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VN/TEXT [Parasite Infection] Parasite Infection

Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

Have a bug report for you. Well, not really a bug probably but you can put yourself in a position where you can't progress. In chapter 3, I held on to the first werm parasite instead of infesting myself, I was going to use it on Jessica later. Anyway, when I got to school I noticed that there was an option to use the werm to infest Claire, which I didn't remember seeing before so I decided to try it. That went fine, but eventually I realized that I no longer had a way to get another werm, so there's no way for me to get anything but neck parasites and I can't progress the game past chapter 3. After I realized that I decided to check with the neck parasite and yes, you can screw yourself out of those in the same way, by using your first one on her. Since I was already testing things out I checked and you can do it to Steve too, but if you're holding onto them that long you're probably going to get yourself caught anyway. I guess if you were trying to screw yourself over you could use a werm on Claire, the neck on Steve, infest the food so your family never notices, and then have absolutely nothing left that you can do while not being able to lose either.
Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

Have a bug report for you. Well, not really a bug probably but you can put yourself in a position where you can't progress. In chapter 3, I held on to the first werm parasite instead of infesting myself, I was going to use it on Jessica later. Anyway, when I got to school I noticed that there was an option to use the werm to infest Claire, which I didn't remember seeing before so I decided to try it. That went fine, but eventually I realized that I no longer had a way to get another werm, so there's no way for me to get anything but neck parasites and I can't progress the game past chapter 3. After I realized that I decided to check with the neck parasite and yes, you can screw yourself out of those in the same way, by using your first one on her. Since I was already testing things out I checked and you can do it to Steve too, but if you're holding onto them that long you're probably going to get yourself caught anyway. I guess if you were trying to screw yourself over you could use a werm on Claire, the neck on Steve, infest the food so your family never notices, and then have absolutely nothing left that you can do while not being able to lose either.

It's a known problem, but the real problem is actually the game itself didn't give you any forewarning that infecting Claire and Steve will not rewards you more parasites. Basically that's the true unintended? challenge of chapter 3, making sure you didn't screw yourself.

Oh, and while infesting the food did renders your family unable to detect your infection, you can infect your sisters prior that. Just come to their room when they're not there (usually weekend), and leave a parasite behind.
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Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

It's a known problem, but the real problem is actually the game itself didn't give you any forewarning that infecting Claire and Steve will not rewards you more parasites. Basically that's the true unintended? challenge of chapter 3, making sure you didn't screw yourself.

Oh, and while infesting the food did renders your family unable to detect your infection, you can infect your sisters prior that. Just come to their room when they're not there (usually weekend), and leave a parasite behind.

Oh, I know how to infest the family. I was just saying, it's possible to make it so that you both can't lose but also can't win if you do the wrong things with the first two parasites. You just get stuck in a loop until you realize you screwed up and have to start over.
Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

Hey all,

I'm a little stuck on chapter 3. How do I not get caught? I feel like I'm missing something.

Thanks! :)
Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

Hey all,

I'm a little stuck on chapter 3. How do I not get caught? I feel like I'm missing something.

Thanks! :)

Basically, you have to infect the people that would catch you, and then they won't care anymore. The easiest way I've found to get started is to go into Sandra's room the day you get the neck parasite and leave it there. Then the next day, go into the room and choose to fertilize her neck. The day after that, go in there again and you'll get an egg and can fertilize her neck again. One egg can hatch every night and give you a new neck parasite. Once you have a supply of those coming in you should be able to figure out the rest.
Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

Hey all,

I'm a little stuck on chapter 3. How do I not get caught? I feel like I'm missing something.

Thanks! :)

The author is in process of creating the walkthrough for chapter 3, but in any case, here's my walkthrough:
Wait until you got all the free parasites: the Starfishes, the Werm, and the Neck-spider.
The starfishes is automatically infected on you, you roughly have 2 weeks before it grew your breast to an unhide-able size. Saves the other parasites.
Check the kitchen in the morning after first week, infect your family's food, this will render them not a threat for detecting you anymore.
Don't use any parasites to your teacher Claire or friend Steve yet, as they will not birth any new parasites.
Among the first week, one of your sister room should be empty, go inside it and it will prompt you to leave a parasite behind.
You have two choices, leave the Werm or Neck-Spider.
Whatever you chose, infect yourself with the other parasite.
Visit your infected sister the next day, and have the Neck-Spider fucked. This will greatly shortens the Neck-Spider birth time.
Wait for an egg.
When you got your second Neck-Spider, use it to your teacher. This will render everyone on school (including Steve your friend, so you can infect him) unable to detect your infection.
There, you're now free of any threat of Game Over, you can proceed to as many days as you want cultivating parasites, and infecting everyone fully.
To start proceeding to the next chapter, have a Neck-Spider infect you and let a Werm get inside it.
Secret*: You can actually made an equal standing relationship with your masterWerm, instead of a Master-Slave relationship.
Bonus*: After your whole family is infected and you got your masterWerm, there's seldom an orgy scene in your house second floor bathroom. This scene will immediately make your family members birth parasites on the next day. This is handy because after you infect Neck-Spider with Werm, you cannot manually shortens the birth time anymore.
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Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

1.43a - Bugfixes - fixed an issue with the Teacher lounge breaking the game. Fixed stacy suit bug, fixed sears, updated the map to show tentacle pit status. Added a bit of art to several places.
Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

The author is in process of creating the walkthrough for chapter 3, but in any case, here's my walkthrough:
Wait until you got all the free parasites: the Starfishes, the Werm, and the Neck-spider.
The starfishes is automatically infected on you, you roughly have 2 weeks before it grew your breast to an unhide-able size. Saves the other parasites.
Check the kitchen in the morning after first week, infect your family's food, this will render them not a threat for detecting you anymore.
Don't use any parasites to your teacher Claire or friend Steve yet, as they will not birth any new parasites.
Among the first week, one of your sister room should be empty, go inside it and it will prompt you to leave a parasite behind.
You have two choices, leave the Werm or Neck-Spider.
Whatever you chose, infect yourself with the other parasite.
Visit your infected sister the next day, and have the Neck-Spider fucked. This will greatly shortens the Neck-Spider birth time.
Wait for an egg.
When you got your second Neck-Spider, use it to your teacher. This will render everyone on school (including Steve your friend, so you can infect him) unable to detect your infection.
There, you're now free of any threat of Game Over, you can proceed to as many days as you want cultivating parasites, and infecting everyone fully.
To start proceeding to the next chapter, have a Neck-Spider infect you and let a Werm get inside it.
Secret*: You can actually made an equal standing relationship with your masterWerm, instead of a Master-Slave relationship.
Bonus*: After your whole family is infected and you got your masterWerm, there's seldom an orgy scene in your house second floor bathroom. This scene will immediately make your family members birth parasites on the next day. This is handy because after you infect Neck-Spider with Werm, you cannot manually shortens the birth time anymore.

iirc with the new system you can't particularly screw it up anymore. But simplest is just mom -> teacher -> Everyone else.

Infecting the brains is a great way to speed up early, but leave one brain uninfected for neck parasites.

I've been following this game on tfgamessite for some time, and i'm always excited for the next chapter, I just wish there was more content for each chapter, I feel like if the author added things like classmates, neighbors, random events ect.

But tbh I think he/she gets excited for the next chapter, gets it set up, then the old chapters feel like they're just kinda in a 'passable' state.

Here's to hoping once he/she finishes the main arc he/she fleshes the game it with more, smaller, content.
Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

Alright, well, I've played through the game a few times, and I've got my final views on this thing for now. In essence: Don't get your hopes up.

First of all, there are a few fetishes that are quite niche on this site in particular that are forced from the very beginning if you want to experience the game as it's created. This is a subjective negative, I guess, and a few people wouldn't find that to be any problem at all. It's a real shame for those who are not interested, however.

Second, the main character... well, they're a blank slate, but good luck projecting yourself on them when they are framed as such a goddamn awful person. They're constantly critical of the people around them, generally worthless in every skill, and the only reason they get into the story to begin with is because of pure luck. Playing them gives you such exciting interactions as having your sister yell at you for being useless, and then having you yell at them right back, whereupon they... forget about it, clearly, and there are absolutely no consequences.

Speaking of, the general storyline and writing is very... inconsequential. The entire first two chapters are completely meaningless for the rest of the game, and only serve to tutorialize elements that do not need to be explained. Perhaps there's some meaning later on after the game's more finished, but for now the story's pretty much completely unfocused.

As for the details of the writing... Well, if you want to know where all of the author's skill lies, click on the painting in the third chapter. You'll find a whole list of incredibly subjective rants that are based mostly in fact and absolutely shatter what little immersion you had in the game. Outside of that, the writing consists of single-sentence paragraphs and the occasional actual block of deliciousness which... is fairly unimpressive if you've seen any one of the other text-based games available to you. If you'd like, you can ask, and I'll point you in the direction of one that might suit your needs better. It's just a shame, because for infestation folk specifically this is... unfortunately, the best variety we have. If you want quality, head to the mountain in CoC.

The characters are weak and soulless, and interactions with them start basic and only get worse as time goes on. Characters start with limited options, which generally come down to one or two dialogue choices and then eventually infestation. Depending on what you infest a character with, you get a single different option and most of the others are locked off. The rest conflict with each other and generally you can't get all of the scenes with any character on a single playthrough. It's fine, though, because if you've seen a scene with one character you've pretty much seen them all. The only differences are location, whatever light and frivolous dialogue there is, and the names in the text.

So, all in all, don't get your hopes up. Perhaps just... let this rest, for a bit, then download it when/if it ever gets any more finished.
Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

Alright, well, I've played through the game a few times, and I've got my final views on this thing for now. In essence: Don't get your hopes up.

Man, it seems you really got your hopes too high up there, huh?

If we judge this strictly as an Infection Simulation genre, it does have its uniqueness and charms. :)
Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

1.43e - Implemented biosuit minigame when you use suits on others. Added some art for the blooming snake.
Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

Just because I thought it would be fun.

Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

Wow, chapter 4 is a very slow chores if you actually decided to
Tentacle Pits all the stores.

Also, i think it will be very handy if in Chapter 4, there are a choice to warp back to the Salon instantly after you're done with the day, it will speed things up.
Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

Just because I thought it would be fun.


Oh my god I love that art - did you want to draw for the game?

Also, yeah the tentacle pits are tedious. There's going to be more content filling in that section of the game but it hasn't been done yet.
Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

I could! I was actually trying to find a way to contact you, but TFGamesSite keeps thinking I'm a spam bot and Patreon doesn't have messaging less you are a Patreon supporter.

We could have a discussion. I'll PM you some contact information.
Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

I could! I was actually trying to find a way to contact you, but TFGamesSite keeps thinking I'm a spam bot and Patreon doesn't have messaging less you are a Patreon supporter.

We could have a discussion. I'll PM you some contact information.

Suddenly i'm even more excited for releases to one of my already most-watched games on TFGS.

Best of luck to you both :3
Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

I could! I was actually trying to find a way to contact you, but TFGamesSite keeps thinking I'm a spam bot and Patreon doesn't have messaging less you are a Patreon supporter.

We could have a discussion. I'll PM you some contact information.

I, i'm happy to hear a possibility that this game could get even better. ;u;
Wish best of luck to both of you!
Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

1.44 - added egg incubation for family members in chapter 3, added art for generic male infestation at the mall, added art for tentacle harvesting and family incubation.

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Re: Parasite Infection [Twine][1.35]

1.44 - added egg incubation for family members in chapter 3, added art for generic male infestation at the mall, added art for tentacle harvesting and family incubation.

Parasite, this particular link doesn't really bring us to your game in TFGamesSite.

Your link in the OP works fine.