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RPG Fantia Active [raredrop100] Yume no swimmer

Game was alo renamed YET AGAIN. Yumeno Swimmer. How many names has it cycled through now? 🤣
Game was alo renamed YET AGAIN. Yumeno Swimmer. How many names has it cycled through now? 🤣

3. That's not so much, really. Also unless my Japanese fails me, the "Yume no swimmer" can be read as "Swimmer of Dreams", so this is closer to the original Dreameater name than Narrativeater.
"Narrativeater" was a weird name, new one is much more passable.
Poor guy probably will, I learnt my lesson back in march though. No point holding him to a deadline, it doesn't seem to ever work out. It'll come out when it comes out.
That game looks like an UFO in the scene of hentai games, i hope he can finish it.
That game looks like an UFO in the scene of hentai games, i hope he can finish it.
It's at least 95% completed, even with the health complications, idk what's taken so long. I think he just keeps changing or tweaking things instead of just calling it complete.
haha a very short demo XD, thought it would have been longer until i read the post more.
well at least its something,even if i cant call a 2 minute experience,a demo.
its basically a program to see if the live2d runs well on your computer.
well in look like it runs fine to me, on twitter he say that it be out at the end of the year if anything.
so.... when i played the game, i got to the fight part where orc lifts you up and then the game crashed/exited.... was that intended?
so.... when i played the game, i got to the fight part where orc lifts you up and then the game crashed/exited.... was that intended?
yea i guess so, i think just like the original you get save before she gets rape.
well in look like it runs fine to me, on twitter he say that it be out at the end of the year if anything.
If you're talking about the trial version he's been talking about in previous tweets, technically it "should" be before the end of the year, but there's a bit more nuance in that tweet. That tweet comes off as: "progress/health report, barely hanging in there/alive, the trial version is supposed to be out by the end of the year but... please be patient, sorry." Given that they're basically uploading it in Ci-en Fantia and had to switch to the site that let them upload a big file size for the trial, there's a good chance it's happening, but yeah, let's hope he doesn't get another 3 month hospital visit.
If I remember correctly, I did see mention of him trying to release an updated trial sometime in March, but I might be having monke brain and misremembering.

In any case, I'm just waiting patiently, there is a meme of "game never-ever cause sick jap dev" but in this guy's case, it's legit. I'm not having my expectations broken just like last year, when the game was meant to be released March 2020. Even though I was calling it back then that it would be delayed, the slap I felt was from that asshole called Covid.

Eta for full game release? By this stage, it's anyone's guess. Guy has been quiet since late December, so either he's putting in a massive grind to just get this fucking thing done, which he has done before (going radio silent to work on it), or there're health issues again.