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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Chat Based Pathfinder


Tass has requested I asked what time people would like to do stuff. His suggestion is 8pm EST, which I am fine with, as it will mean that we can possibly get more stuff done before one of us derps out and falls asleep.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Can't do it every week, since I have a 1st edition game in person away from a computer Friday at 7pm EST. Like tomorrow.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Well, what time do you think you'll be finished? We could possibly start later (ie: our usual time at midnight-ish, but would prefer not to, since people keep falling asleep).

Post what times you'll be getting home, and I suppose, if nothing else, we'll try another day. We just kinda need notification ahead of time.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Midnight-ish. Maybe a bit later, but on Fridays I play 1st edition D&D in a university's cafeteria starting at 7pm. At around 10:30, I get on transit and reach home at about midnight, sometimes later if the subway and bus are out of synch.

I don't have anything set in stone this weekend, though I would prefer to sleep somewhere between 3am and 10am. If you guys pick a time to play, I'll be there.
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Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

we could run the big party on friday, and the small one on saturday, this week. would that work?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Would work for me, at any rate, as I was going to say that I was feasibly going to be late Saturday, given that a friend sorely needs a "kill things" night and I will likely wind up running her home, too, and given we usually wind down around 1, 1:30ish...
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I would prefer earlier if possible. I'm free both nights.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Well, I might be able to swing on around 1030-11ish, pending on whether I pass out after dinner or not. Have a tendency to do that, but I'll check later in the day and see what the call is.

Also, any thought given to us getting our own sub-forum? Now that we're splitting into the two games, might be easier than having one thread in the sign-up section....
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm not going to be available tonight.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm not going to be available tonight.

Ugh... seriously? -_-

How's your day tomorrow or Sunday then I suppose? If we do tomorrow we can try something like... 3pm EST? That way we can end at around 9pm EST at latest and leave some leeway between 1st and 2nd group, and if Sunday, well, I don't know.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Something came up. And if we try to start around 3 PM I can't promise that I'll be there on time, but we can try for it if no one objects. Sunday is free, at least for now, but I'll have to do a bit of schoolwork at some point.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

If that's when you want it, I'll be there.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Doesn't sound pleasant. Hope the something that came up is something you at least *enjoy* Tass. Good luck with it? at any rate.

And, well, like I said, might be late tomorrow, depending on if the friend and I get together and if I need to get her home or not. Car trouble is not fun, especially when it happens while you're driving!
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Lo, sorry if that seemed ominous. I was called to hang out with people. Ended up playing cards and drinking, followed by everyone else passing out while I watched Bunraku and Tucker and Dale Vs Evil. Good times.

Can people not make it tonight?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

im still good to go, though it sounds like the larger half will get pushed back, if need be. Not quite sure what's going on, but I'll check in!
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

On a side note, for the second group, we are rescheduling for tomorrow at 3pm EST, please try to make it or else I will throw you into a lake. Of fire.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

On a side note, for the second group, we are rescheduling for tomorrow at 3pm EST, please try to make it or else I will throw you into a lake. Of fire.

Will there be marshmallows at the lake?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

This session's summary:

[23:02] <Tassadar003> The other mushrooms promptly murder the offending one

(EDIT: Actually, we also pissed off an apparently level 20 wizard and his ancient dragon skeleton, so there's that too.)

(DOUBLEDIT: Oh! And then Isi took a kid hostage, to get our asses the fuck outta there, and Xavier wanted to harakiri because of it. Tense times, fun times.)
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