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Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

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Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The drovers don't seem much bothered by Jocelyn as she snaps and turns away from them to head into the tavern. The room is much fuller than the tavern she and Aubrey had sat in earlier that night. A warm fire roars in the large fireplace on the opposite side of the room which is filled to the brim with rough looking sailors and serving wenches. Very few of them look up at the door opening and those that do give Jocelyn a bit of a strange look but quickly go back to their cups. A bartender works busily behind the bar filling mugs and handing them off to servers while keeping an eye out for trouble.

Off in one corner she catches on of the patrons eying her closely, for some reason she seems to know that he's another Cainite. Before she can look at him more closely she hears Urchin quietly whisper from beside her somewhere.

"Uh-oh, Jocelyn should have waited. Urchin couldn't catch her in time. Vampire in corner is one we wanted to avoid."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn grumbled a bit and shrugged, her long time of practice dealing with other voices she couldn't find the source to allowing her to take it in without seeming too surprised. She ignored the other petitioner she saw in the corner booth, moving to the bartender instead. "I'm looking for Captain Yarborough, can you point me to him?" She asked quickly.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The bartender raises an eyebrow at Jocelyn's appearance but doesn't say anything. He nods his head towards a table right next to the roaring fireplace where an older gentleman sits conversing with another much younger sailor. They don't seem to be engaged in that serious of a conversation as they both give an occasional laugh while they drink.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn nods her thanks to the bartender and manages a small smile as she turns and takes a step in the direction he motioned, only to turn and face the roaring fireplace right beside her target.
She stopped dead, staring at the fire, seeing little devils hop and prance around in it, some of them pointing at her and making motions like they were going to hop out and drag her back in with them...
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The bartender nods his head in return to Jocelyn before returning to his duties behind the bar. The devils in the fire hop and prance for what seems like ages but they don't seem to be able to leave the flames. They must not be able to leave the flames for several of them begin making pleading motions for her to join them.

None of the others in the tavern seem to notice Jocelyn's displeasure at the fire, instead simply going about there usual business. Urchin seems to have disappeared completely though he must be somewhere nearby, probably far away from the demons in the fire, which continue begging her to join them.

You passed your Rotschrek roll with flying colors.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

(Oh good)

Buck up, we've got a job to do, missy!
Yeah, imagine the look on Aubrey's face when he finds out you set everything up. That'll show him!

"Oh sure, agree for once..." She mumbles under her breath, steeling her nerves and walking to the side of the table furthest from the bonfire, addressing the older man. "Are you Captain Yarborough? I'm looking to book passage for two to England, I'm told you could help me." She says, managing a friendly smile, though still trying her best to look business-like.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The older man looks up from his cups and smiles offering for Jocelyn to sit as he responds. The younger man just continues with his drinking allowing the older man to handle the answers.

"Aye, Captain Yarborough it is, this is my first mate Beaumains. Have a seat Milady, would you like a wine before we get down to business?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn shakes her head slightly. "No thanks, but thank you anyways." She replies to the offer of wine, taking a seat naturally as far away from the bonfire as she can manage, still being able to keep an eye on it and it's demons. "Pleasure to meet the both of you, I'm Jocelyn." She says lightly, giving the two men a nod.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The first mate seems more concerned with taking quick glances at Jocelyn's face than with the conversation, though he refrains from speaking. The captain nods his head before taking a drink of his ale and responding.

"Tis' a bit strange for a lady such as yourself to be asking about transport in such a place but at my age I've learned to keep my nose out of others business. My ship the Ceres will be leaving in three days for the Cinque ports of Hastings and Dover with grain but we do have a few berths available. I would say 30 crowns for each of you would be sufficient."

30 crowns should seem a little high, and no I have no clue how much it would have actually cost so I'm winging it.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn smiles kindly, ignoring the glances of the first mate as she replies. "Surely you aren't trying to take advantage of me, with a price like that? I would think 30 crowns would be more than enough for the both of us, 30 each just seems so steep..." She says in a businesslike tone, waiting to see how he reacts before adding more. "Though I suppose if you are worried about space, the two of us could share e berth, if that should suit you better..."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The captain gets a smile on his red face as Jocelyn haggles him, taking another swig before answering in a slightly slurred tone.

"Bless me, you got a sharp mind for money, milady. Still I had to give it a try. And now you got me feeling generous. How about 40 crowns for the both of you?"

Beaumains seems a little crestfallen that Jocelyn is ignoring him though he does keep stealing glances whenever he gets the chance.

40 crowns should seem about right. Though you could try and get it lower, especially if you play your cards right.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn's smile widened slightly, and she bowed graciously at the comment. "Why thanks you, a sharp mind is one of the things I try to foster, it's useful for so many things..." She says, finally slipping her gaze over to the first mate for the briefest of moments, meeting his gaze with that smile for just a moment, before returning to the captain. "35 crowns, aaand we'll bring out own supplies, so you don't have to feed us from the ship's stores. Is that acceptable?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Beaumains turns a few shades of red when he catches the smile Jocelyn throws his way but he doesn't speak up. He seems to be trying to work his bravery up a little with a few swigs of ale.

The captain who seems to be a little tipsy ponders the offer for a moment before responding.

"Hmm, well I don't know. The trip'll take about three weeks are you sure you can bring that much food and water with you?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn stops and thinks for a moment. "I think so." She says finally. "Most of our luggage is rations already, we should be fine. How about this; If we do wind up sitting down for dinner at your table, we'll pay the remaining five crowns for the privilege. The first time only, mind you. Past that, you've already made your money, of course." She explains. "Now, what are the accommodations like, during the trip?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The captain sits pondering the latest offer for a moment, the alcohol clearly starting to take it's effect. Beaumains seems to have finally gained enough liquid courage as after taking a longer look in Jocelyn's direction and blurts out in his thick French accent.

"I don't mean to intrude captain but we have already made a really good profit on this part of the voyage. I'm sure cutting a few passengers a bit of a break on the fare back home won't hurt us."

The captain nods his head at the first mates words and slurs out.

"You know you're right, Beaumains. 35 crowns it is, milady. Now onto the other arrangements. Like I said we'll be leaving...what time was it I said we would be leaving Beaumains."

The first mate smiles broadly and after the captain asks when they were leaving, he responds.

"Why don't you let me handle the rest captain. The ale seems to be hitting you rather hard tonight if you don't mind me saying so."

The captain nods his head drunkenly in agreement before standing and excusing himself from the table. Stumbling up to his room very badly after he leaves.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Thank you very much Captain, sleep well." Jocelyn says kindly, giving the man a nod as he gets up and leaves, before turning back to the first mate. "And thank you, as well. Beau-Maine, was it? I'm so horrible at names, but I do know some French. It sounds like Beautiful Man, does it not?" She says in a friendly tone, completely focused on him, now that they were the only two at the table. Apart from glances at the fire to check on the devils, of course.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The devils still seem as if they are unable to leave the fire despite their best efforts to do otherwise. Now that the first mate has Jocelyn alone he still seems fairly shy, turning a little red as he responds.

"You're quite welcome and yes it's Beaumains, or if you would prefer Roger. I guess it does sound a little like that in English, it's not too far off either as it means beautiful hands."

He goes to take another drink from his ale but finds it empty, though he seems content to wait for one of the servers to come over rather than leaving Jocelyn by herself.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn continued to smile, seemingly not noticing the man's nervousness. "And that they are! Sorry, I never could pay attention learning french. Roger it is then, thank you." She says smoothly, still smiling. "So when exactly does your ship plan on leaving?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"OH right, the Ceres should be leaving 2 days from now probably in the morning. The berths aren't all that impressive of course, since she's not really built for passengers but it shouldn't be too bad, I hope.

If you want I could point out where the Ceres is docked after I've answered your questions?"

Beaumains answers still obviously nervous about being alone with Jocelyn, though he is calming down some.

Funnily enough I actually had Jocelyn as being able to speak French and English, since she's in France though it's a part of England at the time.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"We'll show up early, just to be sure." Jocelyn said with a nod. "I'm not horribly worried about the conditions. I'm sure you can tell, we haven't been living a life of luxury for a while." She says with a sigh, motioning to her rather ragged dress.

"I'm not sure I actually have any more questions, really. I would like to see the berth though, if you have the time?" She asked, tilting her head towards the door out of the tavern a bit.

Yeah, but I can't, so I'd rather not bother, to be honest. Was chalking Jocelyn's lack up to the apparent neglect she was under before she was shipped to the church.
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