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Pleess... foundle mai buttocks.


Jun 14, 2009
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Ah yes. Past the post office, two hundred yards down, and then left at the light.
Re: Pleess... foundle mai buttocks.

Although I don't recall it off the top of my head, I can instantly recognize by the sheer ridiculousness of it that it is a Monty Python thing.

They're so genius in their randomness that they've perfected it to a point where everyone else who tries to be random funny can't do it correctly while their uniqueness is immediately indistinguishable.

Re: Pleess... foundle mai buttocks.

I was hoping more people would remember this. I thought some of you were Monty Python fans. -_-
Re: Pleess... foundle mai buttocks.

I got a bunch of Youtube vids of Monty Python saved, but I don't remember that quote...
Re: Pleess... foundle mai buttocks.

It's the Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook sketch from the "and now for something completely different" collection. There's a slightly different sketch that's easier to find. I linked Toxic the specific YouTube video with this quote on it, but am too lazy to go looking for it right now. Maybe he'll link it for you all. If he's nice. And you give him cookies.
Re: Pleess... foundle mai buttocks.


Dutch cocoa please.
Re: Pleess... foundle mai buttocks.

There it is. Remember to say 'thank you,' kids.
Re: Pleess... foundle mai buttocks.

I'm a die hard fan of Monty Python, I own all the movie DVDs and have seen most if not all of their Flying Circus sketches at least once.

Then again I'm British so maybe that's less impressive than some of you Americans knowing about / having watched Monty Python
Re: Pleess... foundle mai buttocks.

All my english friends are impressed at how much of a muse fan I am when they're relatively unpopular in the States, despite how fucking awesome they are.
Re: Pleess... foundle mai buttocks.

I like Monty Python, however I haven't really seen much of it. Everything I have seen of it is quite frankly the funniest stuff I've ever watched though. My favorite skit probably being the ministry of silly walks.
Re: Pleess... foundle mai buttocks.

If I remember right, I read about a radio broadcast where Cleese (the one that did the infamous walk) was asked to do one on radio. After several step sounds, Cleese goes 'how's that?' and the reporter replied, 'I dunno, you got the walk part right, but I think you for got the silly!'
Re: Pleess... foundle mai buttocks.

Apparently Cleese, despite being the best at the silly walks by a long shot, hated the sketch and thought it should never have aired.