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Prison Planet Escape. (the end)

Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A2. The tank parts are our priority so we should get those first, we can probably find them in the experiments lab in the Northwest section (Totally opposite end of the chemical lab from us, go figure). Once we get Sally and Ce'ly back in cold storage we can come back and raid the kitchens and check out the other areas, though we might want to avoid the area where the accident happened unless Sally and Ce'ly are sure it was cleaned up.

+1. Got everything in a nutshell.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


With tank parts being the big thing to get in here, the girls figured they might aswell just start with the other wings instead.

Fe'da got to work on the stuck door's paneling and wirings.. After some widgeting around with the wires and getting the panel to accept a few inputs, the door sparkle'd a bit again and the mechanics began to work again!

The door opened up nicely!

The girls headed in and found themselves in a big spacey room.. That was pretty much empty. Apart from the old furniture and some broken things here and there.

"Well.. This sure is bit empty."


Fe'da was just looking around and Ce'ly took a seat on one of the sofa's.

There seemed to be two doors in this room. One going north that had red light, clearly locked.

..And one going west! The west door however, used to be a laser door... And now was more of a fucking electrocution door. Giant bolts of electricity shot down and up the door arch like no tomorrow and the button was trashed.

You could see that it took to a hallway that split to north and south.

Eline contacted Sally again to get some more summary.

"Oh, you took the meeting room! Nice! ..So judging from the footage here, it's pretty obvious where each way leads to. The north door takes to the north east wing, the middle door splits to two ways, one for the north west and the southwest wings respectivly.. I just don't like how the door seems so.. Shockingly dangerous. "

"Yeah, we get that."

"Oh hey, I recall this room has a small stashe with items. Check below the sofa, there should be a loose plate on the floor"

Eline turned to Ce'ly and signalled her to move for a second.

"Bah, I was just getting comfortable"

Eline moved the sofa aside a bit and indeed. There was a loose floor plate.
Eline found a small box that had two pills she did not regonize, and neither did Sally as her identification does not cover pills. Eline found them to be bit.. Familiar somehow. There was also some green striped white panties in the box aswell.

Eline took both of them and put the panties on for now.

"So can I get back on the sofa now or what?"

"Yeah sure"

Putting the panties on Eline did feel bit.. Heavier in a way. She noticed that her lower belly had itty bitty bulging. Guess that tentacle creature had started growing.
Eline was bit bothered but hey it's not that bad yet and there's more pressing matters now anyway.

569 was quite bothered by the eggs she had in her.. Suddenly she felt odd.
The air was feeling all tingly.. And it seemed to trigger the eggs.


569 fell down. Her lower body was feeling weird.

"569! Are you alright there?!"

"..I don't think so.. ach!"
The few eggs that she had were starting to slide out.. They were all slimy and had tendrils sticking in directions from them.

569 was outright stunned when these things were being pushed out. These tendril covered eggs were not to most fun to try get out.

Eline wasn't really sure what to do here. Those eggs were pretty terrifying to look at.

"Oh ew. "

Even though Ce'ly was pretty casual and not really moved, Eline still tried to somehow help 569 with this.

The eggs eventually all came out.. But Eline did not pay too much attention to them and it seems they had rolled out somewhere? Eline was more conserned with 569's shape. Ce'ly just didn't care much.

569 was pretty exhausted but Eline was still there to help her out. She didn't really seem to remember her grudges anymore.

Fe'da had completely missed all of this.
The tingling air of the radiation that had came from Ce'ly had outright hit her pretty hard.

Fe'da was at the other side of the room, she had pretty much fallen on her side, holding her lower regions with both of her hands.

"eeheeheee.. ow ow ow.. oh why."

Seems that the radiation gave her the cursed mega sensitivity effect, what a sucky luck.

Ce'ly was just sitting in the sofa, right in the middle of all these events.. At the south side Eline was comforting 569 that was all down.. and at the north Fe'da was down side ways trying to get herself together.

She looked at both ways and shrugged.
"Just like every saturday"


Slowly and surely the girls were able to pull themselves together again. 569 was feeling bit down and slightly weakened, but not as bad as it might look.
Fe'da was carefully walking along.

Quite surprising how eventful things can get at seemingly empty room.

The girls took their time to rest though.

But hey, it was time to choose new directions once again!

A) Go through the north door (moderate technic check)
B) Go through the west door
--1 Try jump past the electrocution. (Hard agility(70+), individual for each girl)
--2 Have Fe'da try to somehow shut it down (hard technic 60+ (no leet hax bonus applied))
--3 A creative other solution here how to avoid getting shocked.
C) Other direction or action?

X. additional other on top?

Eline's stats:
Level 12.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 9 -1 from status
Agility 8 -1 status
Strength 7
Willpower 9
Technic 11
Psychic 12

88/90 HP
60/60 psychic energy
84/120 exp.

Impregnanted by a floating tentacle! (Slight advance) -1 stamina -1 agility

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs - Striped Panties
Boots - JetBoots (30/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (44/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (150/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (5/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (2 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 4x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 2x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (9/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(16/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 2x Super Energy pills (hp)
1x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill. 1x Hearth symboled vial
25 credits. 2x odd pills.

XXX-569's stats:
Level 11.
Endurance 11 (-1 by status
Stamina 11 (-1 by status)
Agility 11 (-1 by status
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 5 (-1 by status
Technic 8
Psychic 1

96/110 HP
24/120 exp.

Aftermath. -1 agility. -1 stamina. -1willpower. -1 endurance

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (30/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back - Power Shield Generator (153/200)

Weilding: Heavy Plasma (43/50)

Purse(level 2):
25 credits.
Vibrator (10 charges) 3x grenade. 1x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 4x horniness vials
Robot servant. 2x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)
Flash Light. 2x Ammobox (Plasma)
Laser Blaster. (40/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy))

Robot Servant
50/50 HP.
Status: Packed up.
can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.
Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Fe'da's stats:
level 11
Endurance 6
Stamina 9
Agility 11
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 13
Psychic 6

90/90 HP
30/30 psychic energy
39/110 exp

Extremely sensitive -50 to sex resist. dodging causes small damage. -10 to attacks.
slighty horny -10 to struggle

Psychic abilities:
Mindblast. 20 energy. 10 - 20 damage. Only works on organic foes. Can cause flinch. (25%)
Shield. 15 energy. Blocks an attack.
Special: Poison bite. (100% full, 20% per bite, slowly refills.)
Head - Nightvision goggles
Top - Labcoat
Legs - Shorts.
Boots -
Wrists - PDA. Gadget: Hacking Key.(10 charges) PDA: Liquid identifier. 20 charges.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Laser Pistol. (198/200 ammo). Crowbar
Back - A coil of metal wire.
Weilding: Laser Blaster (28/40)

Purse items:
1 food ration. Flashlight. Gadget Energy charger. (5 charges) Weird Cube shaped Gadget.
Mystery gadget. Tazer. PDA (Shield 70/100) Data Pad. Old camera Phone. Staircase trap map.
170 credits.


Passive +25 to door and vault technic checks.
Mod rebuilding; Turn two mods to a uncommon or better mod.

Ce'ly (Z'rill)
66/70 HP
78/90 PE
Status: Radiation Ill. Causes weird suggestions to people around her and makes her slowly weaker and weaker

Upgraded Mind Blast 15 PE
Upgraded Kinetics 20 PE
Mind Squeeze 30 PE
Hive Mind 25 PE
Poison Bite (100%)

Locks onto one foe till its down.
refuses to use any other weapon than her Z'rill combat blade (10 - 25 slash/stab damage.)
7 endurance
7 stamina
9 agility
6 strength
10 willpower
8 technic
18 psychic

Technic check moderate (45+)
34 + 25 + 15 (74)
pass with flying colours

(87) yes

vs 569
100 vs 86
vs Eline
50 vs 67
vs Fe'da
82 vs 6 -15 (-11)
1 - 10 (10)
vs Ce'ly
26 vs 62
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

B2. If that fails we'll do B3 and try and shorting it out by tossing the couch in after Fe'da has done what she can to make it more liable of doing so.
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Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A2. If that fails we'll do A3 and try and shorting it out by tossing the couch in after Fe'da has done what she can to make it more liable of doing so.

Just crazy enough to work, though I think it's B, not A.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

Randomizing between A and B..

While as the girls finally got themselves up, with Fe'da jumping and carefully walking about.. They began to look at the two direction options here.

Though it could be more likely that the parts would be on the west side of the labs, you still never know about this place and with what the time that has gone. The girls figured to take the north door instead
and getting electrocuted did not sound too appealing at the moment either.

Fe'da was highly distracted by her.. status. But she regardless was able to hack open the door.

The new room was pretty open and messy... And it also had a big load of plastic tents of sorts. There were lot of spots just covered up with plastic curtains, most which were broken.

There was another door that had a red light in the northern end of the room. No other doors seemed to be present.

The girls looked to the eastern area of the room.
There was a table that had two medkits, a wave pulsar and a big weird looking vial a head!

"Ooh, medkits! Those are always welcome! This day seems to get brighter atleast!"

However as they approached the tables.. Certain, questionable, moanish sounds intensified.
Behind one of the non broken curtains near the table, the girls could see some.. Shadows. Something behind the curtain, two girl like shapes, seemingly right next to each other.. bouncing..
And they stopped. The sounds stopped. The shadows turned towards the girls and the curtains began to move away..


Two human girls still hands on each other now peeked from behind the curtains, looking at the girls. They pushed the curtain aside and the girls could see them better.

The other human girl was highly shapy, damn nice tits and hips you could say, only wearing an opened up half broken labcoat that only barely went on the sides of her breasts, didn't even reach to her hip area like labcoats normally would do. The coat still had pockets visible on it.

The other girl was pretty avarage build, had glasses, a PDA of some sort on her right wrist and an item purse.


Behind the girls, something slimy, jelly like began to lurk. This slime seemed to have nearly ridicilous lady like shapes, a human face that was seemingly trying to be overly cute. ... And right below the shapes it was more puddle like, with slimy tendrils popping about. The slimy was cyanish blue in colour, pretty see through aswell.

"Look what we have here, my love!"
"Oh my! oh me! We seem to have some company!"

The slime girl made some bubbly excited sounds and seemed to do a very big wide open smile. The slimy girls tendrils wrapped around its own breasts and seemingly squeezes a bit before redacting from them.
"gblup blugp blugp!!"

"Uhm.. Hi?"

"Hi hi! ...Say I got an idea, my love!"
"Oh! Is it what I'm thinking?"
"Glulup glup guulp!"
"Yes it is. Seven is more fun than a threesome."
"Oh I DO agree!"

"..I think we'll pass.. Ehehe.."

"I think you won't pass!"
"Oh I think so too!"

The two human girls took a more prepared stance and the slime girl excitedly began to wave its tendrils and groped the air as it looked towards 569 and Ce'ly with its 'eyes' half open with a small grin of a sort.

"Well this is just great"
"I know right?"
"Never expect peaceful zones in this place.."

Looks like it could be a time for another showdown

A) Attack! (What and what)
B) Grab an item and run back to the meeting room.
C) Just run back to the meeting room.
D) other?

x. Additional other on top?

Eline's stats:
Level 12.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 9 -1 from status
Agility 8 -1 status
Strength 7
Willpower 9
Technic 11
Psychic 12

88/90 HP
60/60 psychic energy
84/120 exp.

Impregnanted by a floating tentacle! (Slight advance) -1 stamina -1 agility

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs - Striped Panties
Boots - JetBoots (30/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (44/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (150/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (5/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (2 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 4x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 2x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (9/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(16/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 2x Super Energy pills (hp)
1x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill. 1x Hearth symboled vial
25 credits. 2x odd pills.

XXX-569's stats:
Level 11.
Endurance 11 (-1 by status
Stamina 11 (-1 by status)
Agility 11 (-1 by status
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 5 (-1 by status
Technic 8
Psychic 1

96/110 HP
24/120 exp.

Aftermath. -1 agility. -1 stamina. -1willpower. -1 endurance

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (30/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back - Power Shield Generator (153/200)

Weilding: Heavy Plasma (43/50)

Purse(level 2):
25 credits.
Vibrator (10 charges) 3x grenade. 1x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 4x horniness vials
Robot servant. 2x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)
Flash Light. 2x Ammobox (Plasma)
Laser Blaster. (40/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy))

Robot Servant
50/50 HP.
Status: Packed up.
can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.
Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Fe'da's stats:
level 11
Endurance 6
Stamina 9
Agility 11
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 13
Psychic 6

90/90 HP
30/30 psychic energy
44/110 exp

Extremely sensitive -50 to sex resist. dodging causes small damage. -10 to attacks.
slighty horny -10 to struggle

Psychic abilities:
Mindblast. 20 energy. 10 - 20 damage. Only works on organic foes. Can cause flinch. (25%)
Shield. 15 energy. Blocks an attack.
Special: Poison bite. (100% full, 20% per bite, slowly refills.)
Head - Nightvision goggles
Top - Labcoat
Legs - Shorts.
Boots -
Wrists - PDA. Gadget: Hacking Key.(10 charges) PDA: Liquid identifier. 20 charges.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Laser Pistol. (198/200 ammo). Crowbar
Back - A coil of metal wire.
Weilding: Laser Blaster (28/40)

Purse items:
1 food ration. Flashlight. Gadget Energy charger. (5 charges) Weird Cube shaped Gadget.
Mystery gadget. Tazer. PDA (Shield 70/100) Data Pad. Old camera Phone. Staircase trap map.
170 credits.


Passive +25 to door and vault technic checks.
Mod rebuilding; Turn two mods to a uncommon or better mod.

Ce'ly (Z'rill)
66/70 HP
78/90 PE
Status: Radiation Ill. Causes weird suggestions to people around her and makes her slowly weaker and weaker

Upgraded Mind Blast 15 PE
Upgraded Kinetics 20 PE
Mind Squeeze 30 PE
Hive Mind 25 PE
Poison Bite (100%)

Locks onto one foe till its down.
refuses to use any other weapon than her Z'rill combat blade (10 - 25 slash/stab damage.)
7 endurance
7 stamina
9 agility
6 strength
10 willpower
8 technic
18 psychic

Technic check (45+)
10 + 25 + 15 (50)


Mad scientist1 lvl 12 110/100 HP (busty with coat)
Mad scientist2 lvl 12 100/100 HP (average with pda&purse)
Slime girl lvl 13 135/135 HP

Speed order
Fe'da - 569 (tie)
Mad scientist1
Mad scientist2
Slime girl
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Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. Eline shockwave 569 open up with her laser blaster on the goo girl fe'da try to avoid getting raped. Ce'ly is gonna to what she does. If they are still clumped together after eline should use her pulsar.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. Eline shockwave 569 open up with her laser blaster on the goo girl fe'da try to avoid getting raped. Ce'ly is gonna to what she does. If they are still clumped together after eline should use her pulsar.

Re: Prison Planet Escape.


"Sigh.. Here we go."

While as Eline was getting ready, 569 was already ready to get it on. She had infact already changed weapons it seems!
She took her blaster and aimed right at the goo girl

The blast hit the slime girl dead on! Parts of the slime girl vaporized as its other parts splashed around from the impact spot!
The slime girl shortly put itself together though.. But its facial features expressed pain. That hit really hurt!

Fe'da felt like her state would not be the best for fighting.. She decided to go on a more, careful state.
(Fe'da went defensive, +20 to defense rolls that are not grapples)

"Ready, my love?"
"Oh yes I am!"

Both of the scientists took out a vial. They seemed to have pink stuff inside them, the other was more brighter than the other which had stuff that looked like the horniness vials. The mad scientists flinged the vials towards Eline's position as she was in the most middle to the girls as a group.

The first vial that was pretty surely more of that horniness gas flinged right over Eline.. And over the whole group infact breaking harmlessly on the wall of the room.
That toss was seriously bad.
The other vial though...
bap! Right in feet!

The bright light pink gas raised from the floor level and began to tingle.
"aw hell no"
Eline carefully but quickly jumped away from the gas as it was making her feel bit of extra sensitive. She did not get exposed too badly.

569 didn't even notice the gas. But it did effect her though!
"... o-oh oh my" 569 mumbled a bit as she felt a bit of breeze affecting her.

Ce'ly face seemed bit.. in the zones of agony or pleasure but not sure whenever to hate or love. Her lower eye lids twitched a bit as she put her hands on her nether regions for short while before taking her stance back.
"....GAH! ... Oh she's gonna pay for that!"

Seems Ce'ly got effected by the gas quite badly. Her target was now locked as she fixated on the less bustier mad scientist.

Fe'da was lucky enough to get out of the gas's way. That could've probably stunned her or worse if it would've affected her!

...But Fe'da was running low on luck. She had to dodge on the side where the slime girl was advancing from.
The slimy tendrils grapped her right off the bat and pulled her over on the slime girls grip!
One slimy tendril entered Fe'da's mouth and the slime girl began to push Fe'da's body between it's ridicilously huge slimy breasts.
Fe'da attempted to get away but the slime girl was too sticky. The slime bits tangle'd and began to suck Fe'da in tighter and deeper in the slime.

The Slime girl's slimy body began to affect Fe'da clothing.. It seemed melt it away like some sort of acid! Yet Fe'da herself felt nothing!
The clothing melt was fast, and Fe'da was left almost bare naked in matter of seconds. It did not affect her technic things though, and cause only her body was stuck inside the slime, her goggles were left intact.

The slime began to smoothly tingle and push Fe'da's naughty bits that were stuck inside the slime girls slimy body.. The slimy tendril kept pushing and moving in Fe'da's mouth even faster!

Ce'ly was pretty angry as she looked at the mad scientists and ignored all other events around her..
Ce'ly immidiatly opened with a nuke of a mind squeeze!
The scientist screamed in pain as the psychic attack hurt her brains oh so directly. But Ce'ly could've done better.. Regardless it seemed the scientist was holding her head like she had a giant migrane.

"aaagh.. oww... "
"Are you okay, my love?!"

Eline had heard Fe'da mumble'd moans and screams, and was thus getting ready to hope to make up a quick plan. Eline ran to the slime girl and Fe'da..
"hold on for a bit.. This oughta do the trick!"

She positioned herself in a way hoping to have her shockwave go through the slime girl and then hit the mad scientist with aftermath..
Eline focused.. And blamo! Her shockwave started to rush through as Eline jumped dramaticly backwards at the same time as she shot the shockwave!

"...wha- what?!"

A good plan but then Eline learned from that moment that slimes are completely unaffected by anything that is psychic based.
The slime girl only felt a slight breeze of wind from the shockwave and kept smooching Fe'da on her cheeks while the tendrils flailed excitedly in the air.

The shockwave continued on and hit one of the mad scientist, though! Ruining their tender moment.
The mad scientist fell on the ground face first, though her 'bumpers' slowed her fall quite well. Still seemed to get something on her regardless.

radiation tingle'd in the air.
Eline felt some urges grow within her from the tingles and the combination of the slime girl x fe'da action..

Fe'da was unlucky enough again.. She calmed down a bit, got more comfortable and began to try struggle less.. Her eyes got half shut as she began to feel some strong urges grow within her. She almost ready to give up and let the slime girl do her things.

"Man, why does so much stuff keeps going on every time when I prepare the next shot on this weapon"

Eline and Ce'ly both gained a bit of PE back.

A) Keep attacking but have someone release Fe'da!
--1 Have 569 try help Fe'da out!
--2 Have Eline give a hand at helping Fe'da out!
--3 Have both help Fe'da out!
B) Just keep attacking and have Fe'da try get out by herself.
C) Retreat and come back for Fe'da later.
D) Other action?

x. Additional other?

Eline's stats:
Level 12.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 9 -1 from status
Agility 8 -1 status
Strength 7
Willpower 9
Technic 11
Psychic 12

88/90 HP
49/60 psychic energy
84/120 exp.

Impregnanted by a floating tentacle! (Slight advance) -1 stamina -1 agility
Slight sensitivity (-10 to sex atk resist)
Slighty horniness (-10 to struggle)

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs - Striped Panties
Boots - JetBoots (30/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (43/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (150/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (5/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (2 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 4x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 2x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (9/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(16/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 2x Super Energy pills (hp)
1x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill. 1x Hearth symboled vial
25 credits. 2x odd pills.

XXX-569's stats:
Level 11.
Endurance 11 (-1 by status
Stamina 11 (-1 by status)
Agility 11 (-1 by status
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 5 (-1 by status
Technic 8
Psychic 1

96/110 HP
24/120 exp.

Aftermath. -1 agility. -1 stamina. -1willpower. -1 endurance
Sensitive. (-20 to sex atk resist)

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (30/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back - Power Shield Generator (153/200)

Weilding: Laser Blaster. (39/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy))

Purse(level 2):
25 credits.
Vibrator (10 charges) 3x grenade. 1x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 4x horniness vials
Robot servant. 2x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)
Flash Light. 2x Ammobox (Plasma)
Heavy Plasma (43/50)

Robot Servant
50/50 HP.
Status: Packed up.
can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.
Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Fe'da's stats:
level 11
Endurance 6
Stamina 9
Agility 11
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 13
Psychic 6

90/90 HP
30/30 psychic energy
44/110 exp

Extremely sensitive -50 to sex resist. dodging causes small damage. -10 to attacks.
Very horny -30 to struggle

Psychic abilities:
Mindblast. 20 energy. 10 - 20 damage. Only works on organic foes. Can cause flinch. (25%)
Shield. 15 energy. Blocks an attack.
Special: Poison bite. (100% full, 20% per bite, slowly refills.)
Head - Nightvision goggles
Top -
Legs -
Boots -
Wrists - PDA. Gadget: Hacking Key.(10 charges) PDA: Liquid identifier. 20 charges.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Laser Pistol. (198/200 ammo). Crowbar
Back - A coil of metal wire.
Weilding: Laser Blaster (28/40)

Purse items:
1 food ration. Flashlight. Gadget Energy charger. (5 charges) Weird Cube shaped Gadget.
Mystery gadget. Tazer. PDA (Shield 70/100) Data Pad. Old camera Phone. Staircase trap map.
170 credits.


Passive +25 to door and vault technic checks.
Mod rebuilding; Turn two mods to a uncommon or better mod.

Ce'ly (Z'rill)
66/70 HP
54/90 PE
Status: Radiation Ill. Causes weird suggestions to people around her and makes her slowly weaker and weaker
Very sensitive! + (-35 to sex atk resist)
Fixated on mad scientist2

Upgraded Mind Blast 15 PE
Upgraded Kinetics 20 PE
Mind Squeeze 30 PE (cool down 4)
Hive Mind 25 PE
Poison Bite (100%)

Locks onto one foe till its down.
refuses to use any other weapon than her Z'rill combat blade (10 - 25 slash/stab damage.)
7 endurance
7 stamina
9 agility
6 strength
10 willpower
8 technic
18 psychic

569 vs slime girl
86 + 10 (96) vs 83
41 dmg

Mad scientist 1 vs Eline
Gas vial!
25 vs 62
did it just miss the whole thing?
78 vs 91

Mad scientist 2 vs Eline!
Gas vial!
58 vs 6!
Effect power! 1 - 10 (2)
vs 569
98 vs 3
effect (4)
vs Ce'ly
85 vs 23
effect (7)
Ce'ly fixated on mad scientist 2!
vs Fe'da
7 vs 7 + 20 (27)

Slime girl vs Fe'da!
90 vs 12 + 20 (32)
14 - 10 (4) vs 76!
Slime melt! (40+)
bye all clothing.

Ce'ly vs Mad scientist 2 (mind squeeze!)
7 vs 3
13 dmg!
Cool down started! (4)

Eline shockwave! vs slime girl
78 + 10 (88) vs 85 - 20 (65)
natural immunity.
vs mad scientist 1
61 vs 11
12 dmg
vs mad scientist 2
13 vs 98

vs Eline
61 vs 22
vs 569
49 vs 76 + 5 (81)
vs Fe'da
27 vs 7 - 15 (-8)
vs Ce'ly
48 vs 83
vs slime girl
9 vs 63
vs mad scientist1
25 vs 31
vs mad scientist2
16 vs 19
----PE recovery: 4 for Eline, 6 for Ce'ly----
(poor little bugger)

Shees so many rolls, so much text, god these are getting anoyingly long.


Mad scientist1 lvl 12 98/100 HP (busty with coat) (-10 to all rolls)
Mad scientist2 lvl 12 87/100 HP (average with pda&purse) (-20 to all rolls)
Slime girl lvl 13 94/135 HP

Speed order
Fe'da - 569 (tie)
Mad scientist1
Mad scientist2
Slime girl
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A1. 569 it our best bet for taking on the slime girl anyway.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


I'm not sure Fe'Da's going to be of much help in this fight, so we might as well let her, ahem, 'occupy' the slime girl for a bit to take on the others.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

I'm gonna vote B as well - Fe'da relaxes and tries to enjoy herself, keeping slimegirl occupied whilst the rest of our heroes go three-on-two against the mad scientists.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

B. poor poor bug girl

569 had her gun ready again.
As much as Fe'da was getting stuck by the slime girl, 569 and Eline both seemed to figure might aswell have her occupy the slime girl so the scientist could be knocked out faster.

Fe'da tried to get some strength to struggle from the slime girls grasp, but she just didn't have the willpower or strength to do so. The slimegirl just seemed to keep a happy looking face as it kept looking at Fe'da's body that she had so well constrained.

569 took her shot at the more dizzier mad scientist.
Aim and fire! The blaster shot hit the scientist right on the belly taking her air out!

The scientist seemed to fall her knees once more and wheez for air. Mighty hit there!

With Ce'ly being fixated on the same scientist now wheezing for air, the other scientist ran and jumped on Ce'ly!
"Don't look at my girl like that!"
The scientist had grapped Ce'ly's by the wrists and had her wrestled down to the ground.
After some pretty crude moves, Ce'ly was able to struggle her off, moving her aside.

However as Ce'ly got up.. BAM! A laser beam hit her on the side of her hip that really stung her.
"ow ow ow!"
"click click click!"

Seems the other scientists PDA was sort of a wrist laser.
"..haa haa!"

Fe'da was just keeping her eyes closed and preparing herself for the worse.
She was completely at the mercy of the slimegirl. The slime girl took the tendril out of her mouth and decided to move its face closer for some fullmouth kissing.

While doing her kissy kissy, the slime girls body moved Fe'da's legs wide open. The slime began to rub and tingle on Fe'da's highly sensitive womanhood.
The slime kept rubbing and seemed to try force her bottom holes more open.

From below her crotch area, from the floor slime area of the slimegirl, big tendrils began to emerge! These slimy tendrils shaped themself highly phallicly and slowly made their way up.
One big push and the two tendrils penetrated her holes easily, one going right deep in her hive.

Fe'da's scream of pleasure was muffled by the slime girls smooching. She had not expected such jolt to go through her. These big slippery slime cocks were doing some fast thrusts on her sensitive down below like no tomorrow.

Fe'da tried to moan and scream but it wasn't much use.
After a while of strong fast thrusts, the slime tendrils did their one final pushes!
As they pushed their last thrust deep inside her, the slime tendrils ejaculated some very watery liquids inside her!

Fe'da twitched a bit as the tendrils redacted themselves from her. The slime girl stopped smooching her, moved her head back and gave Fe'da a big satisfied smile.
The slime girl's 'hands' seemed to move over to Fe'da's modest chest as the big slimy just kept her smile up.

Fe'da was starting to feel tired..

Ce'ly got herself back to her angry mode.
With bit of mind focus.. her hatred in her mind ran red as she blasted the scientist with another mindblast!


The scientist seemed quite hurt by it!
Eline joined in on the psychic fun and tossed out yet another shockwave!
The shockedwave hit the same scientist quite hard. She was about to be finished if nothing surprising happens.

The radiation tingle'd in the air..
Eline began to feel her belly expand significantly!
She was already starting to feel squirming movement inside her.
"...not now..!"

Fe'da was getting really turned on now all of a sudden.. Her mind had nearly nothing else in her thoughs.
The slime girl seemed to grow a bit! And she was looking really, really happy!
Fe'da and the slime girl looked at each other with rather sly faces.

"I'm having a deja vu."

A) Continue on the attack.
--1 now really have 569 give Fe'da a hand.
--2 maybe Eline can take a jab at helping Fe'da out
B) naw lets have Fe'da keep having 'fun' and attack the scientist
C) Retreat
D) Give in
E) Other?

x. Additional other

Eline's stats:
Level 12.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 6 -4 from status
Agility 6 -3 status
Strength 7
Willpower 9
Technic 11
Psychic 12

58/60 HP
37/60 psychic energy
84/120 exp.

Impregnanted by a floating tentacle! (almost there) -4 stamina -3 agility
Slight sensitivity (-10 to sex atk resist)
Slighty horniness (-10 to struggle)

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs - Striped Panties
Boots - JetBoots (30/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (42/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (150/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (5/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (2 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 4x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 2x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (9/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(16/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 2x Super Energy pills (hp)
1x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill. 1x Hearth symboled vial
25 credits. 2x odd pills.

XXX-569's stats:
Level 11.
Endurance 11 (-1 by status
Stamina 11 (-1 by status)
Agility 11 (-1 by status
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 5 (-1 by status
Technic 8
Psychic 1

96/110 HP
24/120 exp.

Aftermath. -1 agility. -1 stamina. -1willpower. -1 endurance
Sensitive. (-20 to sex atk resist)

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (30/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back - Power Shield Generator (153/200)

Weilding: Laser Blaster. (38/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy))

Purse(level 2):
25 credits.
Vibrator (10 charges) 3x grenade. 1x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 4x horniness vials
Robot servant. 2x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)
Flash Light. 2x Ammobox (Plasma)
Heavy Plasma (43/50)

Robot Servant
50/50 HP.
Status: Packed up.
can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.
Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Fe'da's stats:
level 11
Endurance 6
Stamina 9
Agility 11
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 13
Psychic 6

58/90 HP
30/30 psychic energy
44/110 exp

Extremely sensitive -50 to sex resist. dodging causes small damage. -10 to attacks.
oh so horny -40 to struggle, might have to skip a turn.
slight tiredness. -10 to atk & dodge.

Psychic abilities:
Mindblast. 20 energy. 10 - 20 damage. Only works on organic foes. Can cause flinch. (25%)
Shield. 15 energy. Blocks an attack.
Special: Poison bite. (100% full, 20% per bite, slowly refills.)
Head - Nightvision goggles
Top -
Legs -
Boots -
Wrists - PDA. Gadget: Hacking Key.(10 charges) PDA: Liquid identifier. 20 charges.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Laser Pistol. (198/200 ammo). Crowbar
Back - A coil of metal wire.
Weilding: Laser Blaster (28/40)

Purse items:
1 food ration. Flashlight. Gadget Energy charger. (5 charges) Weird Cube shaped Gadget.
Mystery gadget. Tazer. PDA (Shield 70/100) Data Pad. Old camera Phone. Staircase trap map.
170 credits.


Passive +25 to door and vault technic checks.
Mod rebuilding; Turn two mods to a uncommon or better mod.

Ce'ly (Z'rill)
52/70 HP
43/90 PE
Status: Radiation Ill. Causes weird suggestions to people around her and makes her slowly weaker and weaker
Very sensitive! + (-35 to sex atk resist)
Fixated on mad scientist2

Upgraded Mind Blast 15 PE
Upgraded Kinetics 20 PE
Mind Squeeze 30 PE (cool down 4)
Hive Mind 25 PE
Poison Bite (100%)

Locks onto one foe till its down.
refuses to use any other weapon than her Z'rill combat blade (10 - 25 slash/stab damage.)
7 endurance
7 stamina
9 agility
6 strength
10 willpower
8 technic
18 psychic

Fe'da struggle
48 - 30 (18) vs 82

569 vs mad scientist2
69 + 10 (79) vs 89 - 20 (69)
32 dmg!

Mad scientist1 vs Ce'ly
37 - 10 (27) vs 14
92 vs 47

Mad scientist2 vs Ce'ly
71 - 20 (51) vs 7
14 dmg!

Slimegirl heavy sex attack!
21 vs 38 - 50 (-12)
20 + 12 (32 dmg!)
Effect: (26)

Ce'ly vs Mad Scientist2 (Mind blast!)
79 vs 15 - 20 (-5)
25 + 5 (30) dmg!

Eline vs mad scientist2
29 + 10 (39) vs 42 - 20 (22)
22 dmg
vs mad scientist1
4 vs 63 - 10 (53)

vs Eline
69 vs 30
vs 569
12 vs 51 +5 (56)
vs Fe'da
50 vs 13 - 15 (-2)
vs Ce'ly
31 vs 45
vs Slimegirl
43 vs 28
vs scientist1
14 vs 24
vs scientist2
15 vs 91
---PE recovery: eline 3 ce'ly 4----


Mad scientist1 lvl 12 98/100 HP (busty with coat) (-10 to all rolls)
Mad scientist2 lvl 12 3/100 HP (average with pda&purse) (-20 to all rolls) (nearly finished)
Slime girl lvl 13 94/135 HP (Growth! +5 to all moves)

Speed order
Fe'da - 569 (tie)
Mad scientist1
Slime girl
Mad scientist2
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