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Piracy Resailed - IC


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Voodoo Island, Tag: The crew, Mood: elated

Status: Out of combat, armor off, HP: 60/60, AC 16, CMD 25 (37 against trip, overrun, drag and bull rush)

Eopeia suppressed the instinct to call back at Dreadmaws voice. She really wanted to challenge that bitch to come and get them, but even in the heat of the moment she realized that was a bad idea.

"Guess we don't have time to fool around. Come on, Bea, back to the ship!"
She turned to the amazon beastmistress. "I would have liked to witness where this was going, but I guess we'll have to come back some other day. Good luck to you all!"
She sighed as she tapped her legs to signal Rikard to follow her. She'd really looked forward to exploring this jungle. Maybe get to know these amazons a bit better.

While they were hurrying away, Eopeia whispered into the elf's ear: "Don't worry. Maybe I can teach you some tricks on the ship... You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

As they arrived at the coast, she spotted captain Marnia. "Alright Captain, where to?" She asked.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Beast Mistress, Tag: Bea

She observed the dual-gendered elf curiously, caressing and squeezing along her growing organ, giving it slow, sensual strokes, whilest the beasts in their cages around sniffed and growled in curiosity at their new visitor. With a clickening whistle she guided the elf onto all fours.. and her wolf upon her back. "How about both at once?"
She questioned, and continued her curious stroking teasing and tempting the elf into greater heights of lust, as she pondered to herself:
"I'd love to keep you here and train you here throughoutly.."

She then sighed a little, listening to the dangers in the distance and giving Bea a stronger, more demanding stroke, whilest Voron enjoyed his companion like a proper wolf his bitch... red hot eager wolf-cock to enjoy her beast-breeder slit, to be precise.

"Alas, I hate to tease you and finish so swiftly, but there's trouble on the horizon. Perhaps you can return for a proper play-time soon?"
She offered while, almost playfully casual, finishing off the playful elf before releasing her all too early..

Tag: All

(Dun forget your delicious level up for hitting 40 pages!)

With a final goodbye to the Amazon island and no course chartered yet, you set sail whilest Dreadmaw is still delayed and ensorceled within the jungle.. although a slowly spreading smoke-trail on the other side of the island hints that this is not likely to stop her forever.
With but an act of her will Marnia finds an easier way of steering the ship, but rushing away from Dreadmaw and through stormy waters, waves rising high she is too busy becalming the ship to aim for known waters, coming far off course, although she thinks she is sailing in the right direction, to the mainlands, the temples that can bring Rovana back and the temple hiding her shattered blade..

Careless sailing has another ship trailing you already, seeking easy booty, or perhaps the fame and infamy claimed from taking on a vessel such as yours.. at least your lookout spider recognizes not the red-claw marks of Dreadmaw, nay, upon their sails and the pirates black, floats the depicition of a brain with two crossed bones below. Perhaps those are really smart Pirates?

The truth comes into sight soon after, as the ship uses your shadow to gain upon you and you see, and hear, the rival pirate crew approaching, a humming in the air, you start thinking a thought, with Allisane the first to worriedly recognize what you are dealing with here...

with a Yo ho ho
and a yo he he!
Mindflayer Pirates that be we!

We sail on for the gain
but also your brain!
You want to surrender, it's easy to see

Just bend down and get on your knee, yo ho!

You are chased by enemy pirates with unclear(?) intent! You can't outsail them in these waters, conflict seems inevitable! Check for initiative:
: 15
: 8


Active member
May 4, 2018
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Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 61/61 Armor Class: 19 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(14 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts. Inertial armor (+7)
Fort: +4 Ref: +5 Will: +6
Power Points 88/99

Having managed to find some time to play with the doggie Allisane was annoyed to find that she was interrupted by Dreadmaw coming after them, and them having to run away. She'd grab the doggie though and hurry up out of there, not wanting to be the one who was sacrificed just because she was too slow to get to the ship.

Arriving there she'd quickly go find her armor, putting iron along with her top as they began sailing away, and preparing for a fight in case one comes, which she hoped wouldn't but she had no intention of being caught off guard.

As they were continuing away though a ship would catch up with them, and as she saw them come closer Allisane would see that there was mind-flayers on board, and that was not good, those things were dangerous. "Everyone, those are Mind-flayers, or Illithid, they eat people's brains. Do not under any circumstances let them grab your head with their tentacles."

(17 initiative)
Feb 5, 2020
Reputation score
Commission for APP on Discord[1824].jpg Bea Autumn, Location: Beast Pens/Returning to Ship, Tag: Crew, Status: Frustrated, Mood: Angry AC: 20 CMD: 24 Fort: +6 Reflex: +12 Will: +4
With little hesitation Bea fell onto all fours, moaning in her arousal as the Beast Mistress played with her cock, precum leaking a little from the tip. "Oh. . .my goddess why does this feel better than when i do it?" Bea half moaned, half panted out at the Beast Mistress. Bea's mind was slowly breaking and yielding to the pleasure rushing though her body, the urge and want to hump or be humped at this point pushing her rational brain into the dark corners of her mind.
"Voron do as she says. . .mount me please. . .i need it my strong Wolf. . ." Bea lowered her shoulders and thrust her ass out towards her wolf, feeling him sniff once before mounting quickly, relishing the feeling of tight elf pussy around his thick hard throbbing member.

Bea looked over her shoulder and whined loudly, bucking her hips both back and forward into Vorons' thrusts, wanting his seed inside her pussy. Feeling some fingers moving across her ass cheek Bea tensed slightly, trying to focus on the fingers and wondering where and why they would be going there until she felt them enter her. . .bottom. . .the thick fingers belonging to the Beast Mistress.

"Why are you. . .OOOOH YES" with a submissive moan and whine she felt those fingers brush over something inside her ass, her cock throbbing more and pulsing with arousal. . .

Suddenly the fingers retreated and Vorons cock left her needy, hot pussy, the loud whimper and growl that Voron gave showing his equally blue balls in this endeavour as they disengaged there sex play.
Bea flushed a bright blue, feeling her release ebb away faster than she could stroke her cock. Standing up she pouted and visibly shook with rage as her own naked (or close nakedness) was forgotten only to be replaced with raw anger at being denied her climax, the embarrassment flushing her face.

Quickly she dressed proper, giving the Beast Mistress a swift and loving kiss on her lips, groping at the bulge in her loin cloth. Bea. still angry but less so at her words and what Eopeia had whispered into her ear, smiled and nodded her head at the Beast Mistress as a form of acceptance on coming back. "Voron and I will be back, count on it and good luck! Come on boy, ship NOW!" Sprinting as fast as she could Bea moved towards the ship, mindful of anything at crotch height that might sting. . .jumping the gang plank as the last one on board the ship.

Out of breath, unsatisfied and dirty Bea went to her cabin to find her armour and panties, donning them both and taking up her bow as the ship set sail away from the island. The ship gaining on them after the stormy seas did not look dangerous. . .until Allisane warned of the intentions.
"I would rather have my mind not flayed thank you! I say we fight!"

(Initiative Roll = 15)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Voodoo Island, Tag: The crew, Mood: elated

Status: In combat, armor on, HP: 67/67, AC 20, CMD 26 (38 against trip, overrun, drag and bull rush)

Eopeia rushed onto the ship, Rikard in tow, quickly changing into her silk-suit while climbing the rigging to help prepare the sails. (Profession: Sailor 24 to make sure the Red Dawn is combat ready!)

Unfortunately, someone was already hot on their heels. Dreadmaws minions? Hired help? Opportunistic third party? Eopeia decided that it didn't matter. Telling Rikard to stay near the crow's nest, Eopeia clambered down again, taking out and loading her rifle, to converse with the captain and the others about their course.

(Initiative: 27)


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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9fc41288aed728cee541755bbf583ef2.png Lily, the girly doggo!!!; Tag: Marnia and Ylria; Mood: Curious doggo mode!;
HP: 76/76; Armor Class: 21; Initiative Bonus: +4; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 24; CMB: 11
Effects: [12 hours]

Lily had lots and lots of fun playing with Alli! She was a bit sad though, cause it seemed like they had to leave before she was able to show her appreciation for Alli. Oh well, there was always later! She ran quickly, following alongside Allisane keeping her eyes on the forests for anyone that might want to hurt her new friend! She was an attack doggo, and she'd make sure that no one got away with that!
Getting onto the ship they got away, but it seemed like another ship was following after them. A crew with a bunch of tentacle faces! "You're all super ugly and I'm gonna bite you if you don't stop following us!!!" She barked over the side, with a firm vigor reflected in her bushy tail. By now she'd already armored up, and had both her swords drawn! She was ready to throw down! "Brian eaters! Ick!" She knew that she didn't have much of a brain, but that still sounded pretty horrible!
Unless someone gives the doggo orders she growls threateningly at the approaching pirates, ready to attack once they were in range. [Intimidating doggo noises: 20]
[Init: 21]
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Marnia, the (hopefully temporary) Captain!
: Everyone
HP: 76/76 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +13 CMD: 34
Saving Throws: +10 Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 8/8, Stunning Fist: 8/8, Conditions: Corporeal

Marnia was a bit silent as they left. The truth was that she wasn't very sure where they were supposed to go anyway.

If Rovana was here...what she would do? No doubt she would shrug, say that pirated don't do rescues, and then she would 'steal' the ones who needed saving back. Perhaps going to the weird place the dead were, and stealing captain directly would be better? After all, if she was dead she wouldn't die again.

Then again, perhaps she should go to the land of the dead, and find Rovana's girlfriend? She looked like someone who could give a proper whooping to Dreadmaw, judging by the heroic pose. And it was the land of the dead, and she was dead, so...just maybe it could work?

However, thinking was hard, especially when trying to steer the ship...so she didn't notice when the other pirates were approaching!

She tried to make sense of them. Brains. bones? Wait, aren't they?

"Allison, I think you are a bit mistaken...they are the Intellectual Property Pirates! They go around stealing books and art. Perhaps they know something that could help us?" she mused.

"Right! Raise the Panties high! Prepare for battle! We are Reaving them!" she declared turning the ship a sharp U turn, doing her best to stay out of the firing arc of the brain-cannons!

"Oh right...we need a song too!" she mused. She had to do things the pirate way!

"Everyone, add your own lines....if you want!" she declared.

"We be the Reavers!

We do the Reaving, we do the drinking,,,
but we don't do the thinking!

Run or hide...
it won't matter; we have the Dagon on our side!

Actually, you be on a ship...
...so running is impossible, ain't it?!


Or we will make you...surrend...arrrr!"

Well, it was pretty good for a first time. Probably. She wondered if Rovana would approve of it.

Oh well. She shrugged as green electricity arched between her toes, and her skin turned a deeper blue.

Since the Dreadmaws used slap resistant magic, she would have to train on doing the spanking with her feet and with the sword instead...

[Daring Captain Profession check to avoid brain cannons: 29
Knowledge check: 7
Initiative 14
If there is a round to prepare, Marnia will use Barkskin on herself and activate the elemental fury!]


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Combat round 1!

24 -> Lily -> 20 Allisane -> Bea -> : 15 -> Marnia -> : 8 -> Ylria

Eopeia readied the sails to pick up speed, doing a good job, but still, the other ship was closing in!

"With a yo ho ho and a yo he he! We'll drink your brain and mind for free!"
The Mindflayer sailore crew was well trained and experiencced, closing in on you and readying strange, half organic looking weaponry at the same time!

Although Lily manage to shake some of them up with her intimdating.. barking, sadly they'd already picked up speed, perhaps she could help ruin their aim at least.

But then, the mindflayer captains tentacles wiggled.. although eerily silent, there was little doubt that it was issuing commands to its crew as they worked doubly hard, the Brain-chasing ship closing in on the Red Dawn.. you could now see that it's galleon was a classical maiden, albeit with a mindflayers tentacles over her head and her expression one of empty-eyed, wooden bliss..

Allisane is a bit shocked by the bad news, and indeed, some of the mindflayer-crew deckhands look at her like a particularly tempting smoothie.

Bea readies herself, but has been too.. distracted with her own bodies temptations, but lack of satisfaction to ready a ranged attack.

Unluckily for the crew, the mindflayers cannons have no such qualms! (To make this easier, Ylria gets hit first!) Their cannons shot, something fleshy-bony, slammed into Ylria, and attached to her head, her expression growing aroused-empty eyed as she drew her daggers.. and turned onto her crewmates, drooling slightly.. a direct hit from the cannon, which the flayers were now reloading with another critter..

Marnia felt as if her song had managed to make Rovana cringe a little on the other side. Marnia looks a little more solid and, peculiarly, barkier, if not more alive. The ponderings of nature magic and undead intermingling...

The mindflayers strange harpoon shoot out, suckering onto a wall of the ship and pulling both ships closer to one another, until the wooden walls of both (difficult terrain btw) Crash into one another, the Great Red Dawn actually grinding a little into chiteneous wood from the mindflayer whip, even as their crew looked at you with eeriely emotion-free eyes, at best, there was a certain desire...

The harpoon also came loose with a wet slurping sound, dropping down and being pulled back in, it's purpose of getting close to the enemy vessel fulfilled, right?

Ylria grinned, drooled and rushed forwards, spinning her daggers at Marnia.. before letting them fall, something she'd never do when in her right mind, attempting to embrace Marnia from behind (you get an attack of opportunity!) and squeeze her breasts from behind.. (grapple check fail!)

Round 2 go!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Voodoo Island, Tag: The crew, Mood: elated

Status: In combat, armor on, HP: 67/67, AC 20, CMD 26 (38 against trip, overrun, drag and bull rush)

Eopeia clung to the rigging with her legs while shouldering her rifle and taking aim at the captain giving orders... somehow. She decided she shouldn't think too hard about that. Lest she wouldn't think about anything ever again. Her chitinous legs arching around the ropes, she steadied her rifle, took a breath, and fired. The shot went wide, hitting the deck with nothing more than a quiet thud. However, using her quick fingers, Eopeia loaded the rifle again, and prepared another shot. She held her breath, watching the iron sights sway with the ship's movement before her eyes, finger curling around the trigger...

Another shot, Eopeia saw the bullet miss the captain by inches. Certain that now she had it figured out, she loaded the next cartridge and placed the stock against her shoulder. After two misses, the movement and the wind seemed familiar, and Eopeia shifted minutely, and pulled the trigger once more. This time, the bullet hit its mark, striking the captain, blood mist spurting into the air where the projectile drilled into the body. (17 Damage!)


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Ylria Seaspray Tag: The entire cast! Location: The Ship
Saving Throws: Fort +5 Ref +12 Will +6

Ylira shuddered as the fleshy projectile smashed against her and wrapped around her head. She felt odd visions and desires flow through her body. Suddenly Marnia was the object of her intense lust and need. Shambling forward she reached for the captain and grappled her from behind, hands squeezing breasts and tickling nipples. Perhaps it was the shock of dropping her beloved masters to the deck that allowed her to partially shake off the effects.

OOC: Natural 20+6 Will save. I can add more actions or just back away and fight the control
Feb 5, 2020
Reputation score
Commission for APP on Discord[1824].jpg Bea Autumn, Location: Ship, Tag: Crew, Status: Determined, Mood: Annoyed AC: 20 CMD: 24 Fort: +6 Reflex: +12 Will: +4

Bea scrambled onto the ship just as the boarding ramp was drawn inside the rail. She moved quickly and shyly to her cabin and sat on her bunk, huffing and panting from the run and from her sexual frustration. "Voron, come here i need comfort right now", the loyal Wolf came to her side and nuzzled gently at her leg as Bea rests her hand on his head.
"You and I need to get busy after this mess is over. You feel very good inside me Voron" Bea leaned in close to his muzzle and gives him a long messy kiss, happily accepting his tongue when it flicks over her lips.

At the mention of a fight Bea got her composure together and get ready, tightening her gloves and arranging her bow and arrows ready for the battle. Standing on the deck she went to the rail and looked out with her Elven eyes at the ship in the distance and squirming. . .both in fear and arousal. "I wonder what they feel like when they are inside something. . ." Bea thought as she shook her head. Moving around the deck she went below to check on the fish men and then cannons, seeing them ready and prep the cannons made her pale slightly. "We are going into battle. . .and there is nothing i can do, yet." Bea mused to herself, hearing Marnia shout orders for attack, Bea un-slung her bow and walked to the bow of the ship, firing a pair of arrows at the look out in the crows nest on the other ship.

Voron sat ready to attack anyone that came on board, next to his Mistress, but seeing the Ylria had been attacked Bea told Voron to help get the thing off her head. . .gently if possible.

Handle Animal - 16

(First shot - 15, Second Shot - 17)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Marnia, the (hopefully temporary) Captain!
: Everyone
HP: 76/76 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +13 CMD: 34
Saving Throws: +10 Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 6/8, Stunning Fist: 7/8, Conditions: Corporeal

"Hey, what are you doing! Get off Ylria!" Marnia complained, trying to kick the thing that had stuck on Ylria's head! Sadly kicking it wasn't as easy as she expected it to be she really needed more kicking practice.

However, on the second try she managed to finish it off, releasing Ylria from it's wicked control!

"There you go!" she smiled at Ylria, before moving a bit closer to the side of the ship.

"Hey, Brainhead! Why don't you surrender and join us...squids are crabs natural enemies, so following the simple logic we should be working together!" she offered to the enemy captain some confusing words!

[Attack of Opportunity: Miss
Attack on brain thing: 21 hit, 17 damage
move a bit closer to the side of the ships so I can jump next round
swift action: Breaking-Down Koan on the mindflayer captain: ||A monk with this ability can spend 1 ki point as a to present a paradox, riddle, or complicated question to a creature within 30 feet. The creature must succeed at a save DC = 18 or be for 1 round. This is a , effect. A monk must be at least 8th level before selecting this ki power. ||

Marnias current AC cheatsheet:
VS ranged: 28, (touch 21, flat-footed 21) plus deflect arrow
VS melee: 32, and if the attack is between 28 and 32, this AC drops to 28 and I get a free AoO against the target
CMD: 38]


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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9fc41288aed728cee541755bbf583ef2.png Lily, the girly doggo!!!; Tag: Marnia and Ylria; Mood: Protect nice Alli!;
HP: 86/86; Armor Class: 21; Initiative Bonus: +4; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 25; CMB: 12
Effects: [12 hours]

The threatening barking wasn't enough! Clearly these where very brave squid faces, so that meant that Lily would have to be extra careful... Looking at their squidy faces made the anger and hatred boil under her skin, the fluffy blond tail bushing out as she continued her angry growls during their approach. However, something at the back of her brain gnawed at her, and when she saw the fleshy cannonball take over her kitty friend she knew what it was! "Nasty ugly cheaters!" She gave a few barks as she slid over, positioning herself between Allisane and the approaching crew. Her brain was telling her that Alli was super important to this fight so she had to protect her no matter what!
[Readying self to defend on Alli's behalf]
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Active member
May 4, 2018
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Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 45/61 Armor Class: 19 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(15 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts. Inertial armor (+7) Fort: +4 Ref: +5 Will: +6
Power Points 68/99

Allisane was a bit annoyed by the captain stupidity about it being a whatever, but decided that in the middle of combat was not the right time to bring it up, instead they had to deal with the mind-flayers and their cannon, quick. So she decided that it would be for the best now that everyone had been connected for the combat to do something about it herself. Gathering as much power as she could Allisane poured it into creating a powerful astral construct right next to the cannon, the effort of pulling so much power making her head ring and blood to start coming out from her nose as well as tear ducts.

(full round action to manifest astral construct, taking 3d8= 16 damage to boost it to a 6th level one, with Improved grapple and three attacks.)

6th-Level Astral Construct CR 7

N Large
Init +1 Senses 60 ft., ,


AC 25, touch 10, 24 (+1 , +15 , -1 size)
HP 85 (10d10+30)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3; DR 10/magic; traits


Speed 40 ft.
Melee 3 slams +20 melee (1d8+11)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.


Str 33, Dex 13, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 10
BAB +10, CMB +22; CMD 33

Special abilities: Improved grab


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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Combat round 2!

-> Lily -> Allisane -> Bea ->Braaain craaabs!: -> Marnia -> : -> Ylria

Eopeia blasts the pirate-captain, a move she might come to regret as, somewhat injured but more angered than debilitated, the creature snarls in her general direction, whilst the Pirate-deckhands rush forwards!

Luckily, Marnia does an excellent job of holding the line, for now.. even she can't defend when-if properly surrounded, but at least she keeps her companions from getting into the scuffle..

The fluffy guardian-dog interposes herself between Allisane and those deckhands, quickly realizing their intent...

Which is propably good, as more than one squid-pirate watches Eopeia with what she hopes is just professional curiosity as she evokes an astral construct (Which, I am not sure, if it's like a summon it should be able to attack so I had it do that..) The summoned creature slamms a fist into the cannon, and then another, and then it explodes, sending a few skittering crabs swarming about the deck in a panic, shocked and looking for shelter...

However, even with the cannon destroyed, Allisane now realizes that the tentacled captain had been biding it's time, watching her with calculating, unblinking eyes, cutting its cutlass through the air.. and cutting right through the summoned astral creature! Allisane alone can tell that this was less of a physical attack and more of a psionic unraveling of her own construction.. these enemies are more dangerous than the average orc or human, without doubt. At least she managed to take out the cannnon...

Between the assistance of Bea's wolf, Marnia's smacking and Ylria's suprisingly strong will.. where were her master-daggers!? Ylria is freed from the now inert and battered crab creature, just when she'd been overwhelmed by sensual, enticing fantasies of well hung masters encouraging her to deal with those nasty crew-allies of hers.. ...
She comes to in time to watch Bea also prepare some covering fire, not enough to strike down any mindflayers, but sufficent in discouraging them from pressing the advance past Marnia, their tentacles writhing with frustraiton..

The brain-crabs from the cannon scuttle about and, on pure instinct, make their way over to your ship, climbing over the wall and 'staring' down Marnia and the guard dog, which is impressive, considering their lack of eyes. They don't attack yet, but they will be troublesome soon if not dealt with, threatening to swarm and overwhelm whoemever comes cloesest.

Speaking about overwhelming, Marnia finds herself struggling to defend proper as now also the strange harpoon of the mindflayers is reloaded and flies out at her... she barely deflects it, right up against Lily's forehead! Where it attaches with an odd, not unpleasant sucking sensation, and Lily feels a rush of distracting, arousing emptyness in her head as the thing's suckers begin pulling on her, the Dog-girl quivering oddly.. (Make a strength check! Lily counts as sickened as long as the harpoon remains attached. Make sure to pull it off.. or not?)

Ylria shakes off the strange influence and picks up her daggers, before flanking one of the mindflayer deckhands, stabbing the weapon in it's side, spilling blue-purple blood.. although the attack finds her overwhelmed by a sudden sensation of what she's doing being wrong.. hurting the mindflayers wont win the battle.. she ought to apologize, by kneeling down and stripping naked for their pleasure, yes.. that's the way to.. victory? No wait, those squid-creatures are messing with her head... although it feels kind of nice...

Speaking about messing with heads, Ylria doesn't have it the worst. Allisane feels a sudden realization of inedequacy pushing against the edges of her mind. Her power was dismissed so easily, it propably took the mindflayer-captain hardly any effort.. she is so weak compared to them, perhaps, like a good girl, she should kneel and submit.. and...
She glances over and notices Bea getting a slight erection, and Lily going a little dopey-eyed. Is everyone being affected by this? At least Marnia seems fine, their blue captain definitly not having an urge to put those mindflayer tentacles between her breasts and service them like a common whore, oh no....

Everyone! DC 10 Will save against Mindflayer-shenanigans. Failure deals 2 points of wisdom damage and imposes the effect of a as you fight against the erotic visions.. You save again at the end of each of your turns!
Feb 5, 2020
Reputation score
Commission for APP on Discord[1824].jpg Bea Autumn, Location: Ship, Tag: Crew, Status: Defending!, Mood: Annoyed AC: 20 CMD: 24 Fort: +6 Reflex: +12 Will: +4

Bea, taken aback by the Mindflayer crabs skittering around the deck decides to remove them before they get under peoples feet. Taking her bow out and aiming at the nearest headcrab she fired an arrow as it jumped up , aiming at the exposed underside. . .and the rows of teeth and tendrils.
"Eww. . .I live under the sea and that is just creepy as hell!" Bea shouted loudly over the din of battle around her. Looking around she takes shots at many of the crabs wanting to take out as many as she could before someone got hurt like Ylria. Taking her second shot Bea paused. . .confused and aroused by what she saw in her head, filled with tentacles. . .slipping into her folds and her ass. Clenching her teeth she shook her head and aimed again, this time at the Captain of the attacking ship!

Calling Voron back to her side to Defend her form the headcrabs she let her Wolf protect her back as she took her 2nd shot.
Will save - 19
1st Shot at head crab - 23
2nd shot at the Mindflayer Captain - 23
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Apr 19, 2019
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Ylria Seaspray Tag: The entire cast! Location: The Ship
Saving Throws: Fort +5 Ref +12 Will +6

Ylria managed to move in to attack despite the overwhelming urge to kneel nude before the tentacles, sexy lords. Yet some dedication to her shipmates or perhaps the thick, hard and long... hilts... of her masters allowed her to focus on combat. Shaking off further visions of tentacles caressing her and violating her eager body Ylria gripped the firm... hilts... of her weapons and struck again with dagger and dagger.

OOC: Will save 22 and 21 take the lowest vs. Mind Control

To hit 23, 9, 21
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Marnia, the (hopefully temporary) Captain!
: Everyone
HP: 76/76 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +13 CMD: 34
Saving Throws: +10 Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 6/8, Stunning Fist: 6/8, Conditions: Corporeal

Assaulted by all the weird thoughts, along with the intellectual property thieves, left Marnia in a daze! Finally she lost her cool.

"ENOUGH! We didn't come here to be defeated by a bunch of thiefsquids, damn it!" she roared, fighting out of the weird thoughts as she tried to kick one of the goons that were trying to surround her!

[Failed wis save, so can't do full attack.. At the end of my round new save: 20 so I make it and I keep the wis damage penalty on the AC only so the turn is:
Move: Not available due to slow
Swift action: Activate Elemental Assault, with fire.
Standard action: Fight defensively, with stunning strike: 16 to hit,
damage if it hits: 11 bludgeoning, 9 fire, 6 electricity, +DC 18 Fort or get stunned
At the end of my round new save vs slow: 20 so I probably make it

Marnias current AC cheatsheet (Wisdom damage calculated)
VS ranged: 27, (touch 20, flat-footed 20) plus deflect arrow
VS melee: 31, and if the attack is between 27 and 31, this AC drops to 27 and I get a free AoO against the target
CMD: 38]


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Voodoo Island, Tag: The crew, Mood: elated

Status: In combat, armor on, HP: 67/67, AC 20, CMD 26 (38 against trip, overrun, drag and bull rush)

(Will save: 13)

The Arachne shook as she watched the quivering, writhing heads of their assailants, a shiver running down her spine as she watched the headcrabs scatter about. Those could be a problem if they got onto the ship... "Watch out for more of those crawling things!" She called out.

"Hey, Rikard!" She called to the jumping spider and pointed at the crab Ylria had shaken off. "Attack! All of them who board our ship! If they're all dead, stay and guard! Now Sic!" She ordered, before shouldering her rifle again, taking aim at the captain again.

The ships had by now come even closer together, and she took aim, sending another bullet straight into the captain's chest! However, her next two shots both were thrown off by the ships' hulls scraping against another, sending tremors through the ship, causing both to miss.

(Attacks: 30, 13 and 13 against touch ac, latter 2 were nat 1s tho. 14 damage on the highest shot)


Active member
May 4, 2018
Reputation score
Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 45/61 Armor Class: 19 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(15 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts. Inertial armor (+7) Fort: +4 Ref: +5 Will: +6
Power Points 59/99

Allisane was surprised when her astral construct was simply destroyed seemingly without much effort, was it ready for it? It must be able to tell she is a psion somehow, and it seems dangerous, she'll have to deal with it quick. Channeling her powers into creating a force of telekinesis she attempted to reach out and grab it, trying to restrain the creature so it no longer would be able to interfere with what she was doing.

(9 powerpoints on telekinetic maneuver to make the CMB bonus +16)

8+16=24 grabble check on the captain.