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Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Nova grins a slightly bloddy grin seeing his best friend enter the fight.

"Aaah brings me back my brother. Come let our blades welcome them to the abyss."

As the fight ended Nova admires his work. The pain of the several energy wounds brings him to a knee, as his head starts slightly spinning.

"Holy shit gotta say ive never felt that after a battle. getting stabbed is one thing. but energy blasts well that something new."

Turning his head slightly he looks at the once frozen woman.

"So whos the honored guest and how is she doing?"
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Indeed. They do tend to sting just a tad."

There was a short pause as Siphon seemed to collect himself, seeming a bit rattled by the question.

"Well ... as near as I can tell from what the pod systems gave me, she's almost identical to the Ancients as they were before they ascended. Note I say almost, because there is a slight irregularity in her DNA. Shade ... she has Alveran DNA too. Whatever her name is ... she's clearly a lot older than I thought she was. Much older."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Caitlin remaining behind doesn't seem to be an issue. In fact, given that Sho's group was in the hall themselves, watching the area here is probably a good thing.

Of course, the Wraith are the first to arrive, and they're now effectively flanking the Bentari between themselves and the two warriors. And the Bentari are discovering they aren't the only ones with energy weapons.

Thor might have a chance to catch up with Sho as she pulls up short to avoid the flying, dying Bentari. "Throwing shit around is my job!" comes from the hallway, though whether or not it's heard over the din of battle is another story.

With the Wraith warriors in the way, it's a little difficult for Sho to get involved in the battle. Also given the fact that they're in the caves and she can't exactly see into the chamber limits the effectiveness of her doing anything with her winds...save one small thing.

As one of the Bentari readies his weapon, preparing to return fire on the Wraith, he suddenly stops, clutching at his throat and beating on his chest, eyes bugging out wide as little croaks are about the only thing that comes out of his mouth before he collapses. Barely heard over the sound of the fire-fight is a slight little intake of breath, as though one might be sucking something up from a spoon or through a straw. As Sho's attention goes elsewhere, another Bentari starts asphyxiating.

((No, she's not killing them, but feel free to finish them off! ;)))
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Anyone monitoring aerial activity within the planet's atmosphere would detect a cluster of metal objects falling to the ground above the entrance to the caves.
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Caitlin simply waited warily at her spot outside, rifle held across her lap, but ready to be shouldered, when something seemed to draw her attention elsewhere...

Up in space, Caitlin's ship finished charging. All the built-up energy expended itself in a fraction of a second, firing off a shell the size of a large fighter at the Bentari ship it had been tracking. It crossed the intervening space in an instant, hitting the Bentari ship just aft of the bridge, breaking through the shield and shattering through it's armour, punching a hole right through it.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

As the space battle raged on, the Bentari numbers began to quickly diminish, helped by Caitlin's attack. There were only a pair of cruisers left, and a bunch of mini fighters, which now moved in attempts to ram any attacking ship.

Caitlin soon heard the sounds of several dozen more Bentari heading her way, and they were quite close.

Siphon grinned as he heard a few Bentari outside start to choke, and poked his head around the corner with his pistol, popping them in the heads.

"Surprise assholes!"
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Do more of that!" Sho hollers, given that she can't really focus on too many of the Bentari at one time. Thankfully, between Siphon and the Wraith shooting at the enemy, there's less and less of them for her to worry about. At least she thinks, because she doesn't know about the ones coming in.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Caitlin's attention snapped back to her person at the sounds of more Bentari approaching, and she quickly moved to take cover around the next corner. "More coming!" She shouted back towards the group, then hefted her rifle and leaned as best she could around the corner, firing at the Bentari as they round the corner.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Siphon needed no further encouragement from Sho, whipping around the corner and unloading a full barrage into the remaining Bentari.

When that was done, he opened his mouth to speak when they heard Caitlin's shout.

"These bastards just don't give up ..."

The Bentari began to fire back at Caitlin, several shots getting a bit too close for comfort, but none hitting yet. Suddenly there was a number of grunts, and weapons fire from within their ranks, and a voice spoke.

"Surprise asswipes."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Caitlin let out an odd-sounding yelp as the Bentari returned fire, ducking back around the corner for a few seconds. Her flight suit grew upwards until it covered her head, hopefully providing any extra protection needed. "There's a bunch of them!" She called out again, before popping back out and taking a few more shots.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Jesus f'ing H. Christ on a pogostick," Sho mutters under her breath as she hears Caitlin calling that there are even more Bentari. "What the hell? Are we taking on every freaking one of them in the system or what?"

She hurries back toward the gunfire, a couple of the Wraith going with her, keeping back enough to give Caitlin room to retreat should she need to back up once again. Given that it sounded like a lot less were shooting in their direction, Sho did hazard inching her way forward enough to peer around the corner...between shots, if any were incoming.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

What Sho saw was a single wraith amongst the enemy, wreaking absolute havok. It didn't take long for her to realize it was Talok, and he was armed with what looked like a neural impactor.

Needless to say the Bentari weren't very happy, and were even less so that the wraith was faster than they were, weaving in and out of shots ... for now.

By now the blonde haired woman had recovered enough to stand, and forged her way outside, obviously not wishing to be confined here any longer. Vanessa drew her back around the corner, pulling her away form a shot that would have hit her.

Siphon peered around the corner and blasted a Bentari in the back of his head with his pistol, killing it instantly, but there were still about fifteen more left.

And that's when all hell broke loose for the second time, courtesy it seemed of their blonde guest.

She muttered something low, and then the Bentari around the corner screamed in agony. Anyone who dared to look would witness them melt to nothing more than ooze as they literally combusted into flame hotter than hell fire.

When they had collapsed, so too did the blonde again, and this time, she lost consciousness.

Putting his pistol away, Siphon shook his head slowly.

"I thought I was imagining that before but ... my god. She literally ..."

He trailed off, clearly rattled, or completely stunned by this happening again.

Talok simply stood there, mouth agape, while Vanessa did her best to keep the blonde woman from hitting the floor.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Nova smiled at the pure power of the woman. "Damm i wonder if she can teach me that." he mutters. "Is that all of them? Or are more heads goinna fall?"
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Caitlin stared, her helmet slowly melting back into the rest of the suit as she watched the Bentari just... discorporate. "That's her then, isn't it?" She asked, rolling over to the unconscious woman and quickly checking her vitals.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Seeing Talok, some of Sho's worry at the increase in enemies fades. She was about to start incapacitating this bunch when all hell pretty much broke loose and the Bentari started screaming. Seeing what was happening to the closest one, she let out a croak of a noise and backed up, hand covering her nose and mouth and pinching her eyes shut, obviously not wanting to see anyone melting, even a Bentari.

As soon as it was quiet again, she started back toward Siphon, not looking anywhere in the direction of their former enemies. As Caitlin wheels past, she steps aside, allowing her to get through.

"And now that we're not being shot at, what the hells is going on down here and can we please go topside soon? Thank you." Lack of fighting meant she could focus more on the fact that they were in the tunnels, a fact she didn't like all that much.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

At this point the metal capsules hit ground outside the entrance to the caves. A hatch blows open on each, but nothing can be seen emerging.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Nova only got a shrug in reply from Siphon, who was still a bit stunned, and Thor only shook his head at him in a 'doubtful' expression.

Siphon however did nod and reply to both Caitlin and Sho.

"Yes that's her ... I don't believe I caught your name."

Then to Sho he replied, "Topside would be good in just a moment, let's be sure we can safely move her out of this system. As for what's going on well ... As near as I can tell she's ... well she's half Ancient and half Alveran. We revived her and then the first wave of Bentari came at us, she ... literally roasted them like she just did here too. Clearly her physiology is more advanced than I thought it would be."

Caitlin would discover the woman's vital signs appeared to be normal and stable, just simply she'd apparently exhausted herself and fallen asleep.

Siphon keyed some form of communication device.

"Anyone else on the surface? Going once."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

A voice that sounds partially, if not completely synthesized returns over the communicator.

"The 108th Special Forces are at your command. We are holding position outside the tunnel entrance."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"I'm Caitlin." She said simply, still doubled over in her chair to reach the collapsed woman. She brushed some hair our of the unconscious woman's face, then pushed herself back into a seated position. "She didn't seem to hurt herself past the strain of... Whatever it is she did. She should be fine to move." She says easily, then begins disassembling her rifle and setting the components back into place.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"You move her then. I'll go make sure the entrance is clear." Sho's clearly had enough of being in the cave and gods help any Bentari that are out there and in her way. Still, it seems quiet enough, though she does slow down a little making sure there's nothing unfriendly outside within the immediate vicinity.
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