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Party Time (dragoon93041)

Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren: HP = 54, PP = 52, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Once the contract was sealed, a small wave of power rushing through Geren when he held his thumb to the seal, Jesse would hold her hand out to accept the document and then set it into a pile off to the side of her desk. "Go back to the room where Saliri left you and wait until one of the clerks is unoccupied," the demoness said calmly, "tell them that you're now working here. You'll be shown where you'll be staying and how to take care of yourself while you're here. Anything you have questions on will be answered by whoever ends up being your mentor. You'll be starting work tomorrow." Her final words were spoken dismissively, and Geren was left to leave her office and either do as instructed, or perhaps make some effort to do something else.
Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren nodded and left the office. He made some strangled noise in his throat for a moment before calming himself. He had some ideas he wanted to try out but it would have to wait until he could guarantee some time alone. The contract had a magical effect. He wondered if he could counter it. He had heard of a ritual that allowed those in tune with nature to purge themselves of corruption. He wondered if that could be modified to break an enchantment such as the contract. He hoped he wouldn't run into the gruff. He was rather ashamed at how easily he had been fooled.
Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren: HP = 54, PP = 52, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Heading through the halls back to the office, Geren entered only to have to wait ten minutes or so before someone was able to see him, that someone being the same girl whom he'd spoken to earlier. "Ahhh, hello again! Geren, right? How can I help you now?" Ysolde said upon sighting him approaching, folding her hands on the desk in front of her.
Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren smiled rather bitterly. "It seems this will be my workplace for a while. She told me to wait here for someone." He wondered how many people knew he was a sidhe. For now, he'd try to keep that number to a minimum. You never know what could happen. While he had waited, he had realized that his ability to drain life had a counterpart that applied to magic. Now if only he could figure it out...
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Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren: HP = 54, PP = 52, EP = 89, Status = Fine

"Ahhh, a new hire eh?" the girl said in delight, rising once more from her chair with a wide smile. "Welcome to the fold then!" she continued, "right this way! I'll show you around!" Geren would get led through a door in the back of the room, leading into another corridor in which he passed a few other workers, must female but some male, of all manner of races even if the majority of the population seemed to either be humans or demons.

He was quickly shown to the dormitories, which were mostly small but serviceable single rooms or much larger bunk rooms that were like small barracks, and then to the servant's kitchen where he could cook for himself or ask someone else to do it for him. The rest of the facilities were similar, small but efficient, except for the single servant's bath which was huge and lavish and obviously maintained by magic rather than conventional plumbing. There was a large changing room full of clothes as well, which he was free to help himself to though anything that he damaged too severely to be repaired or opted to take with him when he left he would have to pay for. If he required healthcare for any reason, there were people he could talk to, though that didn't seem to be a terribly common problem here.

"You can take as many or as few clients as you like per day," his guide said as they headed back to the dorms, "but more is obviously better. You can even go out and do the legwork to attract them if you like! You're the only sidhe we have on staff right now though, so you might end up being pretty popular if word gets out quickly. Got any questions so far?"
Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

They had quite the little base of operations. It was almost like a compacted village, except the facilities were way better. This place had to be pretty popular. As for being the only sidhe... Geren was going to be careful. He would make sure to use his name and suppress any of the many nuances that would identify him as a sidhe. "Yes, how much would I be making per client? I know the percentage going to the house but I'm not sure what the base price is. Or is that to be haggled with the client?"
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Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren: HP = 54, PP = 52, EP = 89, Status = Fine

"It depends on what you do," she replied, "the more... Extreme things cost more, obviously. You hired Savyre, right? It'd be as much per contract as she cost you. A night in somebody's bed costs four in the local currency, which nets you two for yourself. Room and board is one per night, so as long as you service someone you're more than paying for your stay. How deep in are you? If you don't need to be out of here quickly you can accumulate a bit of coin for when you leave too."

The demoness waited for Geren's answer before continuing; "You get more money for more intense stuff. Usually that means gangbangs or feeding, but it's not really common for boys to get called in for the former unless they're the ones outnumbering the client, and we give group rate discounts for that sort of thing. You might be pretty popular for the latter though, I hear faeries taste good. The most lucrative thing that you can hope for is most likely a breeding contract, but those don't come by very often."

She had spoken everything as if in a businesslike manner, and again left it open for Geren to ask for clarification on any particular issue that raised his concerns.
Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren kept his face neutral even as he frowned inwardly. 60 gold meant 30 customers at the very least. More likely he was looking at 40 to 50 customers if he kept business going. "I'll be here for a while. Probably not going to take a breeding contract, though. I'm already paying that off." Then he asked what he had wondered for a while "How do you handle births? I mean, Sayvre is pregnant with five of my children. How is that dealt with?"
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Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren: HP = 54, PP = 52, EP = 89, Status = Fine

"That's between you and mistress Jesse," Isolde replied when he said he wouldn't be taking any breeding contracts. "Employees who get pregnant and opt to keep the children give birth in a side room and are cared for there. We kinda raise the kids communally, unless someone was contracted as a concubine in which case the child goes to the one who hired them. Also.... Man, you gave her five!? Savyre's been a little baby crazy lately, but Devourer's favor she's going to swell up like a spring melon! You must have some potent cum!"
Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren isn't sure how to react to that... compliment so instead, he said "What do you mean about Savyre being baby-crazy? And is there anyone else in particular I should meet?" Geren didn't really want to get started but the sooner he started the sooner he finished.
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Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren: HP = 54, PP = 52, EP = 89, Status = Fine

"She was hoping to get knocked up~" Isolde explained, "even we are subject to hormones! I guess she figured it was her time. As for others you ought to meet.... Not that come to mind, really. You'll meet anyone you need to when you need to, feel free to try and familiarize yourself with your co workers before you start working."
Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

"Alright. I'll come back to you if I have any questions." Geren closed his eyes for a moment before wandering around, introducing himself and learning about them. Then came the part he was dreading. Looking for a customer. He completely changed his appearance, turning his skin pale and making himself taller and more muscular. He kept the elven appearance, though. He gave himself longish blond hair. Ugghhh... alright, just keep quiet and hopefully I'll figure out how to get out of this mess. Assuming he had met most of his co-workers, though he avoided the entrance, with the gruff, and gave the Winter Court a wide berth, he would attempt to locate a female customer.
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Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren: HP = 54, PP = 52, EP = 89, Status = Fine

"Good luck!" Isolde said, and then wandered off leaving Geren to his own devices. Many of the staff seemed to be at work, but a few who were off duty greeted him curiously and cheerfully, introducing themselves. In that way he met Dana, Jules, Verdana, and Vaniana, four mortal woman who had come to work for Jesse, the former two from Badaria and the latter two from Crolia. All were beautiful in their own way, with Dana and Jules lithe and dark of hair while the latter still managed an impressive bust, while the native women were fairer skinned and had dark brown and platinum blond hair respectively and were fairly well endowed themselves, with Verdana in particular having wide hips and an impressive bust in addition to her lovely features. He would also meet Kreya, another whore of demonic parentage who had apparently been born to Jesse's service, as well as Toyse and Krindel who seemed much more experienced than the rest and eyed him with lustful hunger in their crimson eyes. Kreya had crimson skin like her eyes, while Toyse was pale and more athletic and Krindel was fairly voluptuous and had blue skin and cloven hooves for feet, while all three women sported horns of varying sizes and shapes.

All of them seemed nice enough, but none could stay long enough to offer him much conversation.

After his introductions to some of his coworkers, which there seemed to be many of whom he wouldn't be able to meet that day, Geren would opt to ignore the offer to take his first day to situate himself and went out to find himself a customer. With the winter court faeries and the gruff who had led him to the house both outside as far as he knew, Geren would enter the main chamber through a servant's entrance only to find it rowdier than ever. Before he could really start looking, however, a woman with short black hair in a maid's outfit would pull him aside. "You're the new guy right?" she asked cheerfully, "did anyone explain to you how this works yet?"
Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren blinked at the woman. "Not at all. I'd be glad for some advice." He had no idea how to start and was glad someone had offered their help.
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Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren: HP = 54, PP = 52, EP = 89, Status = Fine

The maid grabbed a key from behind her station and tossed it to Geren, "that's your room. They're upstairs and in order, try to look like you know where you're going if you catch somebody." The keyring had a green tag with the number 207 on it. "Take 'em up there and... Well, you probably know what to do from there. Remember that you're being employed, have your fun but make their fun a bigger priority. Finish where they tell you to, and use your own judgement if things get too passionate for them to say one way or another. Don't worry too much about finishing inside someone, a woman who goes to a whore and doesn't take care of birth control themselves probably won't care too much whether or not you knock them up. As for finding a client, just go talk to people! Pick who you like, approach them, try to strike up a conversation."

With her instructions given, Geren was free to ask any questions he might think of, but there was only so much more that he could delay the inevitable. The room was busy enough, with plenty of potential clients even among the fairer sex, though many had already been approached it seemed. There was a crowd of orcs at a large table, three females among their number all dressed like warriors like the rest, and none of them had yet been approached. Two were of darker green tints and had red hair and eyes, burly but still pleasantly curvacious as far as he could tell, and were watching with amusement while several of their male comrades hit on his co workers. One was taller than the other, a scar on her left cheek and was laughing boisterously along with most of her male comrades, while the other was thicker set and was watching the events unfold around with with the occasional chuckle. The third was sitting on the edge of the group, more lithe and seemingly younger than the rest, and looked bored as she sipped at a mug of mead and glanced around, the rosiness of her pale green cheeks suggesting that she was at least mildly intoxicated and her shiny raven hair cut short rather than tied and braided like her comrades. The armor that the outlier wore was much lighter than that of many of her companions as well.

If he didn't wish to try his hand at any of the orcs, there was a somewhat drunk looking woman with honey blond hair sitting by herself, watching tipsily at the base of one of the podiums where a pale succubus was dancing erotically. She was swaying in her chair in time to the music being played, and her drink looked about empty. A thickset homely woman with long brown hair was likewise sitting by herself at the bar, clad in a simple handspun dress and also slightly intoxicated by all appearances. A brush of her hand through her hair revealed a slightly pointed ear, but she seemed to be glancing around almost expectantly for some reason.
Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren took a key and looked out about the room. Orcs, a human, and an elf. He thought for a minute before choosing. In the end, he actually choose by random. He took a few numbers in his head, picked from the number of random items and came out with an answer. The third orc female. He wondered what form he should take. He stepped out a minute to change his form into an orc male a little larger than her. He choose red hair and eyes and made his body look muscular. He approached the orc(ette? ess?) and said "Enjoying the drink?"
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Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren: HP = 54, PP = 52, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Taking the form of an orc, presumably out of her line of sight, Geren would find the orcess looking at him with a mixture of boredom and curiosity when he approached her. "Not really," she replied dryly, "not much of a drinker." She eyed him up and down, "you work here?"
Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

"Yes, but you seem bored. Maybe we could find something more exciting for you to do." Geren had no idea what he was saying or if it would work. He hadn't been away from his home for that long and had never conversed with an orc. He didn't know much about them.
Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren: HP = 54, PP = 52, EP = 89, Status = Fine

"Mmmm," his prospective customer grunted noncommittally, "maybe." She looked away, staring off into space for a moment, and then looked back at Geren. "Are you really an orc?"
Re: Burden of Purpose (dragoon93041)

Geren smiles mischievously. "I thought you might like another orc but I can be whatever you want me to be." Dammit. He would really have to work on his disguise abilities. What he needed were books or a tutor to teach him about various cultures. He wasn't going to go anywhere winging it like this.