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Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Don't overthink it Ichiro. If it is peace you want,
strive for peace in a basic sense.
Agatha said softly, telling him to let go of his personal baggage if he was pursuing a goal. Any goal.

We'll manage, somehow.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Yeah... I know hon. Just... I've never had anyone else's life riding on my shoulders before. Now it seems I have an entire country's worth of people relying one me, even if they might not know it," Ichiro sighed softly, before looking up at her and smirking. "You're right though, we'll manage. Now... let's get some sleep, because tomorrow... we have a lot of shit to do... and not a lot of time to do it in," he said after a few moments, leaning over to kiss her, before he finished devouring anything left on his plate, and waiting for Agatha to do the same, where he'd scoop her up and carry her to their bed and hope nothing bothered them through the night, so they could sleep, because he was fucking exhausted.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

With both of them going to bed, they were woken up at the first rays of morning as a tiny screeching came from the bathroom. It was getting louder, before Vila came rushing in, actually riding on a tiny blue and silver dragon, it's belly and spine a bright shining silver, it's wings and eyes, and even it's little tongue blue.

It was flying on long slender wings and getting into things while Vila was helping it get into trouble. Agatha grumbled and rolled back over before she realized what was going on and shot up. What the fuck!
You weren't kidding?!
The tiny moon drake turning and tilting it's head at her, before screeching in it's little voice and scrambling up the sheets onto the bed, Vila just looking Smug as fuck.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

As Ichiro woke, from the cute screeching sound, he opened his eyes and looked around towards the bathroom and saw Vila riding in on a tiny little dragon. Ichiro had already learned not to ask questions with the strange things that happened around him, and just watched Vila and the dragon getting into things. "Well that's new," Ichiro chuckled softly, as Agatha shot up and spoke.

Ichiro reached down as Vila and the little moon dragon crawled up the bed sheets, and offered a hand down to it, and Vila, pulling them further up and setting them on his chest. "Hey there little guy or girl... not entirely sure which. So Vila, I didn't expect the egg to hatch so soon. And is this going to be your steed from now on, hmm?" Ichiro said, looking at Vila and smirking as he pulled them up further and set them on his head as he got up to go to the bathroom and freshen up before he and Agatha prepared to leave for the okami army's position so he could try and talk sense into them.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

The little drake was simply too young to be afraid of anything, or it trusted them for a reason they didn't know. Wriggling around as ichiro offered his hand, it squirmed up onto his palm before coiling around his wrist, Vila tossed accidently off his back giggling.

Squirming around as they were set on his chest, the drake nuzzled into him a little, before nomming at Agatha's hair as she leaned in, chirping rather then screeching while Vila just smiled.
Totally wasn't kidding. I give you, an extinct species of dragon. here. In Garellia. Times they are a changing. Granted, she wont ever really get much bigger then she is now. Vila said, Agatha nodding and running a finger down the drakes back, the thing arching into the touch before flailing it's wings at her, bapping a little before it was scooped up and put on Ichiro's head.

Wriggling into his hair, it got comfy and curled up in there, it's little head poking out to look around, with Vila perched on top of it again.No, she's my friend! not a steed. If anything she's like a good luck charm with a laser? They're hard to explain. she said, thinking on things while Agatha and Ichiro got ready, mostly because they both had to try and talk some sense and peace into the okami people before the Undead won the war over everyone. The other paladins seemed to be perpetually out and about now trying to help the people, which was their duty, since the undead had basically been unchained in their bid to kill Myfiza and stop the Amaranthine.

One problem sorted, 3 more had popped up.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro couldn't help but grin at the little moon drake as it coiled around his arm, especially when it nuzzled against him. "Well hey there you cute little thing. I'll bet you're hungry, and so am I. So why don't I go and round us up a bit of bacon or ham to munch on for breakfast," Ichiro said, before placing the little dragonling on his head, where he smirked as it did much like Vila did, and curled up in his scruffy head of hair. "And no bigger than this? Huh, I'll still bet that this little dragon can pack a punch of magical power though," Ichiro added, as Vila followed the dragonling up on his head.

"Ah, I'm sorry Vila, I meant no offense. Anyway, will you two be joining us? I don't want to put you both into danger when you don't have to be. Then again... staying here might be even more dangerous, now that I think of it," Ichiro said, sighing softly as everything going on was troubling his mind quite a bit, and he was wracking his brain to figure out a means of convincing his, and now he guessed Agatha's people, to see reason, and the greater threat here.

After he freshened up in the bathroom, and splashed some water in his face, he headed to the kitchens and rounded up some bacon or ham, whichever was easier to get, and toasted up some bread quickly and buttered it, and readied three plates, one for himself, one for Agatha while she freshened up herself, and a third for Vila and the little drake to share.

After they finished eating, Ichiro would look over to Agatha and Vila both. "Say, what's the fastest and safest route to where the okami army is stationed at right now? Do either of you know by chance?" Ichiro asked the two, looking between them both.