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Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

The teen moved her feet from under the covers of her bed on to the red carpet of the floor. Still not knowing whether to eat or wash first the teen just sat on her bed looking at the mess from trying to pack last night. "Holy crap she said to herself "I made a massive mess and I'm still not packed.

Summer... Breakfast is ready. said Summer's mother

Summer's mind was made up on the spot. She started to head down to the kitchen when she looked down and saw her large breasts out and exposed. " Oh...giggle said summer lightly rubbing her breasts. Summer then walked back into her room and grabbed a white tee from the ground and pulled it over her head. The shirt was a few sizes too small because it only covered her large breasts but it still showed a large bottom cleavage. She trotted down the stairs with a bounce in her step and bounce in her breasts. When she walked into the kitchen her mother was already eating breakfast of eggs, ham and toast.

Summer sat across from her red haired mother. " So are you packed yet?" asked her mother staring at Summer's lack of coverage.

"No.....but i will be. replied Summer through a mouth full of toast. Summer quickly finished her breafkfast and was about to head up back to her room to shower and then pack when she tripped over her mother's growlithe.

"GRRRROOWlithe...grrr" the orange fire dog growled at Summer.

"Sorry Growlithe"
said Summer whose breasts had popped out from the fall. She then noticed that growlithe had stopped growling and was just staring at her. Summer quickly pulled her shirt back over her large breasts and hurried back up the stairs shutting the door to her room behind her. Summer quickly stripped and walked into the bathroom connected to her room.

Summer turned on the shower and let the warm water run down her body. Soon Summer began to soap up her body starting with her arms and moving down to her breasts, moving to her slim belly, across her butt and following down her slim legs. After rinsing off the soap Summer began to shave her legs making them smooth to the touch. Summer wondered if she should shave her pubic area but decide against it. She then grabbed the shampoo and began to wash her green shoulder length hair. When she finshed she just stood in the shower for a few minutes just enjoying the warmth of the water.

When Summer exited the shower she dried herself off and combed her hair. Summer then walked into her room wondering what she should wear for her journey when she heard a tapping noise on the door to her room.

What does Summer do?
1.ignore the noise and pack/dress
2.open the door

-note feel free to give advice/critique
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta


Critique: Feels a bit sluggish. Having votes on things she's going to do all of anyhow is a bit pointless (Eat, Shower, Pack).

Advice: Decide vaguely what each vote option may involve when you add it and what direction it may take your story. If it's not going to have any impact or the character is going to do it anyhow (either summer or any NPCs), then it probably shouldn't be a vote.

Advice: Have more choices so different and unusual options can occur, and if necessary multiple votes to nudge things along into action faster.
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

3) Summer calls out "Just a minute!", pulls on a nudity-hiding shirt or robe, and THEN opens the door.

I'd have to agree that there's too many "inconsequential" decisions being made right now.
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

erm... not complaining or anything but..

wow we have a lot of CYOAs's going right now... I mean wow...

but anyway I vote 1, she needs to get movin if shes gonna encounter any tentacles--I mean pokemon....
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

I have been stalling cause I am still figuring out how do battles/sex and what starter pokemon to give. but the next up date will be a big and long (thats what she said) probably not Kathy length but pretty long.
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

2, open the door, ignoring the fact that she's completely naked. :D

Starting pokemon: Bulbasaur (tentacle rape,) Growlithe or Arcanine (already seen a growlithe, so it makes sense,) pidgey or pidgeoto (because they're everywhere,) and/or either a drowzy or a geodude (because those are useful at low levels for winning fights.)

Also, how many pokemon is she starting with? I assumed a small team, but if it's just one, go with bulbasaur.
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

-open the door

Summer quickly grabbed a stray towel and wrapped it around herself. She then walked to her door and opened it.

"Grooowlithe?" said growlithe as it trotted in to Summer's room.

"Growlithe get out of here! I am getting dressed and you’re wasting my time sniffing around!" yelled Summer. She then started nudging growlithe towards the door with her door.

"Grrrrrr" responded growlithe as it turned and grabbed Summer's towel and began to tug.

"HEY STOP THAT!" yelled Summer trying to keep her nudity from showing.

The tug of war lasted a minute before Summer lost her grip and with a quick tug the towel was laying on the ground and Summer was completely nude again. With yelp of pleasure growlithe tackled Summer onto the floor. Summer dazed from the fall tried to get up but growlithe was sitting up on top of Summer. Growlithe began to sniff around Summer's body starting at her neck moving downwards. By the time Summer regained her composure Growlithe was already to Summer's breasts and was beginning to lick her nipples.

"Whh..whhat HEY Quit!" said Summer as she began to push growlithe off her. Growlithe responded by snapping at Summer's hands as they pushed against his fur. "STOP BAD GROWLITHE!!"

Growlithe then turned around making sure to pin Summer's arms down with its hind legs. Growlithe then began to lick Summer's pussy profusely and with enthusiasm. Summer gave a moan of pleasure through her grunts to free herself.

"Stt.. sttt oh oh sttop Growlithe please oh oh don't." protested Summer as Growlithe pleasured her. Soon she began to succumb to the pleasure growlithe was giving her. "OH Growlithe don't stop OHOHOHAAAHHHHH." said Summer as she began orgasm. When her breathing began to slow growlithe turned towards Summer and walked up to her face. Summer then noticed that while Growlithe had pleasured her he had become aroused. "No Growlithe I won't." stated Summer

Growlithe would not let up as he began to prod Summer's check with his member. "GRRRRRR....Ggggrrrrr." said Growlithe as it opened its mouth and shot a small bit of embers at Summer.

"OWW..mmmmhmhmhmhm!" yelled Summer as the embers hit her but she was cut off as the Growlithe stuck its erect member into her mouth. Growlithe quickly began pumping its hind regions back and forth. Summer began to choke on Growlithe's member as it began to expand in size she began to gag. When all of a sudden Growlithe removed himself from Summer's mouth. As Summer was about to protest she was hit in the face by a warm fluid. "ACK! What the?" said Summer as she wiped away the large amount of cum covering her eyes. Now that she could see she reached for the towel and wiped away the rest of the smelly spunk. "GREAT now I have to take another shower to get this disgusting stuff off of me." stated Summer as she looked at the alarm clock. "Damn Fire dog made me late!" screeched Summer. Summer quickly got to her feet and rushed over to where the large pile of clothes and her pack lay in the corner of her room.

Summer quickly began grabbing clothes looking for what to where she didn't have enough time to pack clothes just enough to dress and if she ran she might make it before the other trainers got to the lab to choose the Pokémon.

Status: running late and still not dressed. Smells like dog. Hair hardening from cum
mood: pissed
Pack: bed roll,2 piece swim suit and first aid kit

What does Summer Dress into?
A1.short shorts and tank top (colors)
A2.mini skirt (plaid/plain) and V neck (colors)
A3.full dress (colo)
A4.pants,shirt and a hoodie (colors)
A5.jogging pants and a tube top (black)
A6.other with colors

does Summer grab a hat?
-if not don't put
B1. beanie (color)
B2. baseball cap (color)
B3. beret (color)
B4. other

Does Summer put on underwear?
-if not don't put
C1. grabs her boxers but no bra
C2. grabs panties and bra
C3. Other
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

A2.mini skirt (plaid) and V neck (white)

No Hat.

C2. grabs panties and bra
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

A5 and B3 - Camoflage Green and brown, a few shades darker than her hair and eyes. (Her swimsuit should match these)

We already voted on underwear once. But if we've gotta vote again, I vote no underwear.
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

A2.mini skirt (plaid) and V neck (white)

No Hat.

C2. grabs panties and bra
Eh, I'll second this. Boxers would look stupid under a miniskirt.
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

Summer quickly grabbed a bra and panties and threw them on in hurry almost in an instant she struggled her legs through and old plaid mini skirt mostly red with black crisscrosses. Summer then dove back into the large pile of clothes searching for some top pulling out a v neck white shirt and pulleing it on. RIPPP "You got to be kidding me!" said Summer to herself clutching her head which was now through a ripped head hole of the shirt. Unknowing to Summer as she clutch her head in fustration she caused a large part of her green cum soaked hair to stick straight up. "Forget it. Got to hurry." said Summer to herelf as she grabbed her pack slung around one arm and while still try to slip her other arm out she ran down the stairs.

As Summer jumped to the last four steps her mother said "Don't forget your coat.". Summer's mother threw a Black coat at the blur she called a daughter.

Summer grabbed the coat but only barely and burst out the front door. Summer ran along the road from her House which was just outside of town. The Pokelab however was across town and Summer continued running until she got to town. When Summer got to town she began to jog to try and catch her breath. Summer took shortcuts through alleyways and side roads scaring wild pokemon hiding in the trash. As Summer to the last alley way between her and the lab she tripped over a sleeping poochyena. Both of them let out a yelp, Summer of surprise and poochyena fof pain, Summer managed to stay up right but knocked over a trash can in the process.

"GRRRRRR" said poochyena

"Sorry little guy but I am in hurry got to goooo." said Summer running away from the now angry pup. Summer arrived to the single story building out of breath. Summer entered the building to find no one inside. "HELLO?" called out Summer looking for a note or at least a clock. Summer finally found a computer which displayed the time as 11:07 am. "Uuuugh I am a whole thirty minutes late." Summer said as she face palmed herself.

"Yes you are Summer" croaked an old voice coming from the back of the lab. A old man in a lab coat walked out from a door in the back that Summer hadnt noticed carrying a cup. "All the other trainers showed up on time and were dressed like they didn't come from a punk concert." said the professor now stiring the cup of tea. "If you had showed up at the most 10 minutes ago I would still of had a starter pokemon for you. Since I didn't know you would be here today I sent the last starter to another group of new trainers."

"AHHHHHH! Then how am I going to become a pokemon trainer?" questioned a teary eyed Summer.

"Well i still have six pokeballs and your pokedex. You can try can catch your own pokemon but you will have to fight pokemon yourself. Or you can check with nurse joy for any unclaimed pokemon eggs. The last I can think of is asking your mom for help. I know she caught a few in her days and a few other things.....mmmhhh.. OH! so what will you do?" Asked the professor handing over six pokeballs and pokedex. The professor began sipping his cup of tea.

portion of hair sticking up from hardened dog cum
wearing: top:ripped v neck shirt, DD sized bra waist: plaid red/black mini skirt, panties
Hygiene and Hunger: Smells like dog semen and sweat. needs to eat in 4 turns.
mood: gloomed about not getting a pokemon
Pack: bed roll,2 piece green swim suit, black rain coat and first aid kit
items: 6 pokeballs and pokedex (identifies pokemon)
pokemon: NONE!!

What should Summer do?
1.search/catch her own pokemon (will have to fight/seduce the pokemon herself)
1a. search the woods
1b. search the city
1c. go back to the poochyena​
2.Check the pokemon center for eggs (random pokemon)
3. check with mom for help
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

1C to "apologize" properly, but it's probably an owned pokemon.
1B to capture her own first pokemon.
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

I'm gonna go with 2 - maybe she'll get something rare and powerful, and if she doesn't, well, it won't take much time, and she'll be able to go poking around elsewhere quickly enough. Or go home and clean up a little, now that she doesn't have something she needs to do right away.
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

2, Visit the Pokécenter and hope for the best, afterwards, go back home to wash herself off properly, might just aswell.
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

1a or 1b, FIND A RALTS!
Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

-1B- search the city but head towards the poochyena 1c

" I think I will stay and look in the city for some pokemon. I ran into a poochyena while I was rushing here also I scared a few who were rumbling through the trash." said Summer as she walked back to the front of the lab.

" Careful poochyena are fierce in numbers and they don't like being angered." cautioned the professor

"Oh then maybe I should wait for that poochyena to cool down before I approach it. Thanks professor...aaaaaaaa? asked Summer trying to think of the professor's name

"Call me Professor Pine." said Prof. Pine nodding his cup at Summer as a form of goodbye.

" See ya Pine" said Summer waving goodbye as she slipped through the door. Summer looked around the block the lab was on for a good place to start. She began looking in a small community garden Summer thought she saw movement in the large rose bushs planted against the inside fence on the other side of the garden. Summer walked in the garden cautiously making sure to make as little noise as possible. When Summer reached the rustling stopped Summer looked around for something to help in getting the pokemon out of the bush and into the open. Summer picked up a large dirt clod and hucked it at the bush. The clod swayed many of the bushes stems and causing multiple green forms to fall out onto the ground beneath it. "YES!" said Summer with an arm pump and picking up another large dirt clod. Summer began to decide which pokemon to attack.

Summer pulled out her pokedex "Caterpie- the larva pokemon, it releases a stench to repel enemies. Spinarak- the spider pokemon- it sets traps with thin but strong silk."

Summer choose to go after the one spinarak. Summer threw the dirt clod at the Spinarak's large body. "HEY! spider lets go! Yelled Summer balling her hands into fists.

"SPINA! spinrak." replied Spinarak shooting a glob of silk at Summer. The silk missed Summer but stuck to the nearby building. The spider continued to shoot at Summer but continued to not hit her directly.

"What the hell is it doing?" said Summer looking around at the different strands of Silk now stuck to parts of the nearby buildings. Summer soon realized it was making a web around her. "shit said Summer running out of the beginning formation of the trap. As Summer ran out of the garden she felt a hard tug on the back of her shirt causing the rip around the neck to expand revealing a large portion of her bra and cleavage. Summer continued running down the block until she was back at the alley that the poochyena was resting in.

Summer peered in to see the poochyena she ran into rummaging through the spilled over trash can. The pup looked to be very hungry because it was chewing on a very spoilled banana peel. Summer looked at the pup and wondered if she should help or just go to the pokemon center for an egg.

Summer portion of hair sticking up from hardened dog cum, ripped shirt showing large portion of her bra and cleavage
wearing: top:very ripped v neck shirt, DD sized bra waist: plaid red/black mini skirt, panties
Hygiene and Hunger: Smells like dog semen and sweat. needs to eat in 4 turns.
mood: surprised
Pack: bed roll,2 piece green swim suit, black rain coat and first aid kit
items: 6 pokeballs and pokedex (identifies pokemon)
pokemon: NONE!!

what to do?
1.go for poochyena
1A.attack(bad reaction/feeling if caught)
1B.feed with breasts(seduce/good)
1C.try convince to come home with her for food(closer friendship)​
2.go to the pokecenter for an egg (will get random pokemon but will have to wait a bit before adventuring on)
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Re: Pokemon CYOAS by Fanta

1B, Might as well mother this one lovingly. *Rolls eyes* Wether succeeding or not in catching the Poochyena, head to the pokecenter to pick up a Poké Egg, in the case they are free, might just aswell.