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Piracy Resailed - IC


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Apr 19, 2019
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Ylria Seaspray Tag: The entire cast! Location: The Ship
Saving Throws: Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +3

Ylria scurried rapidly to help set sail as the ship pulled away from the dock and Siley plunged into the water. She worked hard on the voyage adding her experience and skill with large sailing ships to help speed them along to their destination. At all times she wore a pair of matched daggers and could often be seen stroking the hilts in a sensuous and affectionate fashion that perhaps seemed out of place. At night when not on watch she remained confined to her stateroom but seemed quite happy to conduct whatever rituals she sought with a locked door.

On noting Eopia's rifle Ylria produced a nice pair of double barrelled pistols. "I have some experience and skill with pistols but not as nice of a weapon as your rifle. There is some fine grained gunpowder that would probably suit you in the magazine below. I can show you if you like."

When the decision came up as to how they might proceed Ylria voted enthusiastically to raise the Jolly Roger and terrorize the seas.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Pirating event:

Fishman bullying aside, the crew continued their business, Ylria in devotion to her craft, and perhaps to those that didn't know her motives, slightly creepily obsession with her daggers. Yet she knew what they truly were, and how they would next reward her for her willing obediance in her continued training to be their perfect plaything. After all, a pirate, nay, any fighter needed a close connection to their weapon, no?
Allisane curiously digging into the history of the ship, starting with the portrait that had hidden the spear-splinter and the map next.
The Portrait again revealed the blonde captain, now perhaps slightly older looking, although her age was difficult to tell. There was a strange emotion of tender yearning, that left Allisane with a sensation of bittersweet desire, tingling not imperceptibly in her loins. Blending the memories of the savage, almost feral woman with the spear with this image of aristocratic sophistication, there was a buzzing sensation of being overwhelmed and carried away, taken as property and lustfully indulged by strong, cool arms, a woman, a creature, beautiful and dangerous standing naked yet proud above Allisane, her dark spear raised high as...

The vision ended. Allisane would need some.. time alone, or perhaps try digging a little deeper to... interprete this one properly, yes.

In need of supplies, and general pirating, the crew decides the best course of action is to set sail a little to the south, to the more distant trade-roads and look for a wayward vessel.
A little over a day they lay in wait and worried eyes already glance behind, without a doubt, Dreadmaw is on their trail, no matter the Red Dawn's speed.

Although the heavy merchanting ship seemed to have been trading in weapons, there are little warriors and a display of strength quickly dissuades them from combat. You take what you can and give nothing back!
-none of you have been injured!-
-You looted gold, jewelry in the form of gemstones and some leftover weapons!-
-Bea Autumn got especially lucky and found a magical seeming pair of boots! It'll need identifying, or daring use without. Perhaps she can ask a spellcasting friend?

You looted: Enough food to make your way to the Voodoo islands safely!
Coins38 pp, 356 gp, 750 sp
  1. Bloodstone (45 gp)
  2. 2 x Freshwater Pearl (10 gp)
  3. Hematite (9 gp)
  4. Rhodochrosite (11 gp)
  5. Rhodochrosite (13 gp)
  6. Rock Quartz (13 gp)
  7. Sardonyx (50 gp)
  8. Sardonyx (60 gp)
  9. Zircon (45 gp)
Total value = 266 gp

Masterwork Items
  1. Masterwork Breastplate (350 gp)
  2. Masterwork Chainmail (300 gp)
  3. Masterwork Composite Longbow (+2 Str bonus) (600 gp)
  4. Masterwork Dagger (302 gp)
  5. Masterwork Hide (165 gp)
  6. Masterwork Sai (301 gp)
  7. Masterwork Scale Mail (200 gp)
  8. Masterwork Scythe (318 gp)
  9. Masterwork Shortbow (330 gp)
  10. Masterwork Studded Leather Armor (175 gp)
Total value = 3041 gp

Anything you do not want to keep you can sell and trade in at the nearest port, for 50% of the actual gold value. (+10% for every step of 10 by which you make an appraise check, +20% at Tortuga, the only harbour that freely trades with pirates.)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Red Dawn, Tag: The crew, Mood: elated

Status: Out of combat, armor on, HP: 60/60, AC 20, CMD 25 (37 against trip and overrun [and maybe drag and bull rush too, depending on GM])

Eopeia smiled shyly at Ylria. "Thank you. I took good care of it over the years. And I appreciate your offer. Some powder, brass or steel and iron or lead will do. What do you say, once I have some more cartridges, should we go the bow and shoot some? I would like to try your pistols." She offered. The girl might behave strangely, but clearly she tried to be nice and welcome her into the crew, and Eopeia appreciated that, even if she couldn't really show it.

During the raid, Eopeia had sat on the spar, rifle ready, but the crew didn't put up much of a fight and as such she just did overwatch duty while the others pillaged the ship, being on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary or maybe to shout for help in case someone went overboard. (Perception: 27)
None of the recovered gemstones or items really intrigued her, so she simply asked captain Marnia:
"How will the loot be distributed?"


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Ylria Seaspray Tag: The entire cast, Eopia Location: The Ship
Saving Throws: Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +3

When Eopia smiled at Ylria the cat eared girl smiled back. "Here, take this horn of powder for starters. I've sifted through our stores and taken only the finest and most regular powder to load my weapons. I have more set aside below that you are welcome to use. A fine weapon like that deserves to be custom loaded." Ylria also fished out a small but heavy bag filled with round lumps of lead. "I have a mold below to cast bullets and a couple of little ingots I've taken from the ship's stores. If you'd like to use these as a start to mold to the size of your weapon please accept them as my gift to a new shipmate."

Ylria laughed softly and nodded as she turned toward the bow. She handed one of her pistols over to Eopia. "Be welcome to try the pistols. You may want to fire one of them a single barrel at a time and then try the other by firing both barrels with the pull of the second trigger. It's a bit tricky and I have to practice a lot." She stroked the hilt of one of the daggers. "At least as much as the Masters allow me when I am not serving them."

Ylira fought fiercely in the brief combats as the crew rather overwhelmed than fought pitched battles against the merchant crews. She used her skills to search hidden nooks of the ships for treasures and worked as well to sort and appraise the loot. As they sailed from place to place, seeking provisions and booty Ylria also worked diligently in the rigging or at the wheel of the ship turning her sailing skill to the utmost use in escaping the deadly pursuit of Dreadmaw.

"Usually we divide the treasure according to need with the agreement of the crew and captain. I would like the studded leather as it will aid me in the fight."
Feb 5, 2020
Reputation score
Bea Autumn, Location: At Sea, Tag: Crew, Status: Relaxed, Mood: Inquisitive
AC: 20 CMD: 23 Fort: +6 Reflex: +12 Will: +3

With a happy smile and a high toned laugh Bea watched the Servant of Dreadmaw plunge into the water.
"That is one wet bitch. . .Voron come here you good boy!"
Bea scratched behind his ears lovingly as she scanned around the ship, listening and wondering if she did a good job on her first day as a Pirate!

At the call to set sail from Tortuga Bea shifted around the ship nervously, helping any way she could. Knotting and letting out rope for the sails and sitting in the rigging to watch as the ship pulls away from the docks. . .the wet girl glowing even at this distance from the docks they were at.

In the galley with the provisions provided she made the ship a hearty stew of beef and vegetables in a richly spiced stock. Smiling around the deck as they tucked into the food she had made Bea retired for the night, petting Voron as she slept and dreaming of the sea.

Upon waking the next day and hearing the captain speak of Piracy a small voice in the back of Bea's mind chirped up for the first time. . .wanting spoils. . .or just something to take home with her. Fancying her bow skills sharp enough she only threatened the crew of the Merchant ship without loosing an arrow. Taking only the boots and freshwater pearls for her treasure.

While searching the ship for items of value Bea found a pair of boots that had magic runes carved along the metal banding around the top. Wondering what the boots did Bea knocked politely on Allisanes cabin door and stepped inside.
"Hello Allisane. . .i have a question about the boots i found, are they magical in origin?"
Handing the boots over i look around her cabin, noting all the items and knick-knacks around the small place.
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Marnia, the (hopefully temporary) Captain!
: Everyone
HP: 68/68 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +12 CMD: 33
Saving Throws: +8 Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 8/8, Stunning Fist: 8/8, Conditions: Corporeal

Marnia sighed as they left Tortuga behind. They would have to return to fight the Dreadmaws anyway eventually. However, decided that from now on there would always be a fishfolk on the lookout for random passersby who wanted to speed-board their ship.

"Enough! We are all crew here! I don't want anyone to speak badly to others!" she scolded the new blood who seemed to like scaring and treating the poor fishfolk badly.

"Allisane, you will only get a warning this time, but next time you will get a spanking too!" she warned them. "Doggie, good work!" she praised the big wolf, ruffling it's head.

During the voyage, Marnia would make sure to massage the fishfolk to help them get over the mental trauma followed by Dreadmaws attack. Poor fishies...

She would also make sure to follow Allisane every time she went in the Captain's Cabin. She had to make sure nothing bad happened to Rovana's body, that was resting there like a beauty frozen in time!

"Good job everyone!" she gathered everyone after the successful attack. "We will reach the Amazon Island in a few days. Bea I haven't forgotten about your spanking yet! You will get it once we are done...along with anyone else who has earned one by that time!"

"The Amazon Island is very strict on rules! You will have to be bare-chested once we disembark if you want to avoid...bad things happening! We will sail around, find a hiding place for our ship, and go to the old grandma for asking her some questions."
she explained.

"As for the loot, we will split it evenly, and you can get whatever you want from that share!... Actually, Allisane you are responsible for splitting the loot! Evenly!"


Active member
May 4, 2018
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Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 54/54 Armor Class: 17 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(14 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts.
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +6
Power Points 82/82

Allisane took the pirating of the weapons merchants rather easy, after all there was no reason to take weaklings seriously, she mostly stayed in the back, watching, once in a while she then looked towards some of the guards, who'd suddenly just collapse, and for some indiscernible reason have died.

Once they were finished and she was approached by Bea she simply looked at the boots for a moment before saying, "yeah hand them over I'll give them a once over" she said, quickly looking them over as she looked at it's magical aura.

Allisane was a bit surprised when she was put in charge of splitting the loot, looking towards their captain, "when you say evenly do you count yourself as two shares, being the captain, do I count the fish folk, what about if it doesn't add up?"

Spellcraft 19, can identify any magic item with a CL of 4 or lower on that roll, retry for day after if it fails is 24 for a CL of 9 or lower, day after that is 34 for identifying any item CL 19 or lower, doubt it has that so i'll stop there.
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Red Dawn, Tag: The crew, Mood: elated

Status: Out of combat, armor on, HP: 60/60, AC 20, CMD 25 (37 against trip and overrun [and maybe drag and bull rush too, depending on GM])

"You're awfully friendly." The spidergirl winked at Ylria. "But I appreciate it. I lost many friends and a few possessions that were dear to me to Dreadmaw's crew."

When looking over the loot, Eopeia shrugged. "I haven't been part of many crews were the loot was divided immediately." She gripped the dagger and looked at Allisane. "Can I take this one? Having a nice blade at my side might prove useful. Aside from that, I want my share in coin. Platinum and gold preferred." She explained. She wasn't sure how high her share would be, given that she was a fresh recruit, but only a few platinum coins could buy her passage to whichever strange lands she wanted to visit next.

When Marnia started explaining the island they were sailing towards, she laughed and started taking off her worn traveler's jacket and skirt and scarf, revealing a thick white silk-bodysuit underneath, covering her human torso and part of her legs. "I usually don't like rules very much, but that one, I like!" She exclaimed, already taking off her silk-suit, letting her firm breasts slide free. "I hope their other rules are as... nice at that one." She smirked, shaking her torso, showing off her rather modest breasts.

Later, Eopeia would follow Ylria below deck to start working on making new metal cartridges. Luckily she still had her own gunsmithing kit and some high-quality tools. Still, it would probably take quite a while to finish a batch, working below deck, where she had to be careful with lightsources. and with powder she wasn't familiar with. She also took the time to scratch the names "Dreadmaw" and "Siley" into each of the bullets with a needle. (Craft: Firearms: 27)
Feb 5, 2020
Reputation score
tumblr_ocosg2qgh11qj7ctbo1_500.jpg Bea Autumn, Location: At Sea, Tag: Crew, Status: Shy, Mood: AROUSED
AC: 20 CMD: 23 Fort: +6 Reflex: +12 Will: +3

During the voyage Bea kept to herself mostly, shying from the fishfolk and from others. . .apart from Voron, her faithful and very loving companion.
She listened diligently to Marnia the Captain and blushed a bright blue. . .feeling more than one thing get erect at the thought of walking around bare chested.

"I can walk around bare chested fine Captain. . .though do expect Voron to start humping things."

Bea had to move quickly and shuffle behind a barrel of fresh water as the spidergirl Eopeia stripped off her chest coverings, letting her pert and bouncy breasts jiggle. Bea was instantly both wet and hard, mewling behind the barrel and keeping her eyes locked on the pair. . .PAIRS of breasts in front of her.
Her eyes wandered across the nipples and neck of Eopeia, letting out a small gasp of breath as her hands had moved to her groin on instinct.

"Oh. . .fff. . .flounder. . .she has nice breasts, I bet they are very soft. . ." Bea shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she blushed again, the colour radiating off her skin. She shifted her foot and kicked the barrel harder than expected and in a panic ducked down behind it.
"I need to get back to my cabin. . .NOW" clearing her throat she shifted to her knees and tucked her hard cock into her belt, covering the tip with the remaining shirt fabric before standing up.
Moving slowly and with careful steps, as each step rubbed on her sensitive areas a little, Bea moved to her cabin.
Looking over at Eopeia again she felt her cock twitch, a small wet spot appearing on her shirt near her waist band.

Bea moved a little faster now, the blue blush covering most of her face and the tips of her ears as she smiled at the Captain and the Spidergirl. Locking her eyes on the cabin door she opened it and moved inside, shutting it behind her and letting out a breath she hadn't known she was holding.

Sinking to her knees Bea let her cock spring free, happily sighing as Voron immediately came over and started licking at it. Whining loudly, and with some effort, Bea pushed him away and got into bed. . .not wanting to deal with how her head was wanting something she couldn't have.
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Tag: All

Allisane quickly shows herself to be the ships lead investigator.. and on day two, realizes that the boots Bea plundered from a nobleman are
Perhaps she should go share the good news right away with Bea? Although there are strange, if happy sounds coming from the shy elves cabin. huh...

The evening of that day, with an annoyed Rawwk from the Spiders nest, you close in upon the Voodoo islands. Red sails set, it does not take long for you to be noticed.. and you see an amazonian huntress approach your landing location on the beach. Marnia, threatening spanks to improve group-discipline calls to set sail the anchor the dark skinned tribal woman hails you from the shore.

"Hoi there, is it you, Captain Rovana?" "Greeting Huntress!"
Chiri, your curious summoner-companion greets back and the both share a strange hand-waving greeting, not distracted by the womans muscular and.. not very obscured physique, also do your eyes decieve you from the distance or...

But another thing catches your attention, a rattling coming from .. the dog house upon the ship?


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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15b0f3fd28d546c092bb9b5b66399437.jpg Lily, the girly doggo!!!; Tag: Everyone; Mood: Curious doggo mode!;
HP: 76/76; Armor Class: 21; Initiative Bonus: +4; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 24; CMB: 11

The previously closed off dog house on the deck begins to rattle. Coming to life as the white-painted door jostles hard against the hinges giving way with a sudden POP so though a latch had given way from the inside. Out popped a ball of skin, hair, and pink fabric. Tumbling toward the crew at high speed. It came to a stop at Marnia's feet, a bushy blond fox tail poking out of the ball. Wagging furiously against the wood deck. Suddenly it sprang up, the shapely blood girl with pointed blond ears, long blond hair, and a nice well-groomed fox tail hugged Marnia dropping the pink pillow to her side, showing that the stuffing had almost been beaten out of it by this point. "Mistress Marnia, Ylria! I'm done napping now!~" She giggled looking around to all the new faces. A human, elf, and spider girl. "Are you new crew? I'm Lily. You're all really cute so I like you" She giggled stepping away from Maria giving the others a nice view of her sizable melons. Those who looked close could see scares running up and down her body, though it seemed like she'd recently been using skincare products making them fade ever so slightly. Down south she was wearing a pair of pink silk panties, covering her obviously aroused slit... aroused by what? who could say?
After her introduction she looked down at the Amazon, seeing that she was talking to Marnia. She was a good doggo right? She padded away from Marnia. Sniffing around the other girls, her eyes shifting over each of them as though running threw a mental checklist.
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Ylria Seaspray Tag: The entire cast, Eopia, Lily Location: The Ship
Saving Throws: Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +3

Ylria gladly worked below decks with Eopia to help the spider girl make a set of carefully crafted ammunition. She asked for help as well to modify some of her bullets with similar callouts for revenge on Dreadmaw and Siley.

The idea of topless nudity didn't seem to bother Ylria. In fact she started going topless immediately after Marnia's announcement to get 'into practice for the masters'.


When they approached the island Ylria stood at the rail watching. She started to frown at the appearance of the rather... impressive... amazon before being distracted as Lily burst out of her doghouse. She laughed and pulled the ball of fur and energy into a tight hug. "Good to see you again Lily, you are a very good doggie. You are just in time for an adventure ashore on the island. I am sure there will be lots of good sniffs for you."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Marnia, the (hopefully temporary) Captain!
: Everyone
HP: 68/68 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +12 CMD: 33
Saving Throws: +8 Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 8/8, Stunning Fist: 8/8, Conditions: Corporeal

"Keep one share for the expenses of the fishfolk and ship supplies, and one share for everyone else!" she replied to Alisane.

"Hmm...they have a rule about not desecrating altars and having sex with priestesses...bad things happen if you do, I think!"
she said, after some thinking to the spider-girl.

Marnia said happily as she saw her! "You were here all along?!" then, without waiting for a reply, she picked up her doggie and rubbed her face on her, kissing her all over the place! "I missed you a lot! This is Lily everyone!" she introduced her! She continued petting the doggie...wait, why did she look more like a foxie now? Nontheless, she would have to investigate that later!

"Hey, Huntress! No, Rovana is temporarily out of order...we came to speak to old grandma about how to bring her back to life! Also...the Dreadmaws may be after us...we should hurry to avoid bringing you trouble!" she explained!


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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15b0f3fd28d546c092bb9b5b66399437.jpg Lily, the girly doggo!!!; Tag: Marnia and Ylria; Mood: Curious doggo mode!;
HP: 76/76; Armor Class: 21; Initiative Bonus: +4; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 24; CMB: 11

Lilly happily nuzzled her corporal mistress feeling the strange giggly texture of the genies ghostly skin. It was only moments before she was happily lapping at Marnia's cheek, giving her lots of doggie kissy love, mixed in with a few normal kisses for good measure! "Mmm, hmmm!" She giggled, "I was hiding in my house, doing some thinking. It's pretty hard since mistress Siley made my head all nice and fluffy... But! I'm all straight now, and am ready to sick 'em!" Her tail was wagging enthusiastically as Marnia introduced her to all the new cute crew members.
Once done with Marnia she trotted over to Ylria, giving the kitty a few good sniffs before hugging her playfully. "That sounds like fun! I've already taken off my top, so I'm ready. Hopefully, we don't run into any naughty plants again," She giggled. Finishing her hug she returned to acclimating with the new crew members.
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Feb 5, 2020
Reputation score
Bea Autumn, Location: On ship, near the coast of the Voodoo Islands, Tag: Crew, Status: Excited, Mood: Curious/Brave
AC: 20 CMD: 23 Fort: +6 Reflex: +12 Will: +3

After some time alone in her cabin Bea felt mildly better and that she had some kind of control over her libido. . .despite Voron and his tongue.
Removing her top and draping the cape over her shoulders she looked down at her ample bosom and smiled, feeling braver than she had in a while she also decided to remover her panties and hang them on the edge of the bunk.

"Come on Voron, we have an island to explore!" with that said she took the lead and opened the door to the deck of the ship, smiling warmly at everyone amassed there. Looking over the side at the Amazon, Bea felt a mix of excitement and yearning. . .to explore the strange new land she had come to find.

At the introduction to Lily, Bea gave the fox-dog head-pats and happy ear rubs as she would her own Voron. "Hello, my name is Bea . . .I did wonder what the dog house had in it, but a cutie like you I was not expecting" Bea kept at the ear rubs happily as she listened to Marnia talk with the Amazon


Active member
May 4, 2018
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Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 54/54 Armor Class: 19 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(14 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts. Inertial armor (+7)
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +6
Power Points 75/82

Allisane was somewhat confused about the part with it apparently not being allowed to wear anything on your upper body, it was a slight annoyance to Allisane since it meant she couldn't wear her armor, but she had a way to get around that at least. Unlike a bunch of the others though, she waited with taking her top off until they arrived at the island, and when they did she'd create a powerful armor, created from pure inertia.

She was surprised when she noticed what was between The Amazon's legs, although, it did explain how an all-female tribe was capable of surviving past one generation. At the same time she was surprised about the dog-girl which just suddenly showed up from the doghouse, had she been in there the whole time? She shrugged, the girl did seem cute, so she decided to walk over and pet her.
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Amazons, Tag: All

"If by 'Granny' you mean our 'Tchlaka I shall guide you there.. if you remember to show proper respect." The amazoness insisted.. and guide there she did. You find yourselves lead along, under the shadow of palm-trees and the hotness of exotical, tribal women, one of which catches Bea's eye.. or rather her beasts, as the Amazonian Beastmistress gave a brief grin and nodded over to the Sea-elf accompanied by her wolf.

Apart from that, and some curious eyes from the natives you make your way through the amazonian village with relative ease, arriving at a more modest hut, where the clans elder-shaman-witch lady sat, infront of a smoking pot in which she threw some herbs, causing a brief hissing and bubbling from the brownish broth.

"I see, you return, with other people."
The witch mused, even with her eyes still covered up. "And new requests, I gander? Pirates. Always on the search for something."
She scoffed, pushing a large wooden spoon into her pot, pulling out the still slightly bubbling liquid and blowing on it. "I will anser your questions in repayment of not so old debts of gratitude, for free. but first.. Soup?"
She offered, lifting up her spoon.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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15b0f3fd28d546c092bb9b5b66399437.jpg Lily, the girly doggo!!!; Tag: Marnia and Ylria; Mood: Curious doggo mode!;
HP: 76/76; Armor Class: 21; Initiative Bonus: +4; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 24; CMB: 11

"Hi Bea!" The doggo giggled, closing her eyes as she nuzzled into the good ear scritching she was getting, her bushy blond tail keeping a thunderous beat. She definitely liked Bea, she gave really good head pats, that was very important to Lily after all. Though after a few moments she looked over towards Allisane, the girl quietly coming over to join in the head pat-patting. This girl was cute too, Lilly calmed her tail down enough to wrap it around Allisane's leg as she gave the girl a bit smile. "You're cute too!" So many cute crew members to surround herself with, Lilly started thinking of all the ways she could make them even cuter! Though... maybe that would come later.
As they continued through the Amazon village Lily proudly displayed her jiggling breasts. Even if normally she would be wearing armor she didn't mind being around here to much, it was fun! She giggled and waved to the beast mistress, wondering if she would recognize the doggo she'd trained a while back. She stayed close to Marnia, taking a few moments to sniff some of more feminine amazons, though even then they were not what Lily considered 'cute'. However, she was on her best Doggo behavior trying not to stir up any trouble.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Red Dawn, Tag: The crew, Mood: elated

Status: Out of combat, armor off, HP: 60/60, AC 16, CMD 25 (37 against trip and overrun [and maybe drag and bull rush too, depending on GM])

Eopeia let Allisane pay her the first part of her share, from the coins and gems, in 18 platinum coins, which the spidergirl quickly added to her bad weather fund. The second part would be paid out after whatever gear they didn't want had been sold off. She chuckled as Bea ran away, face red as a lobster, quite pleased with herself. She had always thought of her bust as rather modest, seeing it arousing Bea felt really good. Maybe she should pay the girl a visit some time...

Unfortunately, it didn't come to that yet, both of them "busy" on their own until the day they arrived on the island.

. . .

Eopeia watched from the rigging, her hair kicked up by the breeze, as the island came closer. She carefully climbed down, her thick chitinous legs scrambling over the ropes. It seemed someone was already there to greet them.

Then the dog house opened, and a curious girl crawled out, with features resembling both dog and fox. There was something about her dress that made Eopeia weary. Something familiar. Then, as the "doggo" introduced herself as Lily, she heard it: Siley.
"Mistress Siley? Is she one of them?"

. . .

Eopeia left the ship with the others. She was terribly nervous about it, always had been guarded around new people, but she decided to just give it a try and address the native woman while they were walking.
"Hrm, excuse me? I heard you have a rule, or law about people not being allowed topless. Are there any other, err, rules we should know about? Not all of us have been here before..."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Marnia, the (hopefully temporary) Captain!
: Everyone
HP: 68/68 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +12 CMD: 33
Saving Throws: +8 Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 8/8, Stunning Fist: 8/8, Conditions: Corporeal
If possible, before leaving Marnia would try to take the ship along with her in the amulet...or at the very least warn the fishfolk to stay on the lookout for the dreadmaws!

Of course, Marnia would always respect the old shamaness! She held her in her heart like her own grandmother!

"Hey! I missed you too! I hope you have been doing well...because we sure haven't." she sighed "The Dreadmaws killed Rovana and I wanna bring her back..." she hastily explained, even if the old seer probably knew already. "Soup? I haven't had soup for a long time! Is it chicken soup for the soul?" before floating over to nom some of the soup!