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RPG RPG Maker [Remtairy] Karryn's Prison (RJ331590)


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Jan 4, 2019
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Hey, guys!

I am Sinom, an editor employed by Remtairy, the developers of the beloved game, Meltys Quest. Today, I have come here to announce a new project, namely, Karryn's Prison. To that end, we have released a demo of our upcoming game, and hope you'll play it to give us your feedback, so we can make any necessary changes that will improve the final product. Upon its completion, the final product will be sold on several platforms, but we haven't decided on the specifics of that yet. First and foremost, we would like to dedicate all our efforts in making a great, sexual experience with your valuable feedback to aid us.


In Karryn's Prison, you play as Karryn, the new female Chief Warden of a notoriously lenient prison that has just rioted. Will you subjugate the rowdy inmates through force, or will you be subjugated yourself as your resistance towards their nonstop sexual advances starts dropping? Shape yourself and the prison the way you want to with the Edicts system! Struggle against sexual advances with the Willpower and Desire system! Become more and more vulnerable to sex with the Passives system! The current alpha version has gameplay up to the boss of Level 1.


Those familiar with RPG Maker Games will feel right at home. It retains the standard turn-based system, but it has several more features to start with. When a battle starts, you are in a "mental state", where you can utilize skills in the "willpower" menu, or you can choose to skip this turn without using any skills. Then, the battle phase starts. In this phase, you can choose to either attack, use your energy skills, use your sexual skills, or flee combat. All the while, the enemy can attack you with either physical attacks or sex attacks. Their attacks can also shred your clothing, which results in a nice view along with more obscene sexual attacks. The kind of sexual attacks they do also depend on the level of your desire stat for boobs, mouth, butt, pussy, and cock at that time. These stats will reset with every battle, but partaking in a lot of sexual attacks will bestow certain passive abilities to Karryn, which changes her behaviour towards sexual situations over time. Outside of combat, you are tasked with managing the prison. You do this through "edicts", where you'll make decisions on what prison's funds should be allocated to. You can choose to invest in Karryn to make her more powerful in combat, invest in prison infrastructure to make the prisoners less likely of rioting, selflessly buy luxury items for your room, and so forth. There is a lot of wiggle room, where you can choose what prison chief you want to be. A just one? A slutty one? A corrupt one? The choice is yours.


To select or confirm something:

On keyboard: Press the confirm key (Default key: z)
On gamepad: Press the confirm key (Default X-box key: A ; Dualshock key: X)
On mouse: Left click on an item

To move around:

On keyboard: Use the arrow keys
On gamepad: Use the directional buttons/ joystick
On mouse: Left click on a location on the map

Download link/ Game information:

For now, the game is still in the alpha stage. The demo will receive regular updates, which can be viewed in the link below. The download link can also be found there but will change when an updated version becomes available, so check regularly for any changes. Nonetheless, I'll post in this here thread as well whenever a new version is released.


Not all these fetishes might be represented in the earlier versions of the demo but will be present in the final product. More might be added when the game gets closer to its final stages.

Blowjob, anal, gangbang, creampie, titjob, groping, spanking, cunninglus, corruption, monsters, humans

Social media:

Any of you interested in following the progress of our company, its game development, and localization, and the people working for them? You can do so under these channels:

Company Twitter & Developer Rem :

Artist & Co-developer:
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Active member
May 1, 2018
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how long does this game take to load? cause i seem to be stuck at the remtairy logo
edit: ok it finally started still that is a long time to wait


Dec 6, 2008
Reputation score
So I gave this demo a try last night, and I have to say, I was pretty pleasantly surprised and impressed with the demo!

The general concept of the game is fairly fresh I'd say, and while running the prison early on is pretty simple, I'm still kind of a sucker for any game with a kind of management/upgrade system, especially one that seems to actually have physical changes in the game to them. The combat system is pretty straight forward, although it took me several minutes to find out that Karryn is only defeated if she runs out of Stamina AND Energy, which I didn't really expect. The pleasant surprise with the combat system really is that it does kind of address a common issue with H-RPGs that have defeat aspects, and that is Karryn getting fatigued from battle, enables her to actually realistically be defeated without the player having to throw the battle. It's a fairly nice way to represent that while Karryn is quite strong, and generally capable of dealing with the prisoners, she can be overwhelmed by sheer numbers tiring her out.

The dialogue I saw in the demo was decent enough, although perhaps a little overly happy with the ellipses, which should usually only be used in a set of 3 (... like so), instead of long pauses of them. But that's mostly a writing nitpick, and its not that terribly annoying or anything. The various enemies actually getting names and all that was also kind of neat, even if it ultimately doesn't do anything, but it helps the prison feel a little more alive I guess, since all the enemies are actually named (even if they don't 'remember' things, aside from bosses I suppose).

I have mixed feelings about the autosave feature however, as I did play on Warden difficulty. While it does kind of make you play the game 'ironman' and live with potential consequences and all that, that is also its own kind of double-edged sword. I've generally been a fan of in these corruption-esque games to sometimes enjoy making the heroine fall and all that for a bit, then reload to before I did it so I can play her more 'properly'. Secretary Difficulty allows this, but as Warden Difficulty isn't terribley hard (once you realize fatigue will make Karryn quite vulnerable), I'm not sure how feasible it is for Karryn to lose on an easier difficulty without purposely throwing the fight. At the moment, I'm just willing to say the autosave feature enforcing an ironman playstyle is also pretty unique, and for a demo at least, not a bad idea. I guess it'll depend on the overall playtime of the completed game, really, and how much the various things actually matter in the end.

Before I move onto any real issues I had, a last note has to be made that Karryn herself is a fairly good protagonist all things considered. I appreciate her design in quite a number of ways, even if she isn't exactly my perfect cup of tea (but really, the odds of any H-RPG having that is slim to none, since I have some unique tastes), and the demo gives you a good idea of her. The Warden outfit she has is fairly simplistic, but it has a nice appeal to it I suppose. I kind of wonder if there'll be other outfits she can wear, or if upgrading the outfit actually changes anything, but its not a dealbreaker for me.

Now as for some issues I had personally in the demo...
1. This isn't really an issue, so much as a nitpick, but it'd be nice if the game was a bit more upfront with informing you that Karryn only loses a battle if both her Energy and Stamina are depleted. As far as I'm aware, the tutorial battle doesn't mention this (or that her moves do actually deplete her stamina, but that becomes apparent through gameplay). It's possible one of the 'tutorial' guards in the Guard's Room will mention this, but I think its something important enough that it should be addressed without an optional NPC conversation.

2. In the event Karryn runs out of stamina, and still has Energy remaining, it can actually be fairly lengthy to lose sometimes. Especially if she lacks the EN to do a Revitalize, you kind of get stuck having to Endure Pleasure until you drain it slowly, which feels kind of strange. While having her stick around is good for seeing if the enemy will do anything to her, at least in the demo, most enemies only seem to just pull at her uniform, or spam Talk actions at her, which feels kind of strange. This might be mostly a demo issue though, and not something that'll be as evident in the completed game.

3. As far as I could tell, there isn't any easy way to actually tell if an enemy has 'successfully' damaged Karryn's uniform in battle either. I noticed sometimes they would do it, and you could seem an immediate impact, but other times you can't. If she's also fallen on the floor with 0STA, it seems her uniform doesn't update as they can switch from using the stripping moves, to proper sexual attacks, but her model in the game will still show her fully dressed (or mostly) unless you stand up, in which case it refreshes and corrects her state of undress.

4. While the way defeat leads to a sort of interactive 'battle' scene is fairly cool, at least early on, they seem to usually just end up in her running out of STA/EN very quickly, and the prisoners don't get to do overly much to her. Even at a somewhat higher Warden Level in the demo, she can barely last through 3 prisoners in my experience. Also while this does replace a standard kind of static 'scene', I wish there was at least a little more acknowledgement of Karryn's defeat. While she clearly is troubled in the actual 'battle' part of it, it feels a bit odd that she doesn't comment on the situation before it happens, or that none of the prisoners do either. It also feels a little strange she doesn't even comment on everything after she wakes up.

5. I noticed when fighting the daily group of guards who want Karryn to do lewd things to them, she can't actually seem to lose that fight. I once even had her 0STA/0EN and they still seem to act like she beat them. It might be I'm misunderstanding how that particular encounter is meant to work, but at least in the demo I played, it seems its just a fun way to beat up the prison guards a bit.

But overall, I can see some definite potential in this game, and I'm looking forward to more!


New member
Jan 4, 2019
Reputation score
The demo has been updated to "v.3I"! Make sure you're playing with the most recent version. :)

v.3l Changelog:
  • Added an option for 'Fast Battle Cut-ins'. Cut-ins will now be by default stay on the screen for longer.
  • New animation for bukkake and breast groping.
  • Added new semen CG for Level 1 Defeated scene.
  • Disabled stamina regeneration while masturbating.
  • Karryn loses more stamina per turn when she has no energy.
  • In response to the endurance change from the previous update, enemies now start with higher initial pleasure based on Karryn's pleasure.
  • Lowered the requirement for Karryn to have sex for the first time if she is slutty.
  • Hopefully fixed the penises in the Level 1 Defeat scene not disappearing from the screen when they should.


Demon Girl
Aug 21, 2017
Reputation score
So I gave this demo a try last night, and I have to say, I was pretty pleasantly surprised and impressed with the demo!

The general concept of the game is fairly fresh I'd say, and while running the prison early on is pretty simple, I'm still kind of a sucker for any game with a kind of management/upgrade system, especially one that seems to actually have physical changes in the game to them. The combat system is pretty straight forward, although it took me several minutes to find out that Karryn is only defeated if she runs out of Stamina AND Energy, which I didn't really expect. The pleasant surprise with the combat system really is that it does kind of address a common issue with H-RPGs that have defeat aspects, and that is Karryn getting fatigued from battle, enables her to actually realistically be defeated without the player having to throw the battle. It's a fairly nice way to represent that while Karryn is quite strong, and generally capable of dealing with the prisoners, she can be overwhelmed by sheer numbers tiring her out.

The dialogue I saw in the demo was decent enough, although perhaps a little overly happy with the ellipses, which should usually only be used in a set of 3 (... like so), instead of long pauses of them. But that's mostly a writing nitpick, and its not that terribly annoying or anything. The various enemies actually getting names and all that was also kind of neat, even if it ultimately doesn't do anything, but it helps the prison feel a little more alive I guess, since all the enemies are actually named (even if they don't 'remember' things, aside from bosses I suppose).

I have mixed feelings about the autosave feature however, as I did play on Warden difficulty. While it does kind of make you play the game 'ironman' and live with potential consequences and all that, that is also its own kind of double-edged sword. I've generally been a fan of in these corruption-esque games to sometimes enjoy making the heroine fall and all that for a bit, then reload to before I did it so I can play her more 'properly'. Secretary Difficulty allows this, but as Warden Difficulty isn't terribley hard (once you realize fatigue will make Karryn quite vulnerable), I'm not sure how feasible it is for Karryn to lose on an easier difficulty without purposely throwing the fight. At the moment, I'm just willing to say the autosave feature enforcing an ironman playstyle is also pretty unique, and for a demo at least, not a bad idea. I guess it'll depend on the overall playtime of the completed game, really, and how much the various things actually matter in the end.

Before I move onto any real issues I had, a last note has to be made that Karryn herself is a fairly good protagonist all things considered. I appreciate her design in quite a number of ways, even if she isn't exactly my perfect cup of tea (but really, the odds of any H-RPG having that is slim to none, since I have some unique tastes), and the demo gives you a good idea of her. The Warden outfit she has is fairly simplistic, but it has a nice appeal to it I suppose. I kind of wonder if there'll be other outfits she can wear, or if upgrading the outfit actually changes anything, but its not a dealbreaker for me.

Now as for some issues I had personally in the demo...
1. This isn't really an issue, so much as a nitpick, but it'd be nice if the game was a bit more upfront with informing you that Karryn only loses a battle if both her Energy and Stamina are depleted. As far as I'm aware, the tutorial battle doesn't mention this (or that her moves do actually deplete her stamina, but that becomes apparent through gameplay). It's possible one of the 'tutorial' guards in the Guard's Room will mention this, but I think its something important enough that it should be addressed without an optional NPC conversation.

2. In the event Karryn runs out of stamina, and still has Energy remaining, it can actually be fairly lengthy to lose sometimes. Especially if she lacks the EN to do a Revitalize, you kind of get stuck having to Endure Pleasure until you drain it slowly, which feels kind of strange. While having her stick around is good for seeing if the enemy will do anything to her, at least in the demo, most enemies only seem to just pull at her uniform, or spam Talk actions at her, which feels kind of strange. This might be mostly a demo issue though, and not something that'll be as evident in the completed game.

3. As far as I could tell, there isn't any easy way to actually tell if an enemy has 'successfully' damaged Karryn's uniform in battle either. I noticed sometimes they would do it, and you could seem an immediate impact, but other times you can't. If she's also fallen on the floor with 0STA, it seems her uniform doesn't update as they can switch from using the stripping moves, to proper sexual attacks, but her model in the game will still show her fully dressed (or mostly) unless you stand up, in which case it refreshes and corrects her state of undress.

4. While the way defeat leads to a sort of interactive 'battle' scene is fairly cool, at least early on, they seem to usually just end up in her running out of STA/EN very quickly, and the prisoners don't get to do overly much to her. Even at a somewhat higher Warden Level in the demo, she can barely last through 3 prisoners in my experience. Also while this does replace a standard kind of static 'scene', I wish there was at least a little more acknowledgement of Karryn's defeat. While she clearly is troubled in the actual 'battle' part of it, it feels a bit odd that she doesn't comment on the situation before it happens, or that none of the prisoners do either. It also feels a little strange she doesn't even comment on everything after she wakes up.

5. I noticed when fighting the daily group of guards who want Karryn to do lewd things to them, she can't actually seem to lose that fight. I once even had her 0STA/0EN and they still seem to act like she beat them. It might be I'm misunderstanding how that particular encounter is meant to work, but at least in the demo I played, it seems its just a fun way to beat up the prison guards a bit.

But overall, I can see some definite potential in this game, and I'm looking forward to more!
Thanks for your feedback krisslanza!

Item 3 is actually a bug, thanks for pointing that out to me!

Item 1, yeah it gets mentioned in the guard quarters by one of the NPCs. I don't want to overwhelm the player with too many mandatory explanations, and I feel like this is something someone can pick up on the first time they run out Stamina or Energy. Someone who is trying to 'win' will do everything they can to avoid this happening in the first place, and someone trying to purposely lose will probably figure it out very quickly on their first attempt.

Item 2 & Item 4
>most enemies only seem to just pull at her uniform, or spam Talk actions at her, which feels kind of strange. This might be mostly a demo issue though, and not something that'll be as evident in the completed game.
Karryn needs to have enough Desire for the enemies to do more advance sexual actions. The talk and sight actions are their attempt of raising Karryn's desire. It's up to the player if they want to suppress Karryn's desire with willpower skills to prevent Karryn from being hit with the more advanced stuff, or to just let her desires keep raising. As Karryn gain more and more passives, it becomes easier and easier for enemies to raise her desires and maybe even just completely skip the talk/sight phase.

Item 4 & Item 5
>It also feels a little strange she doesn't even comment on everything after she wakes up.
>I once even had her 0STA/0EN and they still seem to act like she beat them.

Yeah that's on the list of stuff to polish up on. 💦
But there is no defeat scene for losing to the guards in the hallway, the only penalty for losing that battle is making less money off of the battle.


Dec 6, 2008
Reputation score
Thanks for your feedback krisslanza!

Item 3 is actually a bug, thanks for pointing that out to me!

Item 1, yeah it gets mentioned in the guard quarters by one of the NPCs. I don't want to overwhelm the player with too many mandatory explanations, and I feel like this is something someone can pick up on the first time they run out Stamina or Energy. Someone who is trying to 'win' will do everything they can to avoid this happening in the first place, and someone trying to purposely lose will probably figure it out very quickly on their first attempt.

Item 2 & Item 4
>most enemies only seem to just pull at her uniform, or spam Talk actions at her, which feels kind of strange. This might be mostly a demo issue though, and not something that'll be as evident in the completed game.
Karryn needs to have enough Desire for the enemies to do more advance sexual actions. The talk and sight actions are their attempt of raising Karryn's desire. It's up to the player if they want to suppress Karryn's desire with willpower skills to prevent Karryn from being hit with the more advanced stuff, or to just let her desires keep raising. As Karryn gain more and more passives, it becomes easier and easier for enemies to raise her desires and maybe even just completely skip the talk/sight phase.

Item 4 & Item 5
>It also feels a little strange she doesn't even comment on everything after she wakes up.
>I once even had her 0STA/0EN and they still seem to act like she beat them.

Yeah that's on the list of stuff to polish up on. 💦
But there is no defeat scene for losing to the guards in the hallway, the only penalty for losing that battle is making less money off of the battle.
1. Makes sense! I did talk to a few, but I was in the mood to see how the gameplay was. I suppose it does become fairly evident at some point though. It still feels a bit like if she likes enough EN to recover her STA, that she should lose though but that might be awkward or strange to code, or its possible there are some other EN actions that might still work. I guess that and it gives less time for the sexual attacks and all that.

2/4. I recall that, and in most situations even when she was on the ground with no STA and maxed out Desire, some enemies still seem to do a lot of Talk. That being said, it did seem to be mostly the Guards who were very heavily biased towards only using the Talk action in the little kind of 'mock' fight.

4/5. Oh I see! I guess I didn't quite understand that, or note the Gold gained after the little encounter. I'm sure with a little polish, at least them acknowledging their victory (or defeat) might at least make it a little more clear, or something another.

Still, this game does seem to have a lot of potential, so I'm pretty eager to see it continue!


Jungle Girl
Apr 10, 2011
Reputation score
Been a while since I have been this surprised over my expecations of a demo versus what I actually experienced. This instantly shot up near the top of my want list, and I already tossed a couple dollars on the patreon in support. Her body proportions are not really my thing, but this is a rare example of a game that actually really blends H and gameplay in a meaningful way. I actually liked the prison management, and the H/combat is both simple but with enough nuance with the desires/pleasure and passives that influence future events and fights that it is also enjoyable to interact with.

Now, since its only a demo, I dont know how many of the planned systems are really incorporated into the enemy AI/behaviours in battle, as even with maxed desires and a bunch of passives, trying to get them to perform more advanced moves can be extremely random and sometimes tedious. It could be that there are just so many possibilities at any given time that the actual chance to perform any one given type of attack is low. So my hope is that the preferences at the start of the game along with the combination of passives and edicts can help guide enemies to acting more towards certain attacks and such. For example, the edicts that publishes her weaknesses makes me assume that the enemies would target them much more often, yet I didn't really notice any visible difference to their behaviours.

So saying that, my hope is that we will have more control over what content we want to toggle on or off (automatically increasing the chance enemies do the move types we want to see) along with more ability to manipulate her strengths and weaknesses, and improving upon systems that help the AI exploit them (i,e the edicts, passives, etc).

Beyond that, im just dying for more content. I love the passives and the influence they (seemingly) have, as well as the edicts and prison management. Combat is an enjoyable mix of H and rpg mechanics, and I love that enemies can overwhelm her through sex, damage, or combinations of both (coupled with passives that can really stack up both for and against her over time based on playstyle) . Obviously since its just an alpha there are a lot of balance issues, but those can be worked out over time.

I really look forward to seeing the progression of this game, you guys are doing a great job. I hope you continue to flesh out the passives, preference, edicts, and prison management systems, they work really well together. Naturally, I will also take as much in combat H as I can get, I love the desire/pleasure system (when it works) and that enemies gradually do more advanced and dangerous sex moves, so more of that please.

Look forward to the next demo!


Demon Girl
Sep 30, 2013
Reputation score
Played the demo and been playing it for awhile. The game is really good, the demo is oustanding. Do you guys plan to add stuff like submissive skills where you seduce enemies or things like that? Stuff like inflicting yourself with knockdown/other h related statuses?


Jun 12, 2011
Reputation score
I noticed that there is a team up when a goblin smoshes his face on her butt and the big orc guy takes the head. I assume that the image for that position isn't available yet since the stand in portrait disappears and doesnt reappear even when they no longer do the deed? Or is the image already available but it's because Tonks Orc big dude has his own image for the CR cut in with the goblin?


May 1, 2018
Reputation score
play demo and really like it
keep up the good work man

Edit 1 : how many passive she can get on demo?
Last edited:


Demon Girl
Dec 12, 2010
Reputation score
First - dude this is freaking awesome. Very well done demo - I wish every game could hit this level of quality on first release. Major hype points for such a polished first build. Keep a decent release schedule and you'll be set for development and possibly beyond.

Now for the questions...
  • Are there going to be other monsters besides Orcs & Goblins?
  • I don't expect it'd work well in the setting, but I'll ask anyway - is it possible we'll see some sort of Pregnancy system? I understand you two have already got a ton of work on the art front already.
  • Likewise, any plans/possibility for Grapple attacks or Bondage systems? Maybe Karryn will get some 'gifts' from the more generous prisoners, with free installation. =P
  • I noticed your Patron is offering advance builds 3-4 weeks ahead of the Public build - do those builds exist yet, or is it just the Public build for now?
.. followed by a touch of advice/suggestions ..
I think it might benefit you to highlight the 'Loss' conditions in the game. Knowing that you'll only get a Game Over if Order hits 0 is important, but I don't remember it explicitly stated anywhere. I'd suggest the former warden's journal in the office - most new players are going to read through that at least once, simply for the possibility of loot. Likewise, it'd be nice to tell the player somewhere that Karryn is only defeated if she's out of both Stam AND Energy. I think the best option would be a quick internal-monologue the first time Karryn gets knocked down.

.. and an amusing side note:
It's a little strange to run around what looks like a dungeon and not find any items or loot. It makes sense, it's a prison after all, just kinda funny. I kept trying to poke the boxes & barrels until I remembered there wasn't even an items or consumables menu XD

Edit: I thought of another question, and I don't think you've replied to me yet, so I'll just add it to the end:
Will we get any female enemies, or will it stick to male only?
Last edited:


Jun 12, 2011
Reputation score
Not sure if you are in the progress of it, but cum effects for the standing image for cumming in her throught and vagina should be included. Feels weird that shes still clean unless they jizzed directly on her face.


Demon Girl
Aug 21, 2017
Reputation score
I noticed that there is a team up when a goblin smoshes his face on her butt and the big orc guy takes the head. I assume that the image for that position isn't available yet since the stand in portrait disappears and doesnt reappear even when they no longer do the deed? Or is the image already available but it's because Tonks Orc big dude has his own image for the CR cut in with the goblin?
This should already be fixed the latest version. Please let me know if you are still getting this bug with the latest version.

Not sure if you are in the progress of it, but cum effects for the standing image for cumming in her throught and vagina should be included. Feels weird that shes still clean unless they jizzed directly on her face.
There is no visual changes for being cummed down Karryn's throat, but there should already be visual changes for when she gets a creampie.

Played the demo and been playing it for awhile. The game is really good, the demo is oustanding. Do you guys plan to add stuff like submissive skills where you seduce enemies or things like that? Stuff like inflicting yourself with knockdown/other h related statuses?
Wait for future builds to find out ;)


Jungle Girl
Sep 21, 2011
Reputation score
I like this game a lot. It's got some nice art with combat rape and you can't go wrong with that.

But I do have an issue with how tedious it felt to get any actual rape out of this game.
I played on Normal and unless I intentionally made a bad decision or just flat up gave up to let them win, there was no way I was getting any hentai at all.
It felt extremely slow and tedious to get to the rape part and even when you do, they pretty much have to grope you for 3 years for her to cum.

Other than that, keep up the great work!


Dec 6, 2008
Reputation score
I like this game a lot. It's got some nice art with combat rape and you can't go wrong with that.

But I do have an issue with how tedious it felt to get any actual rape out of this game.
I played on Normal and unless I intentionally made a bad decision or just flat up gave up to let them win, there was no way I was getting any hentai at all.
It felt extremely slow and tedious to get to the rape part and even when you do, they pretty much have to grope you for 3 years for her to cum.

Other than that, keep up the great work!
Even on Warden difficulty Karryn can end up in trouble if her Fatigue gets pretty high. But to be fair, it probably shouldn't be extremely easy for Karryn to get raped either. She is meant to be a pretty strong character, and a part of the game's appeal is seeing a strong woman get broken kind of thing.
Keep in mind the moves the enemy will use are still based on Karryn's Desire levels - if they're low, they can only use low level moves. Of course, Level 1 enemies also have a pretty small range of sexual attacks to use, which is fitting for basically the tutorial of the game, I suppose... I imagine on later levels, there'll be more dangerous things to watch out for.


Tentacle God
Jan 31, 2010
Reputation score
Now that's a good demo, translated, good amount of content, no bugs that I could find.
I got a question- will it be possible to "defeat" inmates using only sex skills?


New member
Jan 4, 2019
Reputation score
Demo got updated, guys!

v.3m Changelog:
  • Fixed clothes not visually updating while Karryn is on the ground with no stamina
  • Enemies now shouldn't comment about Karryn's virgin status until Karryn publishes it
  • Fixed bug with estimated subsidies' digits going into decimal places
  • Fixed a game crashing bug with Level 1 Boss fight if the boss is the first person to spank Karryn
  • Fixed a bug with new game plus
  • Fixed Japanese text appearing on Defensive Stance