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Peiquok Town Hall

Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Jen, Shiva, Kaci and Morgan
((The first aid kit is a small kit hung from the wall in case of emergencies -- it's an equivalent of +2 on a medical check. Shiva will have a -2 to her next roll regardless of when it's posted. Sorry TheWeird, I didn't notice your 'Kaci searches!' post earlier.))

Kaci searches the building
12!+7+6 vs 14, Success (Critical Success, Kaci gains a +2 to her next roll)

Kaci manages to rattle open a door that seemed to be locked at the back of the hall and stumbles into a sports storage room that includes half a dozen baseball bats, several hockey sticks, a couple of nets, as well as three piles of goalie and catcher padding -- apparently small, medium and large sizes. Of course, she probably can't carry all of that...

Jen, Shiva and Morgan get a look at several of the remaining townies while Kaci makes her find; several of them are filtering out into the city, though a few seem to be sticking around here. In particular, a single pair of people in military fatigues are trying desparately to raise their comrades via radio, though they appear to be having no success...

"Yeah... yeah, I think I'm okay," Rosie replies. She rubs her eyes, though apparently doing so doesn't make the rest of the world seem more normal.

Melissa finds the world beyond the door is strangely, heavily foggy, or perhaps even smokey. She can barely see beyond her outstretched arm. She'll have to go outside to find it. Likewise, (thankfully) she can't seem to find anything that looks dangerous out to get her... but that's only a small relief, given the short range of sight.

Rosie peers into the darkened fog along with Melissa, gulping convulsively. "Yeah, I've never seen Peiquok like this." She looks down at her feet, as if in deep thought. "It's a long shot, but he told me that I could find sanctuary where the heart of the town meets the heart of the forest and the ocean if I should find myself in trouble... though I have no idea where that might be."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Melissa shakes her head at the strange riddle. "Why couldn't he just tell you 'go here' instead of making it difficult?" she asks, exasperated. "I don't see my bike, not like I'd be able to drive it in this fog." Still, finding her motorcycle would at least give her some comfort in this unnerving place. "Come on," she said to Rosie, slowly walking out into the fog and searching the area for her motorcycle.

(leave the Town Hall (to Main Street?) and look for bike)
Re: Peiquok Town Hall


"Grandfather never was entirely straight about anything he said," Rosie admits, following Melissa out of the door and leaving the dingy hall behind.

Melissa and Rosie leave Town Hall for Main Street
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva, having heard Kaci declare a find, walked over to her, and was awestruck to find that she uncovered such an amazing find so easily, while Shiva herself missed it entirely. Shiva only blushed, ashamed at her lack of perception as she stood some distance away from Kaci as she stood silently behind her, unable to find words to speak with after being embarrassed so much.

Looking for an excuse to try and divert her attention to something else, Shiva looked over to the troops working at the radio, watching them, and listening in, drawing closer if need be to accomplish this task. She was too shy to just walk up on them, she had already pushed her limits the other day by talking to strangers, but didn't feel she could muster the will to do it again, keeping as silent as possible as she listened to the pair...

( Shiva sneaks over to the two troops, in such a way that she walks normal, only slowly, while making her footsteps as light as possible on the floor, as she listens in on them. )
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva can easily hear the two, though walking closer doesn't hurt.

"Just try again, please sir," the younger woman asks as the older man slams the receiver back against the holder. Shiva may recognize her as the woman who had been passing drinks around yesterday morning.

The man licks his lips and leans a little forward on the table, shaking his head. "Sorry, Lillian, if anyone's out there, they're not responding. We're not getting anything from the base, either. We're going to have to keep the remainder of the civilians calm, and investigate for ourselves what's going on." Digging in his pocket, he tosses a set of keys to the younger woman, who juggles them nervously for a moment before getting a good hold of them. "I'll be here. Get another portable radio from the Jeep out front, and we'll figure out what to do about this mess that way, got it?"

"Yes sir," Lillian purses her lips as if she doesn't much want to head outside, but takes off anyways. When she's gone, and when the man doesn't think anyone is watching, he curses quietly and runs a hand through his hair as if he's at a loss as to what to do next...
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

After the woman started to walk away, Shiva picked up on her worry about going outside, and decided to follow her, keeping some distance away to avoid detection, while remaining close enough to supervise her as she goes outside at the man's instruction.

( Shiva follows Lillian )
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Upon seeing people outside who would be there with Lillian, Shiva finds no need to accompany her, and instead heads back towards Kaci, Jen, (And Morgan? I haven't seen Janna post recently, and I don't know if she'd actually want to follow us or is just being dragged along with the group.) and waits once more for something to occur concerning Kaci's find. Shifting the first aid kit hooked over her left shoulder, Shiva sighs a little at their choice of weaponry, much preferring a gun if something, or someone out there was actually out to get them.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

What are we supposed to do with those? Jen asks, the concept of using sports equipment as melee weapons not fully clicking in her head, nor the concept of using the padding as armor.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Perhaps Jen's imagination might be sparked as she, along with several other people, hear an inhuman shriek closely followed by a woman's pained cry from out the open front door of the town hall. Judging by the nearness, it can't have come from more than the bottom of the front steps.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Yeep! Jen squeals before latching onto the nearest person in fear when she hears the scream. Shivering, she clings tightly to Shiva, her eyes darting about in a panic.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Kaci didn't seem very excited about her find. When she found it she said to the others, "Over here." They quickly came and Kaci was too distracted to realize that Shiva and Jen had missed this entirely. She didn't notice Shiva's embarrassment of having found nothing either.

When Jen asked what they could do with all this stuff she said in a indifferent tone, "We can use the hockey sticks to hit stuff, and the padding as armor." When she heard the scream Kaci seemed to wake up from her depression. Quickly taking a hockey stick and a net she ran away leaving Jen and Shiva with each other to the direction of the scream.
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Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Kaci has gained a +5 hockey stick.
(The nets are large enough that she'd have to drag them, though. I'm thinking hockey goal nets with the plastic or metal rims. They're the kind of thing that a character could, oh, cut into something useful. Alternately there are volley ball nets which would be kind of a pain to carry around.)

Kaci leaves towards the Main Street
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Hearing the scream, Shiva's instincts take over, and she quickly runs, following Kaci, only after grabbing a bat out of the closet. With a bat in hand, she follows the raven haired girl out of the door, wondering if that Lillian was the one in trouble...

( Shiva follows Kaci )
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva has gained a +5 baseball bat

Shiva exits the Town Hall into Main Street
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Jen, panicing as Kaci leaves and Shiva pulls away from her and leaves, grabs the first solid object she can from the closet and runs out.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Jen gains a +5 hockey stick.

Jen leaves Town Hall for Main Street
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Looking up at the sound of screams from outside, Morgan abandons her search for the missing women (...yes...that's what she's been doing, allright :eek:) and races out of the Hall in the direction of the sounds. "Not like I was finding any sign of Melissa or Rosie, anyway..." She mutters.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Morgan leaves Town Hall for Main Street
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Lily's eyes slowly flutter open as she realizes where she is - asleep at a bench in the Peiquok town hall. The dancer's outfit that she had worn last night for her club job still rests on her body - a low-cut white tank top, baring more than an ample amount of creamy-white cleavage..enough for any prying eyes to want to stare at..and rub tongues down -bound up tightly. Her navel remains exposed - toned little tummy and hourglass, well-defined feminine waist running down into a short, lacy white thong with blue triim - a little heart-print dangling on the front V of her thong.

Two toeless thigh-highs push her up to her feet, definition along her thigh - and bottom muscles shown off quite well in such a ..risque outfit...long, sun-kissed hair dangling down to the top edge of her bottom - decorated with a pink ribbon. Taking a few slow steps forward, hips hitting each little sweet note perfectly as her hips gyrate in a slow figure eight, Lily presses her fist into the opposiite palm, rolling her hand forward and cracking her knuckles.

"..Was I kidnapped? How did I end up here?" Eying her surroundings suspiciously, Lily begins to explore the town hall a bit - and if nothing is found, she'd proceed out onto the streets..looking for an explanation to where she is - and if that wouldn't be found, it would be back to the club with her....
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Lily feels herself just a little out of place. This is no dance club... the floorboards creak ominously beneath her toes as she begins to look around, and paint is peeling from the walls of this large, old, rather dilapidated looking room. If she is clean and white and new looking, this place is quite her foil.

Lily Searches
6+4 vs 14, Failure.

All that the pristine woman finds are overturned chairs, and some disturbing looking rust-coloured stains along the walls and floors. Nobody seems to be here...

((Lily may cross paths with Melissa at the moment if the two are in the same area at the same time, but nobody else... at least, not at the moment. I'll keep everyone updated if they switch 'sides' of the town, though!))

Lily leaves the Town Hall for Main Street