best to give it to you." She'd explain, giving a bit of insight into all the different ways people enjoyed each other on the ship. But otherwise she was more than happy to just tour around the ship rather than keep discussing this kind of thing.

Barbara would look at Deva for a few moments when she made the 'hungry' comment, staying silent for a bit. "BAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my that's great! I think you'll fit in just fine around here with that kind of wit! Anyway... BACK TO WORK!" A few of the cooks would groan a bit, but otherwise returned to getting the last bits of the meal prepared. "She'll be a lot happier once things are properly ready for the feast. Big meals make her have to keep a tight kitchen, otherwise we start sneaking food and doing other things." She explained further, not minding the shouting from the former noble, as once she got really stressed it made her a bit more controlling. Most of the crew barely noticed it now that they had lived with it for so long.

All of the sweat treats and fruit would taste properly fresh, wonderfully and carefully cooked. The fruit was juicy, as though they were stored properly, the sweets tasted as though they were warm and freshly cooked in the oven, and the non-alcoholic drinks were sugary and fruity, made specially for Deva after Barbara had gotten the orders about those things. The noble chef would walk over to Deva with a proud smile on her face, placing a few fruity drinks in front of her. "Is everything to your liking? Sincerest apologies if it's not perfect, we didn't have as much time to prepare this as I would've liked, and we had to clean up that kitchen after those bunch of slobs messed it up. I'm not exactly Lucy, but they messed everything up and I want at least a mostly clean kitchen. Either way, I think that we did a good job, I hope you enjoy, because once we're properly done serving, I'm gonna be taking part in this party as well." Barbara would quickly say to her before rushing off to tend to the other crew members, giving them food and hearing what she could improve on next time.

"Good to know that you're having a good time! Your companion mentioned that she was a tad hungry, so i'm glad that Barbara was able to get this stuff ready real quick. Heh... Honestly I feel the same way sometimes. Running this crew and partying with them makes me feel young again, maybe that's why I'm always so eager to start a celebration. At least tonight we got something to actually celebrate for instead of me just wanting to have a good time with the girls." Jade would tell her with a chuckle, looking around at the party and smiling as she saw the women she had worked so much with laughing and eating and drinking while they had a great time with each other. "I got my harem all around me! And I'm also part of their harem... Kind of different from the traditional harem... Also different from the traditional pirate crews really... So we just say screw all them traditions!"

Once Deva began her dance, the crew around her would cheer loudly, some already drunk as they raised their glasses. Meanwhile, others would be clapping for her and cheering, some whistling at her as they saw the erotic dance going on in front of them. The musicians would start playing their instruments in time with her dance, giving her an alluring and yet energetic song for her to perform to. The surrounding women would be clapping along, a few of them blushing as the dance really got them going. "For tonight you get a comfy resting place if you want, however you don't really have the option all the time. The only other option to avoid the regular crew beds is to spend the night with one of the higher up members of the crew. Up to you, tonight we'll roll out the comfy pillows and you can take my room, I'll probably sleep with Tina or something for tonight." The Captain would explain, the system if the ship being that anyone wanting a really comfy rest could seduce a higher ranking crew member and sleep with them instead.

"Yep! Lady has the last bit of Skullman Joe's map. I don't know if she's related to him or anything. She just one day bought one of the biggest buildings on The Isle, and told everyone that she had a piece of the map, but would only show it for anyone that had the other 11. However... I get the feeling this is just a trap. I show up with all 11 pieces, get told to come without weapons, and then BAM! Suddenly she has all 12 pieces and only had to collect one. Which is why I'm going, Zana's going, and I'd like it if you and your friend come along. No weapons, but a four armed fighter, and two magic users should be enough to hold our own if we think carefully. Can never be too careful, and if I'm wrong then I get the last map piece without trouble and- WOAH!" Jade would instinctively dodge out of the way of Deva's strike, moving quick enough to dodge it even though she didn't know it was coming. "Heh... close one there! You'll need more to get me with something like that though!" She'd say with a smirk, prepared for any follow up strikes this time.

Meanwhile, a dancing circle had been made where Deva had been dancing a little bit ago. The musicians were playing songs as people swapped in and out, a few of them dancing together, others moving around and laughing in time to the music while the crowd clapped and cheered with them. Though eventually they'd start all chanting together... "CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN!" "Oh my! Seems that my crew needs me for something... One moment... Girls... I need my song!" The gathered musicians would smile and nod, starting to get into their instruments and that their Captain always loved. Though while the song traditionally talked about a 'Trooper Lad' the lyrics were changed to 'Trooper Lass', the professional musicians able to change the song to fit the pirate crew better.

She took a few slow steps to the circled crowd, watching them part as she took the center of the circle, smiling and winking at Deva before suddenly starting a rhythmic, enticing, energetic dance. Immediately she'd pull her hat off and through it into the crowd, leaving her long blond hair to properly flow as she danced around. The crowd around her would begin clapping and stomping in time with the music as she continued fluidly dancing, tossing off her jacket as well to reveal a little more of her skin. A wild smile grew on her face as her gloves came off and her undershirt opened slightly as her legs moved perfectly in time with her song, tapping against the deck as her outfit became more and more disheveled. At one point the music would pause and she'd blow a kiss in Deva's direction before getting back into her enticing and erotic dance, letting her clothes come looser and looser with every movement. More and more members of the crew would start watching the display, as they didn't always get to see Jade dance for them, even when they cheered, but right now she wanted to show Deva what she could do as well. And while she didn't have copies of herself, she did have dedication to her work, spinning and nearly stripping for them as she danced. Eventually, while the song restarted, she'd stop dancing and the crowd would part, allowing her, half naked at this point, to look over to Deva with a seductive smile, gesturing her hand over, offering her a dance with her in the middle of the circle, letting her make the choice at this point.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Deva considered the story-continuation when chatting on with her tomey, grinning at Tina: "Hah, exactly how I do it, in a way, I guess, I claim to have a way with hidden valuables, true, but even if I have powerful artifacts or great spells, what's truly valuable you can't lock up in a hidden room. I guess you could hide them under your bed for a while.." Deva mused. "Oh and yes, the confidence of your enemies is a key strategy in defeating them... though, I can tell you exactly why she doesn't do that to you..
It's a gift, and an ability to be able to trick and manipulate your foes. That ability.. you can't just .. turn it off. Your captain can as easily trick and read you, but that scares her, she's not ready to go there, because then, what kind of captain and hero would she be? So she intentionally lowers her guard against you."
She nodded.

"You are right of course, Tomey. But don't worry about card games. I got a secret move. I kick over the table and throw my cards at the other player." She proclaimed, confidently. "Putting stories on .. cold storage to protect them seems a clear goal, but yes, rushing the whole matter and antagonizing me goes in complete contradiction of that goal. Usually such contradictions means there is something more. So she would -need- to gain an enormous amount of power to some end? Sadly, that end might as well be megalomania.
She might have mistaken me at first. I'm apt at hiding not just my abilites, but my very presence. I'm not sure I could hide it from tomes, but admittedly, all I did in the story was laze about, at best once or twice secretly protecting the village from minor issues, it does make sense I took her by suprise and when I did she was flustered anyone could do that, whereas you took interest."
Deva mused.
"That said, I'm missing something custom tailored to get me. She doesn't seem willing to risk throwing away her agents to get to me hrmnn.. hmmn.. yet perhaps. .. hmnn.
So, basically your potential abilities are exactly the same but you differ based on the way the user uses you.

But yeah, I agree. No need to snoop through all my boring history."
She chuckled, at both Tomeys words and Tinas compliments. She focused back on the tome afterwards. "Only compliment a teacher ever game me,.. the only one I respected, was that I have a rare talent to make a lot out of nothing. But anyway. .. A deception that she used to get close to him as they deeper into the forest, where none could observe her plans for Jack, unconsciously helping the warrior as he blindfolded himself, she herself didn't need to, as an undead the forest-beasts didn't count her as a living being observing her, whilest she learned Jacks combat style as finally, the unlikely couple came upon..."

Deva chuckled as the piratess described her companions sex-lifes.. again the captain sounded a fair deal like her. "What about you?" She noted Tina had shared everyones sex-abilities but her own, soon chuckling at the cook, then, at the feast peering over to her approach.
"So yummy! Can't complain! Oh, don't worry either way, I'm not demanding." Not as demanding as nobles would be, clearly. "You're pretty passionate about food eh?" Deva could appreciate anyone providing her with sweets.

Then, when the captain approached her, she agreed "Most countries traditions would frown on an all women crew being intimate, so screw 'em." She answered, whilest with a sideglance ot her illusons, the same clappped cheerfully in response to the cheers and musicians fitting in, one of them winking at Isa, a half invitation.. though if the ice-mage was too shy they were glad to focus on one another.
"So you say, all I got to do is seduce someone into borrowing their bed?" Deva grinned, leaving out that her magic could easily create a hammock for herself.. what was the fun in that.
"Most certainly could be a trap, but then again, very vunerable position. You put yourself infront of an group of highly experienced pirates. assume you could beat them after waiting for years without combat experience.. not a gambit I'd take." Deva explained.
"You could bring Tina along as well. I think after a while of traveling, she'll be ready to have your back." Deva mused.. then grinned. "Oooh not bad! I didn't expect you'd be able to doge this after you were taken by a suprise attack from Edward. And I didn't hold that one back either." Deva seemed pleased. It didn't seem as if the pirate-captain didn't even need her assistance if they were to fight one of the cloaked ones agents.

Deva grinned at the chanting pirates, dismissing one of her illusions now that the action had been started (keeping more than one Simulacrum up at a time and talking were exhausting, even for her) and having the other join in on the cheer, with Deva leaning back. "Oh my.." She cooed, leaning her head on her hand and observing, whilest her illusion fell into the general cheer and rythm. "Hrmnn.. oh what the heavens." She mused, watching the parting pause, the slightly sweaty, half exposed piratess, and getting up, letting her broom rest on her chair, putting tomey down.. opened of course, so it could 'watch', finding itself accompanied by three of Mulji's plushies, adorably assorted to observe the Dance, with Deva carrying the fourth off and dropping it closer to the musicians as she scuttled over her eyes wandering over the assorted pirates, before leaning in. "Well, I certainly can't dance to the captains entrance music, as neat as it sounds. Heh, I'm afraid I don't have a neat fitting sound.." She lied. "Tell you what. You come up with a song, I'll be right back." Deva grinned. "Sorry, captain. But this is my feast, so I'll do things my way." She nodded, then waved, picking up an actual bottle of stronger alcohol and rushing into the ship. "Minor creation." She mumbled, extending her hand, creating a harmless, but fancy looking magical wand in one hand. It wasn't that she needed anyone to show her around on the ship. After a tour or two, she could guess pretty well where things were, based on the size and layout of the ship.. it was just nicer being lead around. But more importantly, she knew how the ships designer thought. The prisoner area would not be close to the crews quarters, or the treasury, likely, there was a litlte bit of isolation space around it, for a secret entrance, just in case someone had the idea of throwing the captain into her own brig. She wanted to check on the prisoners, right now. For one, now was the most ideal moment to plan something, and she hadn't seen Zana or the bunnygirl for a while, so a suprise check-in would be interesting. For two, if she was wrong.. there were a bunch of people locked up below her while she was having fun.. and she didn't like that.

If the prisoners seemed all neatly locked up, Deva would wiggle her crew-signet and claim that the captain told her to go get the better behaved prisoners, which was just what she did, stepping in on the folks, lifting her wand and clearing her throat: "Hello everyone. I'm the same mage that turned your boss into a bunnygirl. Nothing personal. Plus, I'm thinking, well, they be a bunch of pirates and ne'er do wells, but at the same time, we create enemies by dividing people. Locking you up down here, like ye locked up the lasses. I'm offering any of you a chance of the hook, you can come up, help out with the music and perhaps get some munchies.. if you promise to not cause any trouble.. oh and by promise I mean, my magic wand will be able to tell if you've got any ... ideas and this time I wont stop half-way with the rabbit transformation, and I told the cook I'd like some stew, savy?" She smirked, wagging her impressive looking wand. "So. Any of you that want to be free and join the festivity, I'll let you speak up and I ~dare~ you to lie. Less mouths to feed during the travel, more food available." Deva informed. You always gave people a chance, even this lot. Of course, if any of her theories proved right, or the prisoners attempted a break out during the more noisy festivities, Devas actions would change slightly. Thats what the brought the booze for!
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Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
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"Captain always tells us to watch for 'sleight of hand'. She always tells us to think of the classic shell game. The trick isn't to move the right shell too fast to see, the trick is to make your opponent think that you're playing by the same rules as them. While your opponent is busy looking for the right shell, thinking you're playing by the established rules, you've already palmed the pearl and are playing by a completely different set of rules. People, specially the orderly ones that Captain deals with all the time, always put their faith in the rules. All you gotta know is what rules they play by, and start playing outside of them." Tina would explain, having paid a lot of attention to her Captain's advice, wanting to learn as much as possible about things. Though her face would grow a bit red when Deva explained why their Captain didn't pull the same tricks with them. "That's... I've never thought about it like that... She trusts us enough to let her guard down... AND doesn't want to deceive and lie to us? I'm... I'm really glad she cares so much..." While she knew that Jade cared, it really helped to know that their captain purposely didn't try and deceive them.

"Precisely... You are willing to kick the table over, not worried about what one might think of you when you choose not to play their game, instead you win in another way, a way that others might not even consider. That both in turn makes you the most dangerous choice, and the very best one for something like this. If you were to abuse this power, you'd be just as dangerous as the Cloaked One, but if you do not, then I believe that you will stop her." The Tome told her, having understood enough to know why Deva was the one to pick through every story that it was able to look through.. "Unfortunately I can only guess at ________'s motives for the things that she does. But it seems to me that there has to be something more if she was willing to risk getting the attention of another possible Tome wielder, or at least something that made her come to a moderately simple story personally just for the sake of taking whatever little energy that it could provide."

"Came upon a helpless damsel that had gotten lost in the forest, barely able to avoid the dangerous creatures after she had gotten lost, her cries of help were audible to both Jack and the vampiress, but she had fallen down a hole she couldn't climb out on her own, and while Jack wouldn't be able to see the helpless young lady, he could definitely hear her but because he couldn't completely see what was happening, the vampiress would..." The Tome would add, always interested in where Deva would want to take things next. While it had thought that it had known where she would go, it now had to keep up with a slightly different direction that it wasn't completely expecting.

"Me? Really I just like to make sure the other person s happy, let them take the lead, honestly I enjoy that much more than anything. I'm... what did Captain call it? I'm a pretty big submissive. That was the word that she had used. Apparently that means that I really like it when someone else is in charge and stuff, even when it's a bit rough. Zana really likes it when I'm like that, and Captain is always happy to fill the role of being in charge." Tina would answer, seeming not to be all that secretive about this kind of thing, just wanting to answer her new found friend. "Of course I'm passionate about food! It is my ART. Painters are passionate about painting, I am passionate about cooking! It's why I ran off... I didn't want to live my life as some noble woman that was in charge of all sorts of foolish things that I don't actually care about. These girls let me cook whatever I want and they'll all try it and help me sometimes! Plus... they allow me to... indulge... in all sorts of more carnal pleasures when I wish. Why wouldn't I want a life of freedom like this?" The noblewoman would tell her, happy to make some small talk before she got everything done, immediately moving to fill a glass up with wine so that she could start socializing and talking with the rest of the crew.

"Heh! Precisely! All them other countries and traditions get in the way of me running my crew the way I like, and they're all like 'Don't sleep with your fellow woman' and I'm like 'But my fellow woman is really REALLY hot!" Jade would laugh a bit and smile, looking around at a few other members of her crew, their 'assets' in particular seeming to be of interest to her as she looked around the deck. Though she did refocus quickly, giving a few more laughs as she thought about the kinds of things that would make many people blush, or angry. Isa would just blush as she was offered a spot on stage, not ready to take a spot in front of everyone, especially after already doing something moderately lewd in her initiation to tease the gathered pirates. "Yep! If you want a nice comfy bed to sleep in, better have someone lying there beside you. Though, 'borrow' isn't really the word, you'd be sharing with whoever you convinced. My bed is open for tonight if you're up for it... I promise that I'm still really good even when I'm drunk, and I'm going to be VERY drunk by the end of the night." If she was meant to make things look like they were normal, then her only option was to get just as wasted as usual. It was a burden that she would just have to take to draw her infiltrator out... such duties that the captain had to fulfill. "Well the other thing is, the woman has rules about how many people visit her. Tina can come along too, but then we'd be at the limit for how many she has. Which is why I'm suspicious of this being a trap. She'll have the 11 pieces right in front of her, minimally defended, no weapons in our hands since she doesn't want weapons on us. It's like walking right into the trap... which means she's going to think that we stand no chance against her once we walk right in. And by that same logic, she'll be surprised to see how capable we are even when unarmed. Thank you very much, might I add. A pirate always has to be ready for someone to attack her... I've made quite a few enemies that are looking to take me down, and they could strike at any moment, so I've gotta be ready to dodge and avoid any attacks that might come my way." Jade didn't like that she always had to be ready, but unless she was knocked out from a night of drinking, she tended to be able to see anything coming.

Once she was into her dance, breathing heavily, sweat glistening on her mostly exposed skin, still giving Deva a sultry smile as she invited her into the middle of the dancing circle. Then she gave the angel a slightly longing look, her breasts just barely covered by her shirt, her legs revealed now as more and more bare skin was revealed. Then she saw her start to go over to the musicians, raising her eyebrow a little bit as she wondered where the angel was going with. "Hmmm... We'll try to think of something... But it's not easy to just give you something on the fly." The lead singer would joke before pulling the group together to discuss what the best idea might be for their new crew member. "It is YOUR party... But don't keep me waiting too long... A girl can't keep her mood up forever..." She'd give an exaggerated moan as Deva went away, continuing her dance for a little while to make sure that the crowd remained properly interested. Before Deva reached the brig, she'd run into the bunnygirl walking around aimlessly and looking a bit confused, looking up and down and seeming even a little concerned. Then she'd spot Deva and perk up, smiling brightly now that the woman had come to see her. "Hiya! Errr... I got super lost and no one is down here to show me where to go... Did everyone go somewhere?" She'd ask, apparently not knowing that the party had started and everyone was above deck celebrating rather than doing their usual things. So now she was just wandering around, hoping that she ran into someone that would be able to tell her where she was meant to go. "Could ya just, point me in the direction of someone? Maybe blue lady, or the nice captain lady maybe? I don't wanna spend forever looking for people." Edys earnestly asked, just wanting to go do something rather than walking around forever and not being able to find anything because the ship was all crazy and confusing. Once the angel gave the bunny girl some kind of direction, she'd bound off happily, and Deva wouldn't run into anyone until she got to the entrance to where the brig would most likely be on the ship.

Zana would be standing outside the door, both pairs of arms crossed with her eyes closed, face scrunched a bit in concentration, looking as though she were thinking about something rather important. Though once Deva got closer the four armed woman would look up, and her expression would soften just a little bit."Ah... I didn't expect to see you here any time soon. Do you need something from the prisoners? Or does the Captain need me? I lost track of time a bit while I was guarding these bilge rats..."She would mention, seeming completely unaware that the party had even started as well, instead just standing outside the brig and thinking about something or other."If you've got business with them, it might be best for me to head out and help with some other stuff now. Captain had me guarding them after we got the ship moving properly, but I figure they aren't moving anywhere at this point."And if Deva didn't tell her otherwise, the woman would walk off, eventually realizing that there was celebration to be had and would head above deck. Though if Deva needed to talk to her or wanted something of her, the first mate would stop to hear whatever it was that the angel had to say at this point.

Inside the brig, however, the imprisoned crew would be mostly silent, many of them seeming either tired or angry after their attempt to overthrow the Captain of the ship. If she listened closely, she'd hear one of the men leaning over to whisper to his cell mate. "Don't trust her mate... She's a witch I'm telling ya! She'll prolly cook you into some sort of stew anyway, even if you agree to all that stuff she's trying to tell." Which would clearly frighten the man, leading to him backing away from the cell bars, trying to put as much distance between himself and Deva as possible. A few in another cell would remain mostly silent, just staring at her with either a slight hint of fear, or just annoyance that she was bothering them after they had already been annoyed. In a different cell, a large and tough looking man would get to the bars of his cell and glare at the angel."Piss off ya daft bitch! I don't need yer fuckin' pity! Trynna scare me wit yer bullshit, ya got a lotta nerve! Fuck ye and yer fucking 'munchies'. If I were outta this damn cell I'd rip you and all your fucking whore friends to FUCKING BITS! FOR THE CAPTAIN!"He'd growl at her, not intimidated by her magic wand. Though one cell, which only had four people would seem a bit interested. The one that seemed to be the lead man of the cell would step forward to speak.

The man in the cell seemed just a bit more organized than the other pirates in the brig, with brown hair, an eye patch, and clothes far less torn and scratched up like his crew mates. "If you're serious about that offer, then I'd be more than willing to behave for the sake of getting out of this god forsaken cell..." "RICHARD YOU FUCKING TRAITOR!" "Fuck off David! You saw what happened to the Captain! We ain't getting paid, we ain't getting the shit we were promised, and if I'm gonna die or get thrown in a Hinterian prison, I'd prefer to spend my last night fucking drinking! If you wanna rot in this cell and face your fate sober, be my guess. But if I'm to greet the devil tonight, I'd prefer to be too damn wasted to care!" The man would shout, and the pirates in his cell would nod and agree, causing a few of the others in the cells to shout similar obscenities to the man as he stared at Deva, mostly ignoring them at this point. "We'll behave, so long as the ladies up there don't try to beat the shit out of us just for trying to get a full stomach. I don't even give a damn about this 'Skullman Joe' shit... Captain... or Bunny gal now I guess... promised us a ton of gold for seeing this through to the end. Now that he... err... she is a bit indisposed, I don't feel all that obliged to keep to my contract." He'd say, seeming honest as he stood at the door to his cell, wondering if Deva was just mocking him or something, but seeming willing to take the risk of that if it meant he had a chance of spending some time outside of his cell.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Deva grinned a little at Tina’s explanation “If you play by different rules, you win whilst they expect you to lose, yep.” The captain sounded a lot like her. Though, at Tina growing flustered, she gave a soft smile. “Yeah; That’s nice of her.” She mused. Lying to your friends and companions, because you had to, that was the final step that the captain luckily hadn’t taken, and wouldn’t have to take. Not as long as Deva was here.

"Wrong tomey, in one respect at least.. If I -were- to use this power.. I’d be more dangerous than the cloaked one. I think. Who knows! Let’s not try that one for now.” .. She hesitated afterwards. “But yes, there is something more.. I doubt she understood what it means to attract my ire, still, you’re right, it doesn’t quite make sense, if she knew I was there, or a tome-user was there, that was a risk, if she did not know it, then why not send someone more on Priselias level.

Which raises a far more uncomfortable question, megalomania is a pessimistic assessment, but, worst case, what could drive someone with her amount of power to take such risks?"
Deva shrugged as she posed the question.

“"The vampiress would deceive Jack, claiming the maiden was a trap of the monsters and urging him to rush to the end of the forest, to reach the goal of his quest, however, as she rushed on she had underestimated the helpless maiden, who, now flustered by being called a trick of a monster, got her things together and decided to escape the hole, using her special talent in…”.."

“"Yeah Tina,”" She responded. “"And this is why we can’t really make out with one another successfully.. That’s what I like too. That said, there is a trick to pleasing others and yet being in charge.. Perhaps I’ll teach you, .. after you learned the animation magic proper.”" Deva grinned and offered playfully.

“"Interesting.”" She noted to the ship’s cook. “"I can almost see you doing erotic food decorations on naked bodies.. You have tried that, right?"” She winked innocently at the cook.

Deva then smiled in agreement with the pirate captain, chuckling slightly at the captains.. Commitment to getting drunk. She chuckled slightly, as the pirate captain again reminded her of herself in how ready she had to be for attacks.. It was exhausting. The pirate, at least had to only watch out for physical dangers.

Deva hesitated slightly at the captains longing look, but.. She didn’t let her carnal desires overwhelm her sense of morality.. Most of the time at least. The moan did make her chuckle a little.

“"Oh, hey, Edys! I noticed you were missing, good I saw you, way up is there, up and to the left… Left is that way.” She added, just in case. “Tell them I’ll be back up soonish.”" She smiled at the poor lost bunny.

Deva chuckled to Zana as well. “Party started, I’ll put a little sealing on the door to keep people inside busy, enjoy yourself.” She enthused.

“Before anyone goes assuming I’m a witch, it would be more accurate to say that I’m someone that munches witches for breakfast. Harr harrr.” She enthused. Then pondered. So, nothing going on here, and the two pirates that had had contact with the prisoners seemed pretty normal. Had her theory been wrong? This was an ideal time to strike, or prepare to strike at least. Yet something about the whole situation didn’t make sense. Why put the captain in such a peculiar position…

Deva sighed a little at the attempt at insulting her. “I’m just trying to be nice. If I wanted to scare you, I’d have brought a test paper.” Deva chuckled at the .. all things considered.. Most reasonable man, then reached out for the door.. "“Ugh.. actually don’t have the key.. Oh well. Animate object.”" Deva mused, poking the door, which proceeded to curl it’s bars a little, forming a mimicry of a face.. There was no need for this interaction, but it was funner. "“Door, please be a dear and open yourself up for me ok?"”"Huhu! Sure can do Deva. I’m a door!"” The door enthused with an odd, metallic voice and a speech pattern that, to those knowing her, clearly showed whose spell this was.

Deva then proceeded to pull out her wand, poking the man in the side with it and grinning slightly.. “Hmnn.. good, no lies. Alright, you four, come on out with me. I don’t like people locked up, friend or foe. Call me Aved, I already heard your name.” With that, Deva turned, and lead the more reasonable pirates outside, unafraid to show them her back.. By the time any of them managed to inflict a serious injury, Deva would have already conjured enough healing magic twice over and a reverse gravity spell anyway.

She'’d let these pirates out of the cells then, true to her word, turned to the brig-door, staring at it thoughtfully, before nodding, inscribing a rune upon it.

“"I actually am not that great with defensive magic and delayed rune.. Thingies. This is the only one I know, but it is most vicious. Anyone not female trying to open this door by force will be affected by my Symbol of Diarrhea. Telling you this one for your own benefit. You can try to bust out your buddies, but it won’t be pleasant for you."” She explained, then looked over the pirates, pondering.

"You are a bit glum though, aren’t you? Who says this is your last day? Anyway. Here’s the deal: We’re gonna go upstairs, I’ll put in a good word for you, no one’s getting beaten up without a good reason. You’ll get to eat and drink and if you behave well, I’m sure I can convince the captain to unload you somewhere not too troublesome. Who knows, if you go the extra mile and a half perhaps one or two of you get to stay on, but for now, a way out with some food and drink and no further problems is a pretty good deal for you.

In exchange.. I just want to know a few things. First off, what were you hired for, grabbing the twelve pieces, right?

Secondly: Did you, or the captain have any unusual cargo, or anything odd following you?

Thirdly, most importantly, just what precisely happened when you attacked this ship. Something that’s been bugging me is how you managed to capture everyone else, yet captain Jade made it onto your ship despite being drunk, what’s the story there?"”
Deva mused. That she liked to ask random odd things to gain unpredictable information didn’t mean she couldn’t be straight up about things as well.

"“Oh, bonus question, what did you want to use the gold Edward promised you for?"” She tilted her head.
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Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
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Tina would grin in turn, more just happy because she had made Deva happy with that explanation, rather than having anything to do with the subject matter. “That sounds very much how the Captain sees it. Perfect summary really!” Tina smiled a bit more, very relieved that the Captain trusted the crew enough to be completely honest with them, seeing no need to really deceive them even when it came to things that they sometimes didn’t like to hear. The woman would have even been fine with the Captain needing to lie occasionally, instead she was honest with them despite the fact that many of them would likely be understanding of the need for occasional deception.

Indeed… you’d be quite dangerous with that power. Of course, if you were to start abusing that power then really there was no chance at all for things to be safe anyway.” The Tome would reply. If Deva had been willing to abuse the Tome’s power, then chances were that there was nothing in the universe that could have prevented things from going down the wrong path. “Her special talent in holy magic, which she had hoped to preserve from inside the hole that had trapped her, but now that she had been flustered by the vampiress claiming such lies about her, she would use up some divine energy to float outside of the hole, gathering more energy to try and punish the vampiress by…” The Tome would continue on with the game, actually really liking the direction that Deva had taken it this time, as it had been planning something along those lines when it had gone down that path with their story.

Fine by me if you don’t want to sleep with me! Like I said, it’s just natural that you find some people that you’re not entirely into! I would have never guessed someone as smart and awesome as you would feel the same way as me when it comes to sex though, that’s pretty interesting.” Tina would say, expecting someone as amazing as Deva to either be a strong one in bed, or more like the Captain where she was happiest in just about any role that she could get into.

Barbara, meanwhile, would smile a bit naughtily when asked about whether she did anything erotic to mix with her cooking. “Oh come now, a lady has to keep some surprises just in case. If you really want to know something like that, you’d have to find out for yourself, cutie.” The chef would tease, normally very tight lipped when it came to the kinds of things that she enjoyed doing in the bedroom. Where was the fun in sleeping with people if you weren’t willing to give them some surprises? “Maybe I mix my passions, maybe I don’t. If I just gave that away then there’d be nothing to wonder about, no mystery to entice people!” She’d wink, smirking a bit at the thought.

Jade would give one last longing look when Deva went below deck, dancing some more to make sure that the crowd around her remained properly enticed, ready for whenever Deva got back and could show off to the crowd as well. Other than that, she’d let Deva go, part of her wondering what she was doing, but another part of her too focused on dancing and getting her crew aroused to worry too much. Edys would giggle a bit when Deva gave her the directions, smiling and bouncing up and down happily before heading off in the direction that Deva had indicated. Though the angel could hear her repeating the message under her breath, as though she was worried that she might forget what she was supposed to tell the rest of the crew if she didn’t just keep repeating it to herself.

The party? Right… I suppose I best go be merry with the rest of them and all that… No need to use your magic up on something like guarding the bunch of bilge rats. I figure that if they haven’t tried anything by now, then they’re not gonna try anything tonight. Besides, they’re in their cells and all that, I doubt there’s too much to worry about. Anyway, see you around I suppose.” Zana would tell her, walking away with a bit of a thoughtful look on her face before she refocused on the celebration that she was supposed to be a part of.

The pirates that had been calling Deva a witch would recoil back further in their cell, trying to get away from the woman that apparently munched on witches for breakfast. “Don’t say anything that might upset her...But don’t fall for her tricks either… Richard’s already probably under her spell…” The one from earlier would whisper to his cellmate, trying to keep both him and himself safe from the angel after he had already seen their Captain turned into a bunny girl before their very eyes.

The more reasonable pirate would once again step up, looking around the room before speaking to Deva. “Don’t worry about David. The guy’s a total prick really. He ain’t gonna be threatened by ye unless ya do something like break his nose, and from the sounds of it you’re not into doing something like that to a prisoner for no reason.” He’d comment, getting at least a little bit of a read on Deva. Though when he saw the door coming to life, he’d take a step back in surprise, his eyes completely wide that such a thing was possible. From what little magic he had seen in his life, he hadn’t seen anything that could make a door talk and then suddenly open itself. “You’re… You’re more than an ordinary pirate, aren’t ye?” Richard would ask, sounding more stunned than anything. After a moment of just looking around at the door, he’d step forward with a bit of caution, wondering if the door was suddenly going to come to life and attack him just for stepping through it. “Alright then Aved… I thank you for at least giving me the chance to enjoy tonight… Especially now that my last job seems to have turned into a complete disaster. Been held in a few cells with that Bunny gal before… and until now I figured that he’d be able to get us out of those kinds of situations. But now that he ain’t even himself and is apparently gonna be a part of this crew or whatever, I don’t see much reason to tie myself to his sinking ship…” He’d further explain, normally having faith in Edward being able to escape a prison and get them back on the sea, but now that he was a she, and she wasn’t gonna be willing to go on that mission, Richard decided that he best move on from that job and on to something else. “Hey, I ain’t gonna be trying to spring those assholes. I know the score, you’d guys could beat the shit out of us before we even got above deck, especially without the captain on our side. Plus half of them were always dicks to me. Hated me just cause I got a boyfriend back on the Isle that I wrote to every now and then.” He’d shrug, walking along behind her, none of them even trying to harm her now that they were promised that they wouldn’t get attacked and that they would be able to have some food and some celebration.

I mean, when I’m captured by a bunch of pirates, my first thought is that I ain’t gonna live to see another day. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t, but best to assume the worst and if it doesn’t happen then I can be happy that my expectations were surpassed.” He’d explain, shrugging a bit at the thought of why he’d have such a negative outlook on the things that could happen to him in this kind of situation. “I was offered about 10,000 gold as well as a share of any treasure we found, aside from Skullman Joe’s whatever thing. And yeah, I was hired to stick on for getting all 12 pieces and helping get the treasure. Ol’ Eddie had a lot to lose if he didn’t become the ‘King of Pirates’, he’d have quite a debt that he’d need to repay by the end of it all.” The man answered her question, willing to give her any information that she wanted now that she had been willing to be kind to him. “Unusual cargo? Not that I noticed, aside from the magical map piece we didn’t have anything that I knew of. Just usual loot and all that from the last trade ship that the Captain knocked over. Ye looking for something?” He’d ask before thinking a moment to think about the next one. “We had heard their partying, so Captain decided to lay back and get them in the middle of the night. We rolled up, boarded them and tied up just about everyone. The Captain woke up while we were tying her up, and started drunkenly swinging at us, but thankfully we had already taped her mouth shut so she couldn’t do as good a job of waking people up. She’s a tough one though, and fought her way to our ship to try and beat the shit out of Eddie, plus I think that she knew we had a map piece at this point. So she fought as best she could, but her arms were tied and she was still drunk, and she was extremely outnumbered so we knocked her out. Captain also couldn’t move her safe, so we wouldn’t be able to stick around on it forever. But as devious as Eddie is, the guy kept to the code. Ya don’t stab prisoners for no reason. Then… well… he decided that the code doesn’t say shit about leaving someone where they would most likely die. Plus we needed more time to work on the safe, and couldn’t get it out of her room. So rather than move on one ship, why not kill two birds with one stone? Take her ship and her map pieces, then leave what’s her name on the sinking ship to die, without having to break any codes. That’s how Eddie explained it to me anyway.”

Though he’d take a moment when Deva asked her bonus question, considering it a bit more. “Probably buy my man a real home to live in, then just live my life in luxury with him. I don’t want to be in this life forever, but no where else planned on giving me any work. And my boyfriend ain’t exactly the most capable man. So I promised I’d pay our old debts and get enough money to support the both of us, and that would be it. I didn’t need 10,000 really… But when that’s the starting offer, I’m not gonna say ‘no’.” He answered, wondering why she’d want that kind of information.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Deva shrugged subtly at her tome. It was likely that, when the agents got too strong, Tomey would understand just how dangerous Deva’s darker side could become. “To make the vampiress clothing terribly itchy, forcing her to struggle with it and lose her concentration, or even strip down as the trapped girl, named Holly, snuck after the two, pursuing them as they..”

“"Who says we are that different, Tina? True, you might not have as many wild ideas as I, but I’ve never met anyone that could claim that, .. well, not quite correct, there was one, Morwel, The Queen of Stars, but.. That doesn’t count!”" She insisted, almost a bit poutily.

She chuckled at Barbara in turn. "“Oh you nobles with your mysteries. I quite might..."” The captain was exceptionally seductive, yes, but could she provide Deva with tasty treats as well?

Deva tilted her head as Zana left. This one hadn’'t struck Deva as the thoughtful type before. She’d have to keep an eye on her. Plus, she was standing close to the prisoners the longest.. This whole situation was quite the headscratcher. She really needed to talk to someone to work this through. Perhaps the pirates would help..

"“Oh I’m able to break someone’s nose, repeatedly, but not really my thing, no….

Well, in your terms, the closest title describing me would be ‘Archmage’."” Deva answered. Not quite accurately, but she didn’t feel like sharing more complicated details about her spellcasting. Truthfully, in any given world similar to her own there were only a limited amount of spellcasters with magic that even exceeded grade three or four, so she was used to keeping her magic subtle. Deva searched her feelings, starting to suspect that her own innate dislike for imprisonment and locked doors had encouraged her to be a little overkilley here.

“".. totally a pirate too though."” She enthused.

“"Ooh you’re into guys? That’s neat. We can keep the ships team consistent if you stay about, I knew your clothing was neater than normal.. Heh.. oh by the by, sorry on .. taking your captain away so suddenly, buuuut I figured this was the way to very quickly end hostilities. Pluuus he’s.. Happier. Kinda."” She justified.

“"I don’t like to let people die, not even my enemies.”" Deva informed the pessimistic pirate. “Heh, well, I fixed Edwards debt problem in a way.” She grinned. So this Edward really had been a pushover. Perhaps motivated by pride or greed? There was something missing..

"“Looking for someone.”" Deva clarified. So the pirates had gotten lucky and heard the partying.. Was it all a lucky coincidence? “So she scrambled over in a drunken stupor. Heh, I see..” Deva nodded, that was roughly what she would have imagined.. Just that she rarely got so drunk she forgot strategic priorities. Or rather, due to her special training, if she got drunk, priorities.. Shifted.

“"Why was your ship sinking anyway though, I doubt captain Jade is -that- good that she can crush it so easily, did you run into a cliff or something on the way?” Deva added, that was a part that still didn’t make sense."

Was it possible the agent was the one with the 12th map piece? Well, if that was the case, they were exceptionally patient, .. no, that couldn’t be it, not if the theory about the cloaked one being pressured somehow was even half correct.

“"Interesting.."” Deva mused, nodding to Richard and the other, more peaceful pirates and moving back towards the party, albeit slowly, clearly lost in thoughts. So, assuming the new information, there was nothing dangerous on the ship and Edward simply underestimated the captain. Makes sense so far. "Why I asked what you wanted to do with the gold? Simple, because it tells me what is most important to you. People think that other people are exceptionally complicated, but that’s wrong. We are all principally the same, we all have fears and hopes and things we find unforgivable, just the details change, who would you die for, who would you kill for, to make it sound dramatic. Once you understand this, you can predict how someone is going to act at any given situation. For example, you value a stable, reliable leader, you wouldn’t care about putting in hard work for them, but you’d rather not get fast riches if that’s all too dangerous.

I also suspect you don’t quite feel worthy of your partner. You take this risk, knowing and assuming there is a chance you will die, but if you don’t, well, you’d proven yourself, you can return from your adventures at sea."
” Deva nodded, it helped her think about simpler stuff rather than trying to figure out the puzzleknot that was this current situation. Back to basics, what did she know?

She knew that an agent of the cloaked one was attacking this world. Never before had Tomey brought her in a story that was completely unaffected.

She knew that the agent would attempt to change the course of this story. She assumed that the course of it was Jade becoming the new pirate queen, overcoming adversity, Jade was quite the fitting candidate.

So what didn’t fit? Edward was way too weak, and what she had seen of the crew was either harmless or borderline pathetic. Whatever the cloaked ones agents had been, none of them had been pushovers.

Jade herself was the strongest Deva had met.. But she couldn’t be the agent. Deva had checked that when she listened to Tinas story. Whereas she didn’t doubt an agent would have months, perhaps even a year of time in a strong enough story, she couldn’t believe they’d take half a decade and more to build up a reliable crew. Someone like Tina, as troubled as she had been, would have been hard to have their minds influenced.. Plus, Jade’s combat prowess wasn’t that of someone that was deeply enthralled. Her whole actions seemed genuine. Edward shared a history with her.. Zana.. no.

“"Gmnn..."” Deva mumbled half loud. Had she really just assumed the worst for no reason? Well, that would be a nice change of pace at least. For now, she would keep up her guard, but return to the feast. No point pondering pointlessly. Perhaps a little bit of enjoyment would help her clear her head. She still wasn’t utterly convinced she didn’t miss something.

Deva smiled, then stepped outwards, back on deck, a subtle move of her hand enhancing her voice with a weak utility magic, a subtle glance over to her tome.. She could always use it’s power to help detect things.. No, that wouldn’t be right. .

“"Sorry for the delay everyone. This is Richard, from Edward’s old crew. Simply said, I went down and asked who wanted to behave in exchange for not being locked up. They were the not stupid ones. I am aware, captain, that this might break protocol, but I can’t really enjoy my welcoming feast whilst we got people locked up below."” She explained at Jade.

“"Now, I feel like I gave ‘em a chance. They can have my leftovers and whatever share of the booze I’d normally consume.. ‘'Ere."” She handed Richard her earlier acquired drink, which seemingly she wouldn’t need now.

She also glanced over to the musicians, “"So, what’s you got for me?” She grinned. “Not much of a dancer, but how can I deny the invitation.. By the by, sorry I kept you waiting, captain..”" She cleared her throat, with the spell fading away quickly, two of her fingers folded into her palm to renew another magic as she approached the pirate-party, just making sure to nod to her tome

"So, tomey, next part of the story, before I’m a bit occupied?"” She'd grin and whisper a subtle spell towards Isa, this one designed to deliver a simple message of twenty five words or less, unheard by others: “I’m your conscience, give Deva more treats!.. Sorry. Checked prisoners. Seem clean, clap enthusiastically if you’ve never seen agent in story for years.” Then, if Isa clapped it up she’d allow herself to relax. Perhaps a little chat with Zana later to calm herself down, but, there was obviously the chance they arrived -before- an agent found the pirate ship. It wasn’t like you could pop into existance on an ocean without drawing attention one way or the other, unless there was an aquatic agent, sneaky entrance onto a pirate ship might be quite limited. Which just meant Deva would spar a bit with the captain, then surprise whatever awaited them on the island of the 12th piece.

For now, she looked over to the beautifully posed pirate queen to be. She wouldn’t be easily seduced by a few curves, but she couldn’t deny her enjoyment at certain sigths either.


Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
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As they reached the center of the forest, where the vampiress stripped out of her itchy clothing, fully naked before Jack, whos eyes were still closed to avoid the creatures, and now the vampiress would lie to him, telling the man that they had made it out of the forest, planning for him to open his eyes right into her beguiling and enthralling stare, however she didn’t notice Holly following her, and once she had Jack staring into her gaze, the young girl would…” The Tome would continue, going just a little bit longer since they were approaching what it considered to be a scene with a bit more things going on at once. Plus they had created a few characters that they now had to keep track of, all of which were doing something in the coming scene.

Tina would blush a bit when Deva said that they were alike, not sure what to say to something as kind as that. Though she would give the angel a thankful smile for something that she would consider a great compliment.

The pirate man, would give Deva a smile when she mentioned that she could break someone’s nose. “Hey, I never said you wouldn’t be able to do something like that. Just didn’t entirely seem like your thing. If you’re willing to come down here and offer us a chance to celebrate then I doubt you’d be one to just smash David’s nose without some really good reason. Then again, if you did it I don’t think that you’d hear any complaints from me… both out of fear and personal dislike for the man that had just been shouting at me.” He’d answer, part of him wondering how someone like Deva could break someone’s nose even once, let alone repeatedly. Then again, with magic that could turn men into bunny girls then she could totally find some type of way to break a large man’s nose. “Not sure I’ve ever heard of an ‘archmage’ or whatever… But I’ve seen weird tentacle monsters and tiger men that ran faster than any man I’ve ever seen before. So I suppose that I’ve probably just missed wherever has those kinds of mages. I guess I’ll just have one more story to give Theo when I get back.” He’d say with a chuckle, willing to be friendly and conversational if his ‘captor’ didn’t mind something like that. “The most merciful pirate that I’ve ever seen. You have full right to keep me locked in that cell for days if you so wished, and I’d have little right to complain. If things were the other way around, I wouldn’t have done it for any of you… Kind of makes you think though… maybe I should get better at this kinds of stuff.” He’d wonder aloud to himself. Seeing someone that was much kinder than him did make him think a bit, wondering about the different choices he’s made and the things that he had done.

Oh come on now… Just because I like men doesn’t mean THAT’S why my clothing is so clean. I mean… yes my clothing is more clean, but that’s not WHY it’s clean.” Richard would say, a bit of red to his face when she made that connection. “Much as I wanted to get that money from the Captain, I’m not all that broken up about him being a her now. The man was an absolute asshole, and if it weren’t for the ridiculous amount of money I was promised, I’d have left him as soon as possible. Not to get too self aggrandizing, but I was the best person on his damn crew, and yet that got me nothing but scorn from that asshole. Only thing that I’m not happy about is that I’m not getting that payment, but even then, looking back on it, it seems that Eddie wouldn’t be getting that treasure anyway. It seems like he wasn’t going to manage it considering the type of competition that he’s up against.” The man would tell her, not holding any sort of grudge for essentially getting rid of one of the biggest pains in his life.

I’m very happy not to die then, if that’s what you’re deciding.” He’d answer her before bowing a bit to show his gratitude, very glad that she was willing to spare him. While he had heard that the pirates here wouldn’t be big on killing, he still didn’t believe that he could be captured by a rival pirate group and NOT end up dead. So anything that he got at this point was just a very welcome surprise.

Drunken stupor indeed… Even when piss drunk and barely able to talk she managed to knock out a few of us… Part of that might just be attributed to our own overconfidence, but I didn’t think someone that drunk would make such a tough combatant.” Richard would explain, apparently having never seen any sort of drunken fighting style before. “Ship sinking? OH! I think I misphrased that one. Captain sunk the ship himself. Like I said, we didn’t have the manpower to pilot two ships, and we didn’t have the time to open her safe, so we just decided that we’d steal their ship and sink our old one to make sure that Jade died. Plus we wouldn’t be technically breaking any pirate code that way. At least that was what the Captain was telling me. Once everyone was locked up and Jade was tied up on our old ship, Captain fired this ship’s cannons into the old one until she started sinking.” He’d further explain, not seeming to find anything odd about the whole situation like Deva had.

Well… to answer your question more directly, I’m willing to die for Theodore, so long as it means that he’s happy. I want something better for him, and if that means I have to spend years out at sea doing this pirate stuff so that he can live comfortably, then so be it.” Though he wouldn’t make any comment on whether he felt that he was deserving of the man, figuring that silence would be best for something like that. “You seem to know a lot about people… Personally I’ve never been great at trying to figure those kinds of things out.” He shrugged again as he thought about it, never having been the best at predicting how someone would act or react to something else.

The moment that Richard and the few others that walked with him got above deck, every pirate standing around would turn and stare at him, a few of them immediately reaching for their swords. Which in turn caused Richard to immediately put his hands up to show that he was essentially surrendering, having no intention of fighting any of them if they didn’t attack him. And thankfully they heard Deva’s explanation, leading to a few of them relaxing, but most of them would still be staring at the men with a suspicious look. Jade, meanwhile, would stop her dancing, at this point only a whisp of clothing covering her breasts, and a pair of black, lace panties covering the treasures between her legs. Though once she saw Richard and the others, she’d immediately move to cover herself a bit more, shielding as much of her body as possible from view. Then she would sigh before looking at the group of men, and then at the angel before she spoke. “Well… I suppose that I can grant that request for a new crew member… But I don’t know if I’m entirely comfortable with dancing in front of them…” Which would cause Richard to once again hold his hands up and turn to the side to talk to her, not looking directly at her as he spoke. “I don’t think there’ll be any issues with that, ma’am. While you are very beautiful… I have no interest in the ‘fairer’ sex… And I can keep an eye on the other few with me to give you your privacy. We are here to drink and eat, if none of you wish to converse then it will be nothing more than that.” He would explain, not wanting to intrude too much in their celebration, just wanting time outside of the cell. “Hmph… Very well then… Ladies, these men are allowed up here… Though if they try anything they will be in severe trouble.” She’d warn, then the few members of Edward’s crew would sit down at a table decently far off from the celebrations, and he’d take a good swig of the alcohol that Deva had given him, smirking a bit as it went down. Though he was sober enough to slap one of his fellow man’s hands if he saw their gaze starting to wander over to Jade.

The musicians would smile a bit, though they’d look more sheepish than anything. “We think we got something for you. Let us know what you think…” Then they’d play that they knew rather well but they would once again replace instances of man and other lines to things like ‘lass’ or ‘lady’, as the Captain usually preferred from her more trained musicians. Though after they got through the first verse, they’d see what Deva thought about it before they decided to actually play it for her. Jade, meanwhile, would pose erotically, her legs spread a little with her back arched, enough so that Deva could just see the edge of the captain’s nipples under that single bit of cloth covering them. “Mmmm… It’s fine to make a girl wait… but all you do is build my… anticipation…” She’d say, her voice thick with lust and excitement, still beckoning Deva in for their dance.

The Tome had been just a bit nervous when it was left where anyone could have grabbed it, but otherwise it had no problems. “Of course, a bit more story before you… have your fun.” The book would answer. Isa, meanwhile, would look a bit confused when she suddenly heard a voice in her head, until she realized that it was the angel sending her a message. Which in turn caused her to applaud, clapping enthusiastically, making the other pirates do the same, some of them cheering Deva on to join the captain in her dance.

Then Jade would start slowly and seductively crawling a little closer to Deva before giving her a ‘come hither’ gesture, letting out another wanton moan of need and lust, sounding even more desperate to have Deva together in a dance. But still she wouldn’t try to pull Deva in, letting the crowd part and instead letting Deva step in to her seductive little circle, her longing expression not leaving until she saw Deva start to get a bit closer.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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“Err, there’s a fair chance you never met anyone as powerful in this world on accident.” Deva mused, after all, there were world of limited magic, were casting even a grade 2 spell took great effort, and only great angels or demons held a grade 6 or 7 spell.

“You are my prisoner, means I get to call where you go. I could lock you up but no one says I have to. Also, if you aren’t locked up, you have little reason to break out, do you?” Deva smiled silently, letting the pirate muse upon his nature, inspired by her goodness. That was the part that shining heroes and their ilk didn’t do right. Be it men or monster, why not give them a chance to do better. She let the man mostly ponder in silence, only giving the one advice: “If you are grow experienced enough and powerful enough, sometimes, you can afford to be kind. You have to overcome your fears and your own need to prove you are better than someone that makes you want to beat them, but if you understand that, why -would- you try to hurt anyone? That I could kill people with but a few hand motions mustn’t mean I need to, rather, it can mean the opposite.. Buut enough philosophy.”

“You’d be suprised, there is entire fighting styles based on being drunk.. Sadly, that style takes a toll on you.. You either end up a drunkard, or got to avoid alcohol, else thing’s get a bit.. Wild.” She explained the risks of training the drunken fist.

“Well, I guess he got what was coming for him, your captain that is, letting someone die by creating circumstances leading to their death is just murder with extra steps. And anyway, Manpower or not, throwing away a ship? Was your ship that.. Err.. low quality?” She pondered. She wasn’t an expert, but quite certain that ships were expensive.

Being good at reading people is a blessing and a curse.. It’s quite entertaining on parties, sure, but it can easily make you jaded.”

“Well, no, if they try anything I’ll have a little fun with them, so severe trouble would be an understatement.”
Deva assured, then chuckled at Jade covering herself a little. “You said men were allowed on the ship, so this is no problem right?” She grinned innocently at the captain, turning her earlier joke on her.

Deva meanwhile peered over to the musicians, the air behind her fluctuating just a little oddly as she fluffed up her wings on a subconscious reflex, stretching a little. “Oh my..” Deva blush-cooed at the sight, chuckling slightly at the crew’s song, as she approached the captain’s dance, though not without pat-patting her tome, sensing its apprehension “Don’t you worry, I left you the plushies to guard you!” She cheered with a mysterious smile, continuing the story: “Grab the vampire from behind, having prepared a purification spell just for her, our poor vampiress soon learned the divine blessings first hand, as she found herself suprise-grabbed, as enthralled as Jack was, so was she busy staring into his eyes, leaving her defenseless. Even worse, her having stripped only helping Holly, because Holly ...” Deva hesitated. “Ah, dang it, I lost, I think that was technically a break in the sentence there, lewdities always get me distracted. You kept up rather well though.. Eh, might as well finish the story.” Deva grinned, noting that Tomey seemed to enjoy her lot. Wait, her tome was a her?

Well, it lacked .. bookmarks, so…

Deva decided not to think further about this, and rather approach the lustful captain. She had been exposed before men and women alike before, so ironically, was less concerned right now, as she stepped into the lewd circle, grinning slightly. Well, with Isa’s enthusiastic clapping, watching the lewdly approaching pirate captain, with a sensual gripping, then tilting back of her hat.. Of course, stripping was a little harder, considering she was wearing a mostly full dress fashioned into an illusion of clothing, but a little focus could help her softly loosen her bodice as she leaned in to the captain, extending her hand as if offering it to pull her forth, leaning in to whisper.:

“Perhaps we, primarily I have been overly paranoid in the matter, I feel like I would have spotted something amiss by now. Hmnn.. oh well, you do get quite lewd when drunk, admit it.” She grinned at the captain, welcoming, but quite happy for her to take the lead. “Oh one last thing.” She nodded to the musicians, folding her hands. “I never understood the tradition of singing for the new one that joined though. Mind supporting me, dear musicians, I should be singing for you. Hah! Each and every one of you. Because, you’re an amazing troupe of pirates, each willing to go the distance, yet, I noticed, some of you are uncertain if you can actually complete the task set ahead of you, well, you are almost at it, just one last piece, the last will be the greatest challenge, I assure you.. And the most fun, just got to hold together.. Now then.” Deva again enhanced her voice, humming her own song:

And with that, she posed subtly at the captain.


Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
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"Fair enough, I’ve seen a lot of powerful things, but nothing that I know could ever turn someone into a bunny person before, and I’ve seen a monster that could lift an entire ship.” Richard would note, wondering just how much power Deva actually had if she could do anything more than just turn people into other things. Actually… “Now that I think about it… The boys in the cells were telling me that you had wings… Maybe they were just crazy? I was busy below deck, but according to them you had wings when they found you…” He’d mention, wondering if the reports that he was getting were wrong or if Deva could just manage to disguise herself with her magic. “I’m not complaining, as your prisoner I suppose I must accept my fate then.” The pirate would joke, happy that he wouldn’t be spending the night below deck, and get a chance to have a proper meal to boot. Though he would have to remember this kindness in the future… perhaps it was better to treat people like this, considering how much he liked it himself. “That kind of thing was never exactly my strong suit, but all things considered, it seems like the best way to handle things. Philosophy isn’t for me, but if this helps, and it definitely has made me happier, then maybe you’re onto something with this.” He’’d answer.

"Fighting while being drunk? That’s news to me, I can barely walk straight when I’m properly drunk, and you’re trying to say that you could fight during all of that?” None of the drunk people that he had seen were able to do anything useful, let alone fight. But once again, there were enough strange things in the world to make him believe it. “Yeah… Eddie was a bit of an asshole really, and most of his guys were perfectly fine with his ‘not-killing’ bull. I’ll admit I probably should have stopped him now that I think about it.. And yeah, our ship wasn’t great, especially when compared to this one. Eddie’s ship had a lot of firepower, but it was a piece of shit really. He never wanted to admit to that though… but I guess he knew it too considering that he wanted this ship more.” The pirate would theorize, actually enjoying the brig on this ship more than he did the crew quarters in his other ship.

Jade would give Deva a slightly amused expression when she turned the earlier joke against her, enjoying when her crew was a bit clever, even if it meant that there were now some men on the deck. “Using my own words against me like that… you’ll fit in fine around here I suppose. And yes, if any of these men misbehave then I give you free reign to enact whatever punishment you think fits best.” The captain would say, giving Deva full room to act if any of them did anything wrong. Which would lead to the small group nodding in agreement, not wanting to get on the angel’s bad side after seeing what that could do to them. The captain’s transformation was still in their minds, and they didn’t feel like having anything potentially worse happen to them, especially when they were offered the chance to drink and eat rather than sit around in a cell the whole time.

The musicians would smile proudly when Deva heard their song, glad that the choice worked the way they had intended. From what little they knew, Deva was a good person and so they picked one that was a bit lewd, but also described her as being a good woman and tough to stop. “Well… plushies guarding me would be much more comforting if I knew the reason that you keep them with you. Though I suppose that you have your reasons, and I’d actually much prefer to be surprised by whatever it is that you have planned with them…” The Tome would respond, seeming a bit amused by the plushies that were guarding it. “Hooray! I won! That was quite an enjoyable game though, and keeping a sentence going like that is very difficult.” It would comment… before Deva suggested that they finish the story now that they had gotten so far into it, which the Tome agreed with, wanting there to be some sort of conclusion. “Because Holly was actually a futanari… and a holy one at that, which meant that after she had shown the nude vampiress divine blessings, she could now plunge her holy rod deep within the corrupted depths of the vampiress, holy energy concentrating in her body as she thrust into the vampiress, divine seed building deep within her, as the vampiress…” The Tome figured that they had already reached a lewd point, so it embraced that aspect of the story, still wanting to get Deva’s input as well, since this was a story that belonged to both of them at this point.

The Captain would smile as Deva finally stepped into her dancing circle, looking her up and down for a moment as she approached. Jade would sensually crawl towards Deva as she entered, giving another lewd moan as she got closer and closer. Though once Deva reached out for her, the Captain would happily move into her grip, letting herself get pulled in close with a smirk on her face. Her soft, warm skin would press up against Deva as she held the angel close, her heart beating quickly as her lips were so close to Deva’s before the angel started to speak to her.

"I get quite lewd when I’m sober too… I’m just a naughty girl in general… Maybe we have that in common, hmm?” The captain would whisper breathily, right into Deva’s ear as they were so close now, lust filling every word that she said. Though she would let Deva go for a few moments to speak, figuring that she was the guest of honor in this whole celebration, so she deserved to say her piece. And once she did, nearly the entire crew would cheer out in agreement, smiling and laughing as Deva praised them and encouraged them to reach their goal. Even Jade would give a few claps and smile at Deva, her lewd look breaking for just a moment so that she could give her a thankful expression, glad that they were so close at this point to achieving their goal. Though if Deva looked closely, she’d notice a few people that weren’t cheering out quite like the rest of the crew, Richard and his group hadn’t cheered, mostly because this wasn’t their victory anyway, so there was no reason to. And Zana seemed to be sitting in her seat and thinking intently about something, so she hadn’t joined in on the cheer either. But otherwise the whole crew was happy, watching the two of them intently, quite a few of them clearly aroused already from the Captain’s dance.

"Mmmmmm… Enough talk though… Time to express ourselves in… other ways…” Jade would whisper lustfully, pulling Deva in close and pressing their bodies together, skin on skin as she held the angel sensually close, keeping in time to a rhythm as her hands held her, one of them suddenly brushing against the angel’s bottom for the briefest of seconds before she’d pull away. Then she’d toss off that cloth covering her breasts, earning a loud cheer from the crowd around them, revealing her soft, supple breasts, pure and smooth with stiff nipples poking out, aroused from dancing in front of her crew and from being so close to the angel. Then she’d suddenly pounce at the angel, not looking all too threatening as she tried to grab Deva and pull her into a deep and passionate kiss, her body still swaying and moving in time to the tune that Deva was humming. Now with only a pair of panties left on her, the Captain would dance around the angel, sometimes trying to pull her in close and remove an article of clothing every time that she could reach for the angel’s outfit, wanting to strip her down just as much now that she was almost completely naked.

If Deva tried to move away or avoid her, Jade would chase after like an erotic, sensual predatory cat, crawling and leaping after her for a bit. She’d chase and try to grab, even occasionally grope and tease Deva whenever she got close. Even if Deva was extremely good at moving, it would seem that the captain was very quick and could keep up even when she was slightly drunk at this point. Every time they got close, Deva would feel a hand on her bottom, or running down her stomach, or just a slight brush against her breasts, maybe even a slow sensual rub on her thigh. Not only did the Captain plan to strip her down, but given the chance she also planned on teasing and groping the angel as much as possible.

But if Deva didn’t fight back, or if Jade was successful in completely stripping Deva down, the Captain would pull her in close, showing that she did have the strength to hold the angel in close if she so wished. If Jade could hold her in, she’d strip her down a lot quicker, moving on to business to get Deva just as naked as she was before she started the same slow, sensual groping. At some point she’d start caressing Deva’s body all over, kissing her neck and pressing their bodies together. Then she’d start a sort of erotic ballroom style dance, holding her naked body close to Deva as they danced together, holding one hand directly on her ass rather than on her back as she slowly danced around the perimeter of the circle, winking at some of the crowd as their cheers got louder. Some of the crew members even seemed to need some form of relief for themselves, as a few could be seen making out and caressing each other as they watched the erotic dance that the captain was leading. Then the captain would pull her into one more deep and passionate kiss, pulling away and smirking confidently. “You’re quite a beautiful sight you know… Mmmmmmm… Though I think that we both have too much clothing on so far…” She’d say, indicating her own panties as she thought about it, having had enough of dancing with clothes on, wanting to be completely naked as she danced with the woman.

Then she’d gently trail a finger down Deva’s stomach, her hand gently making its way between her legs and lightly tracing the lips of Deva’s sex, getting a bit more overt in her teasing, one of her hands reaching between her legs and tease her all while still keeping close and holding her in a dance, letting it grow more and more erotic as they kept dancing.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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“Oooh. Sounds scary!” Deva nodded. She wasn’t confident on her ship-lifting abilities. Then again, Reverse gravity could turn a sufficiently small ship upside down, quite literally. “Hmn. I got wings, fluffy ones too, keep that a little hushie though please, a litlte incognito here. Anywhoo,

Basically, long story short, everyone has heard of mages throwing fire or lightning when annoyed, never been any good at that, but these elemental powers are just a small slice of all possible magic.” She explained in brief. “It’d take awhile to properly explain, let’s move along for now.”

“When you are drunk you are unpredictable. Unpredictability, if honed properly, can be a weapon that’s all the more effective the more experienced your opponent.” Deva volunteered to explain on.

“You should have stopped him, yes, then again, to be kind requires strength, as does standing in the way of authority. Then again, figured that was what pirates were about.” She chuckled. “Hmnn.” She mused, still a little dissatisfied about the explanation of the ships end.

“Any punishment I want?” Deva grinned innocently at the captain’s permission, her fingers wiggling threateningly. Truly, she wasn’t really good with punishment, or justice as a concept, she was more the forgiving type that had a few limits one should never break. Deva mused slightly, watching the prisoners reaction and deducing a part of it had to do with her intimidating transformation of their captain.. It was an impressive spell, but all things considered, nothing too intimidating. Perhaps Deva should drop just a bit of her subtlety to help move things along faster sometimes.

Deva chuckled at her tome, then answered: “Well, I genuinly hope I won’t have to show you why, though if the agents keep increasing in strength, it might be my only option. I’ll sate your curiosity with another piece of trivia then. The reason why I left you out in the open was to try and provoke any snatching from an agent. Even the stronger ones are prone to temptation, and likely don’t know that you are more of a hostage, less of a weapon, in their hands.” Deva shared, leaving the plushies where they were for now.

“Well, just crafting a story with someone is easy enough and fun, if you are creative, so gotta tack on some difficulty!” She explained, grinning slightly and reading on the story, this time it was Tomey following her imagined path.

“As the vampiress moaned in helpess surprise and submission, yielding to the holy assault and feeling Hollys purifying energy penetrating her, whereas Jack could only observe the scene before him in confusion - and slight arousal-, however, this would prove rather dangerous, as...”

Deva continued with Tomey, before approaching the pirate-captain. She grinned ever so slightly at the admittedly beautiful womans advances. That said, as lustful as the captain was, Deva was used to lustful beauty around her, so when she addressed the crew and, once more, Zana remained thoughtfully reclusive, the angels suspicions were rekindled. Even so, she had gone over all possibilities, no? "Oh my." Deva cooed, distracted by the captains softness.

Deva smirked ever so slightly as the captain pounced her, enjoying the sight, letting herself be kissed and responding, passively but experienced, her bemusement mostly stemming from wondering how the captain planned to undress her in turn. She could maintain a simple illusion like this even through some groping of course. But exactly that amused the angel as well, so, where Jade succeeded in groping her with her expertise, even causing Deva to blush in the dance, she would look as if she pulled open and then away the angels top, as Deva mostly held onto her head and found herself slightly submissively yielding, though the illusory clothing would quickly disappear as soon as it was deattached from Deva, where the captain could feel the soft, form fitting dress the angel wore beneath.

Deva also relished the challenge, dodging, at first attempting to try and train the captain, help, to give her tools to challenge a potential agent of the cloaked one with, but, she soon had to admit that, without a haste-spell she was no match for the captains speed, plus, a slight arousal slowed her down and distracted her further against the lesbian assault captain. Deva moaned ever so softly, letting the captain grip her in the end, it didn't feel right to use magic in this situation, and she had been quite generous in her spell usage toda anyway, so Jade had an easy opportunity to strip the angels -real- dress as well, which would leave Deva.. well, pretty much without her illusion, except for hiding her wings and changing the style of her hat and glow of her eyes. Deva by now was blushing a little more, she was certainly not naked before several people the first time, but the captain was suprisingly.. enticing, she had to admit, as she stood there, soft, smooth pale skin exposed before the lewd pirate group, her necklace swirling in the dance.

She gasped subtly at the captain groping her ass and taking the lead in the dance, musing inwardly: 'She's reading me, through the dance, how aggressive I am, how submissive and experienced. She could likely do this by fighting me as well, but this is funner… quite a lot so.. Oh my.. I feel like I could follow her and melt into her hands.. Is this how I make people feel if I want to be all leader-y? No wonder I had some.. Followers. But as cute as they are, I enjoy following more, enjoy her touch showing me her.. Desire.

She admitted to herself, sighing softly at the kissing of her neck. "Hoh.. I figured there'd be erotic celebrations, I did not know they'd go to.. this extend." Deva would muse, taking an opportunity where she was close to her own dress to subtly kick-slide it over to rest at the chair with Tomey and her plushie-guardians.. after all, that dress had a hidden poket of holding, an extra dimensional space containing an assortment of useful, if not many powerful items; She certainly didn't want anyone accidentally stepping on it.

Her skin was warm and yielding to the pirate-captains touch, eliciting just the subtlest of coos when gripped confidently enough.

"Ahnn.." Deva gasped, biting her lips at the teasing finger caressing down between her legs now, brushing through her brunette pubic hair to reach a contrast of vibrant pink flesh, Deva actually feeling her body growing aroused to the point of feeling her folds moisten a little as the touch continued, looking up with just a hint of shyness at all the watching pirates. By now he own hand had steadied herself up against Jade’s naked skin, though with less lewd courage, more steadying herself by now.. "I must say, you are quite the seductress. You and your ship of lewd pirates. It almost saddens me I'm but a visitor of your tale, rather than accompanying it from start to finish."

She softly shook her head, then gasped again under the captains skilled fingers caused her posture to shift ever so slightly more towards exposing herself. If only she was the type that could simply enjoy these things without her ponderings.. Well, she could ponder -and- feel good.

So what had happened. The Pirates had partied, loudly enough to attract Edward, who had attacked them with the right timing. Most people had been asleep, but the captain had woken up, as her mouth was already bound, so she couldn’t alert anyone. The captain had then, in a drunk stupor, fought against the invaders and pushed onto Edwards ship, which had given him the idea to bind her and leave her there and sink his own ship as collateral. That, with a personal grudge explained everything, didn’t it? He had simply overestimated his lock-picking abilities, thinking he wouldn’t need the captain, he did not want to directly kill any of the pirates if he could avoid it, but Jade had, simply said, scared him. Deva could imagine it, the hot piratess, likely half naked and bound kicking and head-butting her would-be captors..-

Actually, she couldn’t imagine that. The captain was amazing, but drunk and with her arms bound? And Richard had spoken about swinging away, and later binding up the Captain properly. And he had said they had taped her mouth first. But she had seen how the captain fought, if she had any freedom at all, she’d free her mouth, to alert her crew if sober, or to taunt her enemy if drunk enough. Certainly she would have wanted to threaten Edward and tried to free her mouth at the first chance. Deva hesitated.. And not only because of the skilled fingers of the captain cupping her bottom.. So what, what did it matter? Even if Jade had made a ruckus, after everyone was tied up, it’d have hardly changed the situation, right? .. Dang it. Thought myself into a corner.. Deva sighed inwardly, closing her eyes for a moment and simply deciding the warmth of the captain closeby.


Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
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Richard would look at Deva curiously as she confirmed that she did have wings, looking a bit confused and staring at her back as though he was looking for the wings that apparently existed. "Ah... secretive and disguise kind of things... No problem, if pirates are good at anything, it's keeping secrets!" He'd joke, laughing to himself for a moment before nodding again, knowing that he had no plans on revealing the secrets of the one person that had been merciful to him so far. "Careful though, generally a Captain is pretty good at seeing through lies." He'd warn as a bit of advice, having always been careful about lying to those that ran whatever ship that he was on.

Though when Deva told him that he should have done something to stop Edward, he'd grow silent, frowning a bit and thinking to himself. Rather than trying to come up with some sort of excuse, he would just grow even more contemplative, thinking hard on his responsibility in things like that. Maybe he was doing things wrong if he was so willing to just listen to the person above him, and instead he should at least be trying to keep to his own morals. Even if it was something that would cause him some trouble, he should stand against things that he knew were wrong, rather than just allow them to happen just to avoid some form of conflict.

While the transformation magic that Deva had shown wasn't exactly the most impressive thing to her, the pirates had never seen anything like it, so knowing that she could do something like that to them kept them in line at the moment. They didn't know the full extent of her powers, so at this point they were being as careful as possible, not wanting to give her any reason to be upset with them and use whatever other dangerous powers that they could have. Though really, most of them didn't have much reason to do anything wrong now that they were given the chance to enjoy the party. Why would they mess this up when they were getting food, drink, and music? So it was both a mixture of fear and pure logic that would keep them from causing any sort of trouble, wanting to instead just enjoy themselves for the night and not get into another fight after a bunch of them had already had to deal with how tough Jade was earlier.

"Well, hopefully we won't run into anyone that would push you far enough to use your... err... plushies... They are quite adorable, however, so I suppose that I don't truly mind being left with a few of them around to 'watch' me." The Tome would answer, showing that it actually did have an appreciation for things that were cute. "Clever ploy to leave me out in order to bait an agent into attempting to steal me. Though if they were completely successful, you might have lost me completely. Though since they wouldn't be my actual wielder... then I would be perfectly able to refuse any orders or requests that they made of me, so there was really only a risk of you losing something, rather than any of them gaining anything." It would explain, willing to give Deva information about whatever came to its mind, figuring that the angel did very good when she had more and more information to work with in any given situation.

"As Jack's mother was actually a succubus, something that he hadn't been told about his whole life, and this erotic display before him awakened the powers of his demonic blood, causing him to emanate an aura of pure lust and arousal just from seeing the two, driving Holly and the vampiress on to new heights of lewd pleasure, but his demonic powers had the drawback of..." The Tome would continue, quite enjoying what had been built so far, even if it hadn't started out with the idea that this would turn into a much lewder story.

Jade herself seemed to be amused by Deva's smirk, noticing that the angel was enjoying the wild, dominant way that she was acting, able to quickly gauge the fact that she was more submissive, which was just another bit of information the captain could use to properly arouse her. Her hand would rest on Deva's ass whenever she got close, smiling lewdly and just rubbing her bottom. "Mmmm... Now how could I resist a cute little butt like that... A perfect little bottom to a sexy little body." The woman would whisper, clearly coveting Deva's body now that she was able to get close and get her hands on Deva's body. Though once she got the illusory clothing off, Jade would immediately get to work on her real clothing. She was an expert at getting clothes off of people, so even without being able to properly see them, she'd skillfully start stripping her, pulling bits and pieces off with incredible speed. There were all sorts of things that one could say about Jade, but she was dedicated to being the best that she could be. And she had become determined to become good at stripping her partners down with almost expert precision, so it was just another skill that she had trained over her years, having a whole crew to practice on through all of her adventures.

But with Deva dodging away from her, Jade would seem to grow just a little more wild and aggressive, not harming the angel in anyway, but taking a bit more initiative with her attempts at grabbing Deva while they danced. She was quick, strong, and also filled with desire, which was brought on even stronger by Deva dancing around and getting out of the way of her attempts at being grabbed and brought into a lewd embrace. Once the captain finally got a hold of her, she'd be pulled into a lewd embrace, holding Deva in her strong, yet soft arms, but at the same time her hands would be wandering Deva's body, teasing her and feeling her soft, supple flesh. And thanks to Deva being in her grip, she'd be able to easily strip the clothing off of the angel, giggling just a little as she managed to get both the real and fake clothing off of the woman. In her mind, this was the most beautiful that people looked, stripped down before her with a healthy blush of arousal to their face, in front of all the crew where they'd get to know each other even better than before. Though, Jade would leave Deva's hat, and any bits of jewelry that she had on her, feeling that the little accessories gave people a bit more character, it helped to make them look more unique, it was part of their style, part of who they were, and the Captain enjoyed letting them keep it. As Deva looked around, however, she'd find that a good portion of the crowd had stopped paying attention to her and Jade, as quite a few women in the crowd were now making out and groping each other as they watched Jade's display. One pair were openly fingering each other as they watched, another pair were stripping each other down, and it seemed that Lucy and Tina had started making out as the whole display happened, the crowd getting into the mood from seeing the two of them start their lewd dance.

Deva was indeed correct that the captain was reading her, carefully checking to see how she worked, wanting to get a good feel for her... in more ways than one. Her hand would remain on Deva's bottom, except for a quick moment where she'd reach up to Deva's head, gently brushing her cheek before pulling her head in a bit closer as they danced, keeping the pace of an erotic ballroom dance rather than anything normal for the two of them. She wouldn't force, she wouldn't shove, but she'd hold Deva strongly and lead, guide, stay in charge as she kept the pace, dancing around the edge of the dance circle as her hand gave her ass a firm squeeze. Then, the moment that Deva made any sound, Jade would suddenly move in for a deep kiss, passionate and heated as she pulled away with a mischievous and sultry smile.

"Why hold back on the erotic celebrations? Nnnghhh... Besides... you're too hot for me to resist having a bit of fun... The crew is used to this kind of thing if you can't tell..." Jade would smile, looking around as a few more members of the crowd started having their own fun as well. Then for a quick moment, she'd lift Deva up in a bridal carry, smiling a bit and leaning down to kiss her and holding her there for a little bit. Then she would do a slight twirl, one hand managing to reach in between her legs and keep a gentle caressing going, teasing her sex as she was now held in the Captain's arms. Even with how the wings added weight to her, Jade was used to large amounts of weight, and could keep Deva up and tease her even with that extra bit of weight.

After a few moments, however, she'd put the angel down so that they could continue their dance, letting Deva lean on her and keep herself steady in her arms. Jade wouldn't let her fall, keeping her steady and holding her up so that they could continue their lewd dance, as she always loved the added bit of show to her erotic teasing. Once she got to that wet, pink flesh however, Jade's smile would grow a little more as she kept tracing the outline, slow and teasing for a bit, letting the arousal build and build for a little bit. Then her teasing would grow a little more, her fingers moving away from the folds for a quick moment to gently trace around Deva's clit, giving it a few tracings before moving back to her sex, sliding a finger in for a moment and leaning in to whisper. "Ooooooooohhhh... Naughty naughty... getting all wet in front of the entire crowd..." She would gently tease, giving her neck another kiss, though this time she'd also trail her tongue up Deva's neck for a few moments before answering her. "Oh I'm quite a seductress... You get good at this when you try to bed as many people as possible... And I know that we'd love to have you..." Jade would tell her, still whispering breathily as she slid another finger into Deva's pussy, giving a thrust or two before refocusing on the dance, guiding her to move while still fingering her, able to split her focus. And if Deva was looking, she'd see that the angel was just as aroused as she toyed with her, breathing heavier and looking more excited the more she teased and moved the angel.

While Deva was busy thinking, Jade would once again lift her up and this time become a lot more blatant in thrusting her fingers in and out, slowly thumbing her clit as she fingered her in a steady pace, keeping even that in time with her dance. "Such a beautiful... soft... sexy... angel. Mmmmmm... you've gotten me so hot... Nnngggghh... Along with the rest of the crowd it seems..." She would joke, as there would be quite a few moans sounding out around them, nearly the entire crew fucking each other on the deck now that they were watching the erotic display that the captain and Deva were putting on.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Devas illusions were not impenetrable, so if Richard looked close enough and had the mental focus he could spot a slight glistening of the hidden wings in the air, like hot air over a street in the summer. The angel meanwhile chuckled, not quite certain at the Pirates secrecy. She was certain that, if she wanted to keep something secret it'd take a high level of skill to see through it.

Deva had nodded to her Tomey. "I'm afraid we don't have the luxury though, I had to attack Mortema fully serious for a brief moment there to not take any chances, presumambly, the next agents are stronger.. Sucessful in stealing you? Oh no. .. I guess I can tell you one thing." Deva nodded to the plushies."It was my assumption that,had you been taken, you would have alerted me in a desperate effort, but to even take you, the thief would have to enter my spells dominion. A very simple and, thus, easily and often overlooked but crucial lesson of magic is the sphere of influence every spell has, a lightning bolt flies in a line or arch, a fireball impacts in a rough circle, the area controlled by my spell is defined by the plushies, as you see, they are all around you. If someone had been so bold, I could have unleashed it.. though, granted, that was a last resort. .. there is a chance to catch bystanders with this kind of magic.." Deva explained, a little too serious for comfort. Deva chuckled at the kinky tome-story.
"The drawback of clearly unleashing a large amount of power, which attracted Ixgramoth, the forest beast, sensing a competitor, so whilest Holly and the vampiress were rutting and Jack... observed the display, the forests lord approached, ready to..."

Deva's innocent smirk stayed in the presense of Jade's attention, chuckling and noting her high grade stripping skills, the angel cooing softly as she felt those curiously wandering hands on her soft skin. "Hoh my." Deva cooed again, though this time at the lewd display blossoming up all around her. Deva was happy to follow the captains gentle yet determined guidance, murring softly under the squeezing of her bottom, coupled with the deep, sensual kiss, which Deva responded on her own, a playful tongue hiding a long experience nuzzling up to the pirates, her lips suckling on Jades lower ones as they parted.

"Hooh?" Deva questioned and cooed when half lewdly, half romantically picked up, her sex pulsating with warmth under Jades touch, suprised by the captains feat of strength, after all, Jade seemed the agile and flashy type.. she must have worked hard to also attain strength. When teased on in the slow dance, even Deva was at the point of moaning softly with the fingers slowly dancing over her flesh, her hands gripping Jade firmly, holding onto her now in the lustful sensations.
She chuckle-sighed at the feeling of the captain pushing a little into her, making her squirm, only to be steadied again by the kissing of her neck, as she tilted her head. "Hmnnn.. careful, if you tease me too much I might turn things around on you." She proclaimed, though her.. threat lost a bit of weight as she sighed out heavily with the captain pumping into her with increasing dedication.

"Ha.. ahmn.." Deva sighed, following the captains movements and molestations, clearly showing she was an.. eager follower, if properly motivated by teasing fingers like this, her arousal on display.. for those that weren't distracted with their own, the angel chuckling at the lewd, lesbian orgy going on all around them. As Jade picked up her pace once more, so did Devas breathing, her hips beginning to subtly rock back against the thrusting fingers, she moaning with a sensual subtone, more leaning into Jade than dancing independently now, softly biting her lower lip. This was nice; She decided. It didn't seem like she could provoke an attack, so she'd just have to.. bide her time. Luckily, someone was .. offering to distract her throughoutly to help with that. For now, she'd dance along with Jade, although, if the captain kept this up, Deva would be less focused on her movements all in all, enjoying the Lesbian orgy around herself.


Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
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Richard wouldn't really try to look any closer at her wings, seeming a bit lost in thought now that she had spoken to him, her actions and words doing a lot to make him consider all the different choices that he had made in his life. While he may have joked a bit, he was a person that did his very best to keep his word, and he had promised that he wouldn't divulge the secret that Deva had given him, especially after she was the only one that had shown him any kindness at this point, despite the fact that he would have been able to understand being left below deck after what he had done.

"Well it all depends. If I recall correctly, ________'s agents are ranked based simply on whether they can defeat one another or not. That does not necessarily mean that one will be more difficult for you than another. Just because someone can defeat Mortema, does not mean that they would be any more of a challenge for you." The Tome would theorize, figuring that such a simple ranking system didn't completely determine who would be best fit for certain things. Though it still did understand that it was at least a half decent measure of strength, and figured that even with different skills, whoever was ranked as number 1 would be very difficult to handle. "Ah! Clever indeed. Plushies to denote your area of influence... creative, intelligent, and yet still adorable. I like it." It would compliment, seeming genuine about its appreciation to that method. "Ready to take Jack's lust energy for itself, casting a spell from the shadows to siphon off all the lustful energy, building it within itself and gaining both its own powers and the powers of a succubus, which it would use to turn Jack into a futanari, just like Holly, before trying to use its new found powers to enslave and ensnare the minds of all three of them, which would at least partially work, giving Ixgramoth control of..." The Tome would continue, wondering if the angel was okay with that direction.

Jade would continue to show off her experience with lesbian love making, her arms gripping Deva close in a lewd embrace, smirking at her and for a moment stepping around to make sure that the two of them were facing the largest portion of the crowd for a bit as Jade would give a long and lewd lick down her neck, getting a bit closer to the angel's bare breasts. When Deva gave her soft murr, which the captain would take as approval, she'd feel a slightly more firm squeeze of her bottom, the hand there holding onto it and guiding her along, keeping her in perfect time with her lewd dance steps. Though really, she was mostly just walking Deva around now, understanding that this much arousal didn't help with intricate dance moves. When she felt Deva's lips suckling on for a moment, Jade would coo in slight surprise, smirking even more now that she was sure that Deva had much more experience than people might expect just from looking at her. "Mmmmm... So very naughty... Knowing these kinds of things... This is gonna be... mmmmm... fun..." She would whisper, her hands still exploring as she would start suckling on Deva's neck, holding there for a few moments before pulling away to keep the dance going.

Around the two of them, nearly the entire crew had broken out into a large orgy, women stripping down and making out with one another, a few having sex toys at the ready as the played. Naked bodies would start being intertwined together, with hot lips on dripping pussies, fingers pumping in and out between people's legs, and dildos being pushed into cunts as the crew really got into the night of fun. The only people not doing something lewd at this point would be Isa, who would be in her seat blushing deeply, the men from earlier, who Richard seemed to be having his hands full with trying to give an orgy some form of privacy, and Zana, who would have a deep blush to her face, but otherwise was still leaning back in her chair, looking on at the erotic display, but still looking like she was contemplating something.

Jade would seem to be straining at least a little bit to be lifting Deva up in her arms, not enough that she would be struggling much, but it was still enough to keep the angel in a lewd and romantic embrace, holding her up and fingering her a bit. Though she'd turn a bit and give some more determined, gentle guidance, moving Deva a bit to spread her legs a bit further so that the lewd fingering could be easier seen by the orgy going on around them. The captain would let Deva steady herself, kissing her neck a few more times and holding onto her, ensuring that no matter how much she fell into her lusts, no matter how much her knees might buckle in arousal or how wrapped up she'd become, Jade would keep her from falling or getting harmed. Once she heard the sign of approval, Jade would begin thrusting into Deva a bit faster, her fingers pushing in and even wriggling around just a little bit when they were further in, filling the angel a bit more as her thumb gave her clit the attention that she knew it deserved. "Heh... Don't worry... I can do a lot more than just... tease..."

The captain would keep the dance going for a little longer, fingering Deva and stepping around the limits of the circle, displaying their lewd act to the entire orgy that was continually building around them. However, once Deva started rocking against Jade's fingers, the piratess would smile and lift Deva up once again, not stopping her thrusting for even a moment as she lifted her up. Her fingers would increase in their pace when Deva 'gave in' to her skilled fingers, giving her a little more pleasure in reward for helping along with the fingering. "Enjoyable as this is... Perhaps it's time I stop the teasing and really get into it..." Jade would reach a leg out and hook the coat and blouse that she had tossed off earlier, pulling them back in and lying them down across the ground, and then lying Deva down on top of them, wanting to ensure that she wasn't just lying against hardwood. Then she'd quickly fall down next to her, lying down and planting yet another passionate kiss, before licking even further down her body, now right above her breasts. Her hand would continually work between Deva's legs, pumping in and out to give her a constant feeling of pleasure as she slowly grew more intimate. With that in mind, her lips would move further down, starting to kiss and lick the angel's beautiful breasts, focusing in on them as well while she fingered her, not wanting to leave that part of her beautiful body out of the fun. Her tongue would reach out and start circling her nipples while her fingers picked up speed, now having Deva in a lying position where she could more easily maneuver around the angel. Plus, with the captain making sure to spread Deva's legs while she worked, the orgy moaning and fucking around her would be able to see everything if they felt so inclined to look.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Deva nodded at Tomeys evaluation of the agents. "Oh, I agree, it's less about rankings and there may well be a low ranking member with low combat potential but high corruption abilities. That said, I'd still do better not to underestimate whom she consideres at the top. Plus, if you ranked me based on direct power alone, I'd struggle to match someone like Mortema in that other form of hers. Then again, funny thing that, power. Ever tried to crush a coconut with raw strength vs putting a hole into it to get to the milk?" She mused, but remained silent about the plushies for a moment, .
"It's not that I underestimate the cloaked one when I speak with confidence. It's experience. It's not that I was born powerful, actually, I was a weak, shy person, hiding, behind a shell of confidence. In magic and battle I lost, again and again, surviving, but losing things important to me. Engulfing yourself in an untouchable shield or overpowering someone before they can attack you.. that's not what makes you powerful. Taking an attack and getting up again after it, in spite of it, that's power. I didn't become strong because I wanted to, I became strong because I had to and this spell was at the end of that path of mine. After that and only after using it, I realized that the same applies to doing good. It's not good to avoid or crush evil or to protect yourself from it. To truly stop evil, you have to take it on, understand it and overcome it."
Deva closed her eyes for a moment, musing: "It is strange for me, facing those that yearn for power." Deva lifted her hand, looking at it. "I only need power to stop those that don't fear using theirs like I do using mine.
Now, enough of that. Time to be merry-piratey."

Deva chuckled at the books lewd direction, but was busy dancing with the captain... which didn't.. keep her. Isa had a (fully pirate-Deva clothed) Illusion pop up next to her.
"Hah, emberassed by the show? Heh, never forget your innocence. Also, Tomey..." She mused for a moment.. "Giving Ixgramoth control of Holly, who was already inclined to purify the wicked creature before her, where Jack, now Jackie, had found herself a horny, if uncertain bystander of the lewd scene, as the angel felt herself purify and her body and tainted soul fall under Hollys influence and in turn, Ixgramoth, both falling to their knees before the dark forest lord, who was revealed a mixture of tree and man, twisted and gnarled and with ..."

Deva enthused, leaning to the tome, informing it. "Sorry for the lewder tone, my original is a little distracted... with.. things." The illusion glanced over, and covered her mouth, as if it didn't knew what was going on. "Oh my. Case in point.. woah .. I look.. I've never seen myself from the outside.. Hah. Psyched, got you. This illusion can't actual get sensual input without divination magic, which I am rubbish at, I'm just pretending to look at you. Though, I got sharp angel-senses, so can still hear you, ideally begin your sentences with some sorta candy."

"Oh my.." Deva cooed as the pirate captain turned to the crowd, she shivering softly as the captains tongue snuck it's way along the nape of her neck. Deva's eyes were lustful, yet amused, grinning, but without a comment. The angel meanwhile, blushing emberassed, though far from an innocent maiden, had a hand curled around the pirates arm, lustfully inviting her further.

Still, Deva was happy taking in the sights, relaxing in the pirates arms, cooing softly. "Hmnn..-haaah-!" Deva sighed out loudly, twitching under the captains deft fingers, a soft glistening of sweat upon her pale skin as she once more rocked against the pirate captain, closing her eyes and enjoying the lewd sensations. "Haah.. haaahmnn.." She sighed out with the fingers picking up their speed, her body slowly but steadily leading to a climax with Jade teasing her, urging her on, peering as Jade created a makeshift-clothesbed for her, responding to the pirates kiss with a soft, yet eager tongue. "Hmnnn.. Captain, if you keep this up I'll be.. hmnn..." Deva decided to moan out rather than give specifics, Deva's pink nipples hard atop her angelic bossom, rocking with the captains fingers, before bending her head back, sighing out a loud, satisfied lustful sigh.

"Lewd, am I? The most dangerous books read the reader, you know."She winked, though it was half towards tomey this time, cooing, laid back with a lustful smile, though she was far from passive now, her hand sneaking up, wandering between Jade's legs and spreading her sex, presenting her. The way the captain presented her before her crew.. that was something -she- enjoyed, not something she tickled out of Deva.
"You propably justify it with your crew having a good time meaning you having a good time, but you -like- showing off." She insinuated, riding the waves of her own lust and using the chance to give back, her fingers subtly and skillfully sneaking into the captains sex, caressing along her flower, before two spread her opening, then thrusted into her, curling right after, gripping softly and rubbing within the captain, pulling back out, thrusting a little deeper and repeating her rubbing motion. "I told you where I come from, but no specifics, hmnn.. let's just say I was raised by a temple that wasn't big on temple virgins." The angelblood mused, her smile widening. "Hmnn.. that felt really nice. Quite relaxing, really." She cooed, nibbling on Jades neck. "I grow too serious and paranoid sometimes, so thanks for that. I need to remind myself I'm at my best when I'm not all serious." Deva grinned in a warm, happy afterglow under the pirates, basking in the lewd, pretty sights and sounds around her, but happy to.. pay the captain back, if she let her.
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Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
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"Oh definitely, anyone that could defeat all the rest of the agents is not one to be trifled with... I just want to give a slightly more positive outlook on the things that we might be encountering. For all we know, you have already faced the most difficult challenges for you. Then again, I suppose that for all we know you've been fighting ones that are actually easier for you..." The Tome would continue, not wanting Deva to think that she would have to use up all of her secrets early on. "And while I understand that you do not want to rely on me, I can be of some assistance with the summons that you have gained so far, as well as being able to give you some form of help. I could even limit the amount of energy that I use in order to ensure that I am able to properly handle the powers that ________ has." It would offer, making sure that Deva understood that she had more options than she might have considered so far. While it knew that she didn't want to be completely reliant on it, the Tome wanted her to at least know that there were other ways to handle her situations. "Confidence is all well and good, I just want you to know that your opponents were likely just as confident as you are now. The Cloaked One can be defeated, and if anyone were to do it, it would be you. You have an understanding of what 'power' truly is, and you are not one that plans to abuse it, only wishing to use it to stop others. But there needs to be a greater consideration of what ________ is actually doing, what they are planning, and what they might already know about Tomes. You play this game quite well... but does it not stand to reason that your opponent may be playing at the exact same level? Who is to say that even you fixing stories is not in some way part of a larger plan?" Her Tome would further theorize, not wanting things to go too wrong, and hoping to at least keep the angel cautious when it came to the opponents that they would likely encounter. On one hand it didn't want her to think that they would be running into continuously more powerful opponents, but on the other it wanted her to remain cautious just in case their opponent was moving in some way that they hadn't even thought of. "Perhaps I am the one that worries far too much, you 'AAARRRGGHH' right! Enjoy the whole pirate fun. be merry for now." It would joke, also wanting to let the angel have her fun wherever she could.

Isa would be blushing furiously at the entire lewd display, including the orgy starting around her. For a moment she didn't even realize that Deva had appeared right next to her, making her leap up and nearly yelp in surprise. "Th-There's a difference between 'innocent' and being embarrassed by an entire orgy breaking out around you..." She would comment, not wanting to be seen as someone that didn't know anything about lewd stuff like this. "And with a hard, throbbing, virile shaft that quickly became the center of Holly's attention, as well as her purified servant, and the two would begin to service the mighty lord of forest beasts, praising and pledging loyalty to him as they debased themselves, working together to pleasure Ixgramoth, Holly's mouth wrapping around it while her 'servant' cupped and caressed his balls, but despite Jackie's burning arousal, she knew that she had to do something, had to stop this, which would cause Holly to try and defend her master, both her and her servant using their powers together to try and..." The Tome continued.

"No need to apologize for taking the story in a more erotic direction. It is just another way that a story could proceed, and erotica is just as valid as any other form of story. This is still quite enjoyable actually, and I have no issues keeping pace with the direction that the tale has gone in." It would answer, seeming not the least bit upset about the story becoming much more lewd than it had initially started out as. Instead this was just another chance to change and adapt the story, letting it evolve naturally between the two of them while they both were able to explore completely new ideas and move on creatively from whatever point they had put each other in.

Jade was really good at reading people from their reactions, and as such could tell that Deva was definitely more experienced than she may have initially let on, smirking even more now that she could tell that the angel wasn't completely new to this kind of lewd fun. Her fingers would gently roll and tease her nipples as she kept her facing the orgy, still getting a few lust filled looks from those that weren't completely devoted to their lewd acts. Though once she was pulled in closer, the Captain would give a surprised look before picking up her speed, her fingers pumping in a little bit faster, and her tongue trailing along her neck a few more times, moving further down as she did so.

For just a brief moment, she would stop fingering the squirming angel, giving her a lewd look, reaching her fingers up to her mouth and licking them thoroughly, even licking her lips a bit and winking at Deva, showing how much she enjoyed the taste of the angel in her arms. "Mmmmmmmmm~ Marvelous..." She would whisper before returning her fingers to their previous position, thrusting in a bit faster and a bit deeper to make up for the time that Deva had to spend without them. Her fingers would work steadily between Deva's legs, giving her pussy and her clit just the right amount of attention to build the pleasure more and more, though she wouldn't push her over quite yet, as there was still a decent amount of things that were left for them to do. A show was more than just fingering in front of the crew, they wanted at least a little more than that, like her partner being on the ground and on her back. Thankfully she was always kind enough to give her partners somewhere comfortable to lie down while they fucked. She wanted her partners to remember a night of passion and lewd, lustful love making, not busy themselves thinking about how uncomfortable the deck or table or whatever they were spread out upon was. "Oh I know you will, darling... Just sit back and enjoy it... bask in it and have fun..." She would whisper, her fingers pumping in and out faster, holding her in that kiss for a few moments, her tongue exploring the angel's mouth through that lusting kiss. Then when she saw the angel reach her own climax, Jade would moan out happily, smiling as she looked at what she considered to be the most beautiful sight in the world, her partner cumming under her fingers. The captain would look intently at Deva, as though she were memorizing every unique detail of her orgasm, smiling in an almost serene look of happiness and arousal as she coaxed one out of the angel. She had the orgasms of her entire crew nearly memorized at this point, knowing them to the most minor detail, but it was always a treat to her when she got to see a new orgasm.

When Deva returned focus, she'd see that the Captain was giving an earnest smile, calm and proud that she had given the angel pleasure, though at the same time, a simple glance at her body would show stiff nipples and a wet pussy, betraying her arousal. "Very lewd... But that's okay... we're all lewd here if you couldn't tell." As if on cue, Tina would shriek out in orgasm as Lucy giggled to herself, having kept her partner on the edge for quite a while. Though Jade would coo softly as she felt Deva's hand between her legs, shuddering and not putting up even a slight resistance to the angel revealing her before her crew. "Ooooooohhhhh... Maybe I do like showing off... Nnnnngghhh... Maybe there's a reason that I do things dramatically... And maybe there's a reason that I always remind the crew that wild sex can happen everywhere..." She would insinuate, moaning a bit and spreading her own legs wider, not seeming worried in the slightest if the orgy distracted crew saw everything. Her sex was already dripping wet, quite alive after playing with Deva for so long. The moment that her flower was caressed, she'd let out a low moan and shudder a little more, giving Deva a sultry and lust filled smile. Though her eyes would go wide as Deva pushed in, moaning even louder in ecstasy, her body shaking a bit as she took a few ragged breaths. "Hoooooh... Guess I'm right about you being the lewd one here... Mnnnnggghhhh... I didn't think you'd know this much so quickly... Yyyyeeessssss... Normally the crew has to learn more about this kind of stuff..." She'd spread her legs even wider, inviting Deva in before cooing and shivering when Deva nibbled on her neck, before turning around and giving Deva's cheek a little lick, showing that she was still a bit feisty even when being pleasured. "I'm glad I could help you unwind... You ever need something like that again, just go around asking, there's always someone on the ship up for a shag... Ooooooohhhh... And with your skill, I figure you'll have no trouble finding someone..." She would compliment, able to talk even while basking in pleasure. She would gladly let the angel return the favor, smiling and giving her a bit of a 'come hither' gesture to keep her going, positioning herself a bit so that any part of the crowd could see her better. And a few would even stop for a moment watching the display, some moaning at the sight of their captain being fucked. Even Zana would look over from her seat, smiling a bit as she saw Jade enjoying herself with the angel.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"You're a wonderful cheerer upper." Deva chuckled. "Limiting your energy is fine, though I'm working on a theory that should help against that one's reality manipulation. Well, just a guess, but if I'm right it's not actually reality manipulation or limited omnipotence or any of these things, just something that looks like it." Deva shook her head. "Also, talk about a pessimist. If it's all part of her plan, then there's one easy counter to it, and that's stashing you away and doing this all on my own, because, trust me, I can. I am growing progressively more tempted to do so if you dictate what I should be doing. You know, I dislike explaining my full reasoning a lot, mostly because it's too much work putting it into words but I have a few theories for the cloaked one, and yes, there is a few that have me end up in defeat. But... the more we talk, the more I realize, it was in part the tomes fault the cloaked one went off the deep end. You instill a bit of paranoia. A subtle influence. Hah. You think that's gonna change me?" Deva shook her head.

The illusory Deva leaned down towards tomeys text, grinned, licked her lips, then shrugged. ".. can't actually read it of course." She clarified, giving her original a subtle hand gesture.. "Simulacrum stage two, ghost-step." She then clarified. reading the tomes story, her illusion moaning with the captain. "Don't tell the captain, but, as hot as it is, I've been in so many orgies, it's more like a relaxing afternoon tea." As ashaming as it was, vanilla lewdities didn't quite work on her anymore.. well, they did, but not with a partner she had just met, as beautiful and seductive as Jade was. "Anyway, story first. To try and take Jackie out, only to hesitate as their new masters brainwashing clashed with Jackies apperance, after all who had once been an average, girly looking boy, not a bad hero, but nothing more than an evening snack for a dark vampiress, had become a magnificent beauty .. alright as a boy, Jackie accidently ended up being one of the sexiest dick-girls ever seen, which stunned his two assailants, long enough for him to ready his blade, and proclaim: Now is the time to do what we practiced: ..."

The illusion.. or was it now the real Deva again rather? Continued the story whilest the other Deva grinned up at the captain having her fun, pumping skilled fingers into her, smirking innocently and keeping her fingers slow and lustful. "It's not the captain either. That was a theory of mine, that the theory would be a telepatic shapeshifter being impersonatey, but I felt no attempt to influence me during her.. forwardness." Deva crossed her arms, thoughtfully, staring at the tome. "Hmnn.. kinky fun, the captain is quite skillfull. Anyway." She snatched something more sweet to munch from the table.
"I thank you for completing this part of the picture, but I am quite angry at you, tomey. You listen up, and you too, Isa.
I've stopped evil greater and stronger than me all my life. I picked you up tomey, because I thought you could help me prevent paying a price like I have for this fight in the past, but by now I realize that some prices are worth paying."
She shook her head.

"Enough of this dreading about. Tomey. I'd give you leave for being one of the last of your kind, but .. I never had a kind to begin with. I'm part angel, part human. Imagine never being orderly enough for heaven, barely understanding the humans you grew up with, taking 15 years to look as if you are 10." Deva had picked up the tome now, collecting her stuffed animals, putting on her dress, whilest her naked illusion occupied the pirate-captain, stepping a bit away from the orgy as she continued.

"I created a world for myself in the end, but left it, to keep it save, because the world I envisioned was too pure a paradise for one like me. I even killed the one I loved so very much, to keep all of reality safe from a great evil, forever. My point is, I understand your grief. Your worry and fears. But there is something you need to understand, right now." Devas eyes focused on the tome, filled with a dangerous red glow. "For all the destruction the cloaked one has caused, for violating something more precious than love or life, the future of worlds itself, I will stop them. Do not dare to make any assumptions about the things I can do or how far I would go. Because I've already gone further than you could ever imagine." Deva's eyes began glowing in a penetrating brightness, a dark anger bubbling beneath the surface, as her grip turned into what would be painful for a human, the book lifted, outstretched before her, incidentially, extended over the ships wall, with Deva looking at the waves below for a moment, her other hand raising, swirling with magical energy.

"...." Deva shook her head at the tome, closing her eyes and pulling it back in, shrugging, and looking tired for a moment. "'Haah. Alright, I forgive you. Bit grumpy still perhaps. Welp, it doesn't seem like the agent is a rushy one." She shrugged, looking over to the pirate orgy, then she sighed again.
"Way to demotivate me. Heh. If I were an archetypical hero I'd give you something about winning no matter what, I am not though. I am willing to do dark things, if they are necessary.. But words are cheap. I'll give you a demonstration." Deva chuckled, handing her tome over to Isa, shaking her head. "I want you to watch closely. This is not power of your or the cloaked ones anticipation." She folded her hands, sighing slightly. "You know, silly tomey, better to use this one earlier rather than later, true, but my Morphea has just barely recovered. Anyway, another lesson for you then, Isa.

Advanced magical applications: Conjunctive effects.
You already applied it unconciously, when you battered the reality-shield of the angel with your ice-blasts, one alone was not enough to break through the shield. The same principle applies, if, for example, you first use your magic to lower the surrounding temperature to set up quicker and more resilient ice-spells. The next level from that is creating spells that, if used in close conjunction, are stronger than the sum of their parts. I call this effect a cascade. For example, my Phoba spell can turn things that are real into illusions and phantasma can turn illusions into reality. Finally Morphea can turn something that affected me not real. However!"

Deva pointed her hand at the ocean, holding one hand and, for the first time ever since Isa saw her cast a spell, seemed focused. "By using all three spells in conjunction, I can create a magic greater than the sum of its parts." Deva proclaimed, whilest her illusion snuggling with the captain suddenly excused herself, knowing she could not exist if Deva concentrated on this spell, waving, and promising to return soon with another suprise.

"In it's heart, Morphea, the triad of dreams, was a spell I designed, to be able to undo all suffering. I can turn injuries into illusions, I can turn my own suffering nonexistant, and I can turn harmful things into bad dreams. But, only combined does it reach the magic I wanted for it." Deva raised her hand, a little of the oceans water flowing upwards into a ball before her. "Isa. Magic.. is imagination. Whatever you can imagine, with your ice, you can create it. Always remember that. If you aren't able to do a new spell, just imagine another you. Imagine a you that had trained this kind of magic for a hundred times.. obviously you can do it easy enough then. Just channel that potential power. You don't know your history, so it's even easier. Don't doubt your powers, and if you do, just imagine you were someone that had twice the power you already spent.
Or, like me, ."
She suggested, focusing her gaze on the watery blob before her, which grew translucent, like an illusion and began swirling around itself. "If everything is possible, then sure, it is possible that I'm just a pawn of the cloaked one. But it's also possible that I'm not. Furthermore, if everything is possible, it is also possible, that somehow, in one version of the story, she overcame her grudge and devoted herself to .. a different cause. And that is the version of her we call back." Deva explained, extending her hand to the watery, illusory blob, that, by now, had taken on the shape of a woman, Deva making an open-handed grabbing motion. Deva had used up her Morphea and Phoba spell, now to complete the spellweave, Phantasma, her magic that could bring illusions into the real world, but not any illusion, a very specific one.
"Pull from blind Eternity!"
Deva shouted, making a yanking motion with her hand, the water splashing apart, revealing a familiar, green skinned shape, being pulled upon the ship by Deva's magic.

"I present to you, Azalea Cloverleaf, the might of nature... and my loyal servant." Deva stepped closer to the dryad, brushing back her hair and kissing her forehead softly. "Did you have nice dreams my slave? I'm sorry for calling you here, I know you don't overly like standing on dead wood but you got to endure that ok.. I'm certain you feel a little.. disoriented and without purpose, but you feel this uncertainty and lack of direction inside of you.. that's alright." Deva extended her hands, massaging the dryad-womans temples softly, taking full advantage of her desorientation and lack of her darker drive of destruction. "That's the feeling of waiting for commands.. waiting for your mistress guidance." Deva massaged the dryads temples, a gentle glow from her fingers warming and comforting the dryad, though there was also a shadowy energy mixed in, a sense of helplessness and inferiority sneaking into the dryads mind, making it a fruitful ground for the gentle, angelic dominion. "That's a good girl, Azalea.. just let me work on your mind and relax into it.. sweet slave." Deva cooed, and then glanced over to Isa and the tome, chuckling briefly. "Admit it, Isa, you like the display of this more than the entire orgy, as lewd as that was, just like Azalea here, you are a slave at heart. That's why it's so easy to make you kneel, .. nothing to be ashamed about, of course. Lighten up." Deva gave Isa a playful poke of her breast, sending a tingling through the icy-heroines body. "There is a chance we get enslaved when fighting the cloaked one.. but that alone can hardly stop us, eh?" She grinned, subtly sending a little bit of the magic Azalea was getting into her companion.. at just the right spot.
If Isa had thought that Deva groping her breasts had been a random joke or lewdness.. she was not quite right. Deva had, through their travels, subtly explored Isa's levels of sensitivity and now used that knowledge to make sure she felt just good enough and helpless enough to yearn for more later.
Of course, the main attention remained on Azalea, as Deva's hand caressed over the Dryads body, learning of her courves and letting her magic flow into her..
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Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
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The Tome would be silent for a few moments, listening to what Deva had to say. "My kind does NOT instill paranoia in those that wield us, I assure you. We give advice as though we were an actual person by your side, some times that means we recommend being cautious, other times reckless, other times we do not advise at all. If ________'s Tome had any influence over her, it was no more than a regular person talking to her would have. I may not know our history, but I KNOW what we do and what we can do. I do not instill paranoia, I am far different from ________'s Tome in terms of personality as well, as I am the amalgamation of 3 different wielders if I include you. Our personality is built off those that wield us, emulating parts of them and keeping other parts as we continue on. If you wish to do this without me then you may, I will not stop you. My original wielder asked me to try and protect the different stories from anyone that tried to do what the Cloaked One is attempting, and I would have done this even had they not asked me to do that. You make the choices, I merely wished to voice my own concerns. Apologies if that upsets you." The Tome would state, part of it not enjoying the accusation that it inspires paranoia, especially when it only wanted to voice its own thoughts on the matter. "I have no desire to change you, I only wish to be of assistance in any way that I can."

"Ah yes, the story... Hmmmmm..." It would stop for a moment and think about it carefully, seeming still dedicated to the game even with it disagreeing with some of the things that Deva was proposing about it. "what we practiced: Raider I summon you from your home, assist me!" which would bring a swirling of magical energy, using the only spell that the young man had learned before this rite, he'd slash his sword through the swirling magical energy, opening a rift and calling forth his faithful and powerful war dog companion from the ether, the large and powerful dog able to recognize its master, and would leap at Ixgramoth, sinking its powerful fangs into the forest lord and causing it to recoil in pain, trying to shake the mighty beast off, but unable to do so through normal means, the forest lord would instead use..." Part of the Tome was actually happy to have brought that little bit of story back in play, as in a good story nothing was introduced without some meaning behind it, and the dog may have originally been just an added detail it had brought in, summoning it back now made it important all over again. "Perhaps we should begin wrapping up this tale soon however, maybe pick it back up another time if we wish, but I believe we've told an interesting tale so far." It would offer. If Deva looked over, Jade would actually pause for a moment and look down at Deva's illusion, as though she had noticed something off, but then would simply shrug and return to enjoying her time, otherwise not minding and not seeming to realize the illusion.

Isa would grow even more silent and look a bit concerned as Deva revealed her being rather upset with the Tome, not having been all that worried until now. The Tome would remain silent as well, though once Deva held it over the ocean, she would feel a deep and powerful cold emanating off of it. It wouldn't be painful, but it would feel cold like a person giving an icy glare. A set of eyes would manifest just behind the Tome... and they looked ancient, more ancient than even some gods and goddesses that she had met. But they weren't angry or enraged, they weren't scared or in any panic, they were just determined as they stared back at the rage and fire in Deva's eyes. They wouldn't be seen by anyone around them, just Deva, and they would stare back at her without faltering as a voice would be heard. The voice was... strange, a mixture between Robyn, Mulj, Limona, Cheshire, Mortema, Azalea, everyone that they had met all speaking together at once. "I have not done this in a long time... YOU are frightening, more frightening than even the Cloaked One when you wish to be... You are powerful, you are intelligent, and you could do just about anything you put your mind to... But do not think my imagination is so limited as to not be able to comprehend the terrors you have already done. I did not take part in the war, my wielder did not wish to, which I am thankful for even now. As I saw atrocities from both sides that the very thought of repulses me now... I watched wielders create Stories of endless suffering, a world crafted from the ground up to torture every living inhabitant in it, made to cause pain and suffering to a near endless degree, only abating in order to ensure the inhabitants never grew used to pain, and I saw as wielders drew power from that pure suffering where blood would boil and flames would lap at their skin, as these wielders would gain power from it without any concern for what they had created. My wielder and I tore that down, but the damage had been done and we were too late... And do you know what we did with those that created that unending pain? Did we make them exist within that world of pure pain? Did we obliterate them until not a trace remained? No... WE LET THEM LIVE... We let them live even with how much we despised them because they were still a living being, and we refused to debase ourselves to that level..." The voice spoke, rarely raising it's 'voice' as it spoke of the things that it had seen.

"I saw the supposed 'good' side create deadly weapon after deadly weapon, but the moment that it was realized that they could not be used or controlled, they were dumped into a story woefully unprepared to deal with some of the creations that they had made. And the worst part... these weapons are things Tomes can barely affect, I could not stop them from causing havoc and destruction in the world they were dropped into, and the only minuscule amount of solace that I can take is in the fact that the inhabitants of the world just barely managed to contain the weapons that my wielder's supposed friends had created, surviving despite the amount of pure destructive potential is just sitting, waiting in their Story. To the point where I do not even know what their story was originally meant to be any more... I have seen this evil, this torture, this pain, but do you know what I can NEVER see? Beauty, happiness, people. I do not look at the world the way you do, the sea that you hold me over is just words in my eyes, endless words that stretch for an eternity in any direction. The ship is a completely different amalgamation of words that floats upon other words, the people engaged in their fun are just another mass of words that entangle together and make sounds that to me are merely words, even your companion is just a set of words that follow you around. The only things I see that are not words are other Tomes, and Tome Wielders. YOU are the only person that I can see no matter where we go, the only other person in the entire universe is the Cloaked One that we must face. A long time ago that was fine, the world was a mixture of words, Tomes, and Wielders. Now there is myself, you, ________, her Tome, and nothing but an endless world of words that I can observe and manipulate and understand more than anyone around me."

"You are powerful, you are frightening, you are intelligent, you are wonderful, you are terrible, you are salvation, you are destruction, you are amazing, and you are the one that could save everything. But do not think myself scared or intimidated by you. I respect you, more than anyone alive. But understand that the only thing that kept me from enacting horrifying punishments on those people in the past, was the restraint of my wielders... Now... now I understand why my anger was wrong, but I was only held back from doing terrible things back then by the restraint of others. I have tempered myself since then, but know that I have come very close to doing horrifying things with a near limitless amount of power... I may not understand you, but I want you to understand that I do not say these things without experience. You WILL stop ________ and I know it... but remember that everything I've seen and learned from the war, Her Tome has seen too. You hold one of the last survivors of the War of the Tomes in your hand, but you will face one of the others..." It explained, sounding more like it was imploring Deva to hear it out rather than trying to show off or show that it was angry, all it wanted to do was better get Deva to understand why it thought of things the way that it did. "*sigh* I am very sorry to raise my voice like that... But I just wish you to understand that I am dedicated to this... and that I have seen and nearly done terrible things... I... I am very very sorry. My second wielder refused to hold their tongue a lot of the time and wore their heart on their sleeves... If you would like me to be more silent from now on, I can do that... I'm sorry..." The Tome would say, the eyes and voice fading as it calmed down, and Deva would feel an intense feeling of guilt emanating off the book, the Tome almost instantly regretting speaking up like that.

Isa, meanwhile, was completely left out of that entire situation, not really knowing that anything had happened between Deva and the Tome. Though the ice mage would look terrified from what she saw in Deva's eyes, not even able to answer what she had to say about a lesson, looking like she was trying to keep herself from turning and running on the spot. But not only was fear kind of overtaking her, a logical part of her also knew that there was nowhere to run. Eventually she would find her voice, and start trying to compose herself, still a bit scared internally after something like that. "L-Lesson? O-Oh right... yeah let's do that I guess..." She would nod, paying more attention to Deva now. It made sense to her, to have spells working in tandem with one another to increase effectiveness, working off of one another to properly set things up for her spells. The ice mage would nod a bit in understanding, getting the basic gist of what was going on and how she would be able to use her spells in conjunction with one another to make them more effective and more specialized in different ways.

"U-Using spells together can sometimes make them greater than they would be on their own... Makes sense..." Isa would agree, part of her already thinking about the kinds of spells that she might be able to string together to create something even better. There were a few options when it came to her spells, but even then her magic was more just a general control of ice rather than a specific set of spells, but there were a few things that she could do to make things more effective.

The ice mage would look on in awe, a bit of her fear being replaced by amazement at the amount of magic Deva could weave when she put her mind to it. Sure, she had already seen quite a few incredible things, but that still didn't take away from the abilities that the angel was displaying now. Perhaps Isa was easier to impress, but she continually found herself surprised at the different kinds of things that Deva could do with something that seemed as simple as illusion magic. Of course, illusions weren't necessarily simple in their own right, but the way that Deva was able to figure out and create new things was really incredible to a woman that could only use ice magic that she had known previously. She couldn't imagine creating her own spells, much less using them together to make them even more effective. The only thing that was keeping her from saying anything more was the still lingering fear of what she had seen only a few moments ago.

Plus once the dryad suddenly appeared, Isa would ready her magic almost on instinct, still remembering her last confrontation with the woman. But this time she was certain that things wouldn't be going the same way, as not only did she have a better understanding of how to use her magic, she was also in open air this time, meaning that the pollen the woman had earlier wouldn't be useful in any means, as the wind would pick it up and keep it from saturating the air around them. Though it seemed that Deva had her own plans involving the woman, and as such Isa would let the energy that she had been building dissipate, figuring that the angel had the situation completely under control. "I-I'd... Uh... P-Preferred a little bit of warning on that one, next time... if you don't mind..." She would stammer a bit, having been too distracted to even notice the bit Deva had said about Azalea being her 'servant'. "W-Wait what? Where am I? Last I remember I was looking at something... absolutely beautiful?" She would mention confusedly, only knowing that she didn't particularly like the spot that she was standing on, a sign that some part of nature had been destroyed in some way. "Disoriented? Yeah kind of... Waiting for guidance? Mistress?" The word Mistress did feel a bit familiar to Azalea, she had been calling another woman that for a decent time now. Though because of how confused she was, she didn't remember that she had called another person Mistress before, and that she had actually been lying to that other person in order to betray them. So she was even more vulnerable to what Deva was doing. She would coo softly as her temples were massaged, sighing a bit as the magic energy began flowing into her, making her feel so helpless and inferior. Deva was so much greater than her, above her, with so much magic... and she had just said that she was her Mistress... so that feeling did kind of make sense. "Mmmmm... relax..." Any tension that was left in her body would slowly drain from her as she became completely helpless in Deva's hands, the magic flowing into her and making her mind fertile for everything that Deva wanted to plant in it.

Isa, meanwhile would be blushing furiously when she saw what Deva was doing, shaking her head in an attempt to deny the things that Deva was saying. She wasn't a slave, if that were true she'd have been taken by the Cloaked One by now, that had to be the explanation. Though she would let out a slight moan of pleasure as her breast was poked again, the magical energy hitting her a bit harder than she would've expected, which in turn left her blushing even more as she turned away from the things that the angel was doing. Meanwhile, the dyad would be shuddering and moaning, putty in Deva's hands as the magic would flow through her body. She would moan and squirm, not struggling, more pressing into it than anything else. "Mmmmnnnaahhh... So gooooood..." She'd moan out, one of her hands holding Deva's for a moment, as though she was asking her to keep going.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"But you are influenced by whoever wielded you prior." Deva noted, having guessed as much. "Well, I guess, in a way, other people tend to influence you." She conceded to the pouty tome.
"I agree, I moved the story to a climax slowly. Heh. I started it, but happy to finish it too... instead use another blast of corruptive energy, this time aimed at the dog, however, seemingly untouched by the wicked magic, Raider persisted and Jackie was not idle either as his, hers that was, dog occupied the dark forest lord, rushing behind the creature and lifting his blade, striking at the corrupt creature, causing an explosion of unholy energy, sending him tumbling back. As she rose again, she found herself still very feminine, but her newly gained companions blinking in disoriented confusion, while it seemed her coming of manhood ritual was completed, it hadn't gone quite as expected... and no one had noticed that Raider...
But that's a story for another time."
She chuckled.

"Oh lookie there. Stary eyes." Deva mused at the eyes watching her. "Protective ward, spectre of the past, emotional incarnation, all of these? That's why I like my range of emotions, the cold and analytical types would never find these things." She rubbed her chin.
"Interesting. But you confirm what I suspected. You are just like the power I wielded. Not innately good, nor evil, without intent, but yet, such power upon the unprepared is a greater curse than being powerless. You are similiar to the powers I already discarded, not because I couldn't handle them, but because they made me less than I am. If I had my divine powers, I could wave a hand and summon a hundred angels to deal with any conflict on this ship(and have a good time.). and my angels are strong and beautiful." She closed her eyes for a moment, listening to the tomes tale of words.

"Whoever created you either was a fool or a monster. Perhaps both." She shook her head. "War. Hmnn.. We've both been forged by war then, I guess. When I was very young, there was a war for sucess, when it went bad, the rebels turned to necromancy, that's when things went a little out of hand." She pointed at her eyes and swirled her finger. "Had a vampire nomming on me. I got away from it and my partially angelic blood kept me save but.. I got a little more mischievous. For a long, long time I locked away this darker side of me, and.. before you wonder, no, it's not as you've spectated in my mind when I faced Priselia, by no means. It looks far too much like me.
Anyway. I learned that supressing your inner darkness gives it power.. so I stopped doing that. It helped me create my only true powerful offense spell it helps me when I do dominating things, it gives me.. bad ideas. Things I rarely say but come up with, things far worse than anyone without my mind could come up with. I'm dangerous precisely because I am smart, just as you are dangerous becaue of what you can do with your power."
Deva said, with little gloom, showing she had come to accept herself in the past, then, however she grinned.

"Hah, wait, what, you raised your voice? I didn't notice. I just found some interesting new information about you that makes me wonder. For example. You have eyes. Why do you have eyes. Books don't have eyes, what would you do, read other books, that'd be book-cannibalism! Hah. Anyway .. I understand why you are scared.. better now. It's a bad fate to be alone. Perhaps you deserve to hear my story of loneliness and struggle as well.." She mused, implying there was something more than war and losing her loved one to her, hesitantly, she petted the tomes back, taking a few further steps away from the orgy, feeling a little bad for leaving the captain hanging (but feeling like she'd... entertain herself), as she leaned up against the ship.

"Alright then. Let me tell you the tale.. of Sahia. There's no worlds of endless torture in it, just an old, stupid angel leaving her home. I created a demiplane, of protection, where everyone was welcome and then, I used an enormous amount of power to seal it away, from everyone with the power to destroy it, including me. Similiar to what happens to the people in-between, I reckon. But there is another reason for that.. always more things with me." Deva gulped, her eyes filling with tears without warning.

"Sahia was the first born daughter of the angels, the angels we, me and my wife Aelissa created.. n.. not in the way you think, no.. She was brilliant, heroic.. she had her eyes. She knew me, not just as a goddess. As a friend. I watched her grow up. Such energy. Such fire.
But now she's gone and while they tell stories, they tell of their guardian, their protector.. their.. pfah. hero. But they don't know me, they look at me and they know the stories but none of them knows .. Deva.
None of them is Sahia. none of them is Aelissa and none of them will be and it shouldn't kill me but it does.

Who killed her? Whom to avenge her death upon? No one. We made a mistake, me and Aelissa, one we never understood at first. I was an angel-blood, she a demon-blood, both mortals rising to become gods.. who'd have guessed that the two of us combined would end up creating mostly humanlike angels? They grew old. We did not. ..

Deva gritted her teeth as she turned, so that none could see the tears streaming down her face as easily, holding the tome gently, though her hand sought to crack the wood of the ship it clung to, if only it could.

"When she lay there, an old grandmother, surrounded by angels.. her family. She gave me that same smile of her youth. I'm the greatest healer of my time. I've pulled hundreds back from beyond death itself but even I can't stop .. no.. don't want to stop. Nature.. i.. itself.
She quivered slightly, hand digging into her side now.
"That is the true curse of power. Imagine, you were that power, an ageless god, watching, while everything and everyone you care for turns to dust, again and again and you tell yourself it gets easier but it doesn't. Perhaps for some it does, but not for me. I never could stop caring. Every time, it hurts like the first. Tomey. At least, to you, they are just words. To me they never were. They never will be. Heh." She looked over to Isa. "That's why I don't tell you half of the things. I'm not a hero. And no one else should have to feel like me."

"I understand the cloaked one. Likely better than she knows. But I can't do it. We can't, Tomey. We are not allowed to. As much as I want to keep one, just one... protect them, preserve their innocence, it is not our right to deny those that would come after them their existance. Nor can I let myself be kept, as much as I would like that, .. even more than keeping someone for myself, really. No, I have to be strong, through every loss. Because, sometimes, for their sake.. for her sake.. they need a guardian.

Heh. That is what being truly powerful means. I guess. It means being the strong foundation an entire people can rest on, not for your sake, but for theirs. Safe and sound against the storm they never see coming. Without them even knowing you are there. Without reward or gratitude. Knowing that each time you persevere, you just need to be ready for another struggle all over again. How many years? How many dangers? Will I be allowed rest, one day? Not as long as they only have me. Hah."
She lifted her sleeve, brushing it over her nose.. and using it to clean her nose in a way that no 'great power' supposedly should, a weary grin on her lips, followed by a spell to clean her sleeve when she realized she was being observed.
"Hah. Look at me babbling like an old woman. My point is.. I'll stop her, one way or the other. Even if I'm enslaved, I'll just nudge her to fix things from my knees, wouldn't be the first time." Deva exhaled, heavily, before shrugging ever so slightly, forming a smile again as she rubbed her eyes, with just a hint of healing energy swirling over her fingertips.

"I think I get a little touchy when people tell me of futility. Futility is anathema to a healer. We always have to try. But its good you told me your feelings, I was tempted to have you drain the other tome prior, now I realize that's too cruel." She mused, holding her tome close at the feelings of guilt, sighing at the little heart to heart with the tome. "Also, those eyes. Ancient eyes. Not a human author. I swear, if the Obyrith are responsible again.. no they'd not do something like this with words. Perhaps your creator is lost to time. But every tale should have a nice ending, even a tale for tales." She pondered briefly. It was a shame she was so rubbish at Divination. In her world, you could create any kind of magic if you had time, vision, and the power to cast it... but that was little use if you were no good with the magic in itself. Deva didn't get Divination, because it felt like cheating. It wasn't as Anathema to her as Necromancy and the spells it had, but she didn't trust herself in crafting such a spell. But without it, her best bet was using her conjuration magic to summon something that could help her out in the search and that was.. vague. She looked over to the tome and sighed softly.

Tomey.. didn't understand. Deva wasn't scared of who she'd face or what they could do, never had been. To the contrary, it oddly inspired her. Her foes fascinated her, like a challenging chess-opponent did, because she was unable to see them as hated enemies, just someone misguided and using the wrong methods. Deva was scared of what she might have to do to stop them. "Hmnn.. everything ok Isa? You look like you've seen a .. oh.. did I make a face?" Deva hesitated. She had been with herself a very long time, she rarely realized how she appeared to others. "Eh.. ehehehe..." She scratched the back of her head and then added a: "Sorry. Tomey and I just had a little disagreement about can-do attitude."

Unbeknownst to Isa, Deva's Morphea spell combined transmutation and illusion on a very high level, using the creation of the illusion spell and turning it real, so her feelings of inadequacy were partially wrong, after all, it was as if someone combined wind and ice magic to form something like pristine crystals in elemental terms. Still, if Deva's quickened breathing afterwards was any indicator, this was the actual height of her power, not an overwhelming display of magic like Mortemas, but rather focused precision. "Oh.. oh sorry, Isa, err.. heads up, summoned the dryad."

"Now now, don't look away Isa." Deva commented, misunderstanding her companions reason for doing so. "This is what the opposing side wants to do to us, even if I included extra steps, to make certain the cloaked ones influence was gone. It is far preferable to a lot of things usually happening on your defeat like.. well, being deaded. But we can't avert our eyes from this." She smirked, focusing on the dryad, but not before adding "One thing I disagree about with Tomey is what to do with evil. The greatest weakness of goodness is that it restricts itself. If your opponent is willing to control your mind, so must you be. If your opponent is ready to torture, then you must be as well, else you're at a large disadvantage. Sure, it may seem like you are no better.."
Deva shook her head. "But you aren't better. How do you even measure that, better? Do you draw a line and tell 'this is not allowed, and everyone stepping over it is wrong, I have this line so I am safe, I am right, I am good? What if someone draws the line at torture, another at using lethal force in self defense and another at fighting in general, are they more righter then? Wrong! As soon as you take action against the goals and dreams of another, no matter how good your intent, no matter how twisted theirs, you already violate their freedom. You are already in the wrong, no matter how little you are, no matter how much they seem to you, you never know if they don't view you the exact opposite way.
No one is innately better or worse than anyone else, some people just do unforgivable things. But when they do, you have to stop them first, no matter what it takes. Forgiving them.. and yourself, can come afterwards. Tomey, your previous owner taught you well. Restraint, compassion, patience. But if that alone were enough, then why am I in their place now?"

"Plus, my angelic apperance helps a lot in making people misunderstand this, but I'm not all that innocent. Well meaning, yes. Good, yes. Innocent.. nohohooo. If you are in the position of buying and.. disciplining a cute dark elf slave, you would do it, and you would enjoy it.. knowing that the same would otherwise go to the slave-breakers of Kortuga.
That and.. drow are hot."
Deva admitted, her grip on the dryad becoming firm with the soft invitation, her voice a gentle coo in the dryads ears. "Just like you. That beautiful thing you remember seeing, do you know who was responsible for that? That was me.. I'm going to show you something even more beautiful, if you let me.. hmnn you have to let me if you want to see the beautiful things.. just let me.. just let mistress in.. don't fight. Let yourself grow empty." She almost chanted, softly petting along the dryads ear, cooing: "So pretty.. perfect for letting mistress will in at all times.." As she leaned up, kissing the dryads ear, lifting her finger with an increased glow and slowly, sensually pushing into the dryads ear, further than it should be normally possible, a wave of energy marinating the dryads mind, keeping her receptive and docile as Deva went on.

"Yes.. relaxed and good. That's the feeling of giving yourself over to my control. Focus on this feeling, embrace it, secretly yearn for it a little, even if you're too emberassed to admit that. It's ironic, but your old mistress, I don't know what her mistake was, if she left you craving for her power more than herself, or if she simply has no actual talent for controlling people, but the first step is to make this feel good.. and it feels good, doesn't it? I'm turning you into a subservient creature under my will - and protection- and you can't stop it because you don't really want to, do you?" Deva cooed, withdrawing from the dryads ear as her hand, still glowing with whatever energy she was feeding the dryad now slipped into Azaleas leafy clothing, cupping a breast and massaging it rythmically. "This is the feeling of relaxing in mistress embrace, becoming a loyal slave and companion for her." Deva encouraged,closing her wings over the dryads form. "Not that I need to hide your beauty from whats going on around here, but I want you to feel safe, to feel close and secure as you let yourself go into slavery. It'll be easy for you, luckily, you can be a slave soon, someone already loosened up the soil.. yes. I want you to imagine that. beautiful, fertile soil, a vessel of nature, like you.
But something in you makes that picture feel bad, right, makes you angry at the gentle hand parting your soil..."
Deva cooed, her hand slipping between the dryads legs, softly spreading her pussylips, then, even slower pushing two fingers into her, explaining: "Planting a seed into you.. That anger and disagreement.. that jealousy of nature, that's your resistance to serving me. Can you see me in your mind? A gentle farmer, using nature, cultivating it, harvesting it. Nature serves and feeds the farmer eagerly, in exchange she works hard, tilling the soil, planting her will into the soil, ooh soo deep into the soil!" Deva cooed, pushing her fingers deep into the dryad who, if she didn't fight anymore, could feel her relaxation spreading, her expression softening as her very nature turned from a spirit of vengeance and wrath to a spirit of nurture and subservience, a seed that taught her she was to submit to Deva's will planted deep in her mind. "Watering the plants, keeping them safe from pests.. protecting them, making sure they can grow strong in you, nature, and my will, as a whole. It's so nice and easy for you, you just have to be soil, to provide, to serve, to let my thoughts in and submit to them. You even get to stay yourself.. each soil is different, after all, but your soil still yields to my seeds growing deep and strong into you, doesn't it? Hmnn my sweet slave, with such good, fertile soil you NEED to use it to grow anothers will within you growing, blossoming, that's nature.. so why hesitate?" Deva cooed caressing the dryads sex slowly, methodically, empthatizing it as soil, her fingers pushing in again, implanting the thought that her body and mind were both fertile ground for Deva to cultivate and tilt.

"I know why, because even after I've made you mine, theres this anger and rage within you.. such things can't easily be extinguished, but you know what? That serves me too.. all of you serve me.. Here, relax, let this seed push in deep into you.. you will help nurture it within, wont you, because you are good soil,.. obediant.. eager to please.." Deva cooed, gently, but determinedly pushing deep withing the dryad and holding her steady with her wings, wrapping the dryads anger around the seed as delicious fertilizer. "You grow so cutely pouty whenever you see someone not treating nature right. You are worried I'd hurt nature, deep down, are you not? I would never do that. I would never hurt you, because you are my good, obediant slave of nature. That's right, all of you is my slave, including your anger and resistance.. a slaves resistance. That's good, keep it, nurture it, cherish it, get inspired by it. I'm not taking anything from you, I'm just guiding it. You can still get pouty and grumpy, for example on a ship made of wood, or you can get rebelious when you see lumberjacks, because you are a person too. You matter to me, as a person. That you are inferior doesn't mean you can't act independently. That you don't want to serve independently.. yes, that's right, isn't it? That's what you are, exactly because I let you be a person second, you can fully allow yourself to become a slave first. You are weak.. but you can be yourself, unburdened by that, free to serve. Just let it all happen. Let yourself become my sweet, obediant soil. You are a mighty avatar of nature.. and you are mine. I'll uproot your worries, disobediance and insecurities, and plant sweet, beautiful slave flowers in their place, would you like that, would you like my seeds? Do you need me to fill you with a purpose?" Deva encouraged, her hand withdrawing enough to subtly, gently rub and caress the dryads clit as she whispered in her ear, her other hand playfully circling around the dryads areola, her magic pumping into the helpless nature-avatar, slowly but steadily flushing away the dryads doubts, letting her feel weak and subservient, but offering her strength in servitude.
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