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ACT [PanzerSoft] Priscia Defense (RJ241680)


Demon Girl
Oct 22, 2011
Reputation score
What Is This Game?
This is a third-person shooter/tower defense mixed with an RPG overworld in a game that somehow combines RPGMaker MV with Unity. All the actual "stages" in the game are third-person, with the RPGMaker interface only mattering in-between stages.

The gist of the game is that your kingdom is being invaded by baddies, so you, the half-naked magic princess, must make up for your kingdom's army by being a one-woman army and stop the invaders.

How Do I Play?
As was mentioned earlier, the game is split into two parts, an overworld and stages. The overworld is standard RPG fare, with NPCs that give you info or flavor text, merchants that sell potions, weapons, and armor, and a priest that gives you level-ups in exchange for gold. Each stage is accessed through the overworld, and progression is linear, ie. stage 1 must be completed before you can do stage 2 and so on.

The stages have you control the princess as she attempts to stop the invaders. Each stage has 5 waves of enemies that must be dealt with before you win. All enemies spawn from the red crystal(s), while your goal is to protect the blue crystal. Movement follows the standard WASD scheme, with F shifting the camera towards where the girl is facing. Left-click shoots magic bolts, which you must lead the target with if they're not running straight at you. During the game, you can get scroll items that, when used in the overworld, give you the ability to spawn traps. Traps in the demo include spikes (damage enemies), boxes (block paths), oil/tar pits (slow enemies), and a cauldron-type thing (shoot with your staff to drop a boulder, damaging enemies nearby).

In each stage, the princess has HP and MP. HP is obvious; it goes down when you get hit, an enemy reaches your blue crystal, or an enemy decides pussy is more important than destroying your kingdom. MP is used to spawn traps and use spells (demo only has a healing spell, accessed by equipping a ring) and can be restored during a stage by shooting the floating eye enemies that spawn.

Where's the Porn?
The porn is only in the stages, as far as I know. When an enemy attacks you, you will be knocked back and fall to the ground. If an enemy reaches you while you're on the ground, rape occurs. You can escape by mashing A/D, but until you do you'll take occasional damage. Each monster has its own animations and will cycle between them while they are raping the princess; in the demo this is mostly speed variations on the same pose, but the full game should have more poses. However, there are no "finishing" animations, and if you reach 0 HP during a grab you just get a Game Over screen.

When Is It Coming Out?
DLSite has a tentative release date of mid-January.

Wow, Is There ANYTHING Bad About This Game?
There is a bit of jank regarding the game's animations and camera, with the most noticeable being clipping issues with certain scenes (penises showing up through the princess's stomach, her right boob clipping through her armor, etc.) I do find the premise and game-play neat though.

I understand why you think it would belong in here, but this section only requires games that have payment for development, like patreon and whatnot. if the only link is to DLsite, you can just have the fourm in hentai games.
While this does belong in the other thread (I digress) I like the fact it plays like Orcs Must Die. In fact it seems to have a lot of orcs in it so it has my attention.
I understand why you think it would belong in here, but this section only requires games that have payment for development, like patreon and whatnot. if the only link is to DLsite, you can just have the fourm in hentai games.

This is correct. I've moved it to the H-Games section.
Alright, that makes sense. Thanks for moving the thread for me!
Hmmm, this one's interesting. A bit janky in terms of control during the stages, but not to the point of being anywhere close to unplayable. The animations themselves aren't really anything special, but the prospect of the multiple poses in the full game is a nice touch. I do really like the stage gameplay, and enjoyed the demo. Definitely one I'll be keeping an eye on.
Oh nice, that lady looks damn good. and whats more, that game looks dang well good. Only negative that I can think of from just watching the video is the lack of the option of placing female guards to fight the invaders. Guards + Traps make for good combo to defend with.
My only complaint is how the camera angle works
IMO need a lil more bit of zoom out~
The other is okay-good
Having permanent aim and a shoulder cam instead of a center cam would already make this a properly playable game. I hope the maker realizes this before release.
Game is out

Now you haz my attention! (That and you beat me to it...) OH well at least it is out. But strange that the demo and file size are the same though.
Now you haz my attention! (That and you beat me to it...) OH well at least it is out. But strange that the demo and file size are the same though.
reallly? is there any difference between the demo and the full version?
It seems to have the demo locked with a few small files missing so you can only play a little bit (First level) but upon purchase the files are included and then the rest is accessible. (I can't buy it but this is the case in a few others I own that did this.) Until it pops up in the English site I will continue staring at the cat site and anime-sharing. (Though Anime-Sharing seems to do the split things into multi files but leave out large bits until a few days later.):rolleyes:
Anyone have a good save? My game keeps crashing.
I'd advise you to avoid playing this game and wait for a savegame of an extremely patient person. Game runs like hot garbage and controls are abysmal, just like the boob physics. My god, I was never so frustrated with a h-game. Feel bad for the people that actually bought this

Also, the resolution always forces to 1024x768 for some reason.
Runs fine on my end, though I have a spec'd up PC. I'm surprised I end up giving the creator major credit for this game in general, mostly because the whole gameplay is interesting. Though, in-game sex is nothing more than a temporary pause, albeit with gradual HP loss. Could've made a sub-tactic that gives benefit from sex, like something with the 5 MP temptation skill.

Also, I have to point out that this game NEEDS to change to the over-the-shoulder view. Hold-click auto attack would be nice, too.
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Aside from the camera problem, the shooting and the enemy variety feels pretty weak. I think there needs to be a lot better defences than what is currently available. So far I have, slow trap, spike trap, box wall, and bomb dropping (requires you to shoot it to activate).
Bummer that this game ended up being "meh" even though it had potential. The gimmicks used in the full version were nice though