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SIM Rogue-Like: Evolution


Jungle Girl
Apr 3, 2015
Reputation score
Hi guys. I'm new here, but this place was suggested to me as a good place to show off a game I'm working on at the moment. I call it "Rogue-Like: Evolution," and the goal is to make it a Renpy-based ero-game in which you can seduce Rogue from X-Men Evolution (set several years after the series). Eventually, I hope to add more characters from both that setting and others (Kitty Pryde is next up). In the full version, it will have a full story element, and a complex series of conditions based on a balance of how much she loves you, how much she is willing to obey you, and how uninhibited she is. It mostly uses text and sprite-based graphics, but I've begun adding in full "event" style elements as well.

The current release version, which contained the content I had available at the time, involves a fairly basic interface, a few basic sexy scenes, and an unlockable paperdoll mode for the character. This current released version is available at my Patreon for the moment (same name as my username), but it's free to distribute anywhere you like.

I plan to have a release-capable version of the game ready within the next few months, followed by additional characters and capabilities in the months after that.


Please ask any questions you might have, and help me to make this the best game that it can be.
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Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

The current release version, which contained the content I had available at the time, involves a fairly basic interface, a few basic sexy scenes, and an unlockable paperdoll mode for the character. This current released version is available at my Patreon for the moment (same name as my username), but it's free to distribute anywhere you like.

and it is only for your patreons ?
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

It's at the $1 level at the moment, I figured I'd get in trouble if you didn't even have to sign in to them to access a hentai game, but if anyone wants to put it up elsewhere I'm cool with that, I didn't know of a good file hosting place that wouldn't quickly shut itself down.
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

Ah, not the type of roguelike I was expecting.
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

So if someone signs up for they can repost the game here?
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

Sure. Does this site have file posting capabilities? I didn't see it anywhere.
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

We do, but I don't think it's a good idea to put the attachment to a post because it will eat up the forum's bandwidth allowance pretty quickly.

A really good alternative would be to put it up on mega.
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

Sure. Does this site have file posting capabilities? I didn't see it anywhere.

There's an option for posting files through attachments, but it shouldn't be used for games with a large file size.

Games are uploaded on sites like and and the links to them are then posted here for others to download.
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Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

Looks good. Shouldn't be hard to get a few backers.
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

Ok. I can't post links, apparently, but I tried uploading the file here: to mega with the following extension:

PC version

Mac version
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

Clickable links

Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

Ah, not the type of roguelike I was expecting.

Same here. May want to change the title. Roguelikes being a whole genre of game and all. Kind of gives the wrong impression.

Good luck with it all the same. :D
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

Awesome game. Love love love the artwork. And the emotional state system is cool too. Definitely looking forward to it. I see you can unlock the "change clothing" in the demo, but can you unlock the "change emotional state" button in the demo?

Also, the game seems to crash a lot if you get her love stat really low and then click wait or sleep. I've attached one of my tracebacks. Hope that helps. Great job!


  • traceback.txt
    1.1 KB · Views: 3
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

What was there I liked a lot! Great art, and good progression of the various stats. One change I would request is something describing what the various stat meters are.
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

Isn't trying to have sex with Rogue a really bad idea?
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

Isn't trying to have sex with Rogue a really bad idea?

She does say "I've never been able to do this before" or something like that, so I presume something has happened to her powers.
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

Awesome game. Love love love the artwork. And the emotional state system is cool too. Definitely looking forward to it. I see you can unlock the "change clothing" in the demo, but can you unlock the "change emotional state" button in the demo?

No, and really that's just a tool I made for my own benefit. It's not like a voodoo thing that changes gameplay, it just lets me cycle through her facial expressions so I can see what they look like (each is made of of distinct eyes, brows, and mouths). I might make it unlockable as an easter egg thing, but there's really not much point to it in that form.

Also, the game seems to crash a lot if you get her love stat really low and then click wait or sleep. I've attached one of my tracebacks. Hope that helps. Great job!

Odd, I'll see what I can do about that. Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully it's a fairly simple bug. In the final game she won't let you sleep in her room unless various conditions are met, and maybe that's causing some issues, or maybe the number just runs less than zero and that's catching on something, I'll check it out and try to replicate it.

edit: OH! I found what it was, one of the banes of my existence, the dreaded mis-capitalized variable (right up there with "=" instead of "==" and vice versa). I had an "R_love" in there where there was meant to be an "R_Love". Fixed, and thanks for catching it.

One change I would request is something describing what the various stat meters are.

Yeah, I hope to figure out how to add tooltips, if not I'll at least have a solid tutorial element. All you really need to focus on in this demo is the top left one, which is "Love," the others don't really unlock anything you have access to aside from a few dialog options. I think you can also use the Lust meter, which is the bottom center and controls how close she is to orgasm. The UI is all a work in progress at the moment.

Isn't trying to have sex with Rogue a really bad idea?

Ah, I really should explain the story elements that you would have had in the prolog of the full game. ;) You're playing a new student at the academy, one with the mutant ability to be immune to other mutant abilities. This makes Rogue an ideal candidate to start with, since you present her with some novel opportunities. ;)

As the game progresses, there will be ways you can advance your own abilities, as well as those of your fellow students, to unlock new options. For example, late in the progress with Rogue, she'll learn to shut off her own powers, allowing for threesome options eventually.
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Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

That's some pretty nice artwork there. Got an audible "damn" out of me.
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

Major props for the artwork, Oni. That's some niiice stuff.

How much content are you looking to make for each character? Any previews of the spritework yet?

I'd back you if I wasn't jobless and broke. ;__;
Re: Rogue-Like: Evolution

Well, right now in the game the Rogue sprite has two full outfits, broken down into various elements that you can turn on and off and mix and match (for example you can wear the jeans from the second outfit with the mesh top of the first, with no tank top underneath if you like). The plan is to have at least a few more of those by the initial launch (based on polling, the next costume piece will be a nighty), and maybe continue to add more over time.

I also have a lot of expression options, with three face layers that I can mix and match to create dozens of expressions.

Also due to popular demand I've started to do some "event" artwork, one-off sex scene art. The one I've got mostly done by this point is a doggy-style sex scene, which can also be used for a variety of other encounters. I'm doing that as something of a sprite too, in that the clothing changes you make are reflected on that version as well, which takes more time but turns out pretty cool.

Kitty will eventually get the same treatment, as will any future characters, but right now I only have a very basic sprite for her, with one costume set, one expression, and all of that still needs a quality pass.

As for actual "content", the goal is to allow you to cover most of the bases in terms of sexual activities, in a system that is flexible enough to let you do it wherever in the game space you like (but of course some places are harder to convince her than others). Outside of sex, I'm building story elements that involve training both of you in your powers and physical capabilities, interacting with other characters, etc. It will not be a linear story, there is a beginning and there will be various accomplishments, but no true "the end," and events will happen in a non-linear manner based on how you progress.

The goal is to let people play the game differently if they like, so if you'd prefer to play it as a love story, and focus on making Rogue happy, then you can do that. If you'd prefer to be mean and dominate Rogue into obeying you, then you can do that.