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Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Baphoriel stared around him at the endless ticking of the clocks. A sad smile crept across his face. Each of these clocks was the inevitable descent of a soul - and there were so many. So very many.

"Such is the way of all things, my Prince. The descent from ignorance, the long trail that we all follow, Celestial and mortal alike. There is no lofty perch from which we cannot fall... and the fall of a mortal who would otherwise rise to such heights... oh, my Prince, it is a beautiful thing. I shall serve you well, and bring many once bright souls to dwell with us here in the abyss. Many beautiful souls."

Baphoriel bent to one knee and bowed his head, letting his long silver hair drape down over his red horns and skin. He was in the presence of the Prince of Fate, Kronos, and he knew that none save Lucifer himself was greater or more worthy of a demon's respect.
Re: Marim's Thread

When the spotlight flicked on, Marim shaded her eyes with her arm, covering her face in shadows. Huh. I don't sound very interesting do I, Marim thought to herself when Nybbas introduced her. Then again, I've existed for all of ten minutes.

"Sure hope so Nybbas!" she said. "Hope I win big, but I'll try to make a good spectacle if I don't!"
Re: Voltus' Thread

The empty white room faded from Voltus' view as he drifted slowly through the void. The sheer emptiness he faced on all sides might have provoked some small concern, but Voltus was moderately certain this was simply a transit, until he reached whatever next destination.

The soft bubbling of a liquid boiling was the first thing Voltus could perceive, as his new location began to reveal itself to him. A sharp stab of forked lightning striking a metal object briefly shot over this, but he already knew this wasn't a concern.

Voltus stood in a doorway into a cluttered room, and before him sat rows of bench tops, all cluttered with various instruments. Nearest to him was a complicated chemistry set, a beaker of something happily bubbling away as the steam from it escaped through another pipe and condensed elsewhere. Each bench seemed to hold a different work in progress, and down the very back of the room was a giant tesla coil, which once again filled the room with the noise of forked lightning as it jumped from one pylon to the next.

The next desk into the room had a pair of robotic arms working on something rather small. From the doorway it was difficult to see exactly what they were doing as they rapidly switched positions and marked the object they were working on with fast flicks of energy.

The bench after that just appeared to be a clutter of various parts and pieces, it was hard to tell just what it was supposed to be devoted for. Ultimately, however, Voltus knew there was little more he could accomplish from standing in the doorway, and nothing here had addressed him yet. The hallway outside was simply a plain white corridor, with doors evenly spaced on either side of it. He could go exploring, but it seemed logical that he had been brought to this room for a reason.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

"Arise Baphoriel, for we have work to discuss," came the tired old voice, and cold echoing footsteps intermixed with the sound of a cane striking down softly on a hard floor approached him from behind. Behind him, he could see the tired old man he was wearing, dressed in a smart suit with a bowler hat, and leaning heavily upon his cane, it was the very essence of his master.

"Speaking of lofty perches, I do have a case for you that requires immediate attention," he added. "In a small town by the name of Eden, someone has been gently prodded towards their greater destiny. I would like you to adjust this, it should not be too difficult, given his somewhat delicate position. The man is a painter, and his works reflect his faith. I'm sure you can figure out a way to shatter this," he explained calmly, casually stroking his hand against a clock as it drifted by.

"If you have any questions about your assignment, make them fast. Time is of the essence, after all," Kronos finished with, a dry smile playing across his lips.
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Re: Marim's Thread

"Glad to hear you're such a sport about it. Alright, let's hear about today's prize," with a broad grin, the face disappeared from the screen, and it was replaced by what appeared to be a state of the art laptop computer.

"This little beauty is the latest in human technology. With a quad-core intel processor it boasts a state of the art processor so you can keep up with all your computing needs. New 'Thunderbolt' technology boasts the fastest peripheral support with speeds of up to 10 Gbps and the AMD Radeon graphics processing allow to be 3x faster than previous models. Add to that the stylish look that is sure to attract the envy of others. And, as you may expect, this object counts as a Corporeal Artifact, meaning you'll never lose it or forget where you left it; Demonic Magics will allow you to sense its location at any time, as long as the warranty hasn't expired. This popular brand of laptop could be yours, if you can succeed in just one simple task."

Once again a cheer erupted from the faceless crowd, before quieting down again. "As to your task, it couldn't be simpler. I'll be sending you to sunny Eden, a small town with a humble community, where a local radio show is causing me some problems. The show is broadcasting the word of the Bible and actually inspiring faith in the masses, causing them to tune to his show and listen to his message of peace, love and goodwill, rather than a serious political talk show I've arranged for someone else on at the same time. All you need to do, is discredit or disgrace this radio show so that his listeners lose faith in him and his message, and seek entertainment elsewhere. Think you can handle that, Marim?"
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Baphoriel arose and clasped his hands behind his back, his eyes gleamed eagerly.

"It would be my pleasure to do this, my Prince. This painter, is his name known to you? And is he under the guidance of our ancient foe?"

It would not please Baphoriel to have to deal with an angel on his first earthly mission, but he would not be denied this soul no matter what.
Re: Voltus' Thread

Before deciding to make a step into what he would recognize as being a laboratory, Voltus took a quick peek inside with his green glare.Noticing that the room in question did not contain anything that would be a potential menace at this very moment, he decided to prudently make a few step into it.
Re: Marim's Thread

"Sounds pretty simple, Nybbas," Marim responded. "Maybe too simple? What curveballs are waitin' for me? And who does the show?"
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

"His name is Eric Nailor. Your other question I've already answered," Kronos said with a wave of his hand. "I trust you won't take too long to carry this out..." his voice became distant as the world faded before his eyes to darkness once more.

The darkness around him was abruptly changed as blaring beeping of an alarm clock snapped him to attention. He was in a body he recognised instantly as his mortal vessel, a rather unremarkable photography student just transferred to Eden U from interstate. And he seemed to be in an equally unremarkable apartment containing very few things, mostly just a bed and a single desk upon which sat his alarm clock. Upon one wall was a calendar, and he had an adjoining bathroom. The only clothing he seemed to own was the set he was wearing currently*.

Glancing at the calendar, it appeared to be the Saturday before the start of classes on the following Monday. According to the clock, it was now 8:01am. And the beginning of his first day loose in the mortal world.

*You can decide what this is.
Re: Voltus' Thread

"Ah, it's about time you arrived," came a rather stern and grumpy sounding voice from behind him. From behind him, a middled aged looking man with silver streaks through his hair strode into the room, almost pushing past the angel as he strode into the room towards a blackboard down one of the rows between the desks.

"Come on, come on, there's no time for dawdling about," he calls back over his shoulder. "There's much to be done, always much to be done."
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

The set of clothing was a dark pair of jeans with a black t-shirt underneath a looser long sleeved gray cotton shirt. Over that was a navy blue coat and a black scarf. His shoes were black loafers and he had a black leather belt with a silver buckle.

He observed himself in the mirror in the otherwise non-descript bathroom. Normal looking, he supposed, but his mortal face had a warming, trust-inducing smile, and he was athletic enough to be in decent shape.

"As my Prince commands," Baphoriel murmured, and taking the keys to his apartment set out from his residence to go in search of the registrar's office at Eden U.

A painter in a human's college town. There is a strong chance he is associated with the university, either as a student, a faculty member, or possibly an alumnist. The registrar is as good a place as any to track Mr. Nailor down.
Re: Marim's Thread

"Ah, I could hardly give that away, could I?" he says with another manic big grin, getting another bout of insincere laughter from the audience. "But I can tell you that the name of the man is Julian Wheeling. The rest is up to you to discover!" he declares loudly, and his face disappears from the screen, replaced by some kind of infernal logo.

The lights flicked off, and darkness returned, although it didn't last long. She found herself standing in an otherwise empty elevator, travelling between floors as a soft background music track played through slightly crackling speakers. Looking down, she saw that she was dressed* and carrying a small bag. Before she had much more time to explore her new surroundings, the elevator came to a halt with a high pitched *ding* and the doors opened to reveal a young man wearing a satirical shirt and jeans looking expectantly at the the elevator she had just arrived in. Rather than move to get into the elevator, as one might expect, he silently motioned her to follow him.

*You may decide in what.
Re: Celetial User's Guide (How mechanics work)

Invocations (with special thanks to Hellcat)

Someday, you will really need to talk to your boss, or pass on that vital piece of information that will either save, or damn, a soul. To do so, a given celestial has to succeed at an ‘Invocation’, a special ‘ceremony’ designed to get the attention of the big guns.

The difficulty of a summoning a given Superior varies and, needless to say, there is generally a small chance of success. However, there are ways to improve your chances, both generic and personalised for each Superior. The personalised invocation modifiers are not a strict rule, they are more a suggestion of something that would be appropriate for that level of bonus for that superior. Something of equivalent level and relevance to the listed one will confer the same benefit.

Invoking a Superior (and that can be any Superior, not just your boss) takes roughly 10 seconds, with a failed attempt having no effect – except to reduce the chances of another invocation working any time soon.

For example, Rana, a Lilim of Beleth, needs to get in touch with Lilith to pass on a few secrets she’s picked up ‘here and there’ for her – her final payment of a previous Geas. As it is, she only has a slight chance to call the Princess of Freedom – but there are things she can do to increase that chance. She made sure to bring along a canary she’d bought just that morning, the creature fluttering helplessly inside its cage, and it has been well over a year since her previous attempt at such a call.

So, making her way to a quiet garden where she shouldn’t be disturbed, the Lilim sent forth a quiet plea, opening the cage as she whispered into the shadows. There was barely a pause before a beautiful, voluptuous woman stepped into view before her, one eyebrow arched questioningly even as the canary began to sing in a nearby tree...

In mechanics terms, Lilith’s Chance of Invocation is 3 – this is the number you need to roll on 2d6 to succeed in calling her. A unique third die is used to gauge what mood a given Superior is in, with 1 being a bad day and 6 being strangely cheerful/helpful. Certain artifacts and situations can modify this digit, although, unless stated, only one modifier may be used per attempt. (Listed below.)

The Superior does not need to appear in their Celestial form - in fact they won't if any mortals are in the area. That doesn't stop them using other forms, however.

Lilith's personal Invocation Modifiers are as follows:
-6 – anyone but a Lilim or a Superior
+ Geas Level – if you promise her a favour, Geasing yourself, as you summon her
+1 – A broken pair of handcuffs
+2 – A piece of the Berlin Wall
+3 – A caged creature set free
+4 – A battlefield where a tyrant fell
+5 – A human prisoner set free
+6 – Overthrowing a government – any government

Universal Invocation Modifiers are:
-4 – The Celestial is making futile demands
+2 – Celestial’s corporeal vessel at risk of death
+3 – Celestial at a Tether (Heavenly for Angels, their Master’s for Demons)
+3 – If the celestial is in the presence of any enemy celestials (Diabolicals for the Host, and the Host for Diabolicals. This increases to a +4 if the celestial is in the presence of an enemy Superior!)
-10 – If the Superior being Summoned is not the celestial’s own, unless the celestial is currently on a mission for that other Superior or has an attunement belonging to that Word.
Time since last invocation: -3 if less than a day, or -2 if more than a day but less than a week, or -1 if more than a week but less than a month, or +1 if over a year!

Therefore, Rana has Lilith’s base of 3, +3 for the canary and +1 for the time since her last Invocation, bringing her target up to 7 - much more manageable!
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Re: Marim's Thread

The lights blinded Marim when it came back from the brief darkness. Her eyes quickly adjusted, and she found that she'd taken on a solid, distinct form, opposed to the indistinct, dreamy outline she was made of seconds ago. She saw smooth, pale skin on a thin frame of average height. Her fingers were long, and the nails trimmed, clean and unpainted. In the polished chrome of the elevator, she saw thick, wavy red hair tumble about her face, down to the middle of her back, and twinkling ice-blue eyes staring back at herself, set into a pretty face, with sharp, angular features.

She work plain clothes, to help her blend in. A crisp white dress shirt covered her torso, and brown slacks her legs. On her feet were black socks under black dress shoes. In the way of jewelry, all she had was an unadorned ring on her right ring finger, and an upside-down cross on a chain, hidden under her shirt. All were silver. Under her clothes, she felt the hug of cotton.

When the elevator opened and the man beckoned, she followed, idly checking her bag and pockets.
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Re: Marim's Thread

Upon searching, Marim found her pockets to be quite empty, although the bag contained a small satchel, inside which appeared to be a number of important documents relating to her mortal vessel. Identification, birth certificate, passport, and a small journal of various internet logins and accounts of hers.

The man led her down a hallway with numbered rooms either side, until he stopped at one, pulling a key from his pocket and opening the door and extending his hand into the room. It appeared to be a small room, with a counter top and minibar not far in from the door, a bed a little further into the room. By all appearance, it was a hotel room.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Baphoriel rummaged through his room for a few minutes, finding things such as identification, a birth certificate and other important documents regarding his mortal vessel. He also found a few textbooks related to his studies and a map of the Eden U campus he was enrolled at. Finally, he found the keys to his apartment, allowing him to leave the place secure; by mortal standards anyway.

Jogging down the stairs to the ground floor, he passed a young woman, probably about the same age as his mortal vessel was supposed to be, locking up another room. "Hey, uh, can I ask you a question?" a tentative question came from behind him just moments after he passed.
Re: Marim's Thread

In the hall, Marim pulled out her ID from the bag, scanning it's glossy surface. A date of birth marked her as a few months under twenty-five years old, and a few identifiers listed the colors of her hair and eyes, a picture she never smiled for, and other little details of little importance. Of greater interest was the name she would answer to in her mortal guise: LIADAN, Mary, Marjorie. Mary Marjorie Liadan.

She almost bumped into her guide when he opened the door, deliberately "not noticing" that he'd stopped. Her gait came to an abrupt stop, and she gave him a small, embarrassed laugh, and a light, teasing brush of a touch on the shoulder and back as she pushed herself away from him, clearing the space between them, and replaced her ID in the bag.

Inside, she pulled up something to sit on to the counter, and then turned to smile expectantly at the man. Waiting for him to close the door, she began talking: "I presume you are the associate my employer told me I would be working with? I'm sorry, but he didn't tell me your name," she said. "What can you tell me about the job?"

She was nigh certain this man was Kurt Able, the servant Nybbas had said he'd give her, but assumptions were dangerous, and she didn't want to say anything revealing if he wasn't.
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Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

Kinda looks like the Mirafar sheet. aWoD?

That just shows me what kind of impact I can make when I come crashing down the sky.

Somebody suggested I use In Nomine to come up with more powers for the Mirafar game, but I couldn't make enough sense of the rules to do it...

Well, this game looks fun. I may join at some point.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Baphoriel paused, glancing down at his identity card to quickly remind himself of his cover identity's name - Kieren Doyle - before looking back and up with an inquiring look at the mortal woman. It occurred to him, seeing her come out of an apartment door not far from his own that she was likely one of his "neighbors." It might be just as well to talk to her and solidify his mortal identity.

"Yes," he said, and then took a step back towards her up the stairs. "Certainly."
Re: Marim's Thread

"My name is Kurt Able," the man said as he strode into the room, sitting down on the corner of the bed and pulling a deck of playing cards from his pocket, beginning to idle shuffle them. "And I assume you're the one I was told to wait for. At that elevator, at exactly 2:14pm, saturday afternoon," he said, sounding slightly anxious at that.

It certainly seemed like this was indeed her "devoted servant", so to speak. If that was the case, she could order him about happily, and he'd have to mentally fight against a direct command to stop himself from carrying it out, pitting his willpower against the control she already had over him. That said, Marim was already absolutely confident in her ability to control him, even against his wishes in the direst of circumstances.

He continued to shuffle his deck of cards, perhaps a nervous habit? "Alright, so I've been told I report to you now. I guess that makes you the boss. So I'll be calling you boss from now on, unless you have some other suggestion. I don't know how you work, but I deal in information. Both acquisition and broadcast thereof. I write for a few different places under a couple of names, although my real name is associated with a satirical website. There's my background for you. As far as our current assignment, I don't really know any details. I was just told to come to this middle of nowhere town and wait for someone today, on the 4th floor of this hotel, outside the elevator at exactly 2:14pm."
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