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Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

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Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"I have plenty of time to show you the berth, I have to check on the guards posted at the ship as it is. If you're ready we can go right now."

Beaumains answers with a smile as he stands and holds his hand out to help Jocelyn up. As he moves to the other side of the table a large cinder shoots from the fire and lands near him. An imp chases it out and tries to use it to get closer to Jocelyn though he still can't reach her.

Well that's why it's funny, I didn't want to bother with it either so I was just translating it as if she understood everyone.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn takes a slight look around the room, trying to spot Urchin. "Yes, I think I have the time now." She says, accepting his hand up and hooking her arm in his, allowing him to lead her towards the exit. That is, until the imps managed to get loose, sending a coal with an imp attached shooting towards her.

She managed to stifle her screech, but not by much. She still jumped and let out a confusing high-pitched squeak, holding his arm tightly and trying to skitter away from the imp as it reached for her, though it was still stuck with the coal on the ground. She dragged him a few feet further away before she got hold of herself again, composing herself and offering him a shrug. "Sorry, I have a fear of getting burned." She explained quickly. "Shouldn't be a problem in the middle of the sea, right?"

XD Alright then, nevermind, she was trying to make a joke then, or something. *facepalms*
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Beaumains seems quite surprised by Jocelyn's sudden fear of the hot coal her explanation seems to be enough for him though she still feels several eyes looking her way strangely. As she stands there with the attention on herself she can see Urchin appear very briefly to leave through the front door without being noticed.

"It's all right now and no fire isn't a problem on the open seas, so that shouldn't worry you any either. Let us continue on then."

Beaumains says as he leads her to the door away from the fire with a smile.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Oh good." She replies, smiling back a little hesitantly. "Sorry again. That was horribly embarrassing..."

Reaching her other arm over to wrap around his arm as well, she'll let him lead her from the tavern without further comment.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Ah no need to apologize."

He says taking her arm in his and leading her from the tavern out into the cool night air. He leads her through the docks quietly smiling all the way till they finally reach a pier beside which is docked a small caravel, named The Ceres. No one else seems to be around for the entire trip, though Jocelyn does catch Urchin following along quietly behind them a few times. The strange fog in her mind from her earlier feeding seems to be clearing up, making it much easier for her to focus. Leading her up to the narrow gangplank he releases her arm so they can better walk up it with a smile.

"Well here we are, Jocelyn. She may not look like much but she's a fine ship I assure you. Just follow me and I'll give you the tour."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn just smiled an dnodded, letting him lead her off. Along the way, she felt the fuzziness in her head begin to fade, the other two voices becoming clearer again.

...and then get us!
He's an honest young man, look at him! He can barely talk to her, what's he gonna do?
Then we should get to him first, before he works up the courage. The trip is long, we should start on as full a belly as possible.
No, we should go and find some food somewhere else. We're going to be on a ship with that man the entire trip, what if he says something? nowhere to run on a ship...

"She looks quite fine." She replied, starting to make her way up the gangplank carefully.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

After leading her up the gangplank he takes her arm again and shows her down into the dark hold. Leaving her in the moonlight for a second he makes his way slowly into the dark to grab a lantern, which he lights before returning. Jocelyn tenses a little as he strikes the match but the devil inside the lantern can't escape.

They then continue on towards the back of the hold where he shows them the berth. The room is indeed small with two hammocks hanging against the wall. It should fit their purposes just fine however as it has a strong wooden door and no windows for the sun to enter. Beaumains just stands quietly off to the side as if not sure what to say now that he's shown her the entire ship.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn nodded as she looked around the room, idly checking to see it the door had a lock as well. "Aye, this will do just fine. Thank you, Roger." She says slowly, smiling at him.

Do it now!
Shush, go find someone else!

Jocelyn twitches slightly, then shakes her head. "So, you said you were here to check on the guards? I didn't see any myself..."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Woops that's what I get for making things up as I go along. I forgot all about the guards.

Roger begins to move his mouth as if to say something but the words don't come out right away. Instead he turns even redder than he had back at the tavern and looks down at the ground completely crestfallen and apologizes.

"I didn't intend to and trick you here or anything, really. There aren't any guards. I just thought that I might not be so shy without a lot of people around. So I guess I did trick you though I didn't really intend to. I'm sorry, Jocelyn."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

This works too, quite well I think. Nice cover, I won't tell anyone. ;)

Jocelyn looks confused for a moment, trying to figure out why Roger would need to lie to her to get her to come here. After a few seconds, one of the voices gave the side of her head a flick.

...He's coming on to you, wake up.

"Oh. Oh! Umm..." She says, finally realizing what the man was after. "No, that's okay, I don't mind, I needed to see the berth anyways, right? Umm..."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Well as long as it worked I guess it's a good thing.

Roger seems just as nervous as Jocelyn does as he stands kicking at a knot in the wood with the lantern in one hand. Finally he looks up quite sincerely and asks.

"I guess I kind of ruined it tonight but maybe I could walk you back to your inn or wherever it is you're staying. Just to make sure you get back safely."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"That... Would be fine, thank you." Jocelyn says slowly, managing an apologetic smile. "I'm staying at a hospice only a couple blocks away, a friend of mine runs it." She explained, letting Roger lead her off the ship and pointing him in the right direction.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Roger leads Jocelyn quietly back through the docks the way towards the hospice. He stopped to watch her knock on the door seeming to want to say something. Though all he could muster out was a solemn goodbye as the door was opened quietly by Rebekah in her hooded cloak.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn noted the look Roger gave, giving him another smile and a bit of a shrug. "If I need something before we leave, I'll be sure to ask you. Thanks again, Roger." She told him, waving at him as she stepped into the hospice.

Firrst thing she did when she entered was look around the room for Aubrey. If Rebekah was back, surely she would have brought him back with her...
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn can't see anyone when she first enters the hospice nor does she see anyone when she carefully looks about the room either. Rebekah waits at the door for a few minutes until Urchin makes his way inside and heads to his corner. After closing and securing the door Rebekah lowers her hood and makes her way over to Jocelyn.

"You'll be glad to know that Aubrey is fine, though I wasn't able to secure his release. Baron Le Vieux doesn't quite believe his story but I was able to arrange for him to go free tomorrow night with some properly applied pressure. In the meantime I insist that you shelter from the day here with Urchin and I. How did you do Jocelyn? The young man who was with you seemed rather sad for some reason.
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Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn looks worried as she looked around, not spotting anyone else but Rebekah. She quickly started smiling again once the situation was explained to her. "That was the first mate of the Ceres, which is leaving for england two mornings from now. I think he likes me. I've secured passage for two in a berth for 35 crowns." She explains proudly. "I talked them down from sixty. I still think that's more than Aubrey and I have, but we have tomorrow night to get some more. We also need some luggage, I told them we'll bring our own food, so we gotta bring something that could be full of food."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Urchin knows where to find old chest. At least I don't think anyone owns it. He can check tomorrow night if Jocelyn wants."

Urchin says before heading over to a rug on the dirt floor, pulling it back he opens a trap door and heads down. Rebekah Smiles and points Jocelyn down the stairs into a dark cellar.

"There are some cots down to lay on. I'm an early riser so if I'm gone when you awake you need not worry. I've probably headed to the court to see about Aubrey."

Once down stairs Jocelyn can see Urchin kneeling by a cot in the back corner of the small cellar. Shortly after she finds a place to rest Rebekah closes the trap door and joins them.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"That should do, if it's big enough. Did you see anything else while we were there? What about that pirate? I was afraid to look at him, did he do anything?" She asked Urchin, following him down to the cellar. She took the time to walk around the perimeter, as she did in the room above the first time she arrived, running a hand along the dirt surface of the walls before settling down on a cot.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Urchin shakes his head after getting up from his knees and laying on a cot before saying.

"Urchin not see anything important. D'Ombro not even seem to notice Jocelyn was there. He just sit in corner watching the door of tavern. He probably saw Urchin leave but he didn't follow or anything. So I think we're safe."

Rebekah seems to be busy praying still while Jocelyn and Urchin begin to feel themselves heading into their daily rest.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn can't really see in the black of the closed cellar, but she can hear the whispered prayers from the cot Rebekah had chosen. "Does He answer you? He never answered me..." She said groggily, feeling more tired by the minute. "Even when I used the circles to try and make it easier for him to hear..."
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