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RPG RPG Maker [ラブリープリチー超愛してる/Lovely Pretty Ultra Loving You] 迷宮街のグレイス(Grace's Labyrinth) ~Everyone is aiming for her ovum~( RJ309974)

This seems like one of those games where quantity is not quality. 10 hours of tit pulling and ass rubbing is just asking for a painful case of blue balls and massive amounts of disappointment. There's like 100 horny dudes at the inn, and you're telling me it takes months of in-game time and 6 dungeon clears before anyone sticks their dick in her? lmao.

While I'm at it, fuck the dungeons. Dungeons should never be gatekeepers for cg. Even playing on slug difficulty, I had goblins spawning more goblins and pulling some kind of scripted mob all-out-attack on me. You don't die, but you just get stuck there for like 10 minutes while you wait for all of them to finish attacking before the game lets you move.

Later on, there are succubi and enemies which strip your clothes, but none of it matters since there's no H attacks or GoR. Seems like the dev really dropped the ball here.

Ended up just editing dungeon generator script and setting the minimap visibility distance to 1000 so I can just skip all of the bullshit and get to the end.

Frankly, I don't even know the intended audience of this game. Is it made for the fujoshi/female crowd? I can't find any other explanation for why 90% of this game is based on teasing. The forced shota and old man content is pretty off-putting too.

And it doesn't get any better. The formula becomes pretty obvious early on. Each progression is locked behind a dungeon and/or loan payoff. Each time you progress, you have to then unlock all of the associated scenes (some of which are hard to find because they are not always marked with hearts). There's like 4 hours of her stripping, 4 hours of tit pulling, 2 hours of ass fondling, 3 hours of masturbation, 2 hours of oral (fucking finally), 2 hours of anal, and 3 hours of sex.

I gave up at the sex.. don't care enough to play into her pregnancy.

Tons of reused cg and concepts.

It's basically just a teasing simulator.
IIRC some of their earlier games also suffered from pacing issues, in theory good game, in practise too slow, too grindy, too repetitive.