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VN/TEXT [Pykrete] The Flesh Cavern

Re: The Flesh Cavern

That's odd, it's definitely set to turn that flag off when visiting the first page again.

Odd. Is this before or after resetting the game? This glitch was occurring earlier, did you download the game before I updated it? If not, then it's still triggering for some reason... any information you can provide as to the steps you took would be useful.

If you hadn't guessed by the sheer length of it, that's my favourite too.

426 plays already, jeez. I didn't expect this to even glanced at, to be honest!

Edit again: I have replicated the problem. If not looked at my scripting yet, but I think I know what went wrong. The flag is being reset just fine... I just plain forgot to bloody make the options based on that flag reset! Whoops! I'll fix it shortly. I still need to hear from jadex with regards to whether this happened before or after resetting the game, and if it's the old version or not.

Edit once again: Fixed that error now, added a pair of scripts to properly remove the 'walk across' ring variants on resetting.
So i had the same error, but i'm fairly sure i didn't reset the page. I tested it again with what i am sure are the same actions and this time the ring was there.

As for posting this on a website. My quick look at the documentation and using google searches with it, doesn't seem it supports that feature. However Quest 5 is open source and something you could do (Or someone else) is to make an interpreter for a website or even a unity program.

Anyways cheers and good luck to getting 15 post.
Waiting for more.


You need to download the WebPlayer project to host this game yourself.
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

Ah, a kindred soul :-3.
I too dabbled in text games (on Inform), but never went so far as to release a finished product.

What engine/language did you use?
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Enjoyable little thing, simple premise but executed well enough.

Pity there are no illustrations :D
Re: The Flesh Cavern

So i had the same error, but i'm fairly sure i didn't reset the page. I tested it again with what i am sure are the same actions and this time the ring was there.

As for posting this on a website. My quick look at the documentation and using google searches with it, doesn't seem it supports that feature. However Quest 5 is open source and something you could do (Or someone else) is to make an interpreter for a website or even a unity program.

Anyways cheers and good luck to getting 15 post.
Waiting for more.


You need to download the WebPlayer project to host this game yourself.

Ah, interesting! Well, thank you for doing my research for me :p I'd likely not have worked that out myself. As for the error, sorry if i'm misunderstanding, but the second time around it worked as intended? How odd...

Ah, a kindred soul :-3.
I too dabbled in text games (on Inform), but never went so far as to release a finished product.

What engine/language did you use?

Well, I used RAGs for about a year (but never finished anything). Then I used Twine for a bit, which is nice but I found the need to have all my scripting done via code a ballache. More recently I've discovered Quest, which is a nice middleman between the two. It has a Gamebook mode, for making more simple CYOAs like this one, and a Text Adventure mode for making stuff more in the vein of CoC/TiTs with support for compass navigation, maps, etc. It also supports images, video and sounds, and you can change the theme of the player really easily. Gives you a lot of control. I'm still getting used to it over RAGs, which is so bizarrely constrictive yet flexible all at once. RAGs has a lot of hurdles to overcome, but once you learn the loopholes it can do pretty much anything. I managed to script a pokemon simulator in it, thought it took me about a week and then I lost interest, haha.

Anyway, Quest supports Java, but I didn't do anything outside of its basic click and drag functions. The option is there, though. You can also switch to Code View when you're scripting which, once you know the program's language and terms, makes editing shit a lot quicker. Also has support for creating your own functions, which I've been using like RAG's 0 turn timers; just quickly accessible script storage, in essence.

And yeah, tell me about it. My problem is that if I don't get bored with a project, I'll think of something I really want to write that doesn't fit in it and end up starting something new! I'm better at fighting that urge now, at least.

Nice stuff.
Enjoyable little thing, simple premise but executed well enough.

Pity there are no illustrations :D

Thank you! As for illustrations, I'm doing this as a hobby and I'm not comfortable using other artists work (especially as no matter what, it likely wouldn't be the same/close enough to what i'm envisioning). So, they're unlikely.

I'm pretty chuffed this has been as well received as it has! Thanks for the +reps, as well. If you enjoyed this, you may be happy to hear that I definitely plan a sequel about the character settling into her new life as a queen/goddess (with a mix of dominant and submissive content), but for now i'm switching gears and messing around with a fantasy setting.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

This was really good! I enjoyed it quite a lot. There are a few problems, mostly to do with the tunnel and the tentacle pods: When Ali tries to go to the temple, sometimes she'll get two versions of "Continue..." when the tentacle pod grabs her. The second bug is that when you try to go back through the tunnel from the slime lake, the choices are "Crawl through the tunnel" or "Go back", and for some reason choosing to crawl sends you right back to the slime lake while going back will send you to the center, as if you were heading into the tunnel from the center instead of from the slime lake. There's also a few grammar mistakes here and there, but all in all, great job!
Re: The Flesh Cavern

This was really good! I enjoyed it quite a lot. There are a few problems, mostly to do with the tunnel and the tentacle pods: When Ali tries to go to the temple, sometimes she'll get two versions of "Continue..." when the tentacle pod grabs her. The second bug is that when you try to go back through the tunnel from the slime lake, the choices are "Crawl through the tunnel" or "Go back", and for some reason choosing to crawl sends you right back to the slime lake while going back will send you to the center, as if you were heading into the tunnel from the center instead of from the slime lake. There's also a few grammar mistakes here and there, but all in all, great job!

Glad you enjoyed it! The second isn't a bug, just poor writing on my part/laziness - when you return from the slime lake, you end up back in front of the tunnel, where the option to 'go back' would logically take you back to the middle of the breeding chamber if you were coming from that direction. I'll probably rewrite that/throw in a flag to alter the way it's phrased better.

As for the first, yeah, that's a bug, thank you for bringing it to my attention. Hmm... it may be that I used a >= in place of a > when it's checking her hp... one of the continues, naturally, will lead to the version where she escapes, and the other will result in the bad end.
Wait, no, I just checked and realized I never set it to remove the other page link if it was added in a previous run - did you encounter this after resetting from a previous ending? If so, that's why. The lack of a 'Reset' script is a fucking nightmare, honestly. In the game I'm writing now, the game over screen just tells the player to refresh or reopen the game (or reload, obviously), and it shall remain that way unless I find an easier way to do a full reset.

And yeah, grammar needs work. Thankfully I'm getting better at keeping my tenses constant, I think. Also, I think I finally realized what was wrong with that '20 foot long' line... is it supposed to be '20 feet long'? Haha... In any case, I've found a free grammar checker which I'm feeding scenes into for lazy spell/grammar checking. I will die before I abandon the oxford comma, however.

Anyway. Rambling. If you could confirm if that double 'continue' error occurred after a reset, that'd be swell. Or, if it didn't, break the news gently to me.

Edit: Also, I 'fixed' the second one by just changing the 'back' button into 'Go back into the chamber center'. Boom, go to print, that's a wrap, people.

Edit edit whoa I do this a lot, huh?: 1.3 is now out with some minor fixes.
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

That was awesome, and I'll definitely keep an eye out for anything else you produce!
Re: The Flesh Cavern

That's very nice of you to say, thank you!

I'm drumming up ideas and filtering things I want to do in the game I'm making now. As I mentioned, it's a fantasy setting. The character is an adventurer of sorts who's goal it is to make 500 gold so that she can buy a house back home. The closest thing to civilization in the region she hails from is a fortress town called Cauldron's Gate, once a staging point for heroes who sought to tackle the massive volcanic fortress it guarded. That was long ago, and the demon who ruled the fortress is long gone, as are the heroes - the place is now a slaver town run by rogues, beastfolk and lesser demons. As you can imagine, not a very easy place for a young adventurer to get by.

It has some rudimentary stats (which are allotted at the beginning and can be improved later), and then you choose a flaw (each having different effects in different quests/jobs). No combat system - that would be far too finicky in a gamebook - but skill checks and the like.

I'm not sure what I'll do with it. It's already bigger in filesize than this first game, and I've only written one job, haha. (though she starts outside the city and has a fair few options as to how to get in, including one that can backfire). The game also has slavery - if the character is enslaved, many encounters change, bad ends are easier to stumble into, etc. Not toyed around with equipment yet, but I plan to. Winning is simple - earn 500 gold and head back to the city gates whilst unenslaved! Easier said than done, haha.

Perhaps once I get the game done with enough jobs and encounters in it that reaching the goal is at least feasible, I'll release it as a demo and fish for ideas for scenes and scenarios people would like to see. I'm open to a lot of stuff, outside of the usual Guro, Scat/WS and Loli/Shota. (Though I'm all for petite body types!)

At the moment, the town consists of the main street, a market square, an auction block for slave dealing, a foreign quarter (where the adventurer's guild is located, and many of the town's lesser demons live), and the slums, inhabited by the lowest of rogues and whores. Jobs and quests are mostly taken from the main street tavern, a tavern in the slums with harder/filthier job postings, and the adventurer's guild with standard adventurer's duties available (albeit ending in porn if you're not careful, obviously). Then there are some possible encounters in the streets and, of course, the option to earn the gold through slutting around is on the table, as long as you're careful. It's a fun setting to think up ideas for, and I'm using some ideas from abandoned past projects in it.

I'll likely make a topic for it soon, once I have a taster to release. In the meantime, if anyone has any suggestions for fantasy scenarios they'd like to see, feel free to run them by me. (I know what i've given so far is pretty vague, sorry! But it's open ended so all you really need to know is, non-human protagonist, female, high magical world fantasy setting.)
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Ah, interesting! Well, thank you for doing my research for me :p I'd likely not have worked that out myself. As for the error, sorry if i'm misunderstanding, but the second time around it worked as intended? How odd...
I was doing several test just B lining to the Ring so i would have refreshed the page. It was a test if there was a error with the story itself or just when you got a game over.

I would like to point out a problem i had with the story. The flash light is easily made to seem like a useful to tool starting from the first room but after the room it's never used again unless i've missed something. One would expect that you could maybe use it on the pods or something. Maybe give it 3 uses and the battery runs dead.
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

I was doing several test just B lining to the Ring so i would have refreshed the page. It was a test if there was a error with the story itself or just when you got a game over.

I would like to point out a problem i had with the story. The flash light is easily made to seem like a useful to tool starting from the first room but after the room it's never used again unless i've missed something. One would expect that you could maybe use it on the pods or something. Maybe give it 3 uses and the battery runs dead.

A valid criticism. The simple answer is that I wanted to do it in 48 hours, so the ideas I had regarding the flash didn't make it in. Using it in the pod would have summoned the Lamprey (same as trying to free Alice), using it on the slime would have done nothing except make Ali feel a bit foolish, and using it on the Queen would anger her, leading to a more aggressive version of that bad end. I might go back and add these, but it's unlikely.

Edit: Whoa, over 1000 plays already. Not bad, considering it's still uncategorized! This is thus far the only place I've posted it, so that's all from here. So, cheers!
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

Pykrete Blue said:
Well, I used RAGs for about a year (but never finished anything). Then I used Twine for a bit, which is nice but I found the need to have all my scripting done via code a ballache. More recently I've discovered Quest, which is a nice middleman between the two. It has a Gamebook mode, for making more simple CYOAs like this one, and a Text Adventure mode for making stuff more in the vein of CoC/TiTs with support for compass navigation, maps, etc.

Awesome. I'll test it this week-end. I actually had a project with a text-based adventure game, where the player would start in a hub village, and then explore and complete dungeons. Each dungeon would cater to specific fetishes, allowing players to handpick which parts of the game they want to play.
I started it on Inform, got some mechanics written, but I left it out when I began to design the fighting system and character creation. If there is one thing Inform hates, it's randomness and values left for the player to input.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Awesome. I'll test it this week-end. I actually had a project with a text-based adventure game, where the player would start in a hub village, and then explore and complete dungeons. Each dungeon would cater to specific fetishes, allowing players to handpick which parts of the game they want to play.
I started it on Inform, got some mechanics written, but I left it out when I began to design the fighting system and character creation. If there is one thing Inform hates, it's randomness and values left for the player to input.

Ho yeah, combat systems aren't easy. Ones that are more complicated than just 'attack' 'defend' and 'flee', anyway. I drummed one up in RAGs for a game that I'm meaning to port over to Quest where whenever you find a new weapon, you add new attacks to your menu. In turn, however, they require ammo. It was a parody of survival horror style gameplay, so you had to manage your resources carefully. It's probably my best game but before I'd even finished the first 'chapter'/area, RAGs was already beginning to chug and slow down - it bloats up horrifically, even without pictures. As an example, if I made Flesh Cavern in RAGs, it would have been at least 20 times the filesize.

Your idea sounds pretty solid, though! Especially giving the player the option to just ignore stuff that doesn't appeal to them - I know Lust Doll is getting favourable attention for that reason. I'm a big mean jerk, though, so people will just have to pay attention to context clues to avoid fetishes they dislike, mwuha. (Though if I ever did anything really <i>really</i> extreme I'd give warnings.) As for randomness, Quest supports that, but you may need to dig a little! The 'if' function has a Random Chance variable built into it based on a 0-100% scale - a really easy mistake to make is to make 3 equal chances all 33%. You can't do that - instead, the first two have to be 33%, then the last one has to be 100%, or there's a chance nothing will happen at all. There's also a diceroll function which you can set the min/max size of, but I'll have to dig it up to find out how to do it again. As I said, the Quest documentation is a little outdated, given that they're focusing on releasing some new development kit version of the software at the moment.

I actually started out with trying to write a character for TiTs, but then I got distracted by a different character idea. Got pretty far with them, then thought 'why don't I just make my own game instead?' And here we are a year and a half later with barely anything to publicly show for it, haha!

Also, 15 posts. Yessss. Time to fix that hyperlink.

Edit: There, the deed is done. Anyway, if you get stuck with any of Quest's features, let me know! I'm still learning the Gamebook side of things, but I have a pretty good handle on the Text Adventure version.
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

As for randomness, Quest supports that, but you may need to dig a little! The 'if' function has a Random Chance variable built into it based on a 0-100% scale - a really easy mistake to make is to make 3 equal chances all 33%. You can't do that - instead, the first two have to be 33%, then the last one has to be 100%, or there's a chance nothing will happen at all. There's also a diceroll function which you can set the min/max size of, but I'll have to dig it up to find out how to do it again. As I said, the Quest documentation is a little outdated, given that they're focusing on releasing some new development kit version of the software at the moment.

Hmm, this sounds like it uses "if if if" syntax for the random chance. I think this might be so you can get multiple items. I think what the program is really doing from your description is a roll per conditional call. The syntax i would expect most people want for selecting different quest or locations would be "If, else if, else". This would check each conditional until it found one that was true, or reach the else statement.

The way they have this constructed would allow you to make a dungeon with 10 trap each with a 10% chance of triggering but then not triggering. You could even make a joke about how lucky the player is for surviving that.
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

Hmm, this sounds like it uses "if if if" syntax for the random chance. I think this might be so you can get multiple items. I think what the program is really doing from your description is a roll per conditional call. The syntax I would expect most people want for selecting different quest or locations would be "If, else if, else". This would check each conditional until it found one that was true, or reach the else statement.

The way they have this constructed would allow you to make a dungeon with 10 trap each with a 10% chance of triggering but then not triggering. You could even make a joke about how lucky the player is for surviving that.

Nono, it uses if, else if, else. You can contain it all within that one 'if' section quite neatly. I just momentarily forgot what Else does and now I feel foolish, haha.

Though you could just stack 'if' scripts if you wanted multiple events to happen in one block, such as for multiple items.

Edit: Bluelight, I decided to look up what you mentioned earlier, about the 'Webplayer project', but I'm not having a whole lot of success. Can you point me in the right direction, possibly?
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

They reference it here:

and i think the files they're talking about are here :

However something i didnot notice is the asp.net requirement nor do i know how to set this up. Going to try using the files locally and see what happens.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

They reference it here:

and i think the files they're talking about are here :

However something i didnot notice is the asp.net requirement nor do I know how to set this up. Going to try using the files locally and see what happens.

Was just about to head to bed, haha. Thank you, that's very helpful of you! Don't worry if you can't figure it out, I'll read through it in the morning. If I can't figure out, I might just ask on their forums.

One thing before I go - this line, 'XML game file format is easily editable outside of Quest if you don't want to use Quest's own editor', just caught my eye. I guess that's always an alternative if I can't find a solution!
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Was just about to head to bed, haha. Thank you, that's very helpful of you! Don't worry if you can't figure it out, I'll read through it in the morning. If I can't figure out, I might just ask on their forums.

One thing before I go - this line, 'XML game file format is easily editable outside of Quest if you don't want to use Quest's own editor', just caught my eye. I guess that's always an alternative if I can't find a solution!

XML is just a way to save files so a program can easily parse them in. For instances if you were to create a humanoid class in your game for enemy you might save the stats of name, maxHP, Str, & dex. You can then save this a readable format, and open it up in a completely different program. They're using it here so you can easily use a different editor than the quest one but you will likely be required to compile it into a ".quest" file type using their editor.

The files themselves contain no logic themselves but organize data neatly.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

As small as it is i enjoyed it just would like some more areas :D
Re: The Flesh Cavern

XML is just a way to save files so a program can easily parse them in. For instances if you were to create a humanoid class in your game for enemy you might save the stats of name, maxHP, Str, & dex. You can then save this a readable format, and open it up in a completely different program. They're using it here so you can easily use a different editor than the quest one but you will likely be required to compile it into a ".quest" file type using their editor.

The files themselves contain no logic themselves but organize data neatly.

Ah, whoops.