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Spiritual Entity Exam (Signup Thread)

In order to generate your character, please fill out the Spiritual Entity Exam (SEE). The SEE will assess your answers and match you up with similar souls to form a complete celestial being. As compatibility is important, please answer honestly; there are no right and wrong answers as long as you do so.

Upon taking the SEE, you will be assigned a case number and shown to a waiting room. There, we will finalise the process and welcome you to your new celestial life.

Please complete the following exam. The time limit is 60 minutes.

Character Name:

1.Which of the following do you see as most important?
a) Truth
b) Justice

2.Which of the following do you see is the biggest threat?
a) Your ancient enemy
b) The enemy within
c)Traitors in your ranks
d) The unknown

3.Mortals are...
a) the life-force of the world, for good or for evil.
b) something to be protected.
c)strange creatures full of impure ideas
d)tools one can use to achieve their goals.

4.Your boss orders you to do something that goes against your moral code. You...

a) do as instructed, but let them know firmly you don't agree with it
b) go over their head and inform their superior of the situation and your problem with it.
c) keep your mouth shut and follow orders, after all, they're the boss for a reason
d)stand your ground and outright refuse to do it.

5.A comrade of yours has confided in you that they're in a bit of a tough situation and need your help, you...

a) Agree to help them, but make it clear in no uncertain terms that they owe you for it
b) Find out details, and wait and see if it's beneficial for you to assist before doing so
c) Find out details, but betray them for personal gain.
d) Tell them they made their own mess and they'll have to sort it out themselves, you want no part of it.

6.Which of the following is the virtue that resonates most strongly with you?
a) Prudence
b) Justice
e) faith
f) hope
g) charity

7.Which of the following is your greatest vice?

a) Avarice
b) Envy
e) Pride
f) Sloth
g) Wrath

8.Would you rather a mission that is stable and longterm, or something more short term and risky, if both offered comparative benefits? 

a) The longterm, it'll give me a chance to get used to my surroundings and really excel
b) The longterm, the security if offers is important to me.
c)The shortterm, I'd hate to get tied up in a task I didn't enjoy for an extended period.
d)The shortterm, I'd probably get bored if I had to stay anywhere for too long and my work would suffer.

9.How trustworthy are you, really?

a) My word is my bond. If I've given it, I'll uphold what I said.
b) I'd  never betray those close to me
c) A deal is a deal, although a loophole is a loophole.
d) Heh, suckers.

10.What would you say your biggest flaw is?

a) Impatience
b) Aloofness
c) Overzealousness
d) I don't have any flaws~
Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

Where the only rule is leave your troubles at the door. All spiritual beings welcome.
Re: Spiritual Entity Exam (Signup Thread)

Character Name:Anilisea

1.Which of the following do you see as most important?

2.Which of the following do you see is the biggest threat?
b) The enemy within

3.Mortals are...
d)tools one can use to achieve their goals.

4.Your boss orders you to do something that goes against your moral code. You...
b) go over their head and inform their superior of the situation and your problem with it.

5.A comrade of yours has confided in you that they're in a bit of a tough situation and need your help, you...
c) Find out details, but betray them for personal gain.
d) Tell them they made their own mess and they'll have to sort it out themselves, you want no part of it.
(depending on my mood)

6.Which of the following is the virtue that resonates most strongly with you?
a) Prudence

7.Which of the following is your greatest vice?
g) Wrath
both are equal

8.Would you rather a mission that is stable and longterm, or something more short term and risky, if both offered comparative benefits?

c)The shortterm, I'd hate to get tied up in a task I didn't enjoy for an extended period.

9.How trustworthy are you, really?
c) A deal is a deal, although a loophole is a loophole.

10.What would you say your biggest flaw is?

a) Impatience
Celetial User's Guide (How mechanics work)

Dice Mechanics

The general gist of it is when a roll is made, you'll have a number based on how good your character is at something, possibly modified by the situation providing conditions that aid or hinder. I roll 2d6 (2 six sided dice) and if the number I roll is equal to or less than your number, you succeed. If it is higher, you fail.

I then roll a third dice to determine how well/dramatically etc. you succeed or fail, with the higher the number resulting in a more beneficial or detrimental outcome.

A player may also request to increase or decrease the risk of a roll, for greater benefits. Although subject to approval, a player can request to modify the risk, adding or subtracting to the difficulty of the roll to apply the same result to the third dice. For example, a player can pull a risky manoeuvre, adding to the difficulty of it, but it also automatically increases how dramatic the result is by 1 step, for better or worse. Likewise, they may be able to lessen the risk and make it easier, but the result will be less favourable if it succeeds, although less detrimental if it doesn't. All of this is pending approval, make the request in your post and the GM will let you know whether or not he accepted it when he posts the reply, or decides that the action doesn't warrant altering the risk of the roll.

There are also two exceptions to the above. One is if a triple 1 is rolled; this represents the holy trinity and calls for divine intervention. However subtle it may be, events will shift to favour the angelic. The other is if a triple 6 is rolled. This represents the number of the beasts, and Lucifer himself will take a hand in events somehow, undoubtedly aiding the forces of darkness.


Essence is power. Power is essence. Most spells and some magical items require essence to use, and one can spend essence to affect die rolls favourably as well, each point spent both lowering the difficulty by one. Angels regain a point of essence each day at dawn, demons regain it each night at sunset. Angels and Demons both may also gain extra ways to regain essence which is covered by their "rites".


Rites are used to regain essence by performing an action that displays a connection with your superior. You may also be awarded rites by other demon princes, although accepting a rite from someone your superior doesn't like is not recommended. These allow you to perform a certain action in order to regain essence rather than waiting until the next time you naturally regain it.
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Anilisea's Thread

Character Sheet
Name: Anilisea
Band: Lilim
Prince: Asmodeus
Word: The Game

Essense: 9

Corporeal Forces: 2

Str: 4
Agi: 4

Vessel: level 2
Role: Level 4 (Journalist)
Status: level 3 (successful)
Body: 16

Vessel: level 3
Role: Level 4 (Undercover Cop)
Status: 3 (successful)
Body: 20

Ethereal Forces: 3

Int: 7
Pre: 5

Mind: 21

Celestial Forces: 4

Will: 8
Perc: 8

Soul: 32

EXP: 0

-At sunset, gain 2 essence (instead of 1)
-Eliminate a renegade demon (3)


Computer Use /1 (Int)
Detect Lies /1 (Per)
Fast Talk /1 (Will)
Ranged Weapon - Pistol /2 (Prec)
Tracking /1 (Per)


Celestial Song of Attraction /1



Attunements and Distinctions:

Lilim of the Game - Can make perception roles to recognise Lilim and their dissonance

Dissonance Binding – Costs 3 essence. Restricts a demon/angel's movement, based on the amount of dissonance they have and prevents them from spending essence. Effect lasts for 9 hours.

Humanity – Costs 1 essence. For 24 hours, a demon becomes human. They require food as a human and cannot use songs, regain essense or assume their celestial form, although they can still use attunements.

Dissonance & Discord

Dissonance: 0
Angry /2

Summoning Asmodeus

Base Chance: 1
Regardless of summoning, Asmodeus will personally check in one his servants roughly once a month, to assess their progress. Any dissonance they've gained will immediately be noticed and questioned.

Invocation Modifiers

+1 Remonstrate with a child
+2 Attend an important legal suit
+3 Use exhaustive evidence to bog down a trial
+4 Bring an innocent to trial and see him convicted
+5 Defend a criminal, and "prove" him innocent
+6 Clear the name of a nazi war criminal

Ah, yes, Ms. Anilisea. I've got the results of your SEE back and would be happy to finalise things with you," came a voice from nowhere and yet everywhere inside the empty white room she had been waiting in.

"Your options are as follows..."

Strongest Match

Lilim - A daughter of Lilith. Typically sultry and seductive, their have a natural gift for feeling what someone wants and promising them it for a favour at a later date; which their magics will attempt to force them to make good on. However, they must be careful as if someone manages to decline their request for a return favour, it weakens their very being until they can extract their owed debt.

They work well with humans and other demons alike, they're very friendly and excel at getting along with almost everyone. However, the one thing they value most is freedom, so they despise anything that would strip themselves or others of freedoms. Due to this, they only trade in equal favours as well; although to the people involved it may not seem particularly equal.

Other Matches

Mercurian - Angelic friend of man, they have an affinity for mortals matched by none, are excellent at adapting to the mortal world and have a natural gift for sensing relationships and politics between groups of mortals. At their best, they can read a mortals entire being in complete detail at a glance.

Being so close to mortals, other angels may not fully understand the Mercurians, but most accept them for what they are and their role as guiding shepards of humanity. However, violence is the antithesis of the Mercurian's sense of being; for them to indulge in any violence personally against any but a demon will stain their soul. That's not to say they cannot advocate violence, even the best Mercurians know when to step back and let the warrior angels take care of things.

Impudite - "The Takers". Some of the nicest people people a mortal will ever meet are Impudites. Everyone thinks they're swell folks and for their part they truly, devoutly love the throng of humanity; and they're so damn charming that they'll not only steal the warmth of man's heart, but the energies of their soul as well. They have a natural gift for both charming their way into the hearts of mortals, and robbing them of essence.

Their ability to steal essence even extends as far as other spiritual creatures, although due to the strength of creatures such as demons and angels the difficulty to do so is much greater. However, their love for mortals is so great that they cannot bear to see them destroyed. Personally killing one, through either action or inaction, will eat away at their soul.

Choose Wisely...
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Re: Anilisea's Thread

and a lillim is born ^.^
Re: Spiritual Entity Exam (Signup Thread)

Please complete the following exam. The time limit is 60 minutes.

Character Name: Baphoriel
Gender: Male

1.Which of the following do you see as most important?
a) Truth
b) Justice


2.Which of the following do you see is the biggest threat?
a) Your ancient enemy
b) The enemy within
c)Traitors in your ranks
d) The unknown


3.Mortals are...
a) the life-force of the world, for good or for evil.
b) something to be protected.
c)strange creatures full of impure ideas
d)tools one can use to achieve their goals.


4.Your boss orders you to do something that goes against your moral code. You...

a) do as instructed, but let them know firmly you don't agree with it
b) go over their head and inform their superior of the situation and your problem with it.
c) keep your mouth shut and follow orders, after all, they're the boss for a reason
d)stand your ground and outright refuse to do it.


5.A comrade of yours has confided in you that they're in a bit of a tough situation and need your help, you...

a) Agree to help them, but make it clear in no uncertain terms that they owe you for it
b) Find out details, and wait and see if it's beneficial for you to assist before doing so
c) Find out details, but betray them for personal gain.
d) Tell them they made their own mess and they'll have to sort it out themselves, you want no part of it.


6.Which of the following is the virtue that resonates most strongly with you?
a) Prudence
b) Justice
e) faith
f) hope
g) charity


7.Which of the following is your greatest vice?

a) Avarice
b) Envy
e) Pride
f) Sloth
g) Wrath


8.Would you rather a mission that is stable and longterm, or something more short term and risky, if both offered comparative benefits?

a) The longterm, it'll give me a chance to get used to my surroundings and really excel
b) The longterm, the security if offers is important to me.
c)The shortterm, I'd hate to get tied up in a task I didn't enjoy for an extended period.
d)The shortterm, I'd probably get bored if I had to stay anywhere for too long and my work would suffer.


9.How trustworthy are you, really?

a) My word is my bond. If I've given it, I'll uphold what I said.
b) I'd never betray those close to me
c) A deal is a deal, although a loophole is a loophole.
d) Heh, suckers.


10.What would you say your biggest flaw is?

a) Impatience
b) Aloofness
c) Overzealousness
d) I don't have any flaws~

Baphoriel's Thread

Character Sheet
Name: Baphoriel
Band: Impudite
Prince: Kronos
Word: Fate

Essense: 9

Corporeal Forces: 2

Str: 4
Agi: 4

Vessel: level 2, cha +1
Role: Level 2 (Photography Student)
Status: Level 2 (Average)
Body: 16

Ethereal Forces: 3

Int: 6
Pre: 6

Mind: 18

Celestial Forces: 4

Will: 9
Perc: 7

Soul: 36

Character Points: 36


-Spend 6 hours observing the passage of time
-Prevent someone from achieving their destiny
-Help someone meet their fate.


Artistry - Photography /2 (Perception)
Computer Operation /1 (Intelligence)
Detect Lies /1 (Perception)
Dodge /2 (Agility),
Fast-Talk /2 (Will)
Seduction /3 (Will)

Celestial Song of Form /5


Attunements and Distinctions:

Impudite of Fate - with a touch and Perception roll, may know a person's past from their own perspective.

Fated Future - At a glance, with 1 Essence, may know if a person possesses a great destiny or dark fate. 2 more essence will grant exact knowledge of both.

Dissonance & Discord

Dissonance: 0

Summoning Kronos

Base Chance: 1

Invocation modifiers

+1 A quartz watch
+2 A wind-up clock
+3 A hand written autobiography
+4 A century-old grandfather clock in working order
+5 An incredibly large clock (Big Ben, etc.)
+6 An atomic clock of unprecedented accuracy

"Ah... good... Master Baphoriel. We have the results of your exam here," the mysterious voice said.

Strongest Matches

Mercurian - Angelic friend of man, they have an affinity for mortals matched by none, are excellent at adapting to the mortal world and have a natural gift for sensing relationships and politics between groups of mortals. At their best, they can read a mortals entire being in complete detail at a glance.

Being so close to mortals, other angels may not fully understand the Mercurians, but most accept them for what they are and their role as guiding shepards of humanity. However, violence is the antithesis of the Mercurian's sense of being; for them to indulge in any violence personally against any but a demon will stain their soul. That's not to say they cannot advocate violence, even the best Mercurians know when to step back and let the warrior angels take care of things.

Impudite - "The Takers". Some of the nicest people people a mortal will ever meet are Impudites. Everyone thinks they're swell folks and for their part they truly, devoutly love the throng of humanity; and they're so damn charming that they'll not only steal the warmth of man's heart, but the energies of their soul as well. They have a natural gift for both charming their way into the hearts of mortals, and robbing them of essence.

Their ability to steal essence even extends as far as other spiritual creatures, although due to the strength of creatures such as demons and angels the difficulty to do so is much greater. However, their love for mortals is so great that they cannot bear to see them destroyed. Personally killing one, through either action or inaction, will eat away at their soul.

Other Matches

Elohim - Beings of impartiality, these angels seek to look upon the word with objective eyes. They see the value of all things in moderation and strive to not let any personal feelings they have affect their judgement. Their gift as that of emotions; they can sense what someone is feeling inside, and through that make accurate predictions on how they will act.

That said, they never stoop to taking sides, beyond that which they are instructed to by their superiors. They try not to take a personal viewpoint to the point where letting their own feelings or selfish desires influence their work stains their very soul.

Habbalah - Truly messed up individuals, Habbalah don't consider themselves demons, even faced with the evidence. As far as they're concerned, they're doing the work of God, and that work is to punish mortals. Fallen Elohim consumed by their emotions and twisted, they retain the ability to sense emotions. They retain their calm demeanour, but rather than denying their emotions they let any little feeling guide their actions. They also have the gift of knowing which emotion would cause a given person the most pain, and the power to unleash it upon them.

Unfortunately, their emotional attack, devastating as it can be, doesn't always work. When someone resists this effect, it rebounds back to the creator, who is either consumed by it, forcing it to affect them, or is forced to consume the emotion, allowing them to ignore it although eating away at their soul in the process.

Choose Wisely
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Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Baphoriel is an Impudite.

Humanity was his business before the Fall, and it his business after it as well.
Re: Anilisea's Thread

"Ah, I see, so you are indeed a daughter of Lilith..." the voice said.

There was a pause as it seemed to think things over. "Now, it is simply a matter of deciding whom you are best suited to serve..."

"Three names come to mind... as a Lilim, you are of course, able to directly serve Lilith... somewhat. You're not so much a formal servant of hers, as she keeps none, as someone who owes her a great deal by being brought into existence by her. You're free to go where you please and do what you please, but if you get in trouble she likely won't get involved; at least not for free.

Andrealphus has also expressed interest in you. The demonic prince of lust simply adores Lilim and can enhance their powers so that they can automatically detect the needs of a potential victim by physical contact, no rolling required. That said, he stands by that mortals are strictly tools and puppets, it is forbidden to feel sympathy for them and feeling or showing concern for them will eat away at his servants' souls.

Lastly, and perhaps surprisingly, Asmodeus has shown interest in you. Perhaps seeing something in the parts of your soul that don't line up perfectly with the friendly nature of a Lilim, he has offered you a place. This powerful demon prince runs the hellish inquisition, to ensure all demons are working for the good of the established powers. Your job will likely be to uncover any plots against said powers, as well as hunt down rogue demons, and he'll also grant you the power to recognise a fellow Lilim at a glance, and see what state their soul is in. Lastly, he promises to arrange a mortal identity for you so you can casually insert yourself into the world.
Re: Spiritual Entity Exam (Signup Thread)


Please complete the following exam. The time limit is 60 minutes.

Character Name: Marim
Gender: Female

1.Which of the following do you see as most important?
a) Truth
b) Justice
c) Happiness
d) Knowledge

2.Which of the following do you see is the biggest threat?
a) Your ancient enemy
b) The enemy within
c) Traitors in your ranks
d) The unknown

3.Mortals are...
a) the life-force of the world, for good or for evil.
b) something to be protected.
c) strange creatures full of impure ideas
d) tools one can use to achieve their goals.

4.Your boss orders you to do something that goes against your moral code. You...

a) do as instructed, but let them know firmly you don't agree with it
b) go over their head and inform their superior of the situation and your problem with it.
c) keep your mouth shut and follow orders, after all, they're the boss for a reason
d) stand your ground and outright refuse to do it.

5.A comrade of yours has confided in you that they're in a bit of a tough situation and need your help, you...

a) Agree to help them, but make it clear in no uncertain terms that they owe you for it
b) Find out details, and wait and see if it's beneficial for you to assist before doing so
c) Find out details, but betray them for personal gain.
d) Tell them they made their own mess and they'll have to sort it out themselves, you want no part of it.

6.Which of the following is the virtue that resonates most strongly with you?
a) Prudence
b) Justice
c) Temperance
d) Fortitude
e) Faith
f) Hope
g) Charity

7.Which of the following is your greatest vice?

a) Avarice
b) Envy
c) Gluttony
d) Lust
e) Pride
f) Sloth
g) Wrath

8.Would you rather a mission that is stable and longterm, or something more short term and risky, if both offered comparative benefits?

a) The longterm, it'll give me a chance to get used to my surroundings and really excel
b) The longterm, the security if offers is important to me.
c) The shortterm, I'd hate to get tied up in a task I didn't enjoy for an extended period.
d) The shortterm, I'd probably get bored if I had to stay anywhere for too long and my work would suffer.

9.How trustworthy are you, really?

a) My word is my bond. If I've given it, I'll uphold what I said.
b) I'd never betray those close to me
c) A deal is a deal, although a loophole is a loophole.
d) Heh, suckers.

10.What would you say your biggest flaw is?

a) Impatience
b) Aloofness
c) Overzealousness
d) I don't have any flaws~

This is a terrible idea~ I have like no fiction writing experience, let alone in porn.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

"Hmm... so it seems you are an Impudite... and reviewing you information, the following seems to be interested in taking you on..."

"Hrm... quite the find indeed; Kronos seems some promise in you. A rare honour from the most powerful of the demon lords, one step short of Lucifer himself. Working for Kronos, you'll be tasked with assisting mortals meet their fates, that is, the lowest, darkest possible outcome for their life as well as blocking them from attaining their destiny, the counterpart. It is a difficult task, and one that requires a great deal of care, although Kronos offers you the power to sense a person's entire past from their perspective at a touch

Another one who shows interest towards you is Malphas. An urbane and civilised demon, who is easily very likeable and many are quite fond of him. He returns none of this affection and ruthlessly plays people against each other for his own amusement and gain. Serve him, and you'll gain the power to sense how to destroy a person's trust in things around them and in doing so reap an essence motherload from them. That said, it is vitally important that each day for you to cause a conflict or divide between two people as failing to do so will cause your soul to wither.

Andrealphus also seems interested in you. A strict code of regarding mortals as mere tools or puppets is necessary, as showing or even experiencing genuine feelings of sympathy or concern for them will hurt you if you serve him, but his power means that it is much easier both to charm and steal essence from anyone you've slept with.
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Re: Anilisea's Thread

Andrealphus she thought to herself, reminds me of me. A sarcastic grin crosses her face at this point."
As if I have a choice in the matter', she said aloud, 'my master was been chosen long ago. If I could choose, I would chose to serve prince Andrealphus."

She laughs sardonically,"But, I know that I was created to be a servant and that who my master is, is controlled by one greater than I, thus I await your proclamation, who shall I serve?"

I want Asmodeus the rest of the post is just being in charecter
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Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Baphoriel serves the demon lord Kronos, aiding mortals in meeting their Fate, bringing them as far into the darkness as they can. Ever to be the devil on their shoulder, but comforting them as they go through their own fall, loving them every moment.
Marim's Thread

Character Sheet
Name: Marim
Band: Belseraph
Prince: Nybbas
Word: The Media

Essense: 9

Corporeal Forces: 2

Str: 3
Agi: 5

Vessel: 3
Role: Level 5 (Hacker)
Status: Status 3 (Successful)
Body: 15

Ethereal Forces: 4

Int: 7
Pre: 9

Mind: 28

Celestial Forces: 3

Will: 7
Perc: 5

Soul: 21

EXP: 0


-Spend 3 hours watching tv
-Spend 6 hours listening to radio


Computer operation /4, (Int)
Detect lies /2 (Per)
Lockpicking /2 (Prec)
Singing /1 (Per)
Escape /1 (Agi or Prec)
Dodge /2 (Agi)
Driving /1 (Prec)
Engineering /1 (Prec)


Ethereal song of form /5
Song of possession /3
Song of Thunder /2


Attunements and Distinctions:

Balseraph of Nybbas – Can use Belseraph power on media devices to make them say whatever he desires while the victim is watching/listening. (Basically allows the lie to come from them rather than directly from the demon)

Dissonance & Discord:

Dissonance: 0

Servant: (Level 3)
Name: Kurt Able

Essense: 6

Corporeal Forces: 2

Str: 4
Agi: 4

Vessel: level 2
Role: (Journalist)
Status: Level 4 (Highly successful)
Body: 16

Ethereal Forces: 2

Int: 5
Pre: 3

Mind: 10

Celestial Forces: 2

Will: 3
Perc: 5

Soul: 6

Character Points:


Computer Operation /3
Detect Lies /2
Emote /1
Fast Talk /4
Lockpicking /1
Lying /2
Savior-Faire /1





Summoning Nybbas

Base Chance: 4

Invocation Modifiers

+1 A colour television
+2 A department store display window
+3 At the editor's desk of a major newspaper
+4 On the set of a live television broadcast
+5 At the physical location of a website in the top 1/2 percent of hits per month.
+6 On the ser of a live television broadcast being viewed by more than 10mil people.

"Very interesting, Ms. Marim. Very interesting indeed..." the voice said, filling the plain and empty white room with its echoes.

Strongest Match

Elohim - Beings of impartiality, these angels seek to look upon the word with objective eyes. They see the value of all things in moderation and strive to not let any personal feelings they have affect their judgement. Their gift as that of emotions; they can sense what someone is feeling inside, and through that make accurate predictions on how they will act.

That said, they never stoop to taking sides, beyond that which they are instructed to by their superiors. They try not to take a personal viewpoint to the point where letting their own feelings or selfish desires influence their work stains their very soul.

Habbalah - Truly messed up individuals, Habbalah don't consider themselves demons, even faced with the evidence. As far as they're concerned, they're doing the work of God, and that work is to punish mortals. Fallen Elohim consumed by their emotions and twisted, they retain the ability to sense emotions. They retain their calm demeanour, but rather than denying their emotions they let any little feeling guide their actions. They also have the gift of knowing which emotion would cause a given person the most pain, and the power to unleash it upon them.

Unfortunately, their emotional attack, devastating as it can be, doesn't always work. When someone resists this effect, it rebounds back to the creator, who is either consumed by it, forcing it to affect them, or is forced to consume the emotion, allowing them to ignore it although eating away at their soul in the process.

Other Matches

Seraphim - Described by some more crass creatures as angelic lie detectors, Seraphim are the farthermost from mortals and have the most difficulty dealing with them. They represent truth in its purest form, so much so that it's difficult for them to stand idly by while lies are spoken in their presence, and doing so themselves will taint their soul.

That said, they're not required to always blurt out everything. They have a duty to keep certain secrets and while they may feel an urge to shout out wildly whenever someone lies around them, they acknowledge that this is not always the best course of action and can resist said urges. They remain rather socially awkward, however.

Balseraph - Some of the greatest creatures of deception, Belseraphs have fallen from grace but as is always the case, maintain certain core things, such as their affinity for truth. In their case however, they do not deal in the absolute truth of the world; rather they only deal in their own personal truth, the only thing that matters to them, which they can force upon the world as they see fit. In order to do this, he creates an entire reality within him in which what he says is the absolute, undeniable truth; he then unleashes this truth at someone, forcing his way of thinking upon them.

It is, however, a delicate and sometimes dangerous process. If the would be victim manages to resist the truth, or the truth proves to be contradictory, the manufactured truth is shattered and the Balseraph has just lied, which causes them great pain and damages their very being. They are paranoid and arrogant beings, all wrapped up in their own little worlds.
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Re: Spiritual Entity Exam (Signup Thread)

Character Name:Gabriel

1.Which of the following do you see as most important?
a) Truth
b) Justice


2.Which of the following do you see is the biggest threat?
a) Your ancient enemy
b) The enemy within
c)Traitors in your ranks
d) The unknown


3.Mortals are...
a) the life-force of the world, for good or for evil.
b) something to be protected.
c)strange creatures full of impure ideas
d)tools one can use to achieve their goals.


4.Your boss orders you to do something that goes against your moral code. You...

a) do as instructed, but let them know firmly you don't agree with it
b) go over their head and inform their superior of the situation and your problem with it.
c) keep your mouth shut and follow orders, after all, they're the boss for a reason
d)stand your ground and outright refuse to do it.


5.A comrade of yours has confided in you that they're in a bit of a tough situation and need your help, you...

a) Agree to help them, but make it clear in no uncertain terms that they owe you for it
b) Find out details, and wait and see if it's beneficial for you to assist before doing so
c) Find out details, but betray them for personal gain.
d) Tell them they made their own mess and they'll have to sort it out themselves, you want no part of it.


6.Which of the following is the virtue that resonates most strongly with you?
a) Prudence
b) Justice
e) faith
f) hope
g) charity


7.Which of the following is your greatest vice?

a) Avarice
b) Envy
e) Pride
f) Sloth
g) Wrath


8.Would you rather a mission that is stable and longterm, or something more short term and risky, if both offered comparative benefits?

a) The longterm, it'll give me a chance to get used to my surroundings and really excel
b) The longterm, the security it offers is important to me.
c)The shortterm, I'd hate to get tied up in a task I didn't enjoy for an extended period.
d)The shortterm, I'd probably get bored if I had to stay anywhere for too long and my work would suffer.


9.How trustworthy are you, really?

a) My word is my bond. If I've given it, I'll uphold what I said.
b) I'd never betray those close to me
c) A deal is a deal, although a loophole is a loophole.
d) Heh, suckers.


10.What would you say your biggest flaw is?

a) Impatience
b) Aloofness
c) Overzealousness
d) I don't have any flaws~

Re: Spiritual Entity Exam (Signup Thread)

Character Name: Acuirrannoi
Gender: Undecided

1.Which of the following do you see as most important?
d) Knowledge.

2.Which of the following do you see is the biggest threat?
d) The unknown.

3.Mortals are...
c) strange creatures full of impure ideas.

4.Your boss orders you to do something that goes against your moral code. You...
a) do as instructed, but let them know firmly you don't agree with it.

5.A comrade of yours has confided in you that they're in a bit of a tough situation and need your help, you...
a) agree to help them, but make it clear in no uncertain terms that they owe you for it.

6.Which of the following is the virtue that resonates most strongly with you?
a) Prudence.

7.Which of the following is your greatest vice?
d) Lust.

8.Would you rather a mission that is stable and longterm, or something more short term and risky, if both offered comparative benefits?
b) The longterm, the security if offers is important to me.

9.How trustworthy are you, really?
b) I'd never betray those close to me.

10.What would you say your biggest flaw is?
b) Aloofness.
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

Wowzers, that was fast.

Applications closed until I get some people through the character creation process; it's more demanding on a GM than normal gameplay.
Re: Marim's Thread

"A Balseraph. Shape my form into that of a Balseraph."
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Acuirrannoi's Thread

"Ah... Acuirrannoi,, is it? I have your results here..." the voice said.

Closest Match

Cherubim – The archtypical guardian angels, Cherubim are solid and dependable. Their gift is one of devotion, with a touch they can attune themselves to something or someone and thereafter, they will know the direction of it, usually the state it's in, and at times even an aproximation of how far away they are. Occasionally, they will even be able to sense whether or not they are in any danger from events yet to unfold.

However, they are beings who do not betray easily. It is very for one to lift the attunement he has with something, it also requires touch and a successful test of willpower from the angel. Should they fail this attempt to remove it, it will consume their soul a little. They also must not let those they're attuned to die or be destroyed (although in the case of objects, if they can recover the pieces and restore it to the original state, the taint will be absolved) Lastly, they must not betray anything important to them; friends, superiors, ideals or themselves.

Djinn – The result of a guardian angel who's lost his way, the Djinn no longer care about anything except themselves. Or at least, that's what they'd like to be the case. Like their holy brethren, they can attune themselves to people or objects and know where they are, and the state they're in; however, they face less restrictions when doing so. The downside is that their attunement typically isn't as longlasting, being only a number of days, although they can renew it. On occasion, they may find that one of their bonds however is not fading on its own.

Also like their original nature, their soul is scarred by failing to remove a bond they have forged although in their case, it is jarring for them because it clashes with their indifferent demeanour and reminds them in no uncertain terms that they really do care; this is particularly bad as after this occurs, they have the conditions of a Cherubim's devotion forced upon them with the bond in question, and them being destroyed will cause the Djinn yet more pain. They also cannot personally cause harm to those they're attuned to physically or emotionally, although they're more than able to sit back and watch it happen before them. The difference is if the victim asks the Djinn to do it, at which point it's perfectly okay by them and they're relieved of the consequences.

Other Matches

Kyriotates – Angels without a solid form, these beings possess mortals to do their work. Being without their own body, they must quickly find hosts to borrow, although they can possess a number of different creatures based comparative spiritual power. A normal Kyriotates cannot possess more than one human, but they could take a human, a dog and a couple of birds. They have no access to the memories or mind of the entity they borrow, nor is the host aware of what happens, their conciousness falls into a sleep and dreams as long as the angel is there.

There are limitations, of course. Firstly, they cannot maintain possession over someone for too long. They're aware when they take over someone how long they can maintain it, and it usually ranges from 1-6 days, although they can leave sooner. The other thing they need to worry about is the state of their hosts; they cannot leave them in a worse state than they found them, doing so scars their soul. And note that leaving them before they've taken any injury, but when they're in a situation where they're about to get in a lot of trouble still counts; there is more to state than hitpoints alone. Also not something that causes them pain, but if they fail to find a host within a certain period of time, they'll automatically be sucked back to heaven; which typically annoys their superior greatly.

Shedim – The dark reflection of Kyriotates, these demons also have no body of their own and possess mortals to do their work. However their selfish nature means that they cannot bear to divide themselves amongst multiple hosts, they're confined to a single host. Much like when possessed by the angelic counterpart, the host's conciousness floats in a dreamlike state, but unlike the angels they remain on some level aware of what happens while the demon is in control. Furthermore, they're unaware that a demon is controlling them, in their fuddled state, they find themselves convinced that this was their idea.

They work in a different timeline as well; rather than being restricted to a number of days they're aware of as they enter, the Shedim must force the host to do something to corrupt their nature, a new dark deed worse than any previous ones. Each day must be noticeably worse than the previous day or at the end of the day the Shedim must leave or his soul will be damaged by remaining. If their host is knocked unconscious, the demon is expelled, although it takes 30 minutes for them to untangle themselves, and should the host die while the demon possesses them their soul is also marred as they are drawn close to the abyss.
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