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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

I don't really know. I've been really sick but hopefully I can get back to working on this again soon.

I've fixed a few bugs but aside from that I haven't really felt like working on it.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Here is my feedback after finishing the first dungeon, about half of the lower right one, and only explored the first levels of the other two ones.

Possibly more to come upon request, and if I have the time.


    • too much loot : gold, gems, cloth, wood, water, mostly everything. Food is okay.
    • enemies are too easy, never felt compelled to use "flee" or "bribe" yet, except out of curiosity.

    • resources should be precious and scarce to come by, as expected from a hostile place like the Abyss. Otherwise, there is no point of a true resource management system, as you've built one. It should never be impossible to survive, but there should never be room for luxury either (until maybe the very end game). If Sienna has to sell cloth, it's to buy wood for her freezing children, not to increase her stack of gems.
    • maybe significantly increase food, water & wood needs with family size, especially since children can be sent gathering ? increase needs when Sienna is preggy (I guess pregnancy does that) ?
    • increase warmth provided by spells ? Right now, they feel fairly useless to me. I am better off having Sienna recall to haven and running/fluttering back.
    • maybe significantly decrease warmth while exploring new levels (that haven't been light-unlocked yet) ? not sure if I would want to have enemies decrease "warmth" while fighting them (fighting in itself provides "warmth" in RL), but you might like to consider it.
    • maybe decrease Sienna's melee effectiveness if wounds remain untreated after battle (don't have it happen during the same battle though please, poison is already there to have THAT annoying role) ? Sienna should be caught sometimes between the alternative to fight yet another battle (with risky odds because of wounds), or recall to safety (but lose time looking for more cloth).
    • please don't make enemies harder by simply doubling their hp/strength and have them spam poison each round either
    • make battles "intellectually" more challenging, more varied : different setups (I liked what you did with the "vermin addons"), context (fighting near water/ponds has more water-type enemies or "hazards", like stumbling over the edge and falling into it, etc.), spells or weapons types, like whips which could inflict pain/superficial wounds more than hp loss, but could prove to be very distracting, or even arousing if you chose to go that route.
    • maybe add other "needs", like peeing ? I am not really into scat, but it's light enough and sounds very fairy-like to me (your mileage may vary).

    • bags and such are too easy to get (+ bug : when I bought the wardrobe, money wasn't withdrawn from my total)

    • need more furniture (more comfortable bed? mirror to comb hair, make up, to raise spirits? etc.)
    • need more outfits (with different associated functions perhaps, like "better escaping", "better fighting", "better spell casting", "better detecting traps", etc.)

    • always easier said than done, but otherwise trekking through the dungeons could be perceived as a potentially endless and boring grind

    • more events/chores at the sanctum and/or bar (more locations?)
    • give more importance to nursing/teaching/caring for children (stats, personalities, affection, etc.), to keep the player interested and busy

    • Probably one of the strongest point of the game taken individually (the first dungeon is fantastic), and yet also one of the weakest (taken as a whole, I am not sure why Sienna needs to explore them all, except growing stronger and finding... stuff for Kendra).

    • dungeons need to be given a "purpose" each, with overall balance in mind (back/crosstracking should be encouraged to find/unlock concealed treasures. You already do that, just worth being repeated/pointed out.
    • first question you should ask yourself : what is the real purpose of Jennifer ? what is the story you wish to tell eventually ? Is she watching while Sienna progresses, for example ? Does she react to her becoming a threat, and how ? This should constantly guide you in the creation process, to balance stuff out, to make it so that everything makes sense story-wise. Players like me get their motivation from that, more so than from getting a new shiny wand or the next evolution of the "Fire" spell.
    • next question could be : what is the purpose/role of each individual dungeon ? do dungeons need to have overseers ? if yes, what does Jennifer want them to do in there ? How does this affect captives of the Abyss, like Sienna? This will lead players to naturally want to investigate the dungeons, find these reasons, unveil and track other mysteries, so that the whole dungeoneering doesn't feel like a chore ("oh great, yet another level to beat").
    • make a dungeon a real obstacle on the route of the MC, in that escape cannot be achieved without overcoming/acquiring/seeing whatever is hidden in the dungeon (information, new spell/grimoires, but also more powerful items/sprites, etc.). You designed your dungeons to be explored sequentially, but maybe would have it a better choice to link them together, so that one couldn't reach their latest levels without further exploring other dungeons first ? You probably have your own ideas (and better than mine) about this, so not going to insist.
    • make time matter (if it doesn't yet). Each day spent procrastinating should come back to bite the player in the ass later on. After a certain limit, Sienna could fail to find the motivation to escape anymore, and feel she has to accept the grim fate awaiting her now (game over). In between, Jennifer could send goons, or mental images of Rosevynn being further abused by her (if you follow my suggestion to keep her alive, see below), or find yet other more creative ways (feel free to ask) to make Sienna's life any more miserable than it already is.

  5. TRAPS
    • None in-game as far as I could tell.

    • well, why not ?
    • of the immobilizing kind (roots, slime goo that has the MC crawling on all four, etc.) ?
    • of the fall down a floor kind (with whatever nasty/naughty surprises that entails) ?
    • of the increase horniness kind (to be expected in a succubus lair ?)
    • question that needs to be answered though : how can the player detect and avoid them ?
    • if they are added to the game, they would come as additional "spice"
    • don't make them too punishing or annoying, 1-hit KO being a huge no-no

    • concept is good (anything like VH can only be good) : mostly sprite sex, no text, sounds, fewer (but sexy) images
    • more of the "yellow/blond guy" character types/quests please

    • needs to be fleshed out with more images/captions in between start/end though, otherwise too long/repetitive/boring
    • shorter animations, or at least should be skippable after some seconds with a key press
    • body images need to further reflect the current state of the MC (sperm, pregnancy, blood is done)
    • I've read that you dislike pregnant bellies (what a shame, but to each their own). What about milking maids/cows ? The opportunity (the bar exists) is just waiting to happen. More ideas can be provided if you ask for them.

    • becoming a slut provides some immediate advantages (prostitution, escaping battles easily), but should also have serious backslashes

    • every day, spririt decreases because of captivity, to decourage lazyness, more so even if slutty
    • how does guilt mesh in ?
    • is there a time limit to escape ?
    • please don't discourage the player from "fooling around" with Sienna : it's a H-game after all. I like what you've done so far in that regard, but some limits should be set. Otherwise, I feel there is no "game".


    • They are fine, some refinement/slight revision would be welcome however.

    • don't make the boss battles easier, but provide feedback to the player that progress is being achieved. For example, the "skeleton boss" (1st level of the lower right dungeon) had me frustrated for a while because I didn't know if what I was doing was correct or not (switching the lights to "orange", but they can be switched back to "blue" as well?), sufficient or not (the first rock falling after all lights are switched to orange didn't kill the boss, didn't do anything remarkable, and the lights all switch back to blue ? Reset ? Did I need to do something else ?). Knowing that I was at stage 1/4 or 1/5 (I can't remember) would have been a hint enough to avoid this.
    • please keep the limitations of the engine in mind : pressing a key sometimes has a delay, which is rather random as you've noticed yourself. To take the example of the skeleton boss again, if Sienna activates a light ("orange"), make it so that she can't deactivate it ("blue") right after because of the engine lag. It makes no sense for her to want switching back lights to blue anyway.
    • the puzzle/riddle of the last dungeon level made no sense to me
    • I got through by randomly lowering/raising levers, which is probably not how you want players to suceed. I hate riddle/puzzles, there will never be a "right" way to do this in games for me. If you asked me, I would get completely rid of it, replacing it with other features, which you are obviously talented at (the fire mage boss battle was glorious).

    • what are the food effects on children ?
    • does it matter if children/sprites are nursed every day while they grow ?

  3. STATS
    • what are "Something", "Example" in the "Informatory" screen ?
    • what are traits ? how to get them ?

    • eggs as lubricant: pretty erotic concept, but what is their point in-game ?
    • are there some kind of subsystems, like "dom/sub", "prefers oral, vaginal or anal" ? why do you keep them hidden? for some players, it's a huge turn-on to see corruption progressing.
    • if you want to keep them hidden (which is a reasonable design choice I guess), is there a way to gain access to them, even temporarily ? A quest to gain the "power", or paying a NPC to do so ?


  1. Anything that works in-game
    • Boss battles are NOT too difficult. It takes trial & error (save-scumming), but that's cool since the rest does not.
    • A tutorial is not needed -> on the contrary, it was great being able to discover and learn how to play the game by myself during my first steps inside it!

  2. your policy not to "punish" the player with crappy gameplay when it's not warranted
    • by this I mean that too many authors seem to think their game should somehow be fun to the player if they keep running into unbalanced fights, dieing to inescapable traps or being blocked by obscure puzzles (hint, hint, nudge, nudge)
    • newsflash at '11: it's not fun for players, but neither is it when everything is being handed to them on a silver platter
    • what is fun (to me at least) is "comprehensive" challenge, like difficult boss battles but with appropriate feedback, or maybe hints that the player will have to do the effort to acquire beforehand if they want them
    • by spending time collecting resources, by showing curious (reading descriptions, exploring), by going out of the usual fight/advance routine and doing stuff that usually qualifies as "intelligent" (achieving quests, getting support, allies, etc.) or reacting in an "intelligent" way to "suprises" (events).
    • I am not opposed to the idea of "safe haven invasions" if they go beyond randomly generated battles. I could see some kind of intervention of Jennifer, belittling, further demoralising or humiliating Sienna (especially warranted if Sienna shows too "adventurous" sexually too fast), for example, or maybe the remaining overseers plotting against Sienna to protect each other in the future after one of them goes down.
    • the right balance is NOT trivial to achieve, I can readily acknowledge that


  1. Jennifer torturing, and then killing Rosevynne, just because "she can"
    • Succubi are probably extremely cruel/nasty (they're demons too, after all, I wouldn't know ?), but not psychopathic and ruthless killers/tortionaries like other demons could be (at least not in my book)
    • besides, "just because I can" is an idiotic justification, worth only of immature teenagers and forum trolls
    • Criminals, be they mass-murders conducting large-scale genocides, children kidnappers or serial-rapers, don't do their infamous deeds "just because they can (???)". They all have a motivation (or rather a pathology) which goes beyond flipping a coin, as pathetic, despicable and amoral as it otherwise may sound to the saner ones among us.
    • I enjoy light Ryona like many, but I don't enjoy gratuitous violence. In this case, and in the light of the otherwise rather light-hearted mood of the rest of the game, I think it's overdone and unnecessary if all you're trying to achieve is to get the player to seek vengeance. My Sienna will seek vengeance of anyone that harms her daughter, no matter if they torture her to death or not. Hopefully, you will provide me, as your player, with ways to enact vengeance enough on Jennifer at the end of the game according to what she did, and not some lame "okay, can we be friends again now ?" game-over screen, like in some other games.
    • instead, you could motivate Jennifer's behavior towards Sienna by a vengeance that she has been seeking ever since she was wronged or harmed by Sienna's now deceased beloved ?
    • another motivation could be that she always has wanted a fairy pet/plaything/slave ? One day, walking the mortal/fairy realms, she happened to spy upon a "virtuous" (bible thing and all) fairy that was Sienna, and decided it had to be her ? Jennifer exacted violence on Rosevynne only because her mother keeps resisting to her corruption ?
    • keeping Rosevynne alive also preserves the option for you to lead the player towards a very easy (to design) and satisfying happy end.

  2. The name of the game, and I am serious!
    • I have only one regret playing your game, and it's that I haven't done so sooner. That's partly because of the name, which didn't appeal to me the slightest, I am sorry to say. Find something more catchy, something that gives your potential public the desire to download it and try it out within minutes after reading the introduction. I am really bad at this myself (I despise everything related to marketing), but even "In the claws of the succubi", "The corruption of a fairy" or "Sienna, a path of innocence in Hell" + a simple list of features + a working (MEGA) download link sound better to me.


Finally, your game is simply put outstanding for an indie/one-man production, much better than alot of the crap that is being touted as good or even great on this forum, honestly.

This game deserves to be played by everyone. I wholeheartidely would recommend it, even at this stage. If someone's liked VH, it's almost guaranteed that they also will enjoy this game.

Thank you for creating, sharing and improving on it for us.

PS : It's your game to do with whatever you wish. All the above is merely feedback. Wishing you the best so that you feel better soon.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Here is my feedback

Woah... Thats a lot of text.... and I read it all. I agree on some and not on others. But thats how opinions go. The game is a wip so changes are to come. You can join us and the few others on the other forums the game is posted on and help him work on this gem of a game.

As for the Title.....Hmmm. It kind of grew on me but it could be better like "The Abyss" or "Tales of the Abyss". What do you guys think?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

As for the Title.....Hmmm. It kind of grew on me but it could be better like "The Abyss" or "Tales of the Abyss". What do you guys think?

I think Namco might not appreciate the latter; :D
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

@karmapowered: I read your post and might be able to reply more in-depth later on but I just wanted to quickly reply to a few points.

First off thanks for pointing out the drawers not taking 500 gold. It's an easy fix so I went ahead and fixed it for the next release.

I appreciate your feedback on possible story changes, but I'm quite happy with the way it is now. That is to say, I've had the story set in stone for quite some time now, from beginning to end. I don't want to say more than that because I don't want to spoil anything.

I do want to add dream sequences and other such things that will happen with the progression of days. The only issue is that they might be completely missable by players with old saves, but I might be able to reset the days when I first implement these events.

Oh, I should also point out that the intro segment isn't going to be the only really violent bit in the game. There's not many, but I always have a strong reasoning behind having them.

As for your questions, maybe I can answer a few.. or did you want clarification in-game?

2. Feeding/Nursing:
You feed them, they grow. You don't feed them, they don't grow. Just be sure you feed them 3 times so they grow up. It's as simple as that.

3. Stats:
"Something / Example" were in there by default. I haven't changed them to anything of use yet.
I haven't added any traits yet, but some will be permanent bonuses that will make them game's management systems easier in the later game. Like possibly not having to eat or drink as much anymore. They're there as a challenge early on, but in every survival game those things do get boring in the later stages when it's no longer a challenge to find food/water.

4. Sex system:
Lubricant makes that particular type of sex go faster. Of course the more times you have sex the more your libido goes up for that type.. which means the monster comes more. And it's not limited. Definitely needs fixing/balancing.

There are vaginal/anal/oral libido stats that are still hidden. As I mentioned the system needs work. I may end up added sex stats at the "something/example" space in the informatory.
Or maybe on an entirely new page.

"how does guilt mesh in?"

The name of that is still a WIP, but currently it's a measurement of how Sienna feels about the things she's done. But that's not really accurate either because.. if the player keeps bribing enemies with sex, then how can Sienna feel guilty about it when she obviously doesn't care? Or does she?

I need to carefully tweak in-game variables to detect when Sienna feels guilty about something, and it's going to be difficult to determine when the player is "bribing" monsters because they have to, or if they're doing it just because they want to have sex.

I don't want to limit the player's fun, of course, but I do want their choices to ultimately decide what decisions you have to make at some point, and then those decisions will determine Sienna's future automatic decision making.

Kinda like this:
Player: "Hey, yeah, I'm enjoying all this sex."
Sienna later on: "What am I doing? Is this really what I've become?" Yes/No
Player: "Uhh.. no?"
Sienna: "I'm not doing this anymore. I'm better than this!"
Player: "What?! No more sex? But I wanted to keep doing that AND have Sienna think good of herself!"

Basically I don't like games where you can be a chaotic twit in the end-game after making only good decisions throughout the game. It's not realistic and poor game design IMO. I feel like all that decision making should be more important, like you're teaching your character throughout the first part of the game how they should act in the 2nd part.

Of course that's just a crude example. I realize it's entirely possible for someone to think well of themselves and also be a sex maniac. Kendra being a prime example. xP

Edit: Sorry but I'm rather fond of the name and changing it at this point could alienate current players.

Edit 2: I like my riddle. You'll be happy to know that it's probably the only riddle I'm going to have in the game though.
It's rather simple once you understand it. Each line is a new code for the next set of switches you're to pull.
Odds - Pull the odd numbered switches.
are even - Now the even numbered switches.
The rest of the lines, of which the actual words are irrelevant, only involves paying attention to the capitalized letters and matching them to that color switch.
These are a reference to a similar puzzle (and homage to) in Quest for Glory 4. Like, "Good Girls Giggle" would be.. green green green.

Maybe when I... fine-tune the bosses at some point, I can improve on visual cues.

I'd also like to point out that most of the later game bosses will primarily be combat oriented.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Working on Adivia's outfit pieces was rather painful. I hope the others are easier. This will be her full outfit.


Could possibly do w/o the gloves but I think I'll leave them as-is for now.

There will be 4 upgrades leading up to this. Her upgrades will probably require a lot of cloth, sapphire, and possibly crystals, turquoise, and cerussite. Among other things such as the coins. I'll probably have the first part be cheap enough to get early, since it will be a simple bustier.

And I think I'll leave their 'in-bed' sprites nude, but I might add their outfit upgrades to their rooms at some point.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Think you could set-up a wiki? There are a lot of guide-dang-it moments in this game.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

I'm not really website developer savvy.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)


Oh, and the game crashes any time I'm awarded Quest XP.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Could be too much happening all at once. I'll make a note to see about putting some wait commands in there.

Edit: Just finished making Nadie's outfit. Too lazy to post it. There are some color changes with the last upgrade. The overall theme of it is black, red, and purple. Her arms stay bare.

Edit 2: Decided to finally get around to.. yes, adding more Sienna faces. xP
So that's what I'm busy working on right now.

My apologies to everyone waiting on a new version. It's really hard to get back into it. When I first opened the game editor I was like, "... where do I start?". I'll get there though, and making faces with Face Maker is a very good place to start. It can be complicated but I actually find it to be fun and relaxing. :)

I rediscovered the values for Sienna's eye and hair colors. I wrote them down this time. xP So if I need to add other faces for her in the future it will be easier.

If you're wondering why I need more faces, there's just... dialogue, sometimes, that I feel like I don't have the face for. I'll probably want to play through and find those particular spots. Hopefully I'll have time to do that tonight. In particular I'm not satisfied with the range of her sex/rape faces.

Edit 3: Yup.. still just working on faces. The fellatio faces will likely stay the same. If possible, I'll probably replace the black mystery penis in the vaginal/anal sex images with the fleshy one.
I think most players would prefer that.

I'm also thinking of having a lifeless looking Sienna for when her spirit goes negative. It likely won't affect dialogue any, unless it actually prevents you from talking to people. Might be too much work involved with that though. xP But I'll think about it. Anyway I'm going to try and give Sienna a nice range of expressive faces to let you know how she's feeling regarding sex. It would also be nice if I can manage to put in a portrait somewhere in the status/informatory that will let you know if she's intoxicated, horny, depressed, etc.. Just an idea I'm tossing around in my head, but it would be neat. Changing her actual portrait would be even better, but I think that could cause lag issues.

Also, I'm probably going to re-balance Sienna's libido/preferences. Like when she gains vaginal libido, for example, it might decrease her anal or oral libido. With the maximum in any of them being 100. I'll also change it such that monsters will only come more, and just a little bit more at that, if.. well I haven't decided yet, but it shouldn't be based on Sienna's libido. It would be nice if I could have it determined by the monster's preference, like some might become very sexually aggressive and have extra potent sperm if Sienna happens to be.. bleeding badly, really dirty, or other conditions. Speaking of which, I'll probably change the reminders at some point.

Anyway just rattling off ideas and such. Should get some sleep now. xD
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Could be too much happening all at once. I'll make a note to see about putting some wait commands in there.

Edit: Just finished making Nadie's outfit. Too lazy to post it. There are some color changes with the last upgrade. The overall theme of it is black, red, and purple. Her arms stay bare.

Edit 2: Decided to finally get around to.. yes, adding more Sienna faces. xP
So that's what I'm busy working on right now.

My apologies to everyone waiting on a new version. It's really hard to get back into it. When I first opened the game editor I was like, "... where do I start?". I'll get there though, and making faces with Face Maker is a very good place to start. It can be complicated but I actually find it to be fun and relaxing. :)

I rediscovered the values for Sienna's eye and hair colors. I wrote them down this time. xP So if I need to add other faces for her in the future it will be easier.

If you're wondering why I need more faces, there's just... dialogue, sometimes, that I feel like I don't have the face for. I'll probably want to play through and find those particular spots. Hopefully I'll have time to do that tonight. In particular I'm not satisfied with the range of her sex/rape faces.

Edit 3: Yup.. still just working on faces. The fellatio faces will likely stay the same. If possible, I'll probably replace the black mystery penis in the vaginal/anal sex images with the fleshy one.
I think most players would prefer that.

I'm also thinking of having a lifeless looking Sienna for when her spirit goes negative. It likely won't affect dialogue any, unless it actually prevents you from talking to people. Might be too much work involved with that though. xP But I'll think about it. Anyway I'm going to try and give Sienna a nice range of expressive faces to let you know how she's feeling regarding sex. It would also be nice if I can manage to put in a portrait somewhere in the status/informatory that will let you know if she's intoxicated, horny, depressed, etc.. Just an idea I'm tossing around in my head, but it would be neat. Changing her actual portrait would be even better, but I think that could cause lag issues.

Also, I'm probably going to re-balance Sienna's libido/preferences. Like when she gains vaginal libido, for example, it might decrease her anal or oral libido. With the maximum in any of them being 100. I'll also change it such that monsters will only come more, and just a little bit more at that, if.. well I haven't decided yet, but it shouldn't be based on Sienna's libido. It would be nice if I could have it determined by the monster's preference, like some might become very sexually aggressive and have extra potent sperm if Sienna happens to be.. bleeding badly, really dirty, or other conditions. Speaking of which, I'll probably change the reminders at some point.

Anyway just rattling off ideas and such. Should get some sleep now. xD

Alot of good ideas and some would be very nice if they were included. The different Sienna's would be nice. But I would feel horrible (I would) if I did something to make her completely devoid of expression or depressed. I don't know, I've played a while with her and her story is sad so I developed the dreaded connection or sympathy for her. Yes she has sex but I won't force her to do anything extreme (like visit the creepy old guy next door). Also giving the monsters random fetishes would be cool. Maybe it could make it easier to get her pregnant or give her certain sprites.

Don't force yourself too much. Work your way back into the game at your own pace.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Just a suggestion for something I'd like to see in this game.

Currently throughout my experience with it there hasn't been much story interaction with the children (totally possible I just haven't reached it yet) but I would like to see a more in-depth relationship between Mother and Daughters.

Also just my own peeve but the sprites are a little too small for me. Any possibility for a zoom or bigger sprites in future?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

There will be conversations with her daughters. I just haven't done much (any) of that yet. I'll likely try and have smaller conversations but more instances because heavy conversations...

Well I was playing VH the other day and got the Nanako/Ashley lesbian scene and I was like, "Wait.. Nanako's bi? Where did that come from?" and then it just went on and on, with much repeated dialogue. Anyway it was all just poorly done so I want to point out that I will try my best to avoid long boring conversations about nothing.

As for the characters/sprites being too small, I've considered doubling their height after I finish making the game but I'm not sure how that would work out (could make sex sprites look strange...?). Currently it's just easier to modify the smaller sprites. But I may consider adding a zoom feature later on if I ever find one for VX that isn't glitchy, has good feedback, etc..
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)


As for the dialogue going on and on (please mind I have no idea if this would be easy or insanely hard, just a suggestion) perhaps having some idle chat between mother and daughter(s) randomly set during the search for codes for the light and/or triggered afterward lights are on, but have it automated rather than something to click through as you continue to roam the floor. That way it gives some character growth and development without delaying game progress.

Like discussion on their studies, topics bout dinner, books they recently found/read, telling their mother of their little adventures when previously set on gather, and/or maybe some things that are little more sensitive like why they are living there, questions bout their mother's husband or whom their father(s) are.

Just a few ideas I thought might help make the game better.

As stated I know nothing bout coding but am a decently skilled author, if I do say so myself, should you want help with story and/or dialogue. :p
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

As for the dialogue going on and on (please mind I have no idea if this would be easy or insanely hard, just a suggestion) perhaps having some idle chat between mother and daughter(s) randomly set during the search for codes for the light and/or triggered afterward lights are on, but have it automated rather than something to click through as you continue to roam the floor. That way it gives some character growth and development without delaying game progress.

Like discussion on their studies, topics bout dinner, books they recently found/read, telling their mother of their little adventures when previously set on gather, and/or maybe some things that are little more sensitive like why they are living there, questions bout their mother's husband or whom their father(s) are.

Just a few ideas I thought might help make the game better.

As stated I know nothing bout coding but am a decently skilled author, if I do say so myself, should you want help with story and/or dialogue. :p

Idle chatter would be really cool. It could also give you hints for quests if you are near them or if you have one active. Plus it could add to her personality if the daughters like what Sienna is doing (example - Sienna sleeps with blond guy 100 times in a row with her daughters present, and they react negatively).
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

My apologies for not working on this in a while. I had some issues for a while that interfered with that (tennis/mouse elbow, then a really bad ear infection and I had to take 3 different antibiotics for that). Now I'm just in a depressive state that seems to be keeping me from... well, from wanting to do anything really. xP

That said, I intend on fixing the green slime encounter (removing some of the minions) and then uploading the update. There won't be much new but hopefully it will fix some issues that were preventing access to several bosses. So it will kinda seem like there's new stuff.. but it's already there, just not accessible.

I'm currently in a rather cluttered, depressing environment. Hopefully I can make myself list some stuff on eBay but depression is a difficult battle to win.

I've struggled with whether I should post this or not, and I wanted to have the update ready when I posted but I'm hoping that talking about it will help.
Personally I hate it when a slow game dev gives excuses like, "I have a life, family, etc.. and I can't be doing this all the time." or "I have issues in my life that have come up beyond my control." etc.. etc.. So I feel like I'm falling into that same pit. I really, really hate having to post an excuse but.. it is what it is.

Again, my apologies for the lack of updates. :(
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Life happens and can be a pain in the *ss at times. simply letting us know your still alive is more than enough.

as for not having an update. i don't plan to play FSA until completion.

work at your pace

Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Stuck on the YGRBP boulder room, got all 4 riddles done and 4 lights are lit but last one (red) o_O Kind of at a loss of what to do next haha.

Was interesting trying to figure the puzzle out though, the first two were extremely easy, the other 2 were fairly hard for me but yeah, stumped on what to do next.:(

Also would like to add, I like that you made each boss a puzzle instead of just throwing stats at you. Something different than normal RPG maker games.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

The last line is slightly different. Just pay attention to the capitalized letters and ignore the words that aren't capitalized.