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[WIP - Partial] RJ197570 Dungeon of Lust Translation


Demon Girl
Jul 27, 2011
Reputation score

H-game thread link: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.p...6419&styleid=1

Estimated progress: ~80%
That moment when you it hits you that you already translated most of the scenes without even noticing... anyway, all that's really left to do is finishing some things and make sure that everything works. As for scenes, some of them might be somewhat inaccurate, some nonsensical sentences and such can be mixed in, at this point. Apart from that, some of the items you can pick up on maps are probably labeled wrong and I'm not sure how to translate the password riddle yet, but I'll figure something out. The first 10 scenes should be fine, now. Now, to the big issue. If you use the patch in its current form, it can corrupt a save file. This is only an issue if you want to play through the entire game, since it causes battles to freeze. If this happens to a save file outside of the gallery at the end of the game, RIP, you can kiss that save file bye-bye and you'll have to start over from the last "clean save file" you have. If anyone knows what causes this or how to fix it, please tell me.

For now, use it at your own risk and make sure you have a backup of your save files. I'd recommend copying the save folder in the game directory and pasting it somewhere, then alternating between save files to avoid this. I haven't play-tested very far yet, if anyone goes ahead and uses it, please report any additional errors you might run into.

Remaining effort: ~20%

This is a derivative work and transforms the original sufficiently that it is covered by copyright law and NOT illegal.

In case you're wondering how to use the folder I uploaded, you will have to unpack the game and extract the folder to "Game directory"\www, it will replace the Japanese text with English. If you need the extraction tool, you can find it below.

Before anyone gets any ideas, please don't ask for the actual game in the thread, this is purely for translation purposes. I think this is a developer worth supporting, though this game isn't quite as good as the last one (still love the art style), so I'd ask people to buy the game for themselves.

Keep the thread clean and feel free to contact me about anything, whether you want to help with the translation, need help getting it to work or the above mentioned case. Private messages might be a slightly different story, after all. ;)
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Re: RJ197570 Dungeon of Lust Translation

go for it. good luck and thanks for your work
Re: RJ197570 Dungeon of Lust Translation

Sorry for taking forever to even post something new, not even an update, but the amount of shit I had to face irl was monumental for the last month. Lost my job, my house, my computer, basically everything. I mostly got it back under control, but getting my whole life back on track has been taking a while and I don't know when I have everything set up to the point where I can get back to translating stuff. Hopefully sooner rather than later, sorry for the inconvenience.
Finally got my computer to display Japanese text, had to go through customer support a couple of times. Seriously, Windows 10 is the worst. Anyways, I got a copyright notice for the link to the incomplete version. In the future I'll only upload the translated parts instead of uploading the whole data folder, should there be further notices I should be able to refute them (derivative works).
Not quite. I'm currently a bit nervous about uploading a new patch and getting it flagged as well, but I've made some good progress. It's up now, hopefully this time no one will try to get it taken down.
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On the up side, I got the game running, for the most part, and the translation is almost done. On the downside, in its current form, it can apparently damage save files, sometimes. I have no idea what the cause of this is, at the moment, so I'd recommend backing up any save files you might have beforehand. The issue is that the battle sprites of your character vanish and animations won't take place, resulting in the game getting permanently stuck, though it only affects the save file it happens to, not all save games. If you just want to view the scenes, this should not cause any issues, the gallery at the end of the game is mostly checked and working.

If anyone knows what might cause this issue, please contact me.
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