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Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Siphon nodded slowly.

"Well, you wandered into the clean-up of a war that had been going on for a few years. The aliens you encountered today call themselves the Bentari, and were once servants to another powerful race. With the defeat of said race, they've gone pretty much nut job whacko and gone off slaughtering anything, former allies included. Other than that, hopefully the whole battle part of your stay is over. Well, at least for now, don't know how many more Bentari ships may be out there."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Well, that's something of a relief." Caitlin says easily. "What all needs to be done then?"


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Nova nods. "Its kinda that, it was a lot of perserving my life as much as possible, and my sanity." he pauses for a moment before continueing. "You remember i had a demon personality right?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Sho was only half paying attention to the commotion in the medical bay, though given the way Siphon and Caitlin were chatting, things were obviously okay or she doubted they'd seem so relaxed. At Shade's question, she nods. "I recall." Her brow pinches and she rubs the bridge of her nose, then shakes her head. "Your name I remember. It's I don't, given that no matter what, you've always been Shade." She smiles just a little.


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

He returns the smile showing no signs at all of his long journy through hell scarring him. "Well it me and only me now. the demon was prettymuch destroyed so no more psycho moments. Tho my name is now Nova accoring to the terrified demons that know of me. and i have learned a couple things in my adventure." He gives her a pat on the shoulder not really sure how to progress next. "So how was your life without me?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"That's going to be a bit of a switch, so I hope you'll forgive me if I slip into old habits." She gave him a little bit of a grin. The next question, she wasn't exactly sure how to answer. It was horribly loaded and yet he treated it with mild casualness. Other old habits seemed to die hard, too, as she reached up, covering his hand with her own and giving it a squeeze.

"Well, outside of nearly becoming a host for a gou'ald, which has been the highlight," a roll of her eyes, "it's been...busy. When the opportunity came, I opted to give Siphon a hand with this flying bucket of bolts. Didn't exactly have too much tying me to home at that point. We've been, y'know, fighting the good fight as we can, though it hasn't exactly been utter wins for us. Um, we, um," she glances toward the medical bay for a moment.

Siphon? Could really kind of use you out here, if you're not, y'know, trying to keep your guest alive. Otherwise, I'll manage.

The notion of telling the former boyfriend about the new boyfriend wasn't exactly high on the 'things I wanted to do today' list, but the subject had come up and Sh--Nova was going to have to find out sooner or later. Better now, perhaps, while they were still in with all the gadgets and gizmos that kept you in one piece.

((Haven't got Siphon's brain nearby to pick, so I'm being general. And I'll be the games dose of drama. You're welcome all!))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

((Haha, knew this was coming eventually.))

Siphon had indeed finished everything when he heard Sho calling out to him.

"Well, as soon as she wakes up we'll need to start checking in with the locals of this planet, see exactly how much damage was done. Then it's back off to Alverus to find out what has the high council agitated, they've been more agitated about something besides the Bentari, and I'm not quite sure what it is. Hey, I have something that needs to be done before she wakes up, think you'll be alright here by yourself for a few?"

Assuming she say's yes, he heads out and meets up with Sho. If she's not ok alone, he has Talok join her then heads out to meet up with Sho.

After a few moments, Siphon showed up near by.

"So how's the reunion going? Hope I'm not interrupting anything?"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Been keeping myself busy for years Dear, another few minutes isn't going to hurt." Caitlin says with a chuckle, waving him off before returning to her datapad.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Sho drew away from Nova as Siphon came into view. How in the world was she going to explain this? Not that any of them were at fault, really, when you thought about it. Shade had...disappeared and it wasn't like it happened right away. Hell, Siphon had still been...right, she didn't exactly want to go there, not when she might project what she was thinking about, or rather, who. Maybe the best way was to just be straightforward about it.

Walking up to him, she smiled and slid her arm around his waist. "We're just filling each other in on what's been going on. Well, the short short version anyway." She chuckled. "How's our new arrival?" Behind his back, he could feel her hand rubbing between his shoulders, a slight bit of tension in her touch. She waited for that to be out of the way before she said anything else.


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Nono of course not Brother." he replied with a very rare grin. "Just telling Sho how i conquered the demon realm and plan to enslave all the mortal realm, want a seat of power?"

Unable to hold a straight face he laughs at his own stupidity.

"Im just glad to beable to breathe the cleaner air than the shit in hell."

Years of observing the deceptive movenments of all demonic creatures, the straight forward actions of his two best friends and the scenarios that he has thought through in his spare time, a connection was immediate.

"So how is the relationship?" he asks trying to ease the tension while seeming to be as happy as possible.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Siphon smiled ever so slightly at Sho.

"She's doing well, and quite well actually bro. I take it you knew from our conversation before and it doesn't bother you?"

He chuckles though at the seat of power comment.

"I think I'll pass on that, hell doesn't fit my style, and besides, I think I got kicked out of it after that one trip there some years back, something tells me they wouldn't want to see me again. Ever."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Sho snorts a little bit, pretending to look put off. "Oh sure. Offer him something like that and not me. I see how it is." She grins along with them, though.

As Siphon mentions the blonde is doing well, she rubs his back again, fingertips fluttering there a little, though they settle as the conversation turns back to their relationship. She did her best to try and get a read on Nova. Sure, he was smiling, but that didn't necessarily mean someone liked what they were hearing. Of course, Siphon had outright asked, so it was mostly in Nova's court now. Still...

"Quite well's a good way to put it. He takes good care of me and I keep him mostly sane." Siphon feels a bit of a squeeze from the arm around his waist.


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

The most he can do is shrug. As much as he could mentally run though all the possible scenarios the accual conversation was always harder.

"Hey at least i still get to hang around you guys, thats what matters most to me. Besides in the case i dissapear again i don't wanna break anything that you two developed."

He was nervous and his response could easily protray that, Seeing the love of his life and the one thing that kept him going, then haveing to sever that connection was one difficult trial. But seeing the life he could have had through his best friend and knowing that he would be with them every step through their lifespans was another trial alltogether.

"Hey Siphon, is there any place that i could go meditate? i really need to clear my head. You know realising that im alive again, and finally being able to relax without worrying about assassins and all that."

He needed to get out of the room before his self restraint gave away and he fell to one of his two extremes.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Siphon nodded his head.

"Of course. There's a pair of quarters a deck down, right below here. If you get lost, just go to one of the corridor intersections and have the computer map it out for you. It's good to have you back man, I was starting to think I might have to bring the whole ship to someone's doorstep and open fire to get answers."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

And there it was. Was it really that simple? She highly doubted it, but pressing the issue so soon after things came to light was never a good thing. Much as she wanted to talk this over with him, if it was one thing she learned from these two, it was that there was a time to pursue a situation and a time to give them their space. At the moment, reading Nova's body language, it was the latter. There'd be a better time for it later on, maybe after some of the post-battle chaos had died down.

She almost offered to show him, just out of habit, but managed to catch her tongue in time. Chiding herself mentally, she held in the shake of her head.

You need me for anything, Siphon? I may scoot out of the way otherwise. Leave you to your guest.
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Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Nova smiled at the couple and bowed politely. "Adieu" Turning on his heel he exited the room and made his way down to the rooms.

Entering one room he walked to the center, breathing deeply he calmed himself. Continueing his breathing exersise he removed his shirt and sat down crosslegged hes hands in the air and his elbows just above his knees. In the palms on his hands a ball of fire appeared in his right hand and ice in his left. He then focused it into different shapes and colors causeing him to clear his mind and focus only on the task at hand.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

I think at this point there's nothing any of us can really do except wait. We need to wait for our guest to wake up, so nothing there. Talok reported he's not getting any reply from the planet surface at all as to if they need anything, so not sure what's going on there yet. Right now I'd say you have some down time, maybe go take a nap or something? It has been a long day, and sometimes I forget that you need sleep too.

Once Nova was gone, he gave her a quick embrace.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Caitlin had spent the time she had both checking on the unconscious woman and taking a self-guided tour of the medbay, stopping at virtually every device and examining them closely, even going so far as to lift herself up to stick her head in some of the larger ones. Every so often, she'd pull out her datapad and write something down after inspecting something.

Having satisfied her curiosity, she rolls back to beside the woman's cot and remained there, checking her vitals one more time before putting her head back and closing her eyes. After a moment, both her eyes and fingers started to twitch restlessly, as if she was asleep and having a dream.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Letting out a sigh, she let herself settle into Siphon's hold. "Not tired yet, but some relaxation would be good. You see to the guests and call if you need me, all right?"

Drawing away from him, she turned to go, her destination the bridge rather than the crew quarters. The bridge, or more specifically, the view from it, always helped her to think. And to relax. It was a time she could let her mind wander, stretching for a horizon that didn't really exist out among the stars. Or observing any planets below, studying the contours that played over the surface of the earth. This was her meditation. It helped her feel not so confined within the ship and affirmed why she'd chosen to come along in the first place.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Alright, I'll see you soon."

Siphon turned around and headed back into the medical bay, stopping when he spotted both women asleep. Deciding to simply sit down and wait for one or both to wake up, he took a seat across the room from them, and quietly began to meditate himself.

((Red for Vanessa, Blue for Talok.))

When Sho got to the bridge, she found it was occupied by Vanessa, who was speaking to Talok on a secure channel, and she'd catch part of the conversation.

"So wait, after we left someone came through the gate?"

"Yes. According to the one person who would speak with me briefly, the man claims to be a messenger from some gods called the Ori. Has begun reading from some book called the Book of Origin, doesn't ring a bell to me, does it for you?"

"Can't say it does. Ah, Talok, monitor that will you, got another incoming transmission, looks like it's of the long distance variety, Alverus it seems."

Talok simply nodded, and his image winked out.

"Oh, hi there Sho. Sorry if I'm in your way? Gah, one second."

She hit a button, and a woman that even Sho would recognize as Siphon's friend and old mentor Julia came up on the screen.

"Greetings Vanessa, Sho. I hope everything is well for each of you. Sho, where is Siphon?"