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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

thats cute too :)
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

Just finished with Nadie's facesets. I'm not sure if I want to redo Charlene, Clarinda, and Marissa's face sets. They all seem to get the job done. I don't have blinking animations for them though.

I might go back to them later. I think Kendra needed a few new expressions but.. eh. I'll go back to the facework when it seems needed. xP
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

I made a few changes to Fulvous. The slimes have been combined into 2 fights (instead of 8 fights, which was rather tedious). The magic orb is now an upgrade orb. Also, I added 4 Ochre slimes to the fight with Fulvous (he seems to need the help, although they don't last very long). The slimes appearing one at a time didn't make sense, so they all appear at the same time now (since you fight all 4 together).

There are still a few tweaks I'd like to make, but nothing important if I forget about it. At least the magic/upgrade orb is updated now.

I put in a retry option if you die to the ochre slimes, but still need to do that for the boss fight itself.

Oh, also, there's no longer a need to activate the boss at certain points. I didn't see any point to that. Originally, I had the player go cast a fire spell on Fulvous but this was later changed because it was such a hassle (both for the player and to implement). It was changed such that you only had to touch Fulvous to do that, which seems silly to have to do all at this point (since there is nothing going on that would make it dangerous anyway).

Edit: Working on Zaffre now. I don't think I need to change much here, aside from the insta-death thing. You'll be able to take up to 3 hits from the bat now (more or less, depending on your health). I also updated the magic orb to an upgrade orb but it didn't appear in the right place initially.

Now my only issue is that I want to keep the bat wings like they are, but if they're not in an obvious treasure chest then players might not think to pick them up. BUT I could simply allow the player to leave. They could always come back later and pick up the bat wings when a quest calls for it. Alternatively, I could make the wings flash so that players would know they're important. BUT the "thunk thunk" of a falling treasure chest at the end of a boss fight is also always rather satisfying to hear. Decisions decisions...

Edit 2: Still undecided about the wings. I also want to update the dialogue here a bit, but I'm thinking about leaving it as-is. I'll come back to this later when there are more options in play, considering this is currently an optional boss fight.

I've also updated the fight with the grisailles. There's no longer an action sequence there (I thought it was kinda lame, like the first encounter with The Black Spider). You'll fight TBS again here, and he's a bit stronger now, or rather, he fights with you a bit longer before letting you win. You get 3 upgrade orbs here now.

Aaaand, I have updated the Obsidian boss fight. This pretty much has all the Dungeon bosses updated. There are still some issues with them I'd like to work on, but I may move along to other stuff since they will work with the new skill tree system. It would probably be best if I give priority to updating all the magic orbs to upgrade orbs.

Edit 3: This morning I decided to go ahead and update all the magic orbs to upgrade orbs. In all likelihood I have missed some non-boss orbs, but they're converted now for the most part. A lot of the bosses still need tweaking though, and the beginning area of The Abyss is a bit of a mess. I'm not really sure where to start with it, but hopefully, eventually, it'll be ready to be connected to the rest of the game again.

In the meantime I might go ahead and update The Tower again. It's been a while and there are certainly enough bugs, glitches, and improvements to make it a worthwhile endeavor.

Edit 4 (May 22, @5:15 AM): I decided to go ahead and add a way to get your novice wand back while you're in The Tower. The blacksmith can sell you one. The option should come up after any other dialogue.
I should probably get some sleep now. I've been feeling a bit blah the past couple days. It's probably because I've been having trouble focusing on just one particular thing, instead choosing to see the bigger picture.. which is a little too daunting. xP Mostly I am dreading fixing Kendra's Palace.

I've been thinking about the system where you could have Sienna's children gather stuff. I'm not really happy with that system. I think it might be better if they occasionally gift Sienna a random item. It would certainly simplify things, and remove all that selection stuff that would be cluttering up their dialogue tree. Eh.. something to think about I guess.

See? I keep thinking about one thing after another, rather than choosing to focus on just one. xP Oh well. :)

Edit 5: May 23, 3:44 AM): I've changed the system where you used to assign your children to look for stuff. That is all gone. I have replaced it, instead, with a mail system. Your children's boxes are all gone now. Instead, Sienna has a box. This functions as a mail box. You check it every day and, if you're lucky, you'll get a few gold coins. After you finish a few personal quests you'll always get gold every day. The amount is somewhat random, but will steadily go up as you complete more and more personal quests for your children. If you do 6 personal quests you could get as much as 34 gold per day.

My apologies to those that enjoyed the old system, but I don't think there were many who actually DID like it. The only comments on it that I can recall are complaints about having to visit each child's room to collect and reassign them. Plus I just feel like it would have been way too easy to get too much stuff.

I've also been thinking about removing the tokens. It seems redundant since there are already ores and lots of other stuff I can use for the children's outfit upgrades.
I've thought about changing the token bag into something more useful, like an item that allows you to change party members on the go. That might be a little too powerful, but it's something to think about.

I think I'm just about done with editing the children for now. I do need to revisit them later and apply their dialogue to their adult versions and add more personal quests for them.

I think my next goal should probably be to change all the saves, since they currently are still asking for ink (for the most part) which would basically eat your hourglass. xP
Speaking of which, I also need to replace the instances where you get more ink.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

Did anyone read or even like the epilogue at the end of The Tower? (the white text on the screen during the fade to black). I'm not particularly fond it myself, and I feel like it slows the game down too much.

I might just reduce it to one message, saying "several years later". All the other information that was given will be evident as you play the game. Actually the "several years later" might not be necessary either, considering that you can obviously see for yourself that you children are no longer babies. Not to mention the fact that you only had 5 and were pregnant at the end of The Tower, and now you have 6 children.

Well, aside from thinking about that I've been working on the gardening and fishing stuff. I was thinking about requiring bait to fish with, but decided against it. Instead, you can now put food in the water to help the fish grow faster. I've also decided to let fish show as a bubbling on the water. Also, most fishing holes will share fish now. I haven't replaced those in The Vinery yet. I might do so, and then put the limited fish that you could have fished out of the hole in a nearby basket or something.

As for the garden, I changed the two "pleasuring" flowers a bit. They now take a bit of hydration from Sienna every time she uses them. I've also removed all the other plants and mushrooms and replaced them with a few Abyssal plants, but you have to find the seeds for them first. And you can make them grow faster with fertilizer.

I guess that's about it. I really need to get started on the NPCs in Kendra's palace but I keep putting it off. xP
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

I've finally started working on Kendra's Palace. I picked the bartender to fix up first. I think I'll slim down his dialogue options, as he isn't really an important NPC and his dialogue just wasn't that interesting. I might put that information, if it's still relevant, in a book or something.

Currently I've implemented the temptation check for him, and he will accept Sienna's proposal for sex. I'm going to fix it such that he will go down to a corner to have sex now (with Sienna or anyone else).

I also did away with the epilogue at the end of The Tower. It's now another Bible quote and you can get back to playing the game sooner now. There's still the classroom scene, of course, but I love the classroom scenes and there will be a lot of them (although 95%+ classroom stuff will be optional). Sienna will be able to teach her kids once per day, which will come with an associated scene. These scenes will help you to understand their various personalities a lot more AND teaching your kids will also provide bonuses. I haven't decided what bonuses these will be yet. Teaching will probably take an hour or so.

Edit: Slowly getting things done from my list of things to do.
Added a drink seller to the gambler's den.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

I've been going through my checklist and fixing up bugs and stuff in The Tower. I think I've fixed almost every issue there, aside from Adivia's pregnancy event (which needs to be moved a bit) and allowing Sprite pregnancies.

I'm thinking about going ahead with another Tower update, but The Abyss really doesn't need too much work before I can allow access to it again. I could probably include The Abyss if I just temporarily disable all NPC sex content. I might try to overhaul Gray's events and sex so that at least one will make it in.

Abyss included or not, I'm hoping I can have the next version ready by the end of the week.

I've recently been addicted to the game Corruption of Champions, which has slowed me down considerably the past couple weeks. But as with most games I play I have become bored with it due to various issues (like some encounters being too common, and others being too rare). I actually kinda hate it right now. :p
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

It'd be nice to have access to the abyss again, the game just feels kind of tedious and unrewarding with the ending to the tower being what it is.

As for CoC, that's honestly just a game that starts really strong and gets progressively worse as the game becomes less about an impossible struggle against demonic corruption and more about reading colorful depictions of completely random combinations of anthropomorphic animals and their mismatched genitalia. RNG also doesn't help it at all.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

It'd be nice to have access to the abyss again, the game just feels kind of tedious and unrewarding with the ending to the tower being what it is.
Maybe tonight I can start playing through so I can touch up anything that might need fixing.

I haven't given it much thought yet, but I really need to fix up The Tower for a revisit after you get to The Abyss. I might need to work on that instead of doing a playthrough.

As for CoC, that's honestly just a game that starts really strong and gets progressively worse as the game becomes less about an impossible struggle against demonic corruption and more about reading colorful depictions of completely random combinations of anthropomorphic animals and their mismatched genitalia. RNG also doesn't help it at all.

Yes. I think I hate over 90% of the characters in the game. It's too bad you can't permanently destroy a character, group of monsters, towns, etc.. In particular I wish you could kill the giant at the lake, the cultists, the cat lord, and many others. Alternatively, it would have been nice to be able to capture monsters so you could encounter them at camp without having to re-hunt them.

At least playing stuff like this gives me game ideas. Both in regards to what works and what doesn't work. In particular, CoC does more wrong than it does right. The bad implementation of RNG is why each gameplay session takes me hours upon hours.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

I guess I'm going to have to amend my statement about an update being ready by the end of the week. I do have about half of the layout of The Caverns levels finished. About three more levels should complete it. I think I should go back and add a boss to the first caverns level. Basically an easy turn based fight that will give one upgrade orb. OR, alternatively, I could move the Dark Drake there and then put something better on level 2. That might work better.

The Caverns will be the only place where you can find stained glass shards. Initially I thought I'd need about 12 levels, but I've cut it down to 8 (you can find more shards the deeper you go). This might be a slight spoiler, but there's 40 shards in total. Of course the next update would reveal that anyway. :)

After I get the last Caverns level layouts done I'll need to add a few monsters (2 types per level I guess) and impliment a cold system for that area. Every 2 levels will get progressively colder (and the Caverns theme will change to reflect this, in music, look, etc..).

I might put a warp point to the first level, but for the most part I want it to be a bit of a gauntlet, having to get from level 1 to 8. You'll need to worry about your lantern fuel, but mostly warmth. I might even remove the lantern refills from the boss rooms, just for The Caverns. :D

I've got a commission in the works that might end up helping me get some sprite work done. Hopefully all goes well with that. Potentially it would save me a LOT of time, since I wouldn't need to make basic combat animations for monsters and bosses. If it goes really well then I might even commission them to make some unique monsters.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

Honestly I like the thought of new monsters and I pretty well love the rest of the game. However the only gripe that I could ever come up with is that the monster sex is repetitive. Its the same 3 pictures for every monster and it just seems that the game is really built up since I played it the first time but those same monster scenes have been there for as long as I can remember. I hope one day you are able to add a fair bit more scenes depending on the monster that you lose to. Like I loved the whole double team scene that I used to get in the game when you go find I think gold or something for a character and then all the other monster scenes are still images.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

Honestly I like the thought of new monsters and I pretty well love the rest of the game. However the only gripe that I could ever come up with is that the monster sex is repetitive. Its the same 3 pictures for every monster and it just seems that the game is really built up since I played it the first time but those same monster scenes have been there for as long as I can remember. I hope one day you are able to add a fair bit more scenes depending on the monster that you lose to. Like I loved the whole double team scene that I used to get in the game when you go find I think gold or something for a character and then all the other monster scenes are still images.

I wish I could have animated sex scenes for all the encounters (like there are with various humans in The Tower). It would probably be costly, but maybe someday I can afford to hire someone to do that.

Or I could keep the still images but try and make an easily modifiable "penis in vagina" series of images, where I could easily swap out the penis. It would be a lot cheaper but also time consuming to initialize. A bone penis would be interesting.. xD If I did manage this, I'd need to change Jennifer's comment about the penis not transforming. This option is something I've mulled over before but I always put it off for later.

This probably wouldn't be a popular option, but I could just simply remove the images. They might be detrimental to the sex scenes, since it limits player imagination. Violated Heroine doesn't use images for most monster encounters and it seems to work pretty well for it.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

Well VH uses some pretty repetitive stuff as well but its all animated. Im just meaning like you have BJ, Anal, and Vaginal. I mean adding in a few new still images for other positions or maybe group rape if you lose since a lot of the encounters have more than 1 monster that you fight at a time. That would probably be the cheapest way to do it but that would probably require making larger size CG's which might not feel right with her moaning in the background. Im just not sure.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

Well VH uses some pretty repetitive stuff as well but its all animated. Im just meaning like you have BJ, Anal, and Vaginal. I mean adding in a few new still images for other positions or maybe group rape if you lose since a lot of the encounters have more than 1 monster that you fight at a time. That would probably be the cheapest way to do it but that would probably require making larger size CG's which might not feel right with her moaning in the background. Im just not sure.

I do intend on having some other positions, like cowgirl (which will only come into play if Sienna develops a more dominant personality). Of course that would probably use the same CG pics, but with different sprite sex. At the very least it would be nice to have an alternate set depending on which angle the penis is entering (doggy style/reverse cowgirl vs missionary/cowgirl). As far as my own limited CG skills (which involves "borrowing" and basic cut and paste), that's pretty much the limit of what I could do.

Again, animated sex would be preferable. I know there are some artists that could possibly make good high quality animations of Sienna in every position, but it would be costly. If my patreon ever hits the higher numbers ($500+) then you can expect to see stuff like that. Ideally I would first commission a generic set (disembodied penis) to cover all the positions. There's a lot of monsters so I'm skeptical that it would be worth the cost to do more than a generic set. I think it would be more worthwhile to get animations of other sexual positions like foot jobs, hand jobs, ball play, fondling, female to female strap-on and pegging, etc..

I've never really liked big static CG images in hentai games. They just don't feel very rewarding.

Edit: Finished the level layout for The Caverns and then I went over The Vinery a bit, making the levels look more organic.
I'm still not really happy with The Vinery. I have way too much clutter on those levels. I should probably get rid of some of it.
I'll probably save that for another time. Maybe I should go through my list of stuff that needs doing a bit.
I guess my next concern should be The Tower revisited.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

I've been working on The Tower Revisited, which is basically an update for The Tower areas after the time lapse. It's almost done now, but I still need to add a couple alternative boss fights (depending on past events).

There is currently no alternative for whether you killed the dragonfly boss or not. I may go back and do this at some point in the future, but for now it's basically the same and you can simply kill the boss if you didn't do so in the past, or if you did kill it, then it's still dead.

I had considered adding a watery style dungeon with a dragonfly larva style enemy if players flooded The Cellar, but didn't kill the dragonfly, and the dragonfly would be at the end of the new area. I just think it's not currently necessary (since it would take a lot longer than the other stuff I've been updating), and would rather focus on other stuff that will help me get the next update out sooner.

Plus, that's a very specific set of circumstances involved that would be required to get that scenario. I doubt many players getting past Scovos and then not killing Illogri Tucous.

Edit: I just finished adding in the alternate Cellar 2 boss fight. I still need to add the extra Cellar 1 boss fight but I haven't decided yet on the best way to do that.
It should be easy to add it if players killed the Albino Spider in the past. The problem is when players didn't do that. I was planning on having it like an extension of the previous boss fight, but I don't know if the effort required would be worthwhile... so I might just have both instances occur the same way (already killed the first boss, so the room is replaced with the other version). But then you might have players who didn't pick up the upgrade orbs before leaving the room. I don't know why, but maybe they just forgot.

Edit 2: Finished adding the extra, post time lapse Cellar boss. Should be finished with that section now. On to other things. :)
Hopefully it won't be long till update now.. but I don't know. Just depends on what all I can get done from my list of things to do.

Edit 3: Well.. I can't seem to get much done this morning. There are things that need to be worked on that I just don't want to do. When I think about doing other stuff, it's just a bit overwhelming. Blah..
I'm at a bit of a loss. Guess I'll work on a dungeon layout. At least something will get done. I'm noticing that I would rather work on new stuff than repair old stuff / story events.

Edit 4 (June 20th at 10:23 AM) : I just finished the area layout for one of the end-game dungeons (The Temple). After that I started working on a boss fight that I've been wanting to make for about 3 years now. It still needs a lot of work but it's going pretty well. It's hard to believe it's been so long and I'm just now working on it. At least now I am more familiar with RMVX and its limitations. Back then I would have flailed miserably. There are other boss fights that I'm looking forward to making as well, but I've wanted to make this one the longest. When it's done and I'm 100% happy with it, let's just say it'll be a "squee!" moment, at least for me. :) Hopefully most of you will find the fight just as rewarding.

Edit 5 (June 22nd at 10:06 AM): I just spent about three hours on it and that boss fight I wanted to make is about 95% done now.
There are just a few tweaks I need to do. One thing I need is a floaty flame. Shouldn't be too difficult to make myself.

Edit 6 (June 26th at 10:10 AM): I've mostly been picking out new music for the Dungeon, Mines, Vinery, and Mines. It takes longer than you'd think.

I also picked out new designs for The Vinery and Dungeon (levels 6+). I have only changed the 6th level of those so far, but will get around to doing the others later on. The layouts will still be the same, of course, and the battle music will remain the same throughout all 10 levels.

Originally I had planned on having the minecart go through the entirety of The Mines, using that as an alternative to the Light Lock system for getting around fast in The Mines. I don't still think this is a good idea though, so I will probably add a light lock system and just leave the minecart system as-is (as a sorta puzzle for those first few levels). I do like the minecart system, but it's a bit time intensive and it would also be tedious for the player to have to use it often.

I also worked on that special boss fight a bit more. I am pretty sure it's 100% functional now. There might be glitches or bugs that I have missed, but aside from that it's complete.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

Rough estimate, how close to completing this game are you? I don't plan to play until it has been finished.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

Rough estimate, how close to completing this game are you? I don't plan to play until it has been finished.

That's really difficult to estimate. I would say a minimum of at least 3 more months, but that's a very optimistic timeline. It doesn't take into consideration the days when I don't get anything done, which happens a lot.

Assuming I don't get severely depressed, sick, get severe mouse/tennis elbow again, I would guess in about 3 to 6 months.

There are a lot of factors not considered though, so that could easily be longer. I have done a lot of work on the game, but the storyline still hasn't progressed much. It's all there (in my head and partially on notes and stuff), but it just hasn't made it into the game yet.

If I were to ignore a bunch of the game mechanics I could probably complete the game within a month. There would be a lot of plot holes though. xP
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

Thought I'd work on another aggro Sienna animation.

Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

Any rough estimate how much you have till you release the abyss update again?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.21 (Updated April 24th, 2016)

Any rough estimate how much you have till you release the abyss update again?

I can tell you the list of things that I need to do.

Kendra's room's events need some updating. There are still a lot of bosses that I haven't updated yet (so one-hit kill by the giant skeleton would still frustrate some players). I also need to add the 2nd time lapse.

Mainly, I need to playtest and see where I need to make changes.

Ideally this could all be done within a week or two. The problem is that I tend to be very adverse about changing, updating, and/or fixing up older events. If I really set my mind to get something done, then I tend to take care of the issue within a day or two.

I often get flustered or just go blank when trying to think about what needs fixing next, so if I absolutely can not make myself fix these things then I tend to resort to adding new stuff, mapping out new areas, etc..

Edit: Actually I just went through Kendra's events and they didn't need much updating. Could probably still use some tweaks.
I'm sure there will be some bugs, bad glitches, and/or crude leftover events that I forgot to remove from the game, but I'm going to go ahead with the update.
I can't seem to find the old Violetor... Maybe I already deleted him. I guess it doesn't matter.

Edit 2: Uploading now. (way too many new music files...)
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B Tower 1.20 (Updated April 23rd, 2016)

I just uploaded the new version. You can get to The Abyss now after completing the Tower. The Tower should be fairly stable now, aside from a small issue or two.

Please see the OP for download links. Thank you!

Update Notes:
Adjusted intoxication values. Tonic values have been doubled. Beer and whiskey values are now tripled.
Just one whiskey is now enough to destroy Sienna's judgement.

The Black Spider experience adjusted from 100 to 135.

Changed Jennifer's initial dialogue slightly to indicate Sienna already has the antimagic collar on.

Added a fishing spot to The Tower. You can feed the fish, but the benefits of doing so is questionable.
It's only really beneficial if you need fish badly (like for the cat girl).

You can now purchase a Novice Wand (for 5 gems) from the blacksmith in The Tower if you break the one you have.

Sienna should no longer appear inside the wall when exiting the 2nd security room in The Tower.

Fixed the game locking up when Sienna offers sex to the gate guard (red imp) in The Tower.
Fixed the game locking up when Sienna offers sex to the guard at the clinic.

Fixed the save requesting ink at Crowraven the Vigilant.

Sex with the whistle? guard now properly resets temptation.

Fixed Dillon getting added to the party after Sienna's intoxication event in the sex booth at the gambler's den.
Fixed the game locking up at day 15, after the night time event/s.
Not tested: Failsafe added to protect night events against time progression events (like crafting).

In Gambler's Den:
Repeated "squirts" (based on libido) during the prostitution curtain sex have been removed.
Some hidden values have been tweaked to ensure increased payment from the more risky anal prostitution.
Oral prostitution rates have been fixed.

Added a drink seller (water, beer, whiskey) to the gambler's den.

The Abyss:
Many changes too numerous to list, as well as the following~

Fixed initial encounter with Gray (replaced bad Sienna dialogue portraits, added temptation event). Updated his later dialogue and events as well. Updated some dialogue and events in Kendra's room.

(Not Fully Implemented) Added a few party members (when applicable) to areas outside of boss rooms.
They will basically say they're there for Sienna if there's a fight and/or she needs them.

Updated the fight with Obsidian. The spikes have been replaced with moving lightning balls.

The spells Splash and Deluge will now cancel the burning status on enemies.

Known Issues:

Children Issues:
No new dialogue or quests for Sienna's children after completion of their first quest (depending on your choices, Nadie does have an additional request that you can choose to fulfill).

Could possibly get pregnant after having Vallerie. It shouldn't cause any problems but you won't be able to give birth (no matter how many days pass). Also, the pregnancy will be replaced (with Adivia) when you have the dream sequence toward the end. I will try and fix this up differently in future versions (have sprites in less than 1 day, dream sequence near the boss fight it's related too, etc..).

With that said, sprite pregnancies probably still do not function yet, even when you get to The Abyss, but I don't know and I haven't updated them.

Pregnancy with Adivia might not be removed after the time lapse (oops?).

Other Issues:

Cat girl after time lapse in Upper Hall has no events or dialogue. Also, she is there regardless of whether you saved her or not (which is temporary, and the Upper Hall may have an alternate version in the future if you did not save her).

Not many temptation or intoxication events have been implemented yet.
Sienna's personality can alter some dialogue slightly, but most of the dialogue has not been updated to include this feature yet.

Due to the new couch in Kendra's room, Kendra's fellatio events will probably not look right.

Duplicate sounds during some of Sienna's sex events (don't understand it, as of yet).

Some not updated bosses WILL kill you in one hit (Giant Skeleton). They also still have no lifeline/torches to tell you you're hurting them.
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