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RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

I was fooling around with a bunch of stuff in gmlcode and found out i can make particles by code so i found a particle generator for game maker and made an example looks pretty neat.
example is what the mist could look like.

I also found a way to make sound effects also.


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Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Yeah, my gamemaker is the free version, so I havent been able to play with particles.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

I downloaded the pro-edition for only one easy payment of 5 minutes of my life.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Version 8.0+ (8.1 would be great)?
If so, any chance you could pm me a link / torrent?
My normal sites only have versions 7 or lower.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Version 8.0+ (8.1 would be great)?
If so, any chance you could pm me a link / torrent?
My normal sites only have versions 7 or lower.



Taking a break from basic programming to do some more in-depth level design.
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Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Working on creating a level design for the ventilation system. This is going to be the first big maze-like area full of enemies. I need ideas for puzzles/obstacles and enemies. Feel free to post any suggestions, because I could really use some inspiration now~.

EDIT: Thanks to Plmnko, I have come up with the inspiration that I needed to come up with ideas for the ventilation area. Seeing as the factory is built ontop of a mysterious cavern filled with a mysterious plant-based pink aphrodisiac mist, it only makes sense that some of the mist spores made their way into the factory and got caught up in the ventilation shafts. But seeing as the factory hasn't been active for a bit, the spores had time to quickly develop into plants and clog the vent system. After awhile, an A.I. program inside the factory created a series of cybernetic caterpillars to help lay waste to the aphrodisiac spore based plants, but never-the-less, the caterpillars fell under the aphrodisiac spell and became guardians of the plants. Therefore, the ventilation system will be a series of vegitation-clogged ventilation shafts filled with horny tentacle plants and cybernetic caterpillars. Some obstacles Liliana my encounter on her excursion through the vents are aphrodisiac pollen clouds, narrow passages through thick roots, and strong gusts from some of the still-working vent fans.
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Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Ok so the first 2 enemy's are tentacle plants and cybernetic caterpillars, lets keep it at that for now, before i go to bed just want to say i didn't get much done all last week so progress wasn't very good i got more work done in the last hour than the last 4-5 days:(.

And a example of the possible hud keep it simple or make it more complex(like a picture frame of the cara the hornier she gets she starts to fondle herself/more elaborate type of lifebar)?

LP=lust points

Of course the red rectangle color goes for life, and the pink for lust. You can scale it too the size of the bar or you could castlevania old school it with ticks of life.


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Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

My vote is for ticks. Makes it easier to understand/predict.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Something more elaborate would be nice, but then again, you could do that after you deal with the more important stuff; so here's what I propose: use ticks until you get a solid version of the game and start elaborating only after that. It's not like the health bar/lust bar will be the main focus of the game :p

Also, may I suggest making the ticks a bit bigger and the LP and HP letters a bit smaller, so that they stand out better? I couldn't really understand what those were at first, I skimmed through your post thought they were ticks (insects).
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Ok so the first 2 enemy's are tentacle plants and cybernetic caterpillars, lets keep it at that for now, before i go to bed just want to say i didn't get much done all last week so progress wasn't very good i got more work done in the last hour than the last 4-5 days:(.

And a example of the possible hud keep it simple or make it more complex(like a picture frame of the cara the hornier she gets she starts to fondle herself/more elaborate type of lifebar)?

LP=lust points

Of course the red rectangle color goes for life, and the pink for lust. You can scale it too the size of the bar or you could castlevania old school it with ticks of life.

Yeah I'd go with ticks.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists



*bites back retching, having encountered a two inch long, EXTREMELY FAST one of these two nights ago, promptly panicking and smacking the shit out of it with a flashlight*

>x< I don't want big mechanical ones coming to rape me!

Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Anyway... I'm currently awaiting some concept art and/or sprites for plant enemies and cybernetic caterpillars.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Anyway... I'm currently awaiting some concept art and/or sprites for plant enemies and cybernetic caterpillars.
lol i just got on to show it
yea i started the caterpillar (will move like a slinky sorta)
The general sprites i only have the jump and crouch attacks left so i'll be dumping it soon or later today i'll give ya what i've done.
I'll stick with one rape animation for each enemy for now but will make more different positions later.
Gota go to work in 30 mins so i'll do more in about 10-11 hours,probably would go better if i wasn't so busy.

any changes let me know


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Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

lol i just got on to show it
yea i started the caterpillar (will move like a slinky sorta)
The general sprites i only have the jump and crouch attacks left so i'll be dumping it soon or later today i'll give ya what i've done.
I'll stick with one rape animation for each enemy for now but will make more different positions later.
Gota go to work in 30 mins so i'll do more in about 10-11 hours,probably would go better if i wasn't so busy.

any changes let me know

Maybe make it look a bit more cybernetic and maybe a bit spiky. Sortof like those caterpillar enemies from Super Metroid except cybernetic.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Yea did a pallet swap don't want to copy super metroid exactly(put the example there, it's not my property its just an example of how it will move without actions clearly there is a size difference between my caterpillar and Nintendo)it will roll into a ball knock you on your ass the rest is a secret.

Also got ventilation tile sets being made you can see a general idea of what it could look like, pinkish fog moving around (she's crawling under some vines about to be grabbed by the unofficial plant monster). The vegetation i did little of so far will it be pinkish/purple or something else,everything is in layers so color changes are very fast if needed.


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Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Yea did a pallet swap don't want to copy super metroid exactly(put the example there, it's not my property its just an example of how it will move without actions clearly there is a size difference between my caterpillar and Nintendo)it will roll into a ball knock you on your ass the rest is a secret.

Also got ventilation tile sets being made you can see a general idea of what it could look like, pinkish fog moving around (she's crawling under some vines about to be grabbed by the unofficial plant monster). The vegetation i did little of so far will it be pinkish/purple or something else,everything is in layers so color changes are very fast if needed.

This is excellent~!! Almost perfectly as I pictured them~. I like the middle caterpillar best, and I had an idea in mind for one of the caterpillar rape moves. It'll be one of those rape moves that happens when a caterpillar approaches you from behind. The idea is that when a caterpillar makes contact with the character sprite from behind, it triggers a rape animation where the caterpillar starts to crawl up Liliana's legs and then her back and she falls forward from the weight of the large caterpillar until the caterpillar has completely forced itself ontop of Liliana who is now sprawled out on the ground being violated byu the caterpillar. Also, I like how you coloured the vegetation pink~. It's precisely how I planned it to be~<3.
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Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

This is excellent~!! Almost perfectly as I pictured them~. I like the middle caterpillar best, and I had an idea in mind for one of the caterpillar rape moves. It'll be one of those rape moves that happens when a caterpillar approaches you from behind. The idea is that when a caterpillar makes contact with the character sprite from behind, it triggers a rape animation where the caterpillar starts to crawl up Liliana's legs and then her back and she falls forward from the weight of the large caterpillar until the caterpillar has completely forced itself ontop of Liliana who is now sprawled out on the ground being violated byu the caterpillar. Also, I like how you coloured the vegetation pink~. It's precisely how I planned it to be~<3.

Yea did a quick concept of what i had in mind. It's rough and i diden't plan it well, yea i understand flailing around because a 200-300 pound caterpillar made of steal had pounced/crawled on her i'll see what it'll look like.

I want to get stuff done like all the sprites for Liliana then i'll focus on enemy's. Two things i need to know a sprite for grabbing levers/opening doors
will there be swimming possibly?


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    example cata event.jpg
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Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Yea did a quick concept of what i had in mind. It's rough and i diden't plan it well, yea i understand flailing around because a 200-300 pound caterpillar made of steal had pounced/crawled on her i'll see what it'll look like.

I want to get stuff done like all the sprites for Liliana then i'll focus on enemy's. Two things i need to know a sprite for grabbing levers/opening doors
will there be swimming possibly?

Well, I envisioned the caterpillars as not having such... vivid, facial expressions. I kinda envisioned it as it raping Liliana not because it enjoyed it, but as part of a force of survival. I want it to sortof have almost blank, expressionless eyes almost like a real insect. Also, I never said that they were made entirely of metal, they have some metal parts, but they're not as heavy as 200 pounds. But as far as Liliana goes in the sprite, she looks great~. However, it's just the caterpillar's face in the sprite, it just creeps me out...

Probably won't have any sprites for pulling levers, due to the lack of levers. A button pushing sprite might be easier/cuter to do. I just have an image of Liliana cautiously pushing a button on a console with an adorable, curious expression on her face~. As for the swimming sprite, maybe or maybe not. But while we're on the subject of liquid related sprites, I'm going to need a sprite for her having liquid being poured on her, whether it's goo, oil, pink nectar, water, cum, etc. Also, I'll need all variations of the sprites that show her covered in some sort of liquid. Then we can just re-color the liquid based on what she's covered in...

I also need a door tileset...
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists



*bites back retching, having encountered a two inch long, EXTREMELY FAST one of these two nights ago, promptly panicking and smacking the shit out of it with a flashlight*

>x< I don't want big mechanical ones coming to rape me!

that bug in the pic is a House Centapede. there harmless, but they can bite. no poision though. and extremely fact. like (WHY THE HEEL THEY SO DAM FAST) kind of fast. fast enough to trick you out and you lose sight of them.

they like moist places. and there different from catepillars