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Quick, without thinking...

Re: Quick, without thinking...

Well without thinking. I would say a sandwich, but not just any sandwich the best sandwich in the world.

I mean power and money and all that would be nice, but I would want the andwich without thinking.
Re: Quick, without thinking...

The ability to teleport.
Re: Quick, without thinking...

The ability to teleport.

Mmm. Short of godliness, I've often thought teleportation would be a pretty good one. The entire world becomes your home, neighbourhood and playground. I'd probably pretend to be some mystical being and start visiting interesting people for fun. Teleporting could be quite helpful in encouraging me to socialise and stop being such a recluse. As a sceptic of mystical beings it would be a strange activity, but then again, I'm teleporting, so I might have to review my understanding of the world slightly anyway.

Gah... I need mystic powers... ;_;
Re: Quick, without thinking...

To heck with visiting new and interesting people, I'd take teleportation so I wouldn't have to deal with traffic whenever I wanted to go somewhere!

That being said, yes, if I were picking a "power" it would be either that or telekinesis, since, with the right application of that, you can fly, which is almost as good as teleporting and you can smack people on the back of the head with it from a distance...


What? Copper works with the public.

Another interesting 'power' I'd opt for would be (surprise) money based: I'd want to always have enough money on me to pay for what I needed to at the time. Want a soda? I've got a buck. Want a PS3? I've got 400 bucks. Want to pay off my college loan? A few more bucks than that...;)

Course, now we're starting to think about our answers, but those of us that have already answered can now tangent *laughs*
Re: Quick, without thinking...

Whee! Tangent! Tangent!

Traffic? That's just plain obvious. Where is it you want to go exactly? The thing with teleportation depends on how far you are willing to go with it. People will notice if you use it too much, and daily life will get strange. Some people might insist on still leading a normal life, with teleporting as a helpful bonus. Of course if your not worried about that, you can live any where. Escape society and 'the system' entirely. No one can stop you doing as you please and living a totally spontaneous un-rooted life. The only thing that would tie me down to my current location would be friends and family. Language too, that'd be a pain, I'd have to work on that.

Though even if you started living in Mongolia because you found a nifty seemingly abandoned remote mountain/forest home, there's nothing stopping you visiting back at any time. Evidently, they will wonder where you're living and what your doing. Explaining this/deciding what to tell them would be the hardest part of tele-living.

By visiting interesting people, I mean I would really mess with them. As in be eating breakfast in their kitchen one morning, then appologise and teleport out right in front of their eyes when they inevitably complain. Make em wonder just who (or what) they told to get out of their house. Visit them again somewhere else, just standing in public off side somewhere and let them come to you. Be friendly yet mysterious, if they get aggressive look upset and poof away. Gotta pick the right people of course. Some people will only be hurt and confused by this, but I'd love to have a strange teleporting friend. If given the chance why not be one. Wouldn't that just make life more fun? Like I said, I'm a sceptic with most things, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be proven wrong.

I can already think of someone to visit.
Re: Quick, without thinking...

You're gonna start stalking Aika, aren't you? Or maybe go poke LineMarvel.

As for where I'd go, well, I'd mostly use it just to get around but I would travel if that were an option, too. I've got lots of places I want to visit. And as for language, well, either find someone that speaks the same or take a phrasebook along with you.
Re: Quick, without thinking...

You're gonna start stalking Aika, aren't you? Or maybe go poke LineMarvel.

That's one and the same :D
Re: Quick, without thinking...

Lies, I say. Lies!